Claymore Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Raging Love ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author Note: Long over due and after many, many side tracks it's finally here. Even if I sometimes forget all I have to do is look back and I see why I love to write. Sometimes I'm even embarrassed by what I did write long ago. I get the feeling; is this really me? But when I read your reviews and comments I just know that I will never regret writing. It's given me more joy than many other things and I'm happy for it. I know I'm slow and to add it up I'm Swedish so English is my second languish, not to mention what I know is mostly self taught but that doesn't spoil the fun. It's thanks to you that I find so much joy writing. Now then, enjoy this new chapter to the core.
Summary: Over 100 years ago Sesshoumaru saw his half brother being eaten before his very eyes. Now, his father has called upon the help of claymores for the upcoming war against China. Sesshoumaru comes face to face with an older looking version of his dead little brother.
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or Claymore. I just worship them.
Warning: Slight crossover with Claymore, Yaoi, Inc., anal, oral, etc.
Pairing: Sess x InuY, Sess x Yasha.
Read, Enjoy & Review. Any comment of encouragement, happiness, questions or the like are welcome.
Raging Love
By Monkan
Chapter 4 of 7
The battle cries rumbled the earth, the sea stormed as powerful youki was spilled, whatever greenery had been there was stained crimson or trees that had stood there since long ago was cut down.
The earth drank of the red liquid it was given like it was life giving water, forming it to a red mud. Over a great distance youkai fought each other with all their might. But in some places there were even more powerful youkais' who fought their way through the enemy like they were nothing.
InuTaisho, Sesshoumaru and the Claymore Lilith.
Their powerful techniques and strength couldn't be blocked by the enemy that wanted their heads.
InuTaisho took a step and within the length of a second travelled several meters forward and cut down all that faced him without a second thought. Sesshoumaru stood still as the enemy charged at him and even before they were close enough to attack him he cut them down with his whip of poison. Lilith walked calmly a few steps before she danced between her enemy and killed them by cutting of their heads with little effort.
These three powerful youkai had only one goal, to kill the enemy leaders.
Lilith cast a glance over her shoulder to catch sight of her fellow Claymore. They fought bravely but sadly two had already fallen for the enemy claws and fangs. Yasha looked disinterested in the war but cut down his foe one after another. His silver eyes flashed grey before settling on his next enemy, but in a split second he had caught Lilith's eyes.
Strangely he felt calm and safe in this war. It was as if a warm embrace had caught him and kept him from seeing anything unneeded. As if someone was whispering in his ear where to look, what to do and how to avoid an incoming attack.
He could feel the presence of another hand over his, holding his sword and guided him. It was like this every time he fought or was attacked. His mind became somewhat clouded and something would take over.
His long silver hair was tied back in a tail and the strands flowed around him as he spun and cut of another limb.
Within the chaos and slaughter that took place, someone overlooked it all. High above all else and unnoticed by the youkais his cold eyes watched with mild interest the Claymore, or more precise, one of them. His lips turned into a sneer and he raised his hand to conjure up a small ball of mist in his hand.
Sesshoumaru flinched as he sensed a new youki, unnaturally close than he liked. He looked around as he took another swing with his whip and created enough space for him to take a step and jump closer to where his father fought.
Sensing his son's youki InuTaisho restrained himself from attacking him and shifted his attention.
“Father.” he said urgently.
“I sensed it too.” he confirmed his son. “I didn't know there was another being involved in this war.”
Sesshoumaru nodded even though it was unseen by his sire. “It's neither enemy or ally. If we are attacked by some unknown enemy we could suffer heavy casualties.”
Just like the Daiyoukais, Lilith had sensed the youki too and looked around to see where it came from. It was really faint but she was sure she had felt it somewhere, sometime before. Perhaps she even knew this new youkai but...
She slashed two enormous youkai while dancing around them with grace.
She felt unease rise up her spine.
A roar tore through the air and shock the earth.
Lilith gasped, turned around in a single whirl of silver. “Yasha.” she breathed, her eyes catching the sudden explosion of youki rising across the field.
