Clamp School Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Nokoru's First Love ❯ Silver Millennium Memories: Part 1 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

SailorStar9: Chapter 2 is up! This is Chapter 3. Before I begin, I would like to thank and answer the following reviewer.
SachiNyoko: As for Ami's reunion with Nokoru-sempai, she will be `formally' reunited with him after Idomu comes in. Otherwise, they'll still meet up, but Ami would address him as Imonoyama-sempai.
I know that I ended the last chapter quite abruptly, but my brain refuses to work with me.
Disclaimers: I own nothing.
Chapter 3: Silver Millennium Memories: Part 1. (From the view of the Time Gates and from Princess Serenity's point of view.
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The authoress is seen typing on the computer, when she disappears into a puff of smoke with a `zap'.
Seconds later, she finds herself on an airplane, with Suoh Takamura piloting it.
Eyes rolling, the authoress questions, “Okay, Nokoru-san, what do you want?”
“Say, SailorStar9-san it has been, like what, almost 2 months since you've typed this story.” The blonde 12-year-old reminded her.
The Asian girl glared at him, “Do not insult my typing speed Imonoyama, or I'll pair your precious Ami-chan with Idomu Yudaiji.”
From the back, the redhead protested, “Do not drag me into this!”
“Whatever.” The authoress mutters.
“Just get me back to my workstation. I'll try to come up with the next chapter ASAP.”
Suoh was last heard muttering, “I told him it wasn't a good idea challenging the writer, but he never listens.”
Another `zap' was heard, and the authoress was back in front of her computer.
“Sheesh, characters these days.” She mutters.
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The camera showed a shadowy figure within the foggy mists. Then, it closed up, revealing the figure to be none other than Sailor Pluto. She was watching the timelines of the past as the re-appearance of Mizuno Ami was not according to what Queen Serenity had anticipated.
The Moon Queen had wanted to send the planetary Senshi way into the future, to have them protect her daughter. But the High Council of the Gods had other ideas concerning the ice Senshi.
Calling on the three Fate Sisters, Zeus had instructed them to send the Mercury princess to the timeline where the Orion Prince was sent to.
Sailor Pluto sighed silently. The camera moved forward, showing the audience what the time-streams presented.
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Third person's POV
It was during one of the many court sessions in the Moon Palace when suddenly; a
trumpet was heard, announcing the arrival of someone.
Queen Serenity smiled, “He finally arrives.” She announced to the court.
Various mutterings were heard all over. Queen Serenity had declared, over a week ago, that an esteemed guest would be turning up within the court. Who, she did not say.
After a while, a blonde teenager, with a red-haired teenager, stepped into the court and knelt went down on one knee in respect.
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Princess Serenity's POV
My eyes widened at the sight of the two stellar princes. Mum had told me a lot about the many kingdoms within the numerous systems, the two most renowned being the Orion System and the Andromeda Kingdom.
After hearing what she accounted, one of my greatest fantasies is to marry one of the two princes.
And right now, my wish is about to come true, as both princes of the Orion System and the Andromeda Kingdom knelt down before my mother.
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Back to third person's POV
“In the purest respects, Queen Serenity, I'm Prince Orion of the Orion System.” The blonde proclaimed, in a crystal clear voice.
His companion added, “I'm Prince Andromeda of the Andromeda Kingdom.”
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Princess Serenity's POV
So, he is the Orion Prince. I thought, swooning over the blonde Adonis before me.
Noting his attractive face, I swore mentally that I'd make him mine.
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Third person's POV
“Rise, young ones.” The Moon Queen instructed.
The two males obeyed and got to their feet.
“And pray, for what reason does the White Moon Kingdom expect from such revered princes such as you?” Queen Serenity inquired.
Clearing his throat, Prince Orion answered, “I have reason to believe that my future wife is amongst the princesses within your court, Queen Serenity.”
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Princess Serenity's POV
He's finding a bride? I ask myself mentally. Then, I stand a huge chance!
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Third person's POV
The Moon Queen raised an eyebrow, “Future wife?” she asked.
Prince Orion nodded, “I seek the Dragon Mistress.” He commented firmly.
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Princess Serenity's POV
My eyebrows quirked up a notch. The Dragon Mistress? Who's that? I questioned mentally.
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Princess Amelia's POV
On the sidelines, I let out a silent gasp. He's looking, for me? I questioned mentally in shock.
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Third person's POV
Queen Serenity frowned, “You have reason to believe that your so-called `Dragon Mistress' is one of the princesses within my court?”
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Princess Serenity's POV
I smirk to myself.
This is too good to be true. No matter who this `Dragon Mistress' is, as the High Princess of the Silver Alliance, I have every right to demand any planetary princess to hand over any power she has. And if the power of this `Dragon Mistress' is handed over to me, then Prince Orion will have to marry me.
