Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Time With You ❯ The Losing Of A New But Old Friend ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Gomen nasi minna-san. I am going to be so busy because I am going to TRY to start a new fan fic series. Anyway just two more chapters after this and it's finished. So please review...


"Hong Kong Bay." Syaoran told them. Sakura, Jigokuinu, and Syaoran stood infront of the great bay. "We just need to take the boat..." he said looking around.

Jigokuinu nodded, "And once we do, where do we go to from there?"

"Well, we should go to Hong Kong Harbor and from there to Kowloon and the elder should be at Guangzhou." Syaoran told his commarades.

Sakura sighed, "Those are some confusing words."

"Yes, yes." Jigokuinu muffed. "Now let's find the boat."

Syaoran giggled nervously, "That is pretty funny."

"I'm not laughing." Jigokuinu growled knowing something was wrong.

Sakura blinked, "What's the joke? Did I miss it?"

"Well," Syaoran said, "The boat has already left about an hour ago."

Jigokuinu groaned, "Why did I have to travel with an idiot? And another idiot to accompany us?"

"Hey!" Sakura smiled, "That makes us the THREE stooges!" she smirked evily at Jigokuinu who just let out a growl.

"I'll bite your neck!" Jigokuinu snarled.

As the two galred at eachother Syaoran searched for the nearest boat, "Hey you two." he turned to them, "Will you stop fighting and help me look for a boat here?!"

"Sure Shaoran." Sakura said. Jigokuinu viciously snarled as he looked at Sakura.

Syaoran looked at Jigokuinu, "Well? Are you going to help or what!? If you are going to help just come along. You know, we don't need you on this journey any way!" He and Sakura started walking to look for the boat.

Jigokuinu snorted and followed them, he giggled evily, "Oh, but you will need me. You will..."

"So," Sakura said trying to start a conversation as they searched. "How long will it take until we get to G-G-G that place."

"Maybe about a few days." Syaoran told them.

Jigokuinu's red eyes glowed, "Well, if we are just going to stand here it will take even longer.." just then a wooden boat appeared in the river for them.

"Why didn't you do that before, pooch?" Sakura asked, annoyed.

Jigokuinu irritatedly looked at her, "Just to irritate you gal."

"Let's go." Syaoran said getting into the boat grabbing the two oars.

Jigokuinu leaped into the boat and Sakura got in, sitting next to Syaoran. "Aye, Aye, cap'n." Jigokuinu said.Syaoran started paddling the oars into the bright blue water making them drift into the waves getting closer to the destenation.

Soon enough, it was dark. Syaoran was still paddling the oars, "This is very tiring.." he said between breaths.

Jigokuinu jumped up with a sailor hat on, "No need for that you belly acher! Keep them oars a' stirring."

"Cute.." Sakura muttered at Jigokuinu.

Syaoran put the oars inside the boat, "Rest time..."

"But," Sakura warned, "Don't boats come this way? What if we get hit?"

Syaoran looked at Jigokuinu, "He can transport us out of the way."

"Then why doesn't he transport us to our location right now?" Sakura asked.

Jigokuinu sweatdropped, "Ummm...heheh."

"Don't laugh." Sakura said, "It's not that funny."

Syaoran glared at Jigokuinu, "Yeah. Why don't you transport us?"

"Because." Jigokuinu said, "I can't transport THREE people. It would wast up too much of my magic."

"It's not even that much people pooch." Sakura told. "You must not even be that strong then."

Jigokuinu growled, "Why don't you transport us Card's Mistress!"

"Quiet." Sakura finished. "Anyway, what card would I use?!" Sakura then smiled, "I know!" Sakura pulled out the key.

"O Key which hides the power of the stars,

Reveal thy true form before me

I, Sakura, command thee under our contract.


The small key expanded into a pink wand holding a figure of a star in a circle on the tip. Sakura spun the wand around and pulled out a pink card from her pocket and threw the card up,

"Make drifting waves so it can carry us to the nearest shore, WAVE!"

Sakura slammed the wand onto the Wave Card, and at the moment she did small waves started forming under their boat making it flow along.

