Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Two Heart Combine ❯ A fight for the bag ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Two Heart Combine

By Net

Chapter 13

Keroberus slowly woke up from unconscious. The last thing he remembered was he got stuck in Nakuru's bag suddenly everything turned upside down then went black. When he woke up he saw an unfamiliar in front of him. A girl with a pair of beautiful green eyes was staring at him curiously. At that time he's still half awoke so he didn't do anything but then he saw her picked up something from the bag. Something that he soon remembered how important it was. Without thinking, he shouted at the girl. "DON'T TOUCH IT." She turned her attention back to him as she heard that. Now she's staring at him curiously. <O…….OH> He soon realized that he had made a big bad move.


Sakura stared at the "orange stuff toy" which she could swore that she heard it shouted at her. She picked it up, examine it, to see is it has some kind of speaker or something that can make the sound out of it. Whiled she examined it, she didn't know that the stuff toy in her hand was try his best not to make any sound, no matter how much tickle he was. Suddenly the cell phone on her waist had ringed up. She put the stuff toy down (didn't realized the quiet sound of relief coming out it) and picked up the cell phone.


"Sakura-chan. Where are you? Is there anything happen?" It was Tomoyo's voiced that came out from the speaker.

"Tomoyo-chan. I'm sorry, but now I think I'm lost. I didn't even know where I am."

At the other end, everyone almost gasp as they heard that. They exchanged glance at each other, thinking what are they going to do. Suddenly, Tomoyo's eyes widen as she had an idea pop up in her mind.

"Sakura-chan, please don't hang up the phone. I've got an idea." Said Tomoyo as she handed the phone to Syaoran then opened her handbag looked for something inside it.

"What are you doing?" Asked Meirin confused.

As if to answer the question Tomoyo grinned as she took something out of the bag. It was a laptop. She quickly turned it on and started typing something into the computer. Seconds later, an image showed up on the screen. It's look like some kind of latticework, which has a flicker spot on a side of the screen.

"This is?" Whispered Touya as he peered out to the screen along with the others.

"This is the program that Mark-san gave to me. It can tracked down all kind of signal we want and located its origin on the computer screen and……." Tomoyo then type some more command into her computer then suddenly new image had appeared on top of the latticework. "If we loaded the city map and place it on top of it we can located the exact place where the signal had came from which in this case is where Sakura-chan is right now."

"Good. We're all go to her. Said Touya then turned to Syaoran. "Tell Sakura not to hang up the phone and tell her we'll be there in a minuet."

"Alright." Replied Syaoran.


"Ok. I'll wait for you guys here." Said Sakura then she decided to make them find her easier by walked to the main street.

Meanwhile in her bag Kero was still tried to figured out what is he gonna do. "Geez. I stuck here with the strange girl and don't know where I am." *signed….* "What could be worse?"

Suddenly he fell backward as the girl halted. He peered out of the bag to figure out why she stopped. In front of Sakura was the alley's entrance and before that was couple of the men dress all black. One of them who stood in the front had long black hair. It's Shengron. He stared directly at Sakura then diverted to the bag in her hand. As she suspected something abnormal she decided to turned back and go the other way but when she turned back she found two more of them at the other side.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Asked Sakura whiled prepared herself to fighting stance for anything that might happen.

"Are you sure that the signal came from that girl? Asked Shengron to one of his crew.

"Yes, sir. The signal came right from the bag in her hand." Replied a man in black who held some kind of machine in his hand.

Shengron then turned to Sakura. "We're sorry for scare you like this, young lady. But it seems that you have the thing that we want inside that bag. So I want you to give it to us and there will be no harm to you at all."

Sakura looked down at the bag in her hand then looked up at the man. "Why you want this? It's not your."

"It's not my duty to answer your question. If you don't give it to us we'll have to do it the hard way. Shenron then signaled to his man behind Sakura.

Suddenly Sakura felt someone was behind her. She turned back to saw that it was a man in black who's stood behind her minuet ago. As she saw him reached for the bag in her hand. She grabbed his hand and twisted it making him fell forward, she then grabbed his arm and threw him down to the ground. It was a technique that she learned from Meirin when they're practiced together. Then she felt something odd from the man she just threw to the ground. <His arm was so hard. Like metal!?>

Shengron looked at the girl in front of him with amazed eyes. He never expected that a girl like that could do something like throwing his man to the ground. He then clasped his hand. "Very well, little lady. Looks like I had underestimated you. I think I should do something more than that to take that bag away from you."

As he finished the sentence, the rest of the men in blacked were walked up to her. Sakura leaned her back against the wall as she took on her fighting stance.


A voice makes itself as Sakura saw something came out of her bag. It was the orange stuff toy that she looked at it moments ago. She then realized that it's not to be the stuff toy at all as she saw it floated in front of her.

"You used seven men to get only one girl? I CAN'Y STAND THIIS THING ANYMORE!" Shouted Kero as he suddenly grew bigger to a lion like creatures with large bird like wing on his bag. He roared at the group of the men in black that surrounded him make them took a step backward.

Sakura been stunned by what happen before her but strange she didn't fear the beast before her at all. It's like something inside had told her that this creature was not her enemy.

Keroberus turned his head to Sakura. "I'll take care of these scum. You just stayed there and look after the bag for me. Can you do that?" Sakura nodded to the mighty beast making him smiled in satisfaction. He's then turned his attention back to the men in black. "Now, let's dance!" He roared as he jumped toward the enemy.

Sakura looked after the beast, not realized that her cell phone was lied broken on the ground as it fell down from her hand when she fight the man moments ago.


Back at the group of Syaoran,Touya,Meirin and Tomoyo. As they followed the signal of Sakura's cell phone suddenly the flicker spot that was located the signal was disappeared making Tomoyo gasped in surprised.

"What's wrong Tomoyo?" Asked Meirin as she saw the confused look on Tomoyo's face.

"The signal from Sakura-chan's cell phone is disappeared." Replied Tomoyo as she type on her laptop tried to figured out what's going on.

Syaoran then held the cell phone to his ear. "The line was cut, and I can't call her. It said it's out of service."

As he heard that Touya turned to Tomoyo. "Can you tell where's the signal came from before it's disappear?"

"Yes, the last place that the signaled had come from was in the small alley three blocks away to the north."

"Alright. Let's go." Said Touya as he's started to lead but was stopped as he saw Syaoran didn't follow. "What are you doing? We don't have much time, come on!"

"I know." Replied Syaoran. But I think to get through those crowed was not the good idea if we want to get to her as quickly as possible."

"And what is your plan?" Asked Touya

"I'll use the short cut." Said Syaoran as he looked up at the building before him. Then without saying anything he jumped up to the balcony of the building and jumped up again sending himself to the top of the building.

Everyone was speechless by what they just saw.

"How can he do that?" Murmured Meirin as she looked after Syaoran before he out of sight.

Touya then broke up the silent. "There's no time for us to stand here like a crazy people. Let's go!" That was make Meirin and Tomoyo came back to conscious and started to follow him. But in Touya's mind there's a though that keep repeat in his head. <That movement. It couldn't be.>

To be continued next chapter.

Author's note.

The story was now gets into action. Let's see what's gonna happen next in this story so please stay with me ok? And as I asked from you every single time I post the new chapter up. PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!