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Third person's POV
Prince Orion nodded.
Prince Andromeda continued, “The prophecies of the stellar systems are never wrong.”
Queen Serenity's frown receded, and nodded in agreement, “It's quite true. The divinations made by the stellar mages are said to be very accurate.”
Then, she heralded, “Very well, the two of you will remain until Prince Orion seeks out the `Dragon Mistress' he spoke of.”
Turning to the rest of the princesses in attendance, Queen Serenity declared, “All of you are to assist in seeking out the `Dragon Mistress'.”
Everyone else nodded and the brief court session was dismissed.
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Princess Serenity's POV
Turning to me, my mother said, “Serenity, could you please be a dear and escort our guests to their resting rooms?”
I snapped out of my reverie and nodded eagerly.
Just as my mother turned away, I stepped down to the two princes.
Curtseying before them, I introduced myself.
“It's a great honor for the White Moon Kingdom to entertain such prestigious guests.” I said.
Prince Orion nodded, “The pleasure is all ours, Moon Princess.”
“May I escort the both of you to your resting chambers?” I asked.
Without giving the two of them time to respond, I headed off.
To myself, I swooned inside. This was like a dream come true!
Without even bothering if they heard me, I started babbling about the history of the White Moon Kingdom and boasting about its prominence and magnificence.
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Third person's POV
On the way to their resting chambers, led by Princess Serenity no less, Prince Andromeda fell behind and asked his blonde companion, “Orion, do you have any ideas who the
`Dragon Mistress' might be?”
Prince Orion grimaced, “The seer told me that to find the `Dragon Mistress', I have to quote `trust my instinct' unquote.”
Prince Andromeda raised a brow at his best friend.
Meanwhile, Princess Serenity was still jabbering away about how great and wonderful the White Moon Kingdom was.
After twenty minutes or so, Prince Andromeda growled lowly, “If she doesn't shut up, I'm going to pummel her.”
Prince Orion raised a brow and put up a hand to stop him, “Don't.” he advised. “Getting into the bad books of the Moon Princess isn't going to help.”
Prince Andromeda nodded in agreement.
Prince Orion smiled grimly, “One thing's for sure, she isn't the `Dragon Mistress' I'm looking for.” He commented, gesturing at the White Moon Princess.
Prince Andromeda looked at the blonde, “Instinct at work?” he teased.
Prince Orion rolled his eyes.
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Back in her resting chambers, Princess Amelia changed into a priestess gown and stepped out of her room.
Half an hour later, she arrived at a secluded ice temple. Stepping inside, she walked towards a stone square, where four dragon statues were erected at the four corners.
Standing in front of a giant dragon statuette, Princess Amelia summoned her harp and strummed some musical notes.
Instantly, a tornado picked up within the stone square and the dragon statuette turned into a life dragon.
“You summoned me, mistress?” he asked, gruffly.
Princess Amelia nodded, “It's about the Prince of Orion. Why wasn't I informed that the `Dragon Mistress' is to wed him?”
The dragon leader was silent for a second and answered, “The Fates had dictated it to happen, mistress.”
“Then, what do I do?” Princess Amelia asked.
“Keep your identity from him for the time being. The star prince will find you eventually.” The head dragon advised.
Princess Amelia nodded.
Before the dragon rematerialize into a stone statue, he warned, “Beware the Demon Signs, young mistress.”
Demon Signs? Princess Amelia frowned, as she stepped out of the temple.
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Arriving back to the Moon Kingdom, the Mercury princess immediately changed back to her princess dress and headed off to the royal library.
“Demon Signs, Demon Signs.” She muttered, scanning through the many bookshelves searching for the book she needed.
Finally, after three hours of searching the vast area, she found the books she needed.
Carrying the three books in her hands, Princess Amelia settled on a chair and began flipping through the pages.
What she found shocked the princess of ice immensely.
The Demon Signs were created by an order of mages before the Silver Millennium. They were used to summon seven ancient demons, one of which was the demoness, Metallia.
“Can I say, oh shit?” Princess Amelia mused, despite herself.
“Oh shit is right.” A monotone answered behind her.
“Hello Pluto.” Princess Amelia replied, not turning back.
The Senshi of Time walked up beside her and transformed back into her princess dress.
“The Head Dragon told you about the Demon Signs?” she inquired.
Princess Amelia nodded.
Princess Setsuna sighed, if the Dragon had told the Dragon Mistress, then it was bad, very bad.
“Amelia, I have to…” Princess Setsuna begun.
“Return to the Time Gates?” Princess Amelia ended for her.
The Princess of Time nodded and disappeared.
Princess Amelia sighed as she was left alone once more.
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Princess Serenity's POV
After escorting the two guests to their resting rooms, I immediately headed out to meet the Inner planetary princesses.
“Well, well, look who's finally decided to show up.” Princess Reiko of Mars teased.
