Case Closed Fan Fiction ❯ The Detective Prince ❯ Widespread Heist ( Chapter 61 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Detective Prince
Chapter 61
Widespread Heist

Moments past as everything began to slowly register, reaching out to meet his. The grip was strong and firm, doing his best to match his. It was faint, but he learned just that much more about him with that one handshake.

"I'm glad to have the opportunity to meet you as well, Mr. Wayne."

"Call me Bruce, I prefer it," Bruce said in response. "I've heard a little about your situation, so that raises the question."

"The question?"

"How would you like to be addressed," Bruce asked. "By your true name, or your alias so to speak?"

"I'm fine with either one," Conan replied. "I'll leave that up to you to decide."

"Alright then Shinichi," Bruce said turning for the door. "Right this way."

He removed the bag from his shoulders, tossing it next to the door before following him out. They made their way down the hall he had come, opening the door which lead them back to the front room.

"Where are we going?" Conan asked as they headed down the stairs.

"Starting from the ground up."

He wasn't too sure what that meant, deciding not to give it much thought as they continued on. They reached the bottom of the stairs soon after.

"The kitchen is to the left from here," Bruce pointed. "I'd take you there now, but I'm certain you'd prefer to see everything else first."

"Works for me," Conan said. "I can always check out the kitchen later."

"Then it's settled."

They headed toward the right, coming to a stop after reaching the first of three doors in the area. He stepped aside as he opened the door. Conan was the first to walk in, his eyes widening at what he saw. There were books everywhere, piled across the many shelves throughout the room.

"So what do you think?" Bruce asked coming to his side.

"I don't even know where to begin," Conan said looking from one side of the room to the other. "This is like a mini library, how many books are in here in all?"  

"Can't give you an exact number, but I can assure you there's more than enough to keep you occupied," Bruce replied. "Everything is organized alphabetically, so finding a book of choice shouldn't be hard to pin point."  

"Thanks for the heads up."

"You can come in here anytime, we usually always keep this room unlocked." Bruce said turning back for the door.

He did the same in response, catching sight of a desk in the far corner on his way out. He followed him to the next room, hearing a soft circulating sound coming from the other side of the door.

"I wonder what that noise is."

He stood aside as Bruce unlocked the door, watching as he lightly pushed it to the side after doing so.

"Right after you."

He headed in from there, taking a few steps forward before coming to find what he had heard from the other side of the door. There stretched out across the center of the room sat a swimming pool.

"There's also a steam room over to the left there," Bruce informed after stopping at his side. "I don't know if you're much of a swimmer, but I thought you might want to see this."

"First a library, and now an inside pool," Conan said looking up at him. "Is there anything you don't have stashed up in this place of yours?"

"That's for you to find out." Bruce said heading back for the door. "Right this way, we still have a few key areas to cover."

He followed from behind as the two made their way out.

"For me to find out," Conan questioned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

They arrived back to the front room shortly after. He walked at his side as they made their way toward the third door near the far corner.

"Now for door number three, what will it be this time," Conan thought to himself. "Wouldn't be surprised if it was a space station of some kind."

Bruce was the first to head in this time with Conan following from close behind. It was not what he was expecting upon entering, looking around to see a well spaced out room. There was a desk in the right corner, with a fireplace being directly across from where he stood. He then turned to the left to see a single chair sitting beneath a large portrait upon the wall.

"What do you use this room for?" Conan asked.

"I come here to think," Bruce replied. "I enjoy having a place where I can go to collect my thoughts."

"So basically this is your study room?"

"You could call it that." Bruce said hearing the buzz of his phone from inside his jacket.

"This one's important," Bruce said checking to see who it was. "I have to take this, I'll be back momentarily."

With that he exited the study. Conan took this time to make his way over to the lone chair at the left. He stood there for the next few moments, resting his hands into his pocket at the sudden coolness. He then looked up at the portrait, not recognizing the man or woman in it.

"This is the only thing pinned on the wall in this room," Conan thought checking the other walls. "This Portrait must signify some kind of importance."

He then clutched the insides of his pocket after feeling the cool air again he had felt seconds prior.

"Where is that coming from?"

He took a step back to search the rest of the room. It didn't take long for him to catch sight of a window in the upper corner of the wall.

"That's the only window in here, and from what I can tell it's locked," Conan said. "So if it's not coming from the window, then where?"

A sudden sound could be heard from behind. He wasn't sure what it was, looking across the room at the desk to see something moving. He removed his hands from his pocket on the way over, coming to find the propellor on a model plane slightly pivoting from side to side. He then felt the cool air brush past the side of his face.

"I felt it even more so that time," Conan said with a turn. "I must be getting close."

