Crossover Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Journey to the City of Endless Night ❯ Chapter Sixty-Five ( Chapter 65 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Note: Please check out my livejournal at farawayeyes4 for more information, review responses, and news.
Warning: Lemon
Chapter Sixty-Five
Inuyasha arrived to find the camp in the process of being set up. The smells of a delicious stew wafted through the air, and he noticed the fire in the center of camp with the large black kettle sitting over it. His stomach growled and he wondered how long it would be until dinner. Turning, he sighed as he saw his brother sitting to the side, Rin tucked against him, her ankle elevated on a pillow. Across from them sat the wolf-woman, Poledra, and they seemed to be in the middle of a discussion.
“Well, I better get this over with already.” Inuyasha squared his shoulders, crossed towards the small group, and sat down, waiting his turn to talk to Sesshomaru. He didn't want to interrupt, knowing that the day had already been stressful enough for his brother and Rin.
“This Koga, one wonders how he acquired his leadership position. It is not custom to have such an unruly, arrogant pack-leader who ignores all customs.” Her gold eyes were serious. “One does not like him. He seemed most unworthy of his rank.”
Sesshomaru snorted. “He is. This Sesshomaru finds his behavior deplorable and disgusting. Not only has he succumbed to the weakness of eating humans like a lesser demon, he has also taken to the despicable practice of chasing after other's mates.”
“One noticed and is in agreement with you.” Poledra stood. “I shall give Rin another lesson soon. In the meantime, follow Polgara's directions so her ankle will heal.”
“This Sesshomaru will keep it in mind.”
Poledra nodded. She gently tilted Rin's chin up, and smiled at her. “Relax and rest for now. One has much to teach you next time.”
“Yes, Poledra-sama.” Rin gave a tired smile, her eyes distant.
The wolf-woman turned, heading towards the kettle and knelt down next to Polgara. She glanced once back towards them, and it didn't escape Inuyasha's notice that something passed between Poledra and Sesshomaru. The hanyou shrugged, knowing if he asked, the answer might confuse him more than he already was. Besides, Inuyasha was here to apologize, not pick another fight. He knew if he tried to pry into what was going on, that would happen.
A quiet silence settled over the small group, and the half-demon began to wonder if his brother would ever acknowledge his presence. Inuyasha turned, looking at his brother, the irritated comment dying on his lips. Sesshomaru sat, his back straight, his arm loosely holding Rin by the waist. He stared off towards the distance, lost in thought. Every so often, a soft expression would flicker across his stoic face, and Inuyasha blinked when he thought he saw a genuine, happy smile cross his brother's lips briefly.
Rin sat up, wincing as she adjusted her ankle gingerly. She leaned over, kissed Sesshomaru's cheek, and nodded. Inuyasha cocked his head to one side, certain that something had passed between the two, not unlike how something had earlier between his brother and the wolf-woman. She said, “Go ahead, Sesshomaru-sama. Rin will wait patiently.”
Sesshomaru gently tucked a couple loose strands of hair behind one of Rin's ears, and again it seemed as if the two communicated without words. He stood, his low baritone gently whispering, “Rest. This Sesshomaru shall not be long.”
Inuyasha stood, crossing his arms. He frowned, beginning to feel impatient. All he wanted to do was get this out of the way and find Kagome. He pinned his ears to his head and tapped his foot. He turned his back to them and muttered, “Stupid monk telling me to come over here in the first place.”
“Half-breed,” Sesshomaru's quiet voice called his attention. “You wish to speak with me?”
Inuyasha felt a blush cross his face. He turned, facing his brother. The hanyou's brows furrowed when he noticed that Sesshomaru had his back towards him. He said, “Yeah, I did.”
“Come, then.” Sesshomaru started walking, heading to a small secluded section of camp.
Inuyasha raised his ears up, twitching them. His brother never ceased to confuse him. Normally Sesshomaru would have looked at him by now. Inuyasha snorted, following his brother. He muttered, “The sooner I get this over with, the better.”