“Very funny, lavahead.” I retorted, sticking out my tongue at my best friend.
Both Princess Matako and Minako laughed at our antics.
Then, Princess Matako of Jupiter splashed water at me.
“Hey, Matako!” I exclaimed, laughing as I sprayed water back in retaliation.
Pretty soon, a water fight ensued.
Fifty minutes later, the four of us slumped onto the poolside, in exhaustion.
“Thank god that bookworm Mercury isn't here, otherwise we'll be listening to another one of her `Please-focus-girls' lectures.” Princess Minako lamented.
Both Princess Reiko and I laughed.
Princess Matako frowned slightly at the mention of the missing Inner princess.
“Girls, don't you think we're a bit too harsh to Mercury? I mean, she does mean well.” She said.
I quirked a brow at Jupiter, “With my mother'sGinzuishou, there's no absolutely way any enemy will dare attack the White Moon Kingdom. Mercury's being way too paranoid.”
“Besides,” I scoffed. “Who would want to be friends with that bookworm?”
Princess Minako nodded in agreement, “Whoever chose her to be the throne's heir must be really desperate.”
Both Minako and I laughed in concurrence.
“But still…” Princess Matako hesitated at her sentence.
“So, what do you girls think of the two princes?” Princess Reiko asked, changing the subject.
“Orion is definitely mine.” I answered in sheer determination.
“Serenity, that's not fair!” Minako protested.
“I saw him first.” I challenged back.
Matako cooed, “Andromeda-sama.”
Minako quirked a brow at her, “Aren't you going to say he looks like my old sempai?” she teased.
Matako blushed, “Well, my old sempai doesn't have red hair.”
Reiko nodded, “Point taken.”
“Back to Orion, Serenity.” The Martian Princess said, turning to me.
“He mentioned he is finding the `Dragon Mistress'. I don't think he refers to you.” She commented.
Both Matako and Minako nodded in agreement.
I scoffed, “So what? When this `Dragon Mistress' is found, all I have to do is demand that she turn over the power to me. Then, Orion will have no choice but to marry me.”
Reiko smirked, “Really devious, Serenity.”
I laughed at the thought of having Prince Orion as my future husband. I'll be the envy of every princess in the entire Universe.
“Then, what about the pact with Earth?” Matako asked, seriously.
“Endymion isn't anything compared to Orion.” I scoffed. (A/N: Serenity knew she was betrothed to Endymion, but she hasn't seen him in person.)
“But I thought…” Minako added.
“Endymion's power is nothing compared to Orion.” I countered.
Reiko nodded, “Quite true.”
“But you don't love him.” Minako pointed out.
“Who can survive on love alone? It's his power and authority I want the most.” I added proudly.
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“Checkmate.” Andromeda announced proudly, as his Bishop cornered Orion.
“Actually, it isn't over.” A soft voice said.
Orion turned to see Princess Amelia behind him.
Reaching over, she moved his Queen to a strategic spot.
Andromeda whistled lowly, “Good move.”
Orion had to smile, as Andromeda moved his King to counter the Queen.
One last move of his Castle, and Orion won.
“Beautiful and smart. I can see why the Kami-samas graced me with your presence.” Orion remarked to Princess Amelia once the chessboard was kept.
The Princess of Mercury blushed.
“You're embarrassing her, Orion.” Andromeda chided him.
“And pray, tell me your name, young lady.”
“Princess Amelia.” She answered softly.
“Of Mercury?” Andromeda added, surprised.
She nodded.
“So, what they say is indeed true. The Princess of the most Inner planet is smart.” Orion noted.
Grinning at her, he added, “But they didn't say how lovely you are.”
Andromeda rolled his eyes, as his best friend flirted with the shy princess.
Stammering, the blue-haired princess flushed a deep red and fled out of the library.
Glancing at the startled blonde, Andromeda sighed.
“Princess Amelia is a very shy person.” He informed the astonished Orion.
The blonde nodded absentmindedly, obviously intrigued.
“Oh boy.” Andromeda muttered, placing a defeated finger on his forehead.
“Well Andromeda, I think I've found her.” Orion said, snapping himself out of his
reverie minutes later.
“And that's what you said about many other princesses.” Andromeda death-panned.
“This time, I'm certain.” The blonde prince answered determinedly.
Andromeda looked at his friend, who had showed a very firm expression, one he had never seen before in Orion.
Hrm, maybe he is right. Andromeda thought. I sensed that Princess Amelia was keeping her aura down just now.
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Flustering, Princess Amelia ran out of the library, a deep blush gracing her cheeks.
I definitely made a fool out of myself. She thought miserably.
Then, she frowned. Was Andromeda probing my aura just now? If he was, then he'll sense that I was suppressing my power just now. Oh dear.
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SailorStar9: Another chapter down. Phew, juggling between fics sure isn't easy.