Yasha let out a roar as his eyes shaded to a bloody crimson and bleed down his face, his muscles began to tense and expand, claws and fangs became sharper and his hair bleed a pale red hue.
His youki exploded and threw back all that stood around him, ally as enemy. An almost blood-shivering shriek left his throat as tiny pieces of his skin began to peel away, leaving raw meat over pulsing muscles.
Sesshoumaru saw the whole thing, along with his father. Even if they stood a good distance away from each other. The young lords lips moved as they formed a word that couldn't reach his own ears.
Suddenly his inner youkai was split by a force he had never felt before.
'BROTHER', echoed in his head.
“InuYasha.” he cried out before disappearing from his fathers side.
Yasha stood in a void, neither seeing or hearing anything but he knew someone was there. He didn't know why but even when he slept he knew there was someone next to him. Another presence that he couldn't get rid of.
“Who's there?” he asked and his voice echoed back at him. “I know you are there so don't hide. Come out?”
A child could be heard in the distance, singing a song. The sound of a ball bounce up and down and laughter echoed. The ghost of a little child appeared before him but was gone just as quick.
All grew deathly quiet and remained still.
Then, a roar and a large youkai launched at him with it's jaws spread wide, claws reaching for him and just as unreal as everything had felt with the child, it felt real when his limbs were caught and torn from his body.
Yasha screamed in pain but was silenced when his head was crushed by the gigantic hand.
What had once been called a battlefield in the times of war could no longer be called that. What had been fighting and chaos was no longer what it used to be and death had never been more profound than now.
The wast field lay in silence or quiet pitiful whimpers from the unlucky yet alive. What had once held thousands and thousands of lives held now almost equally many dead bodies. Not even the flesh eating birds had dared to come close to feast.
What survivors and winners from the war was left walked among the dead. InuTaisho was one of them and even if he knew this could come to pass he still detested the end. He stopped by a fellow demon that had served him for several generations, now dead his life seemed almost meaningless.
They had won, with the China youkais fleeing back to their own land after hours of endless fighting. Endless deaths that could had been avoided and even the...
A roar yielded the area and the screams of desperate fighting defied the silence.
The clashing sound of swords and the elegant figure of a pale being landed and lowered her sword.
Her eyes held a hint of sadness as she gazed at what had once been someone she held close as a brother. The limbs twisted with power and it's limits had been erased. The silver eyes shined a deep shade of yellow set against red. The hair was white but with several strands of crimson staining the once pure being. The veins on his face was tense and stood out as his mouth were open to reveal sharp fangs in a beast wide grin.
He was several inches taller and even the puppet ears that had once been called adorable was nothing like they used to be.
Lilith couldn't wash away the sadness she felt when she looked at Yasha's form. The stubborn child she had cared for was nowhere to be found now, she didn't know why he suddenly crossed the line and began to awaken but it mattered little now that he was a threat to all. There were no saving him.
Yasha took two steps to assess his enemy without really seeing who it was, gone was his rational side, the part of him that made him aware of the world around him. All that was left was his instincts that told him to destroy the threat against him.
He let out a roar.
“Forgive me, Yasha.” she raised her sword and prepared to strike but a shadow passed her faster than she could react.
Yasha saw the movement and raised his hand still clutching his broad sword to block the attack. The impact sent them several meters back and into the dense forest.
Yasha raised his head and let out a snarl to next let it follow by a swing of his sword but it was pushed back with ease and with another thrust they were sent flying backward another couple of meters, branches and other vegetations that crossed their path was broken and crushed aside by their combined forces.
Yasha let out a roar of anger at being toyed with. In his anger he failed to notice the closing edge of a ravine. They came to the end of the forest and the sun blinded his eyes with its sharp rays. It wasn't even a second later that the other youkai exited the forest and with the same unparalleled speed pierced his sword through Yasha's chest.
