Corpse Bride Fan Fiction ❯ Brother of the CORPSE BRIDE. ❯ I care for you. ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Victoria and I had taken shelter in my cabin in the woods, where no one would think of looking for here.
“How did we do that?” Victoria asked me. I told her that harp had magical powers.
All I had to do was think of where I wanted to be, and then play three notes. Then I could transport myself there in an instant.
It was the harp that transported me here to the land of living in the first place, but if it gets destroyed, my time will be up.
Victoria was ever so amazed, but she still wondered, how was able to look like I was alive when I was really dead all along.
She also knew that she heard someone scare off a boy because of a piece of gum, why had I done it.
I gave her the purple piece of gum from my packet, and told her to try it, then she get her answer.
“But, Mother never approved of me to try anything of the lower class life.” She told me.
“Well your mother's not here, is she?” I told her. She knew I was right, and popped the gum into her mouth.
“Oh my,” she said, “It is really something new. The flavor is just lovely.” Then I turned to her and said… “Notice anything different?”
Victoria scratched her head, not noticing what her hand looked different. “No, I don't see anything different about you.” She said.
“I Say, what's that there on your arm?” I said pointing to her right arm. The moment she looked at it, she screamed out of fear.
Her arm had changed into a skeleton, and her left arm was turning pale. “Quickly, spit the gum out!” I told her.
Quickly she spit it out, and changed back to her normal state. This was obviously another side effect of the magic gum Elder Gutknetch had told me about.
“This gum…” I told her, “As long as it stays in my mouth, it allows me to disguise my corpse as living-based creature.”
“On you it has it Reverse-Effect!”
Victoria understood it at once. What meant was…
* * *
If somebody who was dead chews the gum, their dead body would become flesh again.
If somebody alive were to chew it, the gum would begin to kill them at once.
* * *
I also told her why I changed back at midnight. The gum losses its power and I can't hide myself.
That's why every midnight during our piano lessons; I fled into the woods, so she wouldn't see me in this forum.
“I wanted to tell you the truth, but I just couldn't!” I told her, “I didn't want to scare you.”
I sat down on my bed and hung my head low. “I've made a mess of everything.”
She sat down beside me, gently lifted my chin, and looked deeply into my eyes. “Frankly Mykan, I don't care.” She said.
“Thanks to you, I've met my dream. I played the piano in front of a lot of people.”
“You treated me with care, and respect. You even saved me from danger.”
“Mykan, I love you dearly… and I can prove it to you.” She walked over to the Self-playing Piano I had in the cabin and began playing.
She selected a soft song, and began singing to me.
* * *
-Every so sweet, that's just what you are
We're just like lollys in a lollypop jar
Even though you are as dead as can be, I see.
* * *
I was beginning to smile again, as Victoria continued.
* * *

-What I'm trying to say comes from out of the heart
I could tell we were meant to be right from the start
And you feel, the same I feel
for you
-By coincidence, truly special
You're truly, truly special
as a treasure of the day
* * *
I giggled a bit.
* * *
-When you're near me
It is
so delicious
, and truly
You're the answer to my wishes
Truly Special
Though they may find you lethal.
Never, never, ever go away
My heart beats so unruly
Because I love you dearly
* * *
“You love me… honestly?” I asked her.
* * *
Honest dearly, I do.
* * *
Victoria and I ran out of the cabin, but we could still here the music playing.
We twirled around in a dance type of way, and now it was my turn to sing to Victoria.
* * *

-Truly special
To me, you're truly special
Special like the breeze across the bay
When you're smiling
It's so delicious
So beguiling
You're the answer to my wishes
Truly Special
To me, you're truly Special
And I shan't forget this lovely day
My heart can still beat so unruly
I also love you dearly
* * *
Victoria looked deeply into my eyes, checking for honesty.
* * *