=So this is the Card Mistress' power?..= Jigokuinu thought. =Not too shabby.=

A few hours later they had reached shore, it seemed like a small city. They got off the boat, "Here we are. Kowloon." Syaoran said.

"What a place." Jigokuinu said.

Syaoran looked at the direction paper, "So it will take a few days to get Guangzhou ."

"Great!" Jigokuinu smiled, "I get to run around!"

Sakura and Syaoran looked at eachother...


"Come on!" Jigokuinu said as he was getting walked on by a leach held by Sakura. "Lemme go!"

Sakura tugged on the leach, "You look like a dog so you are going to be treated as one."

"But I'm not your average dog ya know!" Jigokuinu growled, snapping his sharp teeth. Syaoran, on the other hand, kept looking at the direction paper paying no attention to the two talking.

"Hey." Syaoran said, turning to them with a smirk. "How would you guys like to hike a hill or mountain?"

Sakura sweatdropped, "H-How high?"

"I'm up for it!" Jigokuinu blurted out couragesly, and gave a 'Beat-that' look at Sakura.

Sakura put up a fist, "Me too! Who cares how high we go!"

"Alright." Syaoran said. "Because we got to if we want to go to Guangzhou we have to." Jigokuinu and Sakura nodded in unison and once they saw that they glared at eachother madely.

"How high is this mountain really?" Sakura asked.

Syaoran shook his head. "Not that high."


Syaoran, Sakura, and Jigokuinu were climbing a giant tall mountain.

"NOT THAT HIGH MY FURRY ASS!" Jigokuinu yelled up at Syaoran, as his bark echoes.

Syaoran looked at Jigokuinu, "Shut up! You'll cause an avalanch."

Sakura looked down, seeing the river under them, "HOOOOEEEE!!!" she screamed and the two males looked at her.

"Sakura/Gal!" The said to her making her be quiet. They climbed forward on getting higher each minute.

Later that night, they settles on a cliff on the mountain infront of a fire.

"Well, we will continue and the morning." Syaoran said.

Jigokuinu had a bandage on his leg, "Yeah." he got up and walked over to a dark corner limping and laid down looking at the stars.

"Night Syaoran." Sakura sweetly said and laid down by the fire going to sleep.

Syaoran looked at Sakura and smiled sweelty and then looked over at Jigokuinu who was just staring at the stars. Syaoran got up and walked over to Jigokuinu and sat down by him. Jigokuinu didn't even mind to look at Syaoran, "Hi Xiaolang.." he said firmly.

"Sorry," Syaoran said.

Jigokuinu looked over at him, "For what?"

"If I had irritated or upseted you in anyway since this journey started." Syaoran told him.

Jigokuinu smiled, "You have done no wrong." he looked down at the ground, "I am the one who has done wrong."

"That's not true." Syaoran said, "You have been a great companion."

Jigokuinu sighed, "But I have been causing trouble." he looked at the shining stars, "Maybe too much trouble for my time."

"Your time?" Syaoran asked.

Jigokuinu grined at Syaoran, "I'm getting old Xiaolang." his grin sraightened and looked at the sky, "Yes, time comes and goes. If only we all could change it. You got that granted. And it seems you have changed it. But me, it never and shall not happen. I wish I could change my past."

"Why?" Syaoran asked.

Jigokuinu sighed, "I have made many mistakes that I shouldn't have done in the first place." he looked at the constellations, "Love, friendship, harmony, virtue, truth, honor, freedom, valour. Those things are held in by the grand of the people. Everyone tries hard to reach that destination but what they don't know is, they have those capabilities in them all along." he grunted, "But I, have failed in that department. I have honor my own freedom in this world I have valour and virtue I have truth withhin myself and I have harmony to control my fears and angers and happiness. But, Love and friendship are far from my knowledge."

"But Jigokuinu," Syaoran said, "I'm your friend."

