Case Closed Fan Fiction ❯ Revelations ❯ Revelations 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A Detective Conan Fanfiction

by Valerie Chow

Author's notes: Thanks a lot for all those who took the trouble to review and comment on my story, they gave me the courage to continue on. Thanks very much. ^_^ Please continue to give C & C to
Arigato! ^_^

Disclaimers: All characters used in this story are they property of Aoyama Gosho and others.
This story was done with the motive of entertainment and not for any form of profit whatsoever.


Chapter 2

In the end, they decided to have a conference in one of the meeting rooms of the hospital. Ran was surprised that they were allowed to even stay that long after visiting hours, let alone have one of the meeting rooms, but apparently, Kudo Yusaku was not a world-renowned writer for nothing. Of course, Yukiko would claim that it was ALL due to HER charms.

Mouri Kogoro was not pleased at being roused out of his bed barely two hours after he had fallen asleep, but had grudgingly got up after his daughter told him in no uncertain terms that if he was not out of bed and in the hospital in half hour's time, he was not going to get any food, not to mention sake in the next three months. And what did he MEAN by keeping such a big secret of Conan-kun's identity from her, OTOU-SAN?

Kisaki Eri was no less pleased about being out of bed at that hour, not when she had a case tomorrow, but she loved her daughter. For such an important discussion to take place without her was unthinkable. And she had a few choice words to say to that no-good husband of hers when they had finished. How COULD he keep it from her??? Granted, they had separated, but legally, she was still his wife, and was entitled to KNOW about these things!

Haibara Ai sat silently at one corner, her expression an enigma as usual. Inside however, she was not above feeling a bit of unease and anxiety, no matter what she showed outside. In certain ways, this was as much of an ordeal for her as it was telling Ran the whole story. Kudo-kun should be the one telling her everything, not her! There was no telling what the others felt about her at this present moment. Ran's reaction, though slightly intimidating, was not entirely unexpected. But what of the others?

Beside the silent Ai, Professor Agasa sat, also deep in thoughts. After recovering from the shocks of Ran and her father both knowing about the secret Shinichi and he both tried so hard to keep, he was thinking hard. Shinichi and he were both so engrossed in trying to prevent Ran from discovering everything that they had overlooked another potential person who was also in daily contact with Shinichi. The scientist part of him was very interested in finding out exactly when and how Mouri-san had found out while the other part of him was trying to think of what Shinichi would say about this when he woke up.

Ran drummed her fingers on top on the tables impatiently. She was not, to put it mildly, in a good mood. To find out, at the end of a very tiring day, that the young boy, whom she treated like a little brother was actually her childhood best friend and potential love interest, and that said boy, along with eccentric inventor neighbor had been doing all sorts of things to try to keep it from her for the best part of the past year is not guaranteed to put a girl in a good mood. Add in a father who had, for all intents and purposes, known about the whole thing and had also kept her in the dark made up a very very pissed off Mouri Ran. And you do not want a karate champion known to kick down doors and smash moving car windows mad at you.

"Well, OTOU-SAN? Do you intend to begin your story any time soon? Like maybe sometime this century?" Ran stared balefully at her father.

Kogoro winched. He had not expected things to become like this. When he first contacted the Kudos sometime back, he had been curious, and not altogether very pleased to know that the idiot high school detective whom his daughter had feelings for (he was not BLIND contrary to popular belief. He just chose not to acknowledge things that he was not happy with.) and was mourning over was in fact living under his very roof and hitting him with sleeping darts every time there was a case. He had agreed to keep it a secret only after much persuasion from Kudo Yusaku. To make him promise to keep a silent eye on That Boy would require a miracle, but after hearing much of the story, he had discovered that, to his horror, he had developed a sneaking respect for That Boy. For a person to maintain a living farce day after day for every single hour required guts. That was why he had undertaken it upon himself to contact the Kudos after That Boy was hospitalized. And break to them the news that their son was in very grave danger.

He sighed. There was no help for it. Things had come to a head and he had to come clean if he wanted to keep his life. Ran was not happy with him and he did not like the looks Eri was shooting him either.