Yasha stared in wonder at the beautiful being before him. The light played with the white hair and made it look like it engulfed its owner. Deep amber eyes stared back at him as he felt the earth leave his feet and at the same time he felt his blood spill down the sword in his chest he could also feel the wind lift him and carry him away.
Together with the beautiful creature above him they fell down the ravine in the warm light of the sun.
Taisho and Lilith ran to the ravine and stopped just an inch away from the edge. They could no longer see the two youkai that had fallen nor feel their youki, if they were alive.
InuTaisho looked down at the dense forest with sorrowful eyes filled with angst. Was he going to lose another son?
Yasha walked down a beautiful garden path and was taken by the beauty. The trees were high and everywhere he could see flowers of every kind gracing the garden with their beauty.
He heard the same child laughter and quicken his steps to catch the elusive creature. He heard another voice, low and gentle. It made him curious and rounded a tree to see what was happening.
Sesshoumaru walked with a pup next to him, with the distinct dog ears and silver hair he thought he saw an illusion. But when the puppet turned and latched onto Sesshoumaru's hand Yasha could see the golden eyes and happy smile across his face.
Who was that? Even when he looked at the young lord Sesshoumaru he could clearly see how happy he was with the little child.
Both of them walked down the garden and where the child chattered, Sesshoumaru listened and once in a while replied.
Yasha could only watch as the distance grew between them but when suddenly the same youkai from before appeared he felt dread wash over him and he shouted for them to watch out but his voice couldn't reach them. The monster went after the pup with fast steps and raised his claws.
Yasha ran after as fast as he could but he couldn't make it in time and not before long Sesshoumaru was stained with blood, holding only the separated arm of the child.
Yasha screamed.
With a jolt Yasha woke up and found that even if his eyes were open his mind could take in where he were. It all felt foreign to him. He could feel his body healing and mending but still the number of broken bones and muscles were enormous even to his abilities.
A shadow cast over his face. “So you are still alive?”
Yasha looked up and stared into deep blue eyes and a neutral face. In a second all of Yasha's senses came back and he even became aware of the weight of another body above his, lying deathly still. He glanced down and saw a head with white hair, decorated with random leafs and twigs, as well as the fabric of a now familiar purple and white kimono and steel armour.
A hand reached down to touch him but the sudden movement shock him so that he let out a burst of his youki and with a lose hold of the youkai across him he created a bigger distance between them.
Sesshoumaru barely stirred from the rough treatment his body received. His eyes opened just a fraction simply to fall a close again. But even if his eyes weren't of use yet his other senses were awakening, including his ears.
“What do you want?” he could hear Yasha ask.
“I'm surprised you are even sane, you crossed your limit and began to awaken. No. You did awake and yet you have returned. Why?”
“How should I know? You're the ones that made me a Claymore. You if anyone should know!”
There were a prolonged silence and Sesshoumaru didn't have to hear them to know they were staring at each other. Feeling his strength back enough he tensed his legs and regained his balance.
Yasha shifted his eyes when he felt the Daiyoukai who had fallen with him come back to his senses.
“Who are he?” Sesshoumaru asked with authority and hostility in his voice. Not taking to kindly to strangers when he just fought a war.
“How do you do, your highness?” the stranger said in fake politeness. “I'm sorry to intrude on you but I was just passing by.”
Even without the use of his eyes Sesshoumaru was still a high ranking demon and just his presence were intimidating.
The man bowed politely and walked away, either not willing or caring enough to anger the youkai.
Yasha watched carefully while the man left them.
“Do you want to tell me who that was?” Sesshoumaru asked, not even trying to open his eyes to see the expression on Yasha's face.
“One from the organisation. Keeping tabs on us.... and especially me.”
Sesshoumaru felt the uneasiness from the others body and wondered what was actually going on behind the word “Claymore”.
“Let's go somewhere safe until we've healed.”
“Mm” grunted Sesshoumaru before they started to walk, in what direction he didn't know but what he did, was that it was in the opposite direction from a stalking youki.
Yasha poured the water down Sesshoumaru's face and with his wet hands cleaned away the blood that stained his face.
