Claymore Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Raging Love ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author Note: I'm not really good with battle scenes or large scale wars, so don't be mad if I skip some of the greater details of the war scenes in later chapters. The most important ones will still appear. I had some major problem with this chapter and I don't understand how this one was written either but the result was much better than what I had thought.
Summary: Over 100 years ago Sesshoumaru saw his half brother being eaten before his very eyes. Now, his father has called upon the help of claymores for the upcoming war against China. Sesshoumaru comes face to face with an older looking version of his dead little brother.
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or Claymore. I just worship them.
Warning: Slight crossover with Claymore, Yaoi, Inc., anal, oral, etc.
Pairing: Sess x InuY, Sess x Yasha.
Read, Enjoy & Review. Any comment of encouragement, happiness, questions or the like are welcome.
Raging Love
By Monkan
Chapter 3 of 7
Pale slender hands trailed up his arms and tenderly caressed his skin. Fingers touched his throat gently as they travelled up to his cheeks. They wrapped in his snow white hair as he was pulled closer until their lips touched. Their breaths mingling together as their tongues came out to play, teasing at first but then more daring and tempting until it became almost crushing. Tasting each other and feeling every part of their lovers mouth.
His own arms came up and linked around the male's waist and held him close. He was feeling the stirring in his lower regions and moaned when his neck was suddenly attacked with nips and licks. He couldn't suppress a gasp when one of his tender spots were found. His arms tightening and he tilted his neck to give better access to his lover.
His mouth came down and licked his lovers neck before his fangs gave it a light nip, silently telling him he was taken. That he would belong to him.
Hands suddenly pushed against his shoulders and they parted. He came face to face with a silver haired, golden eyed inu-hanyou with puppy ears.
“Brother.” he whispered before leaning back to him. “Make me yours.”
Sesshoumaru's eyes widen before he pushed back with all his strength and startled sat straight up.
His mind was rigid with what he had dreamed, his body covered in cold sweat and made his cloth feel sticky and uncomfortable. He looked up and noticed that he had fallen asleep in the middle of the floor where he last night had collapsed.
Without thinking he said, “InuYa--” he slapped his hand over his mouth to keep himself from saying the rest. His other hand clenched as he felt an uproar of emotions inside of him. It made his heart beat strange and he hadn't felt like this before. He felt strangely warm all of a sudden and his breathing hitched for a moment before calming down.
All he could do was moan as last night played out in his mind once more, re-telling him why he was so agitated in the first place.
'InuYasha is dead!' he told himself. 'Confusing the living with the dead is disrespectful toward both and it won't bring InuYasha back to me. Even if I would love him more than I should. In the end nothing would come from such a relationship, a pointless and fruitless love.' these thoughts left a bitter taste in his stomach but he pushed on. 'Even if I do confuse them with each other I won't let it stand in my way. Since he's not InuYasha it doesn't matter.'
When Sesshoumaru walked down the stairs leading to the great hall he saw the Claymore's, through a window, standing in one group outside. At the edge he could see a figure that stood out from the rest as he was clearly man even from this distance.
Sesshoumaru let his eyes take in the lean but well formed body of the male. The power in those slender arms and the paleness of his skin. He couldn't stop himself from imagining those legs wrapped around him. How the other would cling to him as they were overcome by the waves of pleasure.
His youkai almost purred at the thought of a mate, or if he had to push it down, a playmate for his lust.
He left before his youki could betray him to the Claymores outside he continued but his youkai would have none of it as it continued to suggest through a series of very vivid images to him. He almost growled in anger at himself for the lack of self-control.
He passed one of the servants and before he knew what he was doing he stopped the small demon.
“Go tell the only male Claymore that I want to see him. I will be waiting for him in the Great Hall.” he ordered coldly.
“Yes, My Lord.” the servant said with a bow before disappearing down the castle and through a door.
The Claymores were listening to Lilith as she went over their plan once more when the servant walked up to her. Since all the Claymore's looked the same to him, even when they weren't wearing their swords on their backs like now, he had to ask her for help.
She looked around once before her eyes settled on Yasha. “Yasha. Go to the great hall. The young Lord is waiting for you there.”
“Yes. Lilith.” he walked away from the group with the females looking after him until he was out of sight.
“Number 5, why is he here? He's number 49 and male. If he falls while we fight this war then the casualties will be greater. The younger, inexperienced ones can't stand up against a Waking One.”
Lilith looked at the face of the Claymore speaking.
“He's capable of protecting himself just as much as any other of us, we have just as much chance of falling as he in this war so be aware of your limits. But should he fall, I will be there to end him or any other of you.”
Yasha walked to the Great Hall as he had been told and when he got there he saw the young heir standing by one of the many pillars, half hidden by the white silk curtain that went all the way up to the ceiling and then down to the floor.
“I've arrived as you wanted.” he stood at the big tree doors waiting for the next move.
“Come.” Sesshoumaru said in a cold voice.
Yasha stepped forward until he was standing almost face to face with the other noble youkai. They watched each other for what seemed like many long minutes and most likely it was.
“Do My Lord want something or can I return to the others, we are leaving soon.”
“Tell me your name!” Sesshoumaru requested.
He stared at the other like the question was strange. “Yasha, sir.”
Without speaking, Sesshoumaru reached out and grabbed Yasha's arm. Much to Yasha's surprise he was pulled into an embrace and locked in it as arms held him tightly around the waist.
“Yasha.” whispered Sesshoumaru as his lips ghostly travelled up the Claymore's neck until he was next to one of the doggy ears. “My Yasha.”
Yasha's eyes widen when he heard that last sentence. He couldn't explain why he felt a shiver run down his body but he also knew he liked it. Something else he couldn't explain.
