Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Women of Lust and Love ❯ Speeding ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1

Ok Im new at this so please not too hard on the comments! and this is my first story! so newayz they are all 16 now and so on...

/* *\ Change of scenery

//* *\\ Memory or flashback

" " Character speaking

' ' Character thinking

Disclaimer: I Wish I own Clamp but I dont so dont sue me!

/* Hong Kong*\

A girl sat watching tv. "Today on the news, our people have just found out the Wolf clan may be apart of the

killings of several people in other clans, Li Syaoran is the leader of this almighty wolf clan and he is also the most dangerous man in the world.." the girl clicked off the t.v and laughed to herself "oh my.. Li has sure changed alot.."

//~Flash back in the high school~\\

A girl with sweet honey brown hair stood under a cherry blossom tree waiting for someone. Syaoran walked up to her without an exspession on his face but still the girl with honey brown hair greeted him with a cheerful smile. "Hey Syaoran!" she shouted to him " hello Kinomoto" Sakura's smile turned into a frown when she heard him call her Kinomoto, he hadnt called her that for years until now that is "and you can call me Li from now on you have no right to call me Syaoran anymore and we shouldnt see each other anymore" and with that Li left leaving Sakura with a shocked emotion. She stood there shocked and she couldnt believe her ears they were good friends until now, she stood there as if Li would come back and tell her it was a joke but he didnt. She stood there until Tomoyo came and told her that Li had left Japan for Hong Kong already. She wanted to cry but she didnt instead she herself would go to Hong Kong.

//* Back to Reality*\\

Sakura got off the couch and put on her leather coat and black leather boots as she grabbed her keys and her gun. She walked out of her apartment as she headed out to the streets of Hong Kong. She speed dialed Tomoyo on her cell phone.

Tomoyo had actaully follwed Sakura to Hong Kong because Tomoyo's mother had died recently before Li left Japan. Since Tomoyo had followed Sakura to Hong Kong they had became deadly and seductive women at the age of 14. It had been 5 years since they left Japan. Tomoyo had the money and had run away with Sakura. Touya and Fujitaka had not heard from Sakura since then and Sakura felt bad about leaving but she had to go and find out why Syaoran left her to go to Hong Kong.
Sakura and Tomoyo had searched all of Hong Kong to find out Syaoran was the leader of the powerful Wolf clan. Since then they go and find him.

Sakura started to walk towards a limo that was waiting for her and she got in. " Hey Tomoyo so are we going to meet at the usual place?" Sakura said as she was checking her nails " Yeah Im there already so see yea there" spoke Tomoyo from the other end of the phone " yeah so see ya there bye" Sakura spoke then clicked off her phone. "Charley can you please go a bit faster? Im kinda of late" Sakura said to the limo driver " Sure thing Sakura!" replyed Charley as she slammed her foot on the gas pedal and weaved her way throught the traffic.

Sakura smiled and took out her gun and loaded it with bullets and then the car stopped. " We've arrived Sakura!" shouted Charley " Thanks for the ride Charley you dont have to pick me up today Im going with Tomoyo" Sakura said as she got out of the limo "Sure thing!" Charley Replyed as she sped off.

Sakura entered the building when suddenly a bullet was shot and it whizzed past her ear...

To Be Continued....

Sorry to leave you on a hill (much too dull to be a cliffy! lolz) but I just wanted to see how much pplz like my story and sorry if its so short! I cant think of anything more I dont know how the other authors do it.... make such long and exciting chapters.. oh well Im trying my best here ya know! thats all for me! Ja ne! oh and plz review!

Chapter 2

Hey Thx to all the people who reveiwed my story and lucky for you last night I dreamt of my next chapter ( I dream of my story o.O ne ways back to the story oh and I wrote this alll b4 and I forgot to save it and now its gone x.x so I hafta write it all over again *cries*

/* *\ Change of scenery

//* *\\ Memory or flashback

" " Character speaking

' ' Character thinking

[ ] Author Speaking

Disclaimer: I Wish I own Clamp but I dont so dont sue me!


Sakura smiled and took out her gun and loaded it with bullets and then the car stopped. " We've arrived Sakura!" shouted Charley " Thanks for the ride Charley you dont have to pick me up today Im going with Tomoyo" Sakura said as she got out of the limo "Sure thing!" Charley Replyed as she sped off.