They had found a small brook and while their bodies healed fast on their own it still didn't help them with the grim and blood that stuck on their skin and in their wounds. Yasha leaned over and scooped up more water in his hands and with drops falling steadily down his hands he brought it over the Daiyoukais face and let it wash over his features.
Yasha stared at the face lying next to his knee. He brought his hands down and began to once again clean away what dirt still stayed.
“What are you thinking about?” asked a gentle voice.
Yasha blinked before his mind could grasp what Sesshoumaru had asked. “Nothing?” he lied.
“Your silence doesn't sound like nothing.” countered Sesshoumaru, “Tell me.”
Yasha was for once grateful that the youkai couldn't use his eyes his eyes just yet, otherwise he would see the hesitate look on his face.
To be honest his memories were in fragments, to put it lightly, from the war when he crossed his limits. But one thing he remembered clearly. And that was of Sesshoumaru falling with him over the ravine. He couldn't understand why they had fallen together. He could just had sent him over the edge alone and stay safe on the top. Even if his sword had pierced his chest the same moment they fell over he could still had let go and used his body as a board and get back safely before they tumbled down. It was all within his abilities but for some reason he hadn't let go and took the damage together. He didn't understand, why someone would go so far for him.
Yasha gasped when he realized golden eyes were staring up at him.
He really couldn't understand it. Why was this noble and strong youkai making him, a Claymore, so important that he would get hurt just to...
A hand came up and touched his cheek. “Talk to me.” whispered the elder youkai. “Don't leave me outside.”
Silver eyes looked down and while his lips failed to form the words he wanted to say his eyes betrayed all his confusion and questions.
Sighing, Sesshoumaru closed his eyes for a moment before opening them and while he once again was meet with the face above him and a ghostly image of his little brother reflecting in those same features, he still knew his heart wasn't wrong.
“I told you, I want you. I don't know if I'm hoping for an impossible dream or something to happen, it might even make my actions against you cruel if you begin to feel for me when I end up not returning those feelings.”
“You don't know what you are saying, Lord Sesshoumaru. No one can love a Claymore.”
“Maybe I will.” Sesshoumaru countered. “They do say that love is unexpected thing.”
Yasha shock his head while keeping eye contact. “You don't know the truth about us, if you did not only would you turn away but even hate the sight of me in your entire life.”
“That could never happen. I don't know where my feelings leads but the more time I spend with you the more I don't want to leave you.”
Taken back by the confidence in his voice, Yasha's eyes glinted with sadness before they turned hard like steel. He stood up with ease, despite his wounds aching and acting up.
“Do you know what my body is? It's so vile no one could ever care for me. You think we can live like normal demons when everything is over? Don't fool yourself! There will never be a place for us to rest until we fall down the pit.”
Taking this hard Sesshoumaru sat up and growled. “Don't take my feelings lightly, I don't think you can show me anything that will make me....”
“Get of your high horse, ass-hole.” Yasha snapped. “I'm not your brother. What ever illusion you have I'm not him. I lived as a human at the edge of the main capital until my family was killed and my relatives threw me to the organisation for the money. Ever since they made me a Claymore my features changed, I can hardly see myself when I look in a mirror. Do you understand the terror of that? A face you don't know starring back at you and you begin to question who you are? Then someone comes along and began to confuse you with someone that's already dead. Saying you want me.”
Somehow Sesshoumaru managed to stand up on his own but his body protested from the stress of being used while his bones mended. “I do want you.” he glared at the other, angry of having his feelings ridiculed. “There is only one person that's ever made me want something more. Someone that's made me wish for something more. Someone that set my heart in motion. Something I haven't felt since InuYasha died.”
“I'M NOT INUYASHA!” Yasha grabbed his own cloth at the front and ripped it open.
What greeted Sesshoumaru made his eyes grew wide and his face pale. He stared at the body before him and could feel how his own gut began to twist in disgust.