Jigokuinu looked over at Syaoran surprised and then his eyes softened and he smiled, "Thank you Xiaolang. Thank you.. I'm your friend too." Jigokuinu stared at the stars again, "Hmmm.." he wondered, "You know, life is so amazing. It flashses before your eyes, many people wish they could live it by themselves to prove they can

survive on their own and have their own space. But, once you look back you wished you had someone to share all that time with. You just wish you could go up to that person you had wished you had been with to share the good and the bad times with you and just once say to them "I wish I could of had The Time With You that I should of." because, if you don't, life is just so...meaningless. I thought my life was meangingless...until now." he looked at Syaoran and smiled. And Syaoran smiled back at him. Syaoran put his arm around Jigokuinu's furry shoulders and patted him on the side as they both looked at the stars.

In the morning they continued climbing the mountain....

"Just a little further.." Syaoran directed.

Jigokuinu raised his paw onto a rock and the rock fell causing Jigokuinu so slip.

"AAAHH!!" He screamed put sunk his front paw claws into the side of the mountain. Sakura and Syaoran looked down at him.

"Jigokuinu!!" Syaoran said.

Jigokuinu grunted, trying to stay up. "Are you going to just looke at me!? OR HELP!!"

"Hold on Jigokuinu." Syaoran said, trying to calm him down. "I'll get you."

"YOU BETTER!" Jigokuinu growled. Jigokuinu's right front paw fell he started whining, "Help.." he whimpered.

Sakura put out her hand, "Here Jigokuinu."

"Get away Gal!!" Jigokuinu said swipping his claws at her hand. "I don't need YOUR help!"

"Jigokuinu!" Sakura said, "Just let me help!"

Jigokuinu snarled, "I'd rather die!!!" Just then the mountain started rumbling.

"What the??..." Syaoran said looking up. Just than, little rocks came falling down. "Uh-oh..." bigger rocks came falling down and along with boulders. A big boulder came falling, "WATCH OUT!" Syaoran said grabbing Sakura making them get out of the way. The boulder rolled down and hit Jigokuinu he le tout a barking whine loudly. "Jigokuinu!!" Syaoran shouted, "Hold on!!" Syaoran grabbed onto a rock and started climbing down to get Jigokuinu.

"Go Xiaolang!" Jigokuinu said, "Leave me be! I'll be fine!"

"But..." Syoaran said.

Jigokuinu barked, "Go! Just get the gal and go!!"

"Okay.." Syaoran climbed up to Sakura and they continued dodging the boulders. Jigokuinu tried to get up but just when he strained to get up a big boulder had fallen onto him causing him to fall down. He howled as he fell and than he was out of sight falling to the bottom. Syaoran and Sakura had gotten to the top of the mountain and looked for Jigokuinu, "Where is he??.." Syaoran asked. "Jigokuinu!!" he called out trying to get an asnwer but he didn't get one. "Jigokuinu!!" he kept calling out various times.

"Syaoran," Sakura said. "Jigokuinu is probably dead.." Syaoran couldn't do anything but nod as they kept walking for the journey.

Soon enough they came to Guangzhou a pretty big place. "Alright so the elder would be here, right Shaoran?" Sakura asked and looked back at the depressed Syaoran. "Hoe? What's wrong?"

"I was wrong about him." Syaoran shook his head, "Jigokuinu. I was wrong about him. I thought from the first say I met him he was annoying and mean and disrespectful. But, I guess I was the disrespectful once. Jigokuinu was really a great companion. And he was my friend..and I've missjudged him all this time..."

Sakura walked up and kissed him on the cheek, "Shaoran..Let's go and get this over with.."

"Yeah." he said and they continued walking.

Later on they walked up to a giant palace. But there was no gaurds so they opened the giant wooden door and entered. Inside was a big black room. Sakura and Syaoran searched the room looking around. "Hello..?" Syaoran said. "Elder Hinoraku! I am here to settle something with you!!"

There was gentle footsteps coming closer and then there was a evil cackling, "Oh do you, Xiaolang. But one thing first, are you ready to settle it?.."

Just than a figure came into appearence....


Please review to see what happens! Hmmm..that is some pretty darn good advice Jigokuinu told out there. Also, Poor Jigokuinu <|; ._. ;|> I wish I hadn't done that to him. Stay tuned! TWO MORE CHAPTERS LEFT! And it's finished!! YAY!