His brother stood, still facing away from Inuyasha. Sesshomaru looked up towards the sky, resting his palm on his cheek. Inuyasha hesitated, feeling the slightest hint of concern curl in his stomach. He wasn't sure what to make of Sesshomaru's behavior. Normally, by now, his brother had at least made eye contact and faced him. It unnerved him that Sesshomaru was being so obvious and deliberate in not looking at him.
Inuyasha asked, his voice soft, “Something bothering you, jackass?”
“You wanted to talk with this Sesshomaru, did you not?” He remained still, his eyes trained on the sky. “Speak, then, half-breed.”
Inuyasha stepped closer to Sesshomaru, frowning. He didn't know why his brother refused to look at him and the longer the Demon Lord stood with his back to him, the more he wanted to know. He whispered, “Hey, you sure nothing's bothering you?”
Sesshomaru looked down, his arm falling back to his side. He said, “This Sesshomaru grows impatient. Say what you wish to say, half-breed.”
Inuyasha clenched a hand at his side, beginning to feel frustrated. “It's kind of hard to talk to you when you won't face me, you know.” He moved closer to his brother, and raised his hand to put it on his brother's shoulder. “Come on, Sesshomaru, you're not hiding it very well.”
The Demon Lord didn't flinch from his touch, instead standing rigid. He said, the slightest hint of irritation entering his voice, “This Sesshomaru tires of this conversation. Speak or leave.”
“Not until you look at me and tell me what's wrong.” Inuyasha growled. He had meant to apologize and here he was picking another fight.
Sesshomaru pulled away, his back still turned. He said, his voice clipped, “Do not presume you can issue orders to this Sesshomaru.”
Inuyasha murmured to himself, “You are the most irritating person to apologize to, did you know that?” He moved to stand next to his brother. “Will you just look at me already? What's the matter with you?”
Sesshomaru remained facing forward, not even giving him a sideways glance. This troubled Inuyasha more than any of his other behavior. Usually when he had managed to irritate the Demon Lord this much, he was at least given that. “If there is nothing you wish to say to this Sesshomaru, this conversation is finished.”
“Now hold on just a minute here, jackass. What the hell is wrong with you?” Inuyasha grasped his brother's hand and pulled, forcing him to face him. “Look at me already! Am I that much of a damn eyesore to you or something?”
The Demon Lord tensed, his eyes trained on their hands. He looked up, making eye contact finally with the half-demon. Instead of the unreadable face or irritated expression Inuyasha expected, there was instead a pained look in his brother's eyes. They looked haunted and a deep sadness crossed his face. He said, his tone subdued, “Unhand me, half-breed.”
“Sesshomaru?” He pinned his ears to his head. “What's wrong?”
Sesshomaru pulled his hand back, the stoic expression falling back into place. “If you have nothing to say, this Sesshomaru shall return to Rin.”
“Wait.” Inuyasha sighed, looking down. “Look, I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry I snapped at you about the mangy wolf, alright?”
Sesshomaru snorted. He turned his back again and started to return to where he had left Rin. He stopped momentarily, and said, his voice soft, “It is forgiven, little brother.”
Inuyasha watched Sesshomaru leave, and scratched his head. It had been one of the more unusual encounters he had with his brother. The half-demon couldn't shake the way his brother's face had looked when he had finally faced him. There was something his brother wasn't telling him, but he knew that if he pursued it now they'd only end up fighting again. He hadn't just apologized to have to do it all over again.
“Whatever. Sesshomaru will never make any sense.” The hanyou felt a little prick on his cheek and slapped it to find Myoga in his palm. He stared down at the flea and growled, “Just where have you been hiding?”
Myoga reanimated himself and looked up. “I've been here all along, Inuyasha-sama.” He squinted and shook his head. “My, you look just like your father with those markings visible.”
“Markings?” Inuyasha cocked his head to one side.
“You still have your stripes on your cheeks from your---earlier transformation, Inuyasha-sama.” Myoga flinched away. “You aren't going to hurt me, are you?”
“No.” Inuyasha frowned, holding his palm up to get a closer look at the flea. “I still have my stripes, huh?”
Myoga nodded. “Yes. It's most unusual for them to stay this long, though.”
Inuyasha ignored him, knowing he still felt tense from the morning's confrontation. He narrowed his eyes, still furious that he hadn't been able to eliminate the wolf for trying to take his mate and for killing the pup. He looked towards the direction his brother had disappeared and shook his head. He wasn't certain if his markings might have had something to do with Sesshomaru's odd behavior. Inuyasha knew it'd be pointless to ask. The Demon Lord seemed uncomfortable talking to him and probably wouldn't give him any real answers anyways.
Turning his attention back to the flea, Inuyasha said, irritation in his voice, “Just what have you been up to, anyways, Myoga? You've been awfully quiet for awhile.”
Myoga stuttered. “Well, you see, Inuyasha-sama, I was keeping quiet. You've been awfully busy the past few days and I didn't want to get in the way.”
“You mean you saw danger and hid until you thought it was safe. I get it.” Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “So what made you come out now?”
“I've been curious.” Myoga tilted his head and looked up.
“About?” Inuyasha frowned.
“Well, I have some questions about your transformation earlier today.” The flea crossed one pair of arms. “It was different than before.”
“Different? How?” Inuyasha flattened his ears to his head and narrowed his eyes. “I still hurt the monk.”
“True, but you didn't rampage, either.” Myoga squinted as he looked at Inuyasha. “You seemed in a lot more control than you have been in the past.”
The half-demon snorted. “Still not enough control.”
“Ah well, I'd say you were pretty aware of your surroundings this time. That is quite a change, considering you've been unable to recognize friend or foe in the past.”
“Will you get to the point? You're wasting my time. What happened, happened.” Inuyasha held his palm up, glaring directly into the flea's eyes.
Myoga shook his head. “This is no waste of your time, Inuyasha-sama. What happened this morning is highly important.”
“How so? The wolf tried to take Kagome and frightened the pup. He's the one who killed her once before, you know.”
“I am aware.” Myoga looked up, not budging. “However, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about you and your transformation.”
“Alright, spit it out already. I have other things to do.” Inuyasha felt uncomfortable, knowing he should have gone and found Kagome by now. He was certain she'd need help setting up their tent and with unpacking. “Make it fast.”
“This isn't the first time you've transformed since taking Kagome-sama as your mate.” Myoga began. “But, I'd say it's been some time since you've transformed last. You remember being told that your human heart will be consumed by the demon within if you continue to transform, correct?”
“You're telling me things I already know, flea. Just say it!”
“Have you noticed anything about your mark on Kagome-sama?”
“You can't ask me another question without finishing your other thought! That's cheating!” Inuyasha prepared to squish him.
“Hear me out. Up until now, your mark didn't look like anything in particular, did it? It looked like a scar, or as if someone had bit her, correct? Of course the bruises hid much of it for that time---” Myoga uncrossed his arms.
Inuyasha blinked, thinking. Kagome's mark had looked different, now that he thought about it. It wasn't as much of a scar, and the bite wounds had been receding. He had been so focused on the bruises and cuts from when the Grolims made him attack her that he hadn't noticed. “Alright, so what does this have to do with anything?”
“If you had been a full-demon, this would not have been an issue. However, due to your status, your mark took time to form. The more you bonded with Kagome, the more the mark emerged. May I ask, if it is not too daring, what does it look like?”
Inuyasha bit his lip. “It's a small jagged, white stripe.”
“Ah, so it took the shape of one of your stripes. Interesting.”
“What's so interesting about that?” Inuyasha growled, getting frustrated.
“Remember how I told you that Kagome would be taking some of your power into her through her miko abilities?”
“Yeah, and she gets my lifespan.”
“Her miko powers, by nature of her acceptance of you, have changed the way your transformations work. You will still be more powerful and more dangerous in that state, and it is possible to lose control, still, but it is obvious her powers have changed it.” Myoga held up a hand when Inuyasha started to respond. “Inuyasha-sama, it means the danger it poses to your human heart is no longer valid. Her miko powers won't allow your inner demon to devour it.”
“Her miko powers won't let my heart be devoured?” Inuyasha frowned. “I don't understand. I was told if I didn't find a way to control the transformations, nothing would prevent that.”
“That was true. However, you and Kagome-sama are most unusual. Your very mating should have ended in disaster, but it didn't. For whatever reason, Kagome-sama's miko energy accepts your demon energy and allowed them to merge. It's why she'll grow stronger, age slower, heal faster, and so forth.” He looked up towards Inuyasha, looking him directly in the eye. “It's also works the other way. Your demon blood accepted her. It bonded with her and that will grow stronger. I think we'll find that your transformations in the future shall be less about blood lust, and more as they were this morning, about protecting what your demon blood recognizes as pack.”
“I see. But why will it stop my heart from being consumed?”
“Simple. Your demon and human sides finally agreed on something. They both want Kagome-sama and they want her to be safe and loved. Your demon side accepted Kagome-sama a long time ago, did it not?” Myoga smiled mysteriously.
Inuyasha blushed and looked away. “Yeah. So?”
“Did it accept Kikyo-sama by any chance?”
Inuyasha frowned and narrowed his eyes. “Leave her out of it.”
In another act of bravery, Myoga asked, “Well, did it, Inuyasha-sama?”
Inuyasha growled. “No. It didn't.”
“Why is that, you think?”
“How should I know? It's not like I can tell it to do anything.”
“That's simple, too. It didn't accept Kikyo-sama, even if your human heart had, because she didn't accept it. She threatened it and wanted to eliminate it from your make-up, did she not?” Myoga sighed. “I don't bring this up to bring you pain, Inuyasha-sama. The fact that Kikyo-sama refused to accept your demon heritage and the fact that Kagome-sama did makes all the difference. Her acceptance of your demon gave it a reason to accept her and create balance between your two sides. With time, that bond will allow your demon side to surface without damaging your human heart.”
“Okay. I get it, but so what.”
“This is very important, Inuyasha-sama. It means the bond you share is a true, deep soul bond. If it hadn't been, Kagome-sama would have either purified you or lost her miko powers. One side in your mating would have canceled the other out. She would either be an ordinary woman, or you would be a human if things had gone differently.” Myoga paced. “The real question, and one that we've never had the chance to see the result of, is what type of children a hanyou and miko would produce.”
“Are you saying something will be wrong with the pups we have?” Inuyasha growled, gritting his teeth together.
“No, no. I'm saying I'm not sure if they'll come out either mostly human or half-demon. Either possibility could happen.” Myoga winked. “I suppose there is only one way to find out, Inuyasha-sama.”
“Shut it, flea. What I do with my mate is off limits to you. You may know all about the things that are happening because of it, but nothing else. You got it?” Inuyasha glared at him.
Myoga nodded. “Of course, of course. I wouldn't dare intrude on a mated pair. It's not proper.”
“Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other things to do.”
“Of course. I think I've said everything I think you should know. I might know more later.” Myoga jumped down. “Oh, and one more thing, Inuyasha-sama, I still wouldn't recommend transforming too often.”
“No shit.” Inuyasha glared at the spot the flea had stood. He muttered, “Stupid flea. He could have told me that without talking in circles.”
Inuyasha started to head into camp, wondering if supper was ready. He felt hungry and wanted to eat before settling for the night. Glancing around, the half-demon noticed that Kagome sat by his brother and Rin. He sighed and crossed over to sit down next to her. Again, he noticed that Sesshomaru avoided looking directly at him.
Kagome whispered, “Where were you?”
“I went for a little walk.”
“Oh.” She patted his arm. “You arrived just in time for supper.”
“Good. I'm hungry as hell.”
The sound of footsteps approaching drew Inuyasha's attention. He looked over and saw Durnik approach. He asked quietly, “Mind if I sit by you for supper?”
“Feh.” Inuyasha shrugged. “Go ahead.”
Durnik nodded. “Thanks.”
Polgara began serving up stew from the kettle over the fire until each person had their own bread bowl. The sweet, delicious smell of lamb filled Inuyasha's nose, and he took a deep breath. Taking the top off of his bowl, he tore it in half, dipping it inside to soak up gravy. He bit into that and savored its hearty taste. It was just what he needed after the morning's confrontation and day's long ride.
He spooned some out, remembering in time to blow on it first. It had been embarrassing last time when he had been overeager and burned his tongue. Inuyasha let the meat melt in his mouth, chewing slowly. It always amazed him how the sorceress could produce such great food while on the road. Swirling the other half of his bread bowl's top inside, he bit into it slowly, trying to savor the meal.
On the opposite side of the fire sat Miroku and Sango, quietly eating their dinner together. The two seemed relaxed and comfortable in one another's company. Inuyasha shook his head. It seemed that the monk had taken his advice after all, and had settled the dispute with the demon slayer. He smiled when Sango reached over and gave Miroku's hurt hand a gentle squeeze. That was one less thing for him to worry about, at least.
Not far from them sat Shippo, eating his stew alone. He glanced over towards their side of camp, a pout on his face. Inuyasha inwardly sighed, wondering what could be bothering the little boy this time. Was Shippo that afraid of Sesshomaru that he'd not join them for supper? Inuyasha rolled his eyes. Somehow, the kit would have to figure this one out on his own. He had tried to reassure Shippo several times that his brother wouldn't do anything to hurt him. There wasn't anything else he could do about the situation.
Glancing over, Inuyasha noticed that his brother had barely touched his serving. He idly stirred his spoon in the bowl, looking down. The half-demon took another spoonful, watching with mild curiosity. He only wished Sesshomaru had told him what had bothered him when he had asked. Rin eagerly ate her stew next to the Demon Lord, her wrapped ankle propped on more pillows than before. The little girl leaned over, looking into his brother's face. She gestured at his bowl with her spoon. Again, it seemed to Inuyasha that they had communicated without words, for after that, Sesshomaru raised a spoonful, blowing on it delicately before he ate.
Inuyasha snorted. He didn't know what to think of their strange behavior. He shrugged, chewing another hunk of meat. He muttered, “Whatever.”
Durnik brought his attention with a gentle tap on his shoulder. “Inuyasha?”
“Have you given any thought what type of fur you wanted for that blanket?” Durnik scraped the sides of his bread bowl for some gravy.
“Not really. I want something thick and warm, though. If what you said is true, it's going to be a lot colder than it has been, and I think it'll come in handy.” He scooted closer. Inuyasha dropped his voice to a hushed whisper as he continued, “I don't think my brother's pelt is enough for that kind of weather. She'll need a good blanket.”
“I agree. I'd suggest, when you have the time, to see if you can come across any large animals. It'd be easier than piecing a lot of little pelts together.” The smith dipped some bread into his stew.
“Alright. I'll see if I might be able to find something after supper, perhaps. I'd like to get that blanket made as soon as possible.” Inuyasha ate another spoonful, chewing slowly. “If this one works out the way I want, we'll have to make another so Kagome and I have one, too.”
“Sounds doable.” Durnik smiled. “It's going to make an excellent gift for Rin.”
“And the pup needs good gifts.” Inuyasha scraped his bread bowl for any excess gravy. He tore it in half and took a bite.
Kagome asked, “What are we up to over here?”
Inuyasha blushed, looking down at the piece of gravy-soaked bread in his hands. He muttered, “Nothing you have to worry about, wench.”
“Oh? Is that so?” She shook her head. Kagome leaned closer, whispering, “This wouldn't have anything to do with Rin's birthday, would it?”
Inuyasha held a finger to his lips, and glared at her. He noticed Rin had glanced in their direction. “Quiet, woman. We don't need to announce it already. You'll find out later, okay?”
Kagome sat back, her lower lip stuck out in a pout. “Oh alright.”
Sesshomaru stood, his serving of stew half-finished. He turned his back on the group. “This Sesshomaru shall see if the bathing facilities are ready.” Glancing over his shoulder at Kagome, he asked, “Miko, will you stay with Rin until I return?”
Kagome chewed, swallowing. She blinked, then smiled. “Of course. Don't worry about it, Sesshomaru.”
The Demon Lord snorted. As he passed Rin, he gently rested his hand on her head. The little girl looked up, smiling at him. She said, “Rin will wait, Sesshomaru-sama.”
Durnik shook his head and sighed. “Looks like you have your chance to see if you can find anything suitable.”
Inuyasha nodded. “Yeah.” He leaned over towards Kagome and said, “Oi, wench, I'm going to go for a quick run. I need to clear my head, alright?”
“Okay, Inuyasha. We'll be fine here. Besides, Rin-chan and I can have a little girl time together.” She winked at him.
“Whatever.” He stood, eating his last hunk of bread. “I'll be back.”
The wind rushed through his hair as Inuyasha ran northwards from camp. It always felt good to stretch his legs, especially now that they spent so much time on horseback these days. To feel the ground pass under his own feet thrilled him. He relished in the way the scenery around him blurred into blended colors. Pushing to run faster, Inuyasha felt a slight surge. He couldn't ever remember running this fast and he smirked to himself. It felt good. Perhaps the little flea hadn't been lying when he had said he still had his markings. It gave him an extra boost as he leapt up into the trees of a small grove.
When Inuyasha ran like this, he felt as if a burden had been lifted from his shoulders. There were no obligations, no tasks to fulfill, no one demanding anything from him. There wasn't a pack waiting for him, depending on him for their survival. Inuyasha could even put the threat of Naraku out of his mind for a time. The only way he could describe it was freedom. Freedom to go whatever way he pleased, freedom to jump as high as he liked, and freedom to run as fast as he desired. As much as Inuyasha loved the feel of Kagome clinging to his back, he still enjoyed this freedom of having nothing to hold him back. There was nothing but him and the ground underneath his feet.
Inuyasha surged again, finding that his increased speed came rather in bursts than being sustained. He ran faster, leaping from one tree top to the next before jumping down, never stopping as his feet touched the ground. He felt exhilarated by the sheer power his body possessed. There was nothing quite like the actual act of running for the utter enjoyment of doing it. Inuyasha could feel the pleasant burn in his muscles as he ran faster. It had been too long since he had simply taken the time to run, regardless of why he had headed out of camp in the first place.
Slowing, Inuyasha stopped at a small pond. He dropped to his haunches and cupped some of the water in his hands, eagerly drinking. The cool liquid tasted refreshing as it went down his throat. He sat back, catching his breath. Inuyasha listened to his heartbeat pounding in his ears, his eyes falling closed. It had been a long time since he had ran so hard. Sighing, he sat up, and looked into the water. He would need to think of where he should look to hunt for an animal for Rin's blanket.
The ripples in the pond slowly spread out in large circles and stilled. Inuyasha leaned closer, looking at his reflection as the moon struck the water's surface. His face looked pale in the moonlight, framed by his platinum hair. Turning, he saw that violet stripes did grace his cheeks. The flea hadn't lied. Inuyasha sighed, trying to make his expression unreadable. He wanted to study his face, knowing that it wasn't often he saw any of the effects of his transformations.
Myoga's voice filled his head again, “My, you look just like your father with those markings visible.”
Inuyasha snorted. “So I look like my old man, huh?”
Looking closer, he looked into the gold eyes of his reflection. They looked fierce and defiant. It made Inuyasha wonder if his father had the same expression in his eyes. He looked at the shape of his face, its slight angularity giving it a harsh appearance. Did he have the same chin as his father? He traced a stripe, the zig-zag of it across his cheek. Were these stripes once on his father's face? Inuyasha frowned, noticing the way his expression became disapproving. It wasn't like he had any way of knowing what his father really looked like. He hadn't had the chance to meet him.
Slashing at the water with a clawed hand, he disrupted the image. Inuyasha shook his head, watching the ripples make small waves across the small pond. It was foolish to let it get to him. There was nothing he could do about it, and as much as he wanted to know what his father truly looked like, Inuyasha knew it was pointless to long for it. The past was the past and there wasn't a single thing he could do to change it. He laid back, his arm over his eyes. He took a few deep breaths, relaxing for a moment in solitude.
Inuyasha mulled over the day's events. The day had been eventful, and it seemed he hadn't had a chance to catch his breath before the next event would demand his immediate attention. He growled softly as he recalled seeing Koga holding Kagome against his chest. The stupid wolf had no respect for his claim---never had. And when he had challenged him to a fight over Kagome, Inuyasha had accepted. He wanted to make it clear for once and for all who Kagome belonged with. She was, after all, his mate. It was his right and place to do so.
He shuddered as he heard Rin's terrified scream echo in his mind. Inuyasha couldn't recall hearