Corpse Bride Fan Fiction ❯ Brother of the CORPSE BRIDE. ❯ How can I tell her? ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

After a few days, it was almost New-years eve, and Victoria had made quite a few friends down here in her After-life.
The only problem was, I had to tell her something perhaps shocking and horrifying.
Victoria and I did love each other, and we really wanted to stay with each other.
The thing was Victoria was not completely dead. She only seemed to be dead, because if the gum in her mouth.
This was another one of the gum's special qualities…
* * *
The black gum has one special hidden power which none of the others possessed.
If Victoria swallowed the gum, she would permanently remain as she was.
She would stay a Corpse forever… which would really mean, she'd be fully dead.
* * *
“My boy, you have to make a decision quickly.” said Elder Gutknetch, “The gum will lose its magic tonight at 12, and she will go back to the world above.”
“I know that…” I said sadly, “But if Victoria and I wish to be together…” I paused, as it was too painful to say.
“… Then she would have to give up the life she had up there.”
* * *
Neither of knew that Victoria was quietly peering through the door, and listen to us word for word.
* * *
“You must understand Mykan.” said Elder, “If Victoria goes back, she cannot ever return, until her life has expired.”
“Yes, and If she decides to stay here with me, she may never return to the world above.” I said.
“Mykan, I know what you're going through.” said Emily, “Victor, and I went through the same thing.”
Victor nodded his head in agreement, “It was a very frightening decision to make.” He said.
They told me how it happened…
* * *
When Victor accidentally married my sister in the woods, I set her free form her long rest.
But unfortunately at the time, Victor was still alive, and it is completely impossible for the living to marry the dead.
The only way Emily could keep Victor, was if Victor was to kill himself at once.
However, by doing this he would never be allowed to return to the world above.
But to Victor, that did not matter. He had very little to live for in any case, and besides…
He made a promise to my sister.
And so, he repeated his vows properly in an actual Wedding ceremony above, and drank a sacred potion, which killed him.
And that was how he ended up here…”
* * *
“But my situation is completely different.” I said, “This a Man asking a beautiful woman to give up her life for my own needs.”
Emily and Victor knew I was right, because for them it was the other way around, making it easier.
“Are you alright Mykan?” Emily asked, “I don't think so.” I said starring sadly at the ground.
“If you don't mind, I'd like to be alone for a while.”
“It's quite alright my boy, we'll show ourselves out.” said Elder as he and the others exited… Not noticing Victoria was still standing outside.
* * *
I looked out of my Castle window at the over view of the town. “What am I going to do?” I asked myself.
“How can I ask Victoria to do something so drastic? And what will happen if I don't tell her?”
“Oh, why do these things always have to happen to me?” I cried, and then the mountain bugs began playing a tune for me.
* * *
-I'm so lonely, so lonely
So lonely and sadly alone
There's no one, Just me only
Living in this house of st
I work really hard and lived up to demands
But nobody l
istens, no one understands
ms that no one takes me seriously

And so, I'm lonely
A little lonely
Poor littl
e me
* * *
From outside the door, Victoria had tears in her eyes. “So that's why he came to the living world.” She thought to herself.
* * *

-There's nobody I can relate to
Fee like a bird in a cage
It's rather silly, But not really
Because it's making feel disengaged

All I wanted was to have the joys of romance
But nobody did ever give me the chance
When I was alive, what had happened to me…

It happened, because I'm lonely
A Little lonely,
Poor little me
* * *
As I kept on signing, Victoria knew she had to make up her mind fast about whether or not to stay or go back.
* * *
-So my sister said, “Hey.
How are you feeling today?”
I told her that, “Well,
I am not feeling swell”
I long to seek someone
Who's love I can share
So we went to elder, and
I went right up there
-And Victoria, is whom I feel love for
But she is alive, and I'm not
And I f she goes back, to where she came form
Then I will lose everything I have got
-I will never see kind sweet Victoria again
Because she must finish her old living game
We might meet again after years of fifty
But until then…I'll just be lonely
Really Lonely
Poor little Me
* * *
I tool one enormous look outside, and summoned all I had in my sad bones.
* * *
I'm so lonely!
* * *
“I just can't ask her to give up her life for me.” I said to myself, “I just can't do it!”
Victoria gently stepped into the room, “You don't have to.” She said, “I've already done it!”
I turned around to face her and asked “What do you mean by that?”
“I…swallowed the gum!” she said. She opened her mouth wide, and sure enough the gum was no longer there.
“Vic…Victoria!” I said a stunned, “Do you realize what you've just done?”
“Now you that you are completely dead, you cannot ever return to the world above.”
Victoria placed her Finger-bone over my lips, “I didn't have much to live for either.” She said.
“But I do know, that you did make me a very happy woman, and I… I…” she wanted to say it, but instead brought her lips to mine.
When we separated, Victoria had made it perfectly clear. She wanted to be with me, always.
We agreed that the sooner we marry, the better it would be. “God bless you, Victoria Everglot.” I said to her.
“God bless you.”
“Oh Mykan, I've so happy in my life…” she said, but had forgotten, “Oh silly me.” She giggled.
“It doesn't matter now.” I said to her, “Nothing at all can go wrong now for us.”