“If you can feel anything for this body then I will give you anything you want. I'll even be your pet, Lord Sesshoumaru!” Yasha spat out as he took a step forward and to no surprise he saw the youkai take a step back. In a whispered 'heh' Yasha let go of his ripped cloth and turned away. “Don't talk when you can't stay true to your own words.”
With an unfamiliar burden laying heavy on his heart, Yasha walked over to the brook and put his hands back into the ice cold water. He leaned forward and splashed it onto his face and pulled his fingers through his hair, slicking it back to avoid it getting in his face.
There was nothing that should be bothering him, he knew from the start that this would happen. His body wasn't made to be loved. It was made to kill. It was revolting just to glance at it. He knew Lord Sesshoumaru wouldn't be any different but... somehow... he had hoped... that...he....
Arms wrapped around him and he could feel another body press against his back, his hair was nuzzled and he could feel a hot breath against the back of his head.
“I'm sorry.” it wasn't even a whisper and he wasn't sure he heard it but... he had felt it against his hair. The lips saying what the voice failed to deliver. “I'm sorry.”
Why did those words play heavily on his heart. They hurt more than the words of anger he had said earlier. They tore at his soul and tried to kill him.
“I'm sorry.” whispered Sesshoumaru in a weak voice. “I'm sorry.”
Yasha looked down and saw how the arms embracing him tremble in what he couldn't decipher. The hands hugged him across his exposed chest and he was surprised that they didn't let go. More people had turned away from a Claymore when they saw their bodies, even those from the organisation hated to stare at them but with cloths on they appeared like any other being, no one could ever guess what hideous secret lay beneath.
“I'm sorry.”
Opening his mouth slightly, Yasha didn't know what to say at first. “Don't... don't say that.”
“I'm sorry.”
“I-idiot. I told you not to say that.”
“I'm sorry...........................”
Yasha began to raise his hand to remove the arms around him, they made him uncomfortable.
“I know that you are not InuYasha. I know that very well.”
His hand froze.
“I know it, I saw his death but I couldn't accept it. But I saw it. I saw his skull crushed open and his torn limbs break in the jaws of the beast, I saw it all. I know that no one, not even a youkai can survive all that blood lost but I still hoped... somewhere in my heart that I could wake up from it. I hoped for nothing else but to see InuYasha's smiling face again.”
Yasha stayed still, listening.
“When I saw you my hopeless hope was rekindled but I never expected to feel my heart again. Something about you captured me and left me in a mess. I tried to deny it by trying to convince myself that maybe... that maybe, you really were InuYasha. But when I realized I wanted you even if you were InuYasha I made a stupid promise with myself.... but I only ended up hurting you.”
His eyes closed tightly.
“Forgive me. I never thought about your pain or what I did to you. It never crossed my mind that I might hurt you from my selfish acts. I wanted you so badly that I forgot reason, I'm sorry.....Yasha. I know nothing about you yet still acted like I knew everything about you. I'm so sorry.”
Yasha swallowed and his hands grabbed onto Sesshoumaru's arms, “It's all right. You don't have to say more.”
Sesshoumaru rubbed his head against Yasha's in a no, “It's not all right. I've done something terrible.”
“Don't.... don't you find my body disgusting?” Yasha asked in a steady voice, although on the inside he was shaking.
“To be honest, it sickened me.”
Yasha's hope fell...
“But it won't make me stop loving you. Although I don't know what I fell in love with about you I know it wasn't your body. That's something I'm sure of.”
“How can you say that?” Yasha's eyes were cast in shadows. “Don't you want to embrace the one you love? Don't you want to make love to that person? You can't with me?”
The grip around him tightened. “Who said I can't?”
“But...? My body--”
“It just means we will have to find another way for us. That's all.”
Yasha couldn't believe what he heard. Find another way? Was that even possible? But... no matter how far fetched it sounded it still made him happy.
“You really are one of a kind, Lord Sesshoumaru.”
Yasha leaned back against the body and for the first time since he was young he felt the peace of mind he never thought he would get until he died. It was really strange.
“So are you.” said Sesshoumaru confidently, “For mending my heart.”