Case Closed Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ What????? ❯ Prolouge ( Prologue )

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crazy_gundam_girl: Wufei, you can do the disclaimer from now on.

Wufei: Fine. crazy_gundam_girl does not own any of these anime. She Does own Meling Chang (my sister), and Keiko Daijoubu, Tomeyo's twin sister.

Crazy_gundam_girl: *sniff* I wish I did! Then I would be a dective, Gundam pilot, and a card captor! That would be fun…



Ok, in this chapter, I am only going to introduce the characters. Haiku! E-mail your reviews to me at ! All I need is some info that looks something like this if you want a character in this- Haiku (hurry)! Limited space! 4 people- 2 girls, 2 boys:


Name: Meling Chang

Age: 14

Hair color: long black in 2 French braids.

Eye color: black

Best Friend(s): Keiko Daijoubu

Sibling: Wufei Chang

Non-formal clothes: navy blue bellbottoms, Black Hard Rock café hoodie, pink and shiny purple inch &1/2 high shoes w/ sakura pink socks.

Formal (I might put a dance in): long-sleeved dark purple dress that goes to ankles, detachable skirt and matching pants underneath in case of a fight, Black 3 inch high heels.

What worn when transformed (if they can transform): black Outfit that is like Duo's.

Hobby: Fighting the enemy, solving mysteries.

Favorite food: Cheese Pizza and Inari.

LEAST favorite food: SPINICH (x_x)

Weapon of choice: Sakabatu [sp (Kenshin Himora's Sword)]

Powers: All of the scout's powers,

Favorite color: Sakura pink and black.

Favorite TV show(s): Tornado Storm Stories, action/romance/comedy anime, Zoe 101, Unfabulous, Ned's declassified school survival guide, ect.

Favorite Natural disaster (wouldn't it be interesting if there was a storm?): Tornado-tornado storm stories.

Thing most afraid of: Storms!!!!!



Name: Keiko Daijoubu

Age: 14

Hair color: LONG black in 1 French braid.

Eye color: green

Best Friend(s): Tomeyo, Meling, Relena, Melin Li, Sayoran, Eroil, Sakura.

Sibling: Tomeyo Daijoubu.

Non-formal clothes: A long silver skort, white t-shirt that says "anime lover" and a silver hair ribbon tying hair in a braid.

Formal (I might put a dance in): Silver and gold dress made by Tomeyo that looks like the outfit Sakura was wearing in "Card Captors sakura: the Sealed Card" during the battle.

What she wears for Karaoke: Silver bellbottom pants with a sakura petal design on the legs and a silver and pink top that is tied at one shoulder with a ribbon with a sakura blossom on it.

Hobby: Video taping Meling Chang's battles, fighting, helping Meling Chang solve mysteries.

Favorite food: anything

LEAST favorite food: Broccoli, spinach, bananas, ECT.

Weapon of choice: Katana (the Chang's taught her how to use it).

Favorite color: Silver

Favorite TV show(s): Gilmore Girls, 7th Heaven, all action, comedy, and romance anime,

Favorite Natural disaster (wouldn't it be interesting if there was a storm?):

Thing most afraid of: Storms and the Dark.

Crush: Wufei Chang.



Crazy_gundam_girl: Well, see you in chapter 1!!!
Wufei: Yeah, see you later. I have to tease this weak onna…

Crazy_gundam_girl: I AM NOT WEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wufei: umm…. See you! I gotta run away from crazy_gundam_girl before she beats me up BAD!!!!!!!! JA MATA MINNA SAN!