Claymore Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Raging Love ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author Note: I don't know how many times I've fallen victim for answering the phone while half asleep or more in the realm of sleep than awake to know what I'm really answering. I always have to pay for it later on. So sleepy... Oh well, this one's coming to an end now. Just one more chapter after this one and it will be over. So please review and let me know how I'm doing. A single word of encouragement is more than enough to keep up the work in the long run.
Summary: Over 100 years ago Sesshoumaru saw his half brother being eaten before his very eyes. Now, his father has called upon the help of claymores for the upcoming war against China. Sesshoumaru comes face to face with an older looking version of his dead little brother.
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or Claymore. I just worship them.
Warning: Slight crossover with Claymore, Yaoi, Inc., anal, oral, etc.
Pairing: Sess x InuY, Sess x Yasha.
Read, Enjoy & Review. Any comment of encouragement, happiness, questions or the like are welcome.
Raging Love
By Monkan
Chapter 6 of 7
The dust settled and in its wake stood a large magnificent Inu-youkai in its true form. It raised its head and let out a roar of pure hunger and thirst for blood. Gigantic claws tore into the ground, a tail flipped back and forth over his head and caused whirlpools around him.
When it were finished it lowered its head and yellow eyes narrowed at his preys. The Claymores and Youkais that were closest to him. He bared his teeth between his enormous jaws toward them. The Claymores knew he would attack them but none of them had even the hope of a chance when Yasha tore them apart.
Body parts and blood splattered across the ground and those closest. His white fur stained crimson as he growled deeply. He side stepped when a blade came dangerously close to cutting him. He snarled at the lithe woman that flipper her hair out of her face with a snap of her neck while raising her sword and coming after the demon once more.
Lilith took in the beasts movements, Yasha's movements, and began her dance of death. Her sword came in contact twice before she suddenly came face to face with Yasha and was sent flying to the castle gate and the force created gigantic splinter. She spat out blood as the shock hit her.
Yasha felt a threatening tingle from his instincts. He didn't even turn to the darkly dressed youkai before the stranger had his arm torn away. Yasha landed with a slight skid before coming to a stop, the arm stuck between his jaws.
The wounded youkai held onto the stump at his shoulder that bleed unstoppable. The sound of bones crushing filled even his ears as his life came to an abrupt end.
Yasha bit down hard and threw his head side to side until the body tore apart on its own and the legs landed in two parts.
Letting go of the meat, Yasha turned his head and he was tackled to the ground. Another magnificent Inu-youkai stood tall in the middle of the blood bath, it's two tails falling behind him.
Sesshoumaru took a step closer before standing still. He could only watch as his father pushed back the berserk youkai.
Was this Yasha? He had a Inu-youkai inside of him!
It was InuYasha. This scent of youki couldn't be mistaken. The dog demon going berserk were InuYasha. No mistake.
It went together so simply in his mind now. Why Yasha had looked so much like InuYasha. Why his senses went blank when he first saw him. Why he felt so strangely connected to him and why he so easily accepted Yasha even though he detested anyone who weren't fully youkai.
A big crash exploded and equal roars pitched against each other. Two demons of equal built and no doubt strength stood face to face. But even though they were equal in many fronts there were one that outlasted the other. Experience.
But both Sesshoumaru and InuTaisho knew now that who were standing before them weren't just any youkai or Claymore.
It was InuYasha.
Not just because the enemy had said so but also because in his transformed form there were enough proof to both of them that this really were InuYasha.
They had seen him as a pup, unable to control his youkai, youki and human shape. They had played with him in their own natural forms when he changed. All those happy memories were turning black in just moments, they were breaking and being torn apart. Like a piece of paper it were slowly but surely burned. All the laughter shattered in their ears. This was the blood that coursed through them both and there were no doubt that they couldn't recognized it.
“...inuyasha...” he mumbled faintly before his voice rose to reach the heavens. “INUYASHA!!!”
Cold. So cold.
Water bubbled up around him as he fell deeper into it.
Why was he here? Where was here?
Ah, it didn't matter. He could finally sleep.
Don't sleep.”
A voice, just the same as his but at the same time not, called out to him.
Don't give up.”
Silver eyes opened slowly as they were clouded with sleep.
Who are you?”
I am you. You are me. We are two. We are one. We are dead. We are alive.”
I don't understand.”
Golden amber eyes appeared before him and the face he saw every time he looked at his reflection. He saw the child from his dreams. He saw the man he had changed into. He saw the past and also the future in this face.
I am InuYasha.”
So you are... Hmph. No wonder they thought we looked alike.”
A pair of hands came to rest on his shoulders.
I've wanted to meet you for a long time. My saviour.”
If it weren't for you I wouldn't even... that is... even existing like this is more than being dead. I don't know if I were but I think I remember a little from it before something warm caught me and brought me back. I remember... being dead.”
Don't look so sad. If it weren't for you then I wouldn't see my family again.”
Yasha glanced away for a moment, pondering if he should say it, “I saw in my sleep.” he took courage before it slipped away. “Your memories. Many different visions. Some scary, those that were haunted by death but those that were of your family were really warm. Gentle. They tenderly sipped inside me and sometimes I forgot who I really was. I was happy snuggling with parents that weren't really mine, they held me close and sang softly in my ear. I played hide and seek in a castle and garden with an elder brother who I adored and childishly loved. I ran across fields where I raced with the wind while being tagged by a large dog who tackled, snuggled and licked my face in playfulness. I remember annoying scowls and filthy words before being snatched up and carried back to my parents like a runaway animal. It was a peaceful time and warm. So when I woke up I felt like I was close to tears I no longer held. They made me feel more human than I was any more. I thought they were a curse, torturing me, making my loneliness more profound but now I see it was you who were with me all along.”