Sakura entered the building when suddenly a bullet was shot and it whizzed past her ear...


"awwww too bad but you missed you could of gave me another peircing you know" Sakura laughed
"you have enough piercings already!" someone shouted "naww I only gots 5, 2 on each ear and 1 on my belly button and its not like you dont have some Tomoyo!" shouted back Sakura.

Tomoyo and Sakura had opened a shooting range a year ago for training and for other people to use they both had Black guns with jewels in a shape to represent which one was theirs

Sakura had pink jewels in a Cherry Blossom Flower shape while Tomoyo had purple jewels in a shope of a Lily .

"all these targets are so old Tomoyo!" said Sakura as she easily shot a target 15 metres away " oh I just put in a new Target, follow me and I'll show you" Tomoyo said as she Led Sakura to a dark tinted room. "is it easy?" Sakura asked as Tomoyo unlocked the door and steped in "I dont know its based on how fast a regular trained person runs and between how fast a experienced trained person runs and since you asked why don't you take the honours of testing it hmm Sakura?" Tomoyo explained and asked "Of course it'll be my pleasure"

Tomoyo walked to the controls and turned it on to the 5th level. Sakura whipped out her gun and shot it without missing "Nice" Tomoyo commented as she turned it to the 9th level it wnt faster and Sakura shot it once and hit it "Tomoyo this is too easy!" Sakura whined

"oh yeah?" Tomoyo turned it to the 20th level and Sakura had to shoot it 5 times to hit it "Tomoyo this is too easy" Tomoyo mocked Sakura "Ah shuddup" Sakura told Tomoyo as she reloaded her gun [Where do the bullets come from? o.O] Tomoyo turned the machine off " There are higher levels ya know this will be only opened to us till we master it heh we dont want the others to think there better do we?" Tomoyo laughed

"so where are we going tonight?" asked Sakura "hmm theres this hot new place that opened downtown wanna go?" Tomoyo responded "Sure why not? seems like fun" said Sakura "okay lets go to my place to get dressed" Tomoyo said as went outside to her Black Mercedes Benz and got in. Sakura followed and got in the car as Tomoyo turned the engine on "Seatbelts please!" shouted Tomoyo as she slammed her foot on the gas pedal and drove off.


"ohh mm ohhh Li..." moaned a brown haired girl in the arms of a man who was un bottoning her shirt "you like my kisses don't cha Shelly?" whispered Syaoran as he kissed down her neck "mmhmm..." the girl who was called Shelly replyed then suddenly a knock on the door was heard "What?" Syaoran shouted as he kissed Shelly's upper chest "um sorry to disturb you but uhh you have to get ready to go to that new club downtown for a business meeting" someone shouted back from the other side of the door "Yeah Yeah Eriol give me 10 minutes, Sorry Shelly but I got to go see you sometime again k?" Syaoran said to Shelly as he got up and got dressed " awwww okay then see you sometime again soon" Shelly said and winked as she got out of the room buttoning up her shirt.

10 Minutes Later...

Syaoran got out side of the house and got into the limo that was waiting for him. Inside was Eriol waiting for him and smiling "Hey thanks for saving me that girl is really a bad kisser" Syaoran said "no prob but we are going to that new club downtown" Eriol replyed "Great I hope there are some hot babes there" Syaoran told Eriol as they drove downtown

/*At Tomoyo's Place*\

Sakura got out of the change room and twirled around for Tomoyo to see. "mmm.. Sakura you look sexy in that you should wear that to the club" commented Tomoyo.

Sakura was wearing a White and Black dress that was attached to her necklace and the top part was like a shoulder shirt and the bottom had little strips hanging down that showed off her curves and her legs. She was wearing black boots and had her hair up in a clip that left her Bangs and little strips of her down.

[I drew Sakura in that dress it is so hard to describe it but it looks so nice Im trying to colour it on the computer now so I can put it on a site and show it to you]

"You Look Sexy too Tomoyo all your creations are great" Sakura commented back

Tomoyo was wearing that same thing except that it was Black and White and she was wearing white boots and left her her down with strips of frizzes.