"Ahem, err, well, what did you want me to say? Yes, I did know about Kudo Shinichi being Conan. Yes, I knew all about the so-called Black Organisation and yes, I was the one who contacted the Kudos!! What is so surprising about that??" Kogoro nearly shouted.

Ran was taken aback. "Well, for starters, if YOU KNEW, how could you keep it from me? And HOW, in the names of the seven heavens DID YOU FIND OUT!!" Ran fired back.

"Don't swear. I taught you better than that, Ran," Kogoro had regained his composure and had somehow lit up a cigarette when Ran was shouting, only to have the cigarette plucked out of his fingers in the next instant by Eri.

"PAY ATTENTION!" Eri thundered at the same time Ran said "I am not swearing and DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!!"

"All right all right, no need to get huffy about it," Kogoro leaned back in his chair.

"I first got suspicious about it after falling asleep in the middle of a case and then waking up only to find that 'I' had somehow solved the case while I was fast asleep. Without any recollection whatsoever. Even if I am proud of my detective skills, I am not THAT clever."

Eri snorted. Kogoro glared at her and she looked away, fighting to keep the smile from forming on her face.

"I began to suspect that someone was solving the cases for me and began to observe the people around me. The two most obvious suspects were Ran and Conan who were always with me. I know my daughter. She may not be stupid, but evidently, she inherited none of the fine detective skills her good old dad has to my ever lasting regret." Ran glared at her father indignantly. Of all the nerve.......

"So Ran was out. That left Conan. And that was where I got stuck for some time. For a seven-year-old child to be able to solve all the cases was practically impossible!! It's an insult, not only to me, but also to the whole detective force!! Then I began to wonder. Conan was a very weird child. He knew things no seven year old should know. How many seven year olds know about guns and bullets the way even Megure-kebu doesn't? And all those sleeping, they took place only after Conan came to live with us. Heck, the first case I had for a long time came the first day Ran brought him home! But still, the main stumbling block was his age. Then came Hattori Heiji. All those slips he made about Conan being Kudo, and the lousy way he tried to cover it up, it made me think further. Conan appeared around the same time Kudo disappeared. He displayed an uncanny attitude about the various dead bodies or bloody incidents we got ourselves into. Instead of running away from them, he ran TOWARDS them. That in itself was strange. Then, there was the fear. He was never afraid, afraid for Ran maybe, but never for himself. He was also peculiarly protective of Ran, a 'big sister' he just met. He even risked his life many times for her. All these were not the actions of a normal seven year old. He couldn't, could he, be Kudo, in actuality? But if he was, what was he doing in a child's body? This is not a show; this is real life! People do not just shrink back to small children as and when they like."

Kogoro paused for a while. "But my suspicions would not go away. So I decided to go straight to the source and contacted the Kudos to find out the truth. I knew, that if Ran did not know, even if I confronted Kudo with the truth, he would not tell me. I would have better luck with his parents. And Kudo-san here, after hearing my story, flew down with his wife one day without HIM knowing."

"We had a long talk. And I agreed to keep the matter a secret. Also to inform them if anything undue happens. Which did, this morning."

Ran was staring at her father, open-mouthed. She never expected such a degree of reasoning from him. She trusted him, but not his detective skills, no matter what he claimed. Her mother, she noticed, too was looking at her father with new eyes and a sense of growing respect. Could they be......? Shinichi's parents were smiling; in fact, his father was actually smirking! Professor Agasa looked as shocked as she felt, but then, his expression turned thoughtful Haibara, as usual, was expressionless.

Kogoro looked around in exasperation. "Give me some credit, won't you? I may not be as good a detective as that idiot Kudo but I was once a policeman!! I DO know how to put two and two together!! I was not once the most promising young officer simply because I was good at judo you know!! Eri!! You should have known me better than that at least!! Ran is young, but even you...." Kogoro gave up. "Am I really that bad?"

"No Otou-san, you just sometimes act like it!" Ran hugged her father tightly. She heard him grumble slightly and smiled. Eri too was smiling slightly. "But that doesn't mean that you get off easy!! How could you not TELL me??"

And so it went on for the rest of the night.

To be continued.....