He followed the cool drift of air throughout the room, finding himself heading toward the fire place. He took to a knee, reaching his hand in to check for any circulating of air.

"It's not coming from here," Conan said standing back to his feet. "But it must be right around here."

Then he saw, taking notice of a grandfather clock a few feet away from where he stood. He took a couple steps to the right, stopping after arriving in front of it.

"Could this be it?"

He could faintly see his reflection, carefully feeling around the edges of the clock. It didn't take long for him to come to a conclusion, taking a step back after accomplishing his task.

"So this is where all that cold air is coming from." Conan said as the sound of the door sliding open from behind could be heard.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long." Bruce said rejoining him.

"Not at all," Conan said. "I found a way to keep myself entertained."

"I'm sure you've seen enough of this room by now," Bruce said. "Why don't I give you a tour of the garage?"

"Sounds good, but I have one question," Conan said. "What do you keep behind this clock here?"

"Excuse me?"

"Out of all the rooms we've visited, this one had a noticeable difference in temperature," Conan said. "It wasn't until I took note of that propeller on your desk that prompted me to look around."

"And you believe it's coming from the clock?"

"I know it is," Conan said. "I've checked every square inch of this room, why don't you give it a feel yourself?"

He did as he said, walking over to feel the sides of the clock.

"You're right," Bruce said stepping back. "I'll have to get this fixed up, especially with the colder months up ahead."  

"Glad I was able to point it out."

"So what do you say we finish that tour?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Right this way." Bruce said leading the way once again.

It took roughly thirty minutes for him to get through the rest of the tour, heading back up the stairs after returning from the outside garden. He made his way back to the room, grabbing his bag from where it laid before having a seat at the side of the bed. He pulled out his phone moments later, finding he had forgotten to turn it off.

"It's almost juiced out, I better charge it before it shuts down on me."

He reached for his bag, zipping the side pocket open to pull out his phone charger. It didn't take long for him to find an outlet, taking a seat on the edge of the bed as he let his phone charge.

"It shouldn't take too long," Conan said laying back. "Nothing but a few minutes."

He looked to the ceiling, listening to the sound of the birds chirping outside the window. Without further thought, he closed his eyes, falling into a brief nap.

Everything had been prepared just as he had timed, standing in front of the sink to rinse off his hands after a job well done. He turned at the sound of the kitchen door swinging open from behind.

"So how did the tour go?" Alfred asked drying his hands with a rag aside the counter.

"Better than I'd hoped," Bruce said with a smile. "The kid's as remarkable as stated."

"So we've heard."

"I had to see it for myself," Bruce said leaning to the wall. "When Tim told me his identity had been deduced by some high school detective, my first thought was that he had gotten careless."

"And now?"

"He hasn't even been in this house for a day, and has already discovered the west entrance to the cave," Bruce informed. "He's passed half of my test, but failed to figure the other."

"I had no idea you planned on testing him," Alfred admitted. "If that was the first part of this test of yours, what was the other part?"

"For him to notice I was studying him," Bruce replied. "But I'm impressed none the less."

"Where is he now?"

"Up in the room," Bruce replied. "With the time differential between here and Japan, I wouldn't be surprised if he's asleep."

"Then we'll let him rest," Alfred said. "I'll check on him in the next hour or so."

"In the mean time I'll be down stairs," Bruce said pushing up from the wall. "I have something I need to go over, if you need me you know where to find me."

"Of course."

The sound of the phone beeping from the end of the bed alerted him. He pushed up from where he laid before reaching over to grab it.

"Looks like it's fully charged." Conan said removing the cord.

He brought the phone to his ear after dialing the number, listening to it ring for the first few seconds. It wasn't long after that he heard her knackered voice coming from the other end of the line.

"Isn't it too early for this?"

"What do you mean," Conan asked. "It's well past mid day."  

"Six in the morning is considered past mid day to you?"

"Oops, I completely forgot about the time difference between here and there," Conan laughingly said. "Sorry for waking you Haibara."

"Time difference," Ai questioned. "Where are you exactly?"

"In Gotham," Conan replied. "It's a long story."

"How long do you plan on being there for?"

"For only about a week," Conan answered. "But we'll dicuss that later, what about those names I had you run a search on?"

"I was up until two, and didn't get to sleep until after three," Ai said with her voice slightly raising. "I think I'm entitled to some rest."

"But what about the names?"

The only response he received was that of the phone clicking off from the other end of the line.

"That must mean we'll talk later," Conan said with the shake of his head. "Ah, women."

He closed his phone from there, listening to the sound of someone approaching from the other side of the door. He dropped down from the bed just as the sound of a knock from the other side could be heard.

"Come right on in."

"Master Grayson is on his way back," Alfred said after entering. "Would you like to join us down stairs?"

"But I thought he wasn't planning on returning until tonight."

"It seems he's already finished whatever was on his agenda," Alfred said. "And before I forget, I was wrong about the time earlier."

"You were?"

"The battery on my watch had given out," Alfred informed. "I didn't really think about it afterward, but you actually arrived here some time after three."

"So what time is it now?"

"Nearly five thirty."

"Didn't realize I was out for that long, it might take awhile for my body to get used to the time switch."

"Indeed," Alfred said turning back for the hall. "I'll see you down stairs."

"Wait up," Conan said heading after him. "I'll come with you."

He followed him through the upper part of the house, dropping his hands into his pockets as they made their way down the stairs.

"It was around six when I called Haibara, and it's five something here," Conan thought as they continued on. "That must make it around a thirteen hour difference in time."

They came to a stop after reaching the bottom of the stairs.

"You're free to head into the TV room if you'd like," Alfred said. "I have a few things to wrap up in the kitchen in the mean time."

"Where's Bruce?"

"Last I checked he was out back looking over the plants," Alfred replied. "That was over thirty minutes ago, if you wish to speak with him you could try checking the study."

"I take it he spends a lot of time in there?"

"Very true."

The sound of the front door cracking open caused the two of them to look over. He raised a brow at who entered, surprised to see it wasn't Dick who had arrived. He stood in place as a young boy approached the two of them, removing the hood that sat atop his head after coming to a stop in front of them.

"Wherever did you run off to," Alfred asked taking a step forward. "I've been looking for you all day."

"Who's the kid with the glasses?"

Conan's eyes narrowed at this, feeling a sense of distance in his tone.

"Damian, this is Conan," Alfred replied. "He's that bright detective from Tokyo we heard so much about."

"So, you're Kudo." Damian said crossing his arms.

"That's right," Conan said with a nod. "It's strange though, out of everyone Tim spoke to me about he never mentioned a Damian."

"Doesn't surprise me."

"So what's your relation with Bruce?" Conan asked out of curiosity.

"I'm his son." Damian replied uncrossing his arms.

"I see, so that makes you Tim's little brother."

"What a family it is." Alfred side commented.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Damian." Conan said holding out his hand with a smile.

"How long is he staying for?" Damian asked after turning away from him.

"That has yet to be determined." Alfred replied.

"I'll be up in my room if I'm needed."

With that Damian made his way for the stairs, pushing past Conan with his arm knocking his shoulder.

"Why don't you give our guest a look in your room." Alfred suggested.

He came to a stop about half way up, turning back to face him.

"I have no interest in accompanying myself with any of Drake's riff raff associates," Damian stated. "Now if it's not too much to ask, I'd like to get a little rest before tonight."

The two of them looked on as he made his way up, watching as he pushed through the door.

"So, that's Damian."

"Don't let him discourage you," Alfred said coming to his side. "He's usually like that towards those he's not familiar with."

"You think he'll lighten up to me eventually?"

"Most certainly."

"I sure hope you're right," Conan said. "The last thing I'd want is to create any kind of feud."

"I don't think any of us would want that to occur," Alfred said turning to the left. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me for anything."


From there the two of them headed their separate ways. It didn't take long for him to reach the door, giving it a few knocks before hearing the sound of his voice from the other side of the door.

"It's unlocked."

He slowly pushed the door aside, walking in to see him sitting at the desk to the right.

"I thought I might find you in here."

"How may I help you Shinichi?" Bruce asked looking up from the pile of papers that lay stacked across the desk.

"I was just wondering where Tim is," Conan replied. "Does he live here as well?"

"He used to, but has his own place now," Bruce informed. "He's actually out in Dakota assisting a friend, he should be back as early as tomorrow."

"Thanks for the notification," Conan said heading over to the side of the desk. "What are you doing in here anyway?"

"Going over a state wide problem."

"What kind of problem?" Conan asked.

"High level weaponry has been getting passed around from city to city, most of it stolen," Bruce informed. "It wasn't until last week that it came into affect here in Gotham."

"How long has this been going on for?"

"For at least two months." Bruce replied while sitting up from the chair.

He grabbed his jacket that hung from the back of the chair, tossing it on before heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" Conan asked.

"For a little drive," Bruce replied. "I don't plan on being gone for long if you'd like to come along."

"Thanks for offering, but I'll have to pass," Conan said. "Still feeling a tad tired."

He followed him out of the office all the way to the front door before making his way toward the stairs.

"No shame in getting some rest," Bruce said as he reached for the knob. "You'll get used to the time change in the next few days."

He could hear the sound of the door closing from behind after taking a couple steps up, pulling himself along as he felt the urge to close his eyes.

"Let's hope it's sooner rather than later."

To Be Continued


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