"Well I do try" Tomoyo said as she checked her watch, it was almost 8:30 "We'd better get going or else the guys will leave cause we aren't there" joked Tomoyo as she walked over to the Black Mecedes Benz "You Coming ?" asked Tomoyo as she started the engine "Hell yeah!" Shouted sakura as she got in the car.

"SEATBELTS PLEASE!" Yelled Tomoyo as she slammed het foot on the gas pedal.

To Be Continued...

I hope that was long enough and come on! give me a break I had to write the whole thing over again because I fogot to save and at least I wrote again in.... 1DAY! lolz jks Please Review and stuffies! I live on those reviews of yours! Well thats enough for me. Ja ne!

Chapter 3

Hey Thx to all the people who reveiwed my story and Im sorry for the bad spelling and grammar but my writing program doesnt have spell check -.-; . ne ways back to the story and Im so sorry for not writing in a looooooonnnnnggggg time its cause I was debating wether or not to continue this story but my friend read it and she told me to continue so Im doing this for her AND you fans of this story so here we go...

/* *\ Change of scenery

//* *\\ Memory or flashback

" " Character speaking

' ' Character thinking

[ ] Author Speaking

Disclaimer: I Wish I own Clamp but I dont so dont sue me!


"Well I do try" Tomoyo said as she checked her watch, it was almost 8:30 "We'd better get going or else the guys will leave cause we aren't there" joked Tomoyo as she walked over to the Black Mecedes Benz "You Coming ?" asked Tomoyo as she started the engine "Hell yeah!" Shouted sakura as she got in the car.

"SEATBELTS PLEASE!" Yelled Tomoyo as she slammed het foot on the gas pedal.


As Tomoyo and Sakura were racing down the freeway a police officer saw them speeding and chased after them. "Oh shit its HER again" complained Sakura. "No worries 'Kura" laughed Tomoyo as she pressed harder on the gas pedal and weaved through the traffic but even so the police officer still was right behind them. "Damn she's good!" said Sakura.

They continued to try to outrun the officer as the sleek black coat of the Mercedes Benz shined under the street lights. They took a sharp turn into a dark alley and the officer had disapared. "We lost her" Tomoyo said as she turned on the air conditioning. " Don't think so..." Sakura replied as the officer appeared in front of them. "Oh shit....." Tomoyo remarked as the officer got off her motorcycle and started to walk towards them.....

As the officer came closer to them Sakura begun to smile. Tomoyo rolled down her window and the officer took off her helmet, the officer poked her head through the window. "Yes officer?" said Tomoyo sweetly, "Oh cut that out you guys" laughed the officer "fine fine... whats up Meiling?" asked Sakura "Oh not much I just reconised you're license plate, I mean its not easy to forget one like yours" laughed Meiling as she took a look at the license plate which was named B1TCH3$. Both Tomoyo and Sakura laughed.

"So what brings you downtown?" asked Meiling "Oh we were just going to go to that new club around here somewhere" replied Sakura "care to join us?" asked Tomoyo "Sure!" replied Meiling as she stripped down her police outfit to reveal a pair of black hot pants and a red crop top that says Kiss Me and she ran back to her motorcycle and changed into her black strap sandals and hopped into the car.

Sakura and Tomoyo were amazed that Meiling was already set. "what? arent we gonna leave?" asked Meiling with a smirk "yeah but you already got dressed up and everything?" asked Sakura with a confused expression on her face. Meiling laughed "You would think a crazy gal like me got this job for law and force? Come on you guyz know me better then that!" Sakura and Tomoyo laughed once again as Tomoyo remarked "You BAD girl!"

"Okay then can we go now?" whined Meiling "yeah yeah hold your horses" Tomoyo said as she turned on the engine and drove off to the club.

/* At The Club*\

As Sakura, Tomoyo and Meiling walked to the entrance of the club Sakura bumped into someone. Sakura was about to yell at the person but her eyes widened as she became speechless.

To Be Continued

okay pplz.. this is for real its 2:30 am here so I gotta go to sleep but my new motto: the more reviews the sooner the chappies come, reviews feed my creative spirit... newayz.. please review and this is too small to be a cliffy right? more of a hill again...