Corpse Bride Fan Fiction ❯ The Revenge of Lord Barkis ❯ Un-Natural Occurances ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Little green smoke demons from Barkis' new Reliquary and slowly began making their way towards the town.
Meanwhile, at the restaurant
Had placed their orders, and were now pouring the wine into their glasses. “To my darling Victor.” Emily toasted, “and our wonderful marriage.”
“Here, here, my love.” Victor said, and they clinked their glasses and slowly sipped their wine.
Suddenly they heard a familiar coughing sound coming from the entrance to the room Where two waitresses were helping none other than.
“Why, Elder Gutknecht.” Said Emily.
The good Elder fixed his glasses. “Oh… oh… my dear.” He said. “Didn't expect to see you here, nor you Victor, my boy.”
Victor nodded politely. “Pleasure to see you again, sir.” He said. “Do you suppose he could join us?” Victor asked, and the waitresses couldn't see why not.
Elder ordered his food and carried on with a wonderful chat with his dearest friends. “Tell me… how are things going at the farm?” he asked. “And Victoria, and Mykan… how are they?”
Well… to Emily and Victor's story, things sounded pretty well, but back at the farm things were actually about to go horribly wrong.
Meanwhile, at the farm
Scraps was in a part of the field sniffing for a good place to burry one of his bones. Not HIS skeleton bones of course, just a normal bone he had found.
When suddenly up ahead he saw something that made his Jaw literally drop off his mouth, but got it back.
What he saw was Tens of little green Smokey creatures ripping away at the fences around the farm. Scraps could tell that this was a sign of trouble so he ran off towards the garden.
He barked alarmingly to try and get Victoria's attention. “No, no, Scraps not now.” she simply said and carried on with her gardening.
Scraps kept on trying, but Victoria just thought he was trying to look. “Scraps I'm busy, not now.” she replied.
So Scraps ran off towards the barn where I was busy milking the cows. Milking the cows? How can a Dead cow even be milked?
Scraps barked and barked to get my Attention, but just as Victoria, I ignored him. That is, unlit he got so desperate that he ran off with my milk bucket in his mouth.
“Scraps!” I called while chasing him. “Come back here with that, this instant!”
By this time, the Green demons decided to combine themselves into a spinning cyclone, and when Scraps lead me outside. “Hey… what's going on?” I said as my cape began flying madly in the wind.
“Mykan…” called Victoria, “What's going on? Where did this wind come from?” then we looked up to where Scraps was standing and saw a gigantic green twister ripping the farm to pieces.
“Oh good… GOD!!!”
Victoria and I ran for the house. “Quick… into the Storm cellar!!” I cried. “Hurry!” Scraps and Victoria ran in, and I climbed in a locked the doors tight.
But what little good it did us, the house was beginning to fall down. Even though we were already dead and wouldn't get hurt… it still wasn't a good thing.
The entire town was quivering slightly. “What… what's happening?” Victor asked as the shaking got stronger, and then suddenly it stopped.
Everyone in the town were most confused. “We don't have Earthquakes.” Said Emily. “Do we, Elder Gutknecht?”
The good Elder scathed at the crack on his skull. “Well, it's not natural.” He said, but, then shaking started up again.
Everyone looked up in horror as little smoke demons zoomed through the city and really lay damage to the streets. Emily's maggot popped out again. “What's going on… it's even messier in here.” He said.
Broken glass lay everywhere, some stands were knocked over. “Those… those creatures.” Cried Elder Gutknecht. “Oh, my, my, my… this is rather serious.”
Emily and Victor suddenly began to feel worried. “Mykan… Victoria!” cried Victor. “Oh, darling… do think they're alright?” cried Emily.
Luckily their wagon was still okay, so they rode back to the farm, with Elder, and found it in ruins.
“Dear, God!” cried Victor.
The house was in rubble, the Barn was rubble, there was no sign of any of the animals, except for a three legged Scraps.
“Scraps… Oh, you poor boy.” Victor said as he helped his poor dog up onto the wagon. Just then the rubble by the remains of the house began moving, and Victoria dug herself out. “Oh… my!” she coughed. “Help… get me out of here.”
Victor ran over and helped her out of the ashes. “Thank you, Victor….thank you.” She was all still in one piece, but badly shaken as she walked over to the wagon.
Emily walked over to observe the damage. “Our home… look at it.” She cried. “Yes...” added Victor as he climbed further up the rubble. “It looks as though a hurricane came through here.”
“It did!” called a muffled voice.
“Mykan… is that you?” Victor asked. He looked around. “Where are you, old boy?”
“You're… standing on me!!” I cried.
Victor looked by his feet and saw one of my arms. “I wha-- AGH!!” he hopped off and began digging me out.
“Oh… goodness.” I said. “It was awful down there.”
We made our way back to the wagon. We decided to take Scraps to Elder Gutknecht's real home to give him a fourth leg so he could walk again.
“Oh, my poor little dog, whatever's happened to you?” Victor said as he cradled his poor dog. “What happened today?”
Victoria and I told them we were working about doing our chores round the farm, when suddenly this twister came out of nowhere and made a mess of things.
“What's that… a Twister you say?” asked Elder, “Impossible I say, there's no air down here no matter where you go.”
The Maggot popped through Emily's eye. “Gee… do you think maybe there's something that we are over looking here.”
Emily pulled him out of her eye socket before putting her eye back. “What makes you so certain about this?” she asked.
“Have I ever been wrong before?” the Maggot asked. “I mean… when it was important?”
“Well… he does have a point.” Said Elder. “Some research would do us some good on this… whatever it is?”
That was the least of our worries right now, what we really wanted to know was. Was the worst over… or yet to come?