A howl echoed around them.
Both of us can't stay in this body. Only one can be dominate in this place.”
What are you saying?”
Hands touched his shoulders and invisible tears stained regretful eyes.
Don't let my brother grieve over me again.”
The youkai growled as it stood up from the crumbled pieces of stones. The other Inu-youkai leaped and tackled the other demon.
Some distance away where chaos and fear ran through the remaining survivors stood a single Daiyoukai and watched in stunned silence. His puffy tail shielded his eyes from the dust that were sent his way.
A titter behind him made his head turn and he saw the head from the dead head of the youkai that had been the source to all this crack and split open. In between the gushed brain and blood was something that didn't belong to a normal demon or human. It was a little smaller than the fist of a newborn but it was clear to see since it wiggled and twitched out from the gaping eye socket. The mouth, or what was left of it clapped shut once before it used its mangled tongue to for words.
“This.... Now... noth-ing can save... you-- he will die.. no matter... what-- you do........ if he... doesn-t kil-l-l-l ya fir-*gasp*s-t.”
Sesshoumaru stared at the dead lump of demon as it twitched in its final moments of life. Or was this a blessing? Even if he couldn't make out the creature he could sense the relief of finally being able to rest and find peace.
“Disgusting worm.”
He closed his eyes as another cloud of dust came his way and he jumped back so not be crushed by his father.
The berserk youkai came attacking with fangs and claws and got a true strike on the older demon.
Sesshoumaru's youki swirled around him and not before long he found himself in his own natural form.
He pushed against the ground and with a great leap crashed into InuYasha's side. He let out a growl to let his father know to step back. He pursued and with smooth movements avoided the claws that came his way. Intending to kill him.
The Daiyoukais snarled at each other before Sesshoumaru took one strong attack that took them both backward.
In a echoing sound of wood meeting flesh and the piercing pain that forced its way through him, Sesshoumaru's mind came to a blank even when the feeling of blood soaked his fur. There were a strange sense of Deja vu. A painful feeling.
The broken splinter from the gates had crossed their path and the large pieces that still made up the gate but had forcefully been torn to point side-way, making an efficient natural but lethal trap that no one had noticed. The body beneath his squirmed as what sounded like rivers of blood met the ground. A gurgling sound of choking on something reached his ears.
The pressure on his shoulders pushed him away from the warm body and he fell backwards without knowing when he would hit the ground. Time had slowed down and it felt like eternity as he stared at the sky that had turned a clear blue in his eyes. The puffy white clouds floated there and didn't have a care in the world of what was going on underneath them. Neither was it within their powers to prevent it.
Then came the dull feeling of hitting the ground. His whole body screamed as it forced itself to return to his human form. His youkai tried to stop the exceeding bleeding and heal his torn flesh. His throat felt clotted with the taste of blood and who knew how much of it he was forced to swallow before he could breath somewhat normally.
Strong hands forced their way under his shoulders and supported him, it made his head spin and what disturbingly tasted like bile rose in his throat. They held him up by supporting his back and he was vaguely able to see someone hovering over him.
He was saying something to him but he was to far away for him to make out the words. 'InuYasha.' his thoughts searched out an answer to the unspoken questions in his head and he began to search with his eyes for his missing brother.
At first he didn't see anything but then a drop into a small pool drew his attention and he narrowed his eyes to make out what it was. He realized that he should look upward to find the source of the black water and as he raised his eyes he only saw a blurry pale thing against brown background.
Sesshoumaru closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again and this time he raised his hand in a futile attempt to reach out for the other but he was to far away. To late to realize to stop it from happening.
His mouth opened slightly to form words but they died at his lips and maybe that was as well. So he couldn't voice the death of his own heart as his eyes filled with tears, clouding the vision of Yasha, no InuYasha, impaled on the broken gate.
He could hear a faint sound in the background, like the sound of a waterfall but it ended as his eyes closed.
A child was sobbing, alone. A whimper of a name reached his ears as he walked closer to the small figure.
InuYasha.” he called and the child turned his head. Tiny puppy ears lay flat against his skull and big teary eyes stared at him. Melted amber, just like his.
He opened his arms, “Come here.”
The child ran into his waiting arms and wailed heartbroken.
He hushed the child and rubbed his back to make him calm down. He growled lightly in his throat and much to his surprise but delight he received an answering whimper.
The child in his arms slowly changed into an adult with the same white dog ears and the same melted amber eyes that reflected his own in so many ways. The face, older but still the same. The body still smaller and slender than his own frame but in no way a child's body. The cloths that had fitted him as a child were a size that perfectly fitted on his body.
I have you, InuYasha.” he whispered into the ear, making it twist against his warm breath. “I'm here now. You are safe now.”
InuYasha relaxed against Sesshoumaru and buried his face against the cloths as he let out a faint whisper that sounded like his name, “Sesshoumaru.”
One clawed hand came up and caressed his face while tightening his grip on the other.
My InuYasha.”
To Be Continued and Concluded In The Next Chapter!