dearly, I do
* * *
We gazed deeply on each others eyes, and moved our heads closed, but before our lips met…
Our music was over heard by the villagers, and they had already found us. I stood in front of Victoria to protect her in front of the mob.
“Oh, how noble!” said her father, “The famous Mykan, protecting my daughter for certain punishment.”
“How do you know my name?” I asked. “I know who you are indeed” said the father.
“I remember you since I order the mayor to tare your home down, when you refused to make any more dresses for my wife.”
My eyes widened “You, ordered the mayor to tear down my home?!” I growled.
“Yes, and apparently, he did more than I had expected.” He chuckled to himself.
If I had any blood left in my body, you could be sure it would be boiling with rage.
“Father, what are you talking about?” asked Victoria, “Victoria,” I said, “Remember what I had told you?”
“The Mayor of the town was the one who killed me, and tore down my home and life's work.”
“Well, now I know for a fact, that it was your father who ordered him to do so.”
Victoria's heart skipped a beat. “F…F…Father…” she cried. “Is this true?”
Her father just snarled at her. “Yes it was I, and just what are you going to do about it?”
His answer was Victoria's fist hitting him hard in his big gut and forcing him off his feet.
“Victoria Everglot!!” snapped her mother, “You hot tempered little Wretch! How Dare you…”
She stopped talking when Victoria had punched her hard in the mouth knocking her down as well.
The crowd went silent in amazement. Victoria had never struck anybody before.
“Victoria,” cried her father sitting up, “What in God's name are you doing child?”
Victoria's eye's narrowed, “I'm doing something I should have done, a long time ago!” she snarled.
“You and mother have shown very little care toward me. You are mean to me; you tell me what I can and cannot do.”
“As far as I can see it… I'M NOT THE ONE WHO'S NOTHING… YOU TWO ARE.”
“And I shall never again do as you say!”
Victoria's mother took an axe form the police near by. “How Dare You Talk To Us This Way!” she growled.
Victoria ducked behind me. “Move it young man, or I shall…”
“You'll what?!” I snapped back. “You'll kill me too… I should say not. I am already dead, you can't even hurt me.”
I started walking toward her, and she began backing away a scared of me and my corpse forum.
“I've gotten to know Victoria more than you ever have, and she has a tender sweetness inside her that you don't seem to care about.”
“All you seem to care about is money, and deeds, when you should be focusing about love and heart.”
“You don't believe in any of that stuff. You have no right at all to be called a mother, or even a human being…in fact.”
I gave her such a huge shove that she fell backwards in a mudpack and got stuck in it.
The town's folk began to giggle. The sight of Victoria's mother in mud was going to last through the ages.
“P-please…” cried her father bowing to my feet. “Please spare us, don't kill us for what we did to you!”
“As tempting as that would be…” I said, “I shall not kill you. Even if I were to do so, that would not bring me back to life now.”
“However…” I said walking back over to Victoria, “I do have a rather suitable punishment in mind.”
I held Victoria's hand gently and said. “Victoria Everglot, say you'll come home with me.”
“I shall give you all that you want and need, and you can start a new, fresh and clear.”
Victoria hesitated, and looked back at her parents. Her answer was obvious, “Yes, I'll gladly go with you!” she said.
Since only dead people were allowed to travel with me down below, I had to first make Victoria dead, and there was only one way I could make that so.
I gave her the black piece of gum. The very one Elder Gutknetch had told me to use at the right moment, and this was it.”
The moment she began chewing the gum, Victoria transformed into a corpse herself; she even looked a bit like Emily does now.
“My, but you do look rather ravishing.” I said kindly to her. “I am ready.” She replied, “Ready to go with you.”
I nodded. “It is time.” I said as I held onto her and raised the Harp over my head.
“Farewell… England!!” I cried then I threw the harp hard to the ground, and it broke in two pieces.
The Harp was destroyed, but since I had found what I was searching for, I would not be going home alone.
Thunder shook the sky, and smoke appeared form under Victoria's and my feet.
We vanished, back to the land of the after-life.
* * *
As soon as we were gone, one of the town's folk asked, “What shall we do with these two?”
“Don't you worry.” said the police chief, “We'll take good care of these creeps.”
* * *
Meanwhile, at the local jail…
The Everglots pounded and rage on the steal bars of their cell. “We demand that you release us at once.” shouted Mr. Everglot.
“Don't worry you two, we will let you out.”
“…In about 100 years!”
That was their price to pay for their crimes fool-hearty revenge, and first degree murder.