Sesshoumaru felt the shiver and smiled to himself. He then bit gently on Yasha's ears before letting go and his reward was a soft gasp. He continued to play a little with Yasha's ears until he was sure the other was flushed and ready to melt in his arms if it weren't for obvious self-control just as strong as his own.
“Why?” Yasha asked in a raspy voice. “My Lo-?”
“No!” Sesshoumaru cut him of. “Sesshoumaru. My name is Sesshoumaru.”
“Se-. Sesshoumaru?”
“Yes.” he purred as he continued his assault down the Claymore's jaw line until he came close to the others mouth. His nose rubbed against the others as his eyes fell half-lidded and one of his hands travelled up to rest between his shoulder blades and the other went down to rest on Yasha's hip.
Yasha didn't know what to do or what he wanted to do. The tension between them seemed to pull him to the other but he wasn't clear to why. He also noted his heart beat a little faster than normal and while his hands hanged useless at his side he hesitatingly reached up until they could grip Sesshoumaru's cloths loosely.
“I won't deny that I want you.” Sesshoumaru whispered. “I won't deny that I'm still confused whether my feelings for you are genuine or only because you look so much like InuYasha that I'm confusing you. And we are going to war where either of us can die. But I'm not going to stop until I know the true meaning of these strange feelings.”
He kissed those slightly parted lips with great passion before taking a step back. “That's why you have to survive this war with me.”
Yasha just stood there, taking in what he had been told as Sesshoumaru let go of him and walked away. He could hear his footsteps becoming more and more distanced but he couldn't turn around. His hand came up and touched his lips as he could still feel the lingering sensation of the kiss. He wasn't sure why this kiss had affected him more than the kisses he received the other night but somehow the meaning behind them seemed entirely different.
He finally turned around but he couldn't see Sesshoumaru or hear him. Leaving a strange ache in his chest that he hadn't felt since he was a little kid.
Within the hour the last youkais of Japan marched to the edge of their land. They were a good number of legions and all were prepared for battle. Gigantic youkais and smaller demons, hideous and some blindingly beautiful, all prepared to fight with great honour and dignity. The youkais at the front already awaiting them.
All Claymores walked in one group, a few of them talked with each other but most of them kept quiet. Their large swords strapped to their backs, ready to be used. At the end of the group walked Yasha, his silver hair swayed in it's plait over his shoulder, his armour clinking with each step he took. Much the same as the rest of the females his eyes were silver but unlike the normal emptiness they were slightly clouded as he looked ahead.
Lilith walked at the front of the group, since she was the leader she was responsible to look after all 24 Claymores with her. Some would not make it back but hopefully, somewhere deep in her heart, most of them would. They weren't welcome in this world but still they had a place to return to and for most it was enough, even if it was a dark and cold place.
Her thoughts strayed to Yasha. She had looked after him ever since he had arrived with them 10 years ago. Since he was one of the last male's to come to them she had been directed to care for him until he could stand alone. At first she couldn't make out if he was strong or weak. He never stayed on one spot for very long when you judge his abilities. All she could say was that she didn't doubt him.
Before long Lilith took him completely under her wings, he was almost like a little brother to her. She was even the one to give him his name Yasha, since he didn't have one to begin with. She knew the other Claymores were wary of him since he was male and they tended to fall under their instincts faster and she didn't like the attitude some of the others had toward him. Maybe it was because she knew him more personally and had raised him so she took it more personally than she should if any other Claymore or living being was insulted. But even though she didn't know Yasha's true age it was pretty clear that he had either passed his adulthood or would in any year now. Whichever made him an easy target to falling since he was most vulnerable during this time when his body was trying to complete its growth and his inner demon was becoming stronger while he stayed the same.
'Don't fall, Yasha.' she silently prayed even though she wasn't a believer.
Sesshoumaru walked at the side of his father, an air of ice surrounded him, making it hard to approach him. Many of the weaker demons saw him as someone close to a War God, since they could never match or even come close to the strength that were hidden inside of him. It was in moments like these that InuTaisho was really proud of his son.
Sesshoumaru felt strangely calm and prepared for the war. Even though he played the usual indifference he had used for a good couple of years he didn't feel the same. Everything looked a little different in his eyes today and when he thought about the upcoming battle his blood boiled in eagerness. He couldn't understand why he was so willing when clearly he could lose Yasha, just like he lost InuYasha.
But one part of him, one that had recently woken up told him it would be all right. That there was nothing to worry about.
Since they had made a promise to get out alive.
Sesshoumaru looked straight ahead and at the darkening horizon that awaited them. In a few hours he would be in battle and he hoped that he could resolve his feelings before it was over, so he could either give up if it was an illusion of his imagination or he truly had found someone that he would chose to keep by his side.
Honesty was something he valued high above over many other traits and he wanted to be completely honest with himself and Yasha. Because they both deserved it.
A few hours later they had finally arrived at the front line. InuTaisho had taken command with the other Daiyoukais that had joined them in defending their home land. They had divided into three groups. One was lead by InuTaisho, one by Lilith and the last was lead by Sesshoumaru.
Yasha was standing in the third group, Sesshoumaru's group.
In the far distance they could see the dark clouds of youki approaching them. These heavy clouds weren't as innocent as one ignorant fool might think. Although they couldn't see them yet, those clouds were filled with thousands of youkais from China.
Finally the hour was upon them.
“FIGHT FOR YOUR LAND!” InuTaisho roared at the top of his lungs. “IF WE DIE TODAY IT WILL BE WITH GREAT HONOUR!”
Youkais shouted their war cry in reply as the line was crossed and the bloody battle begin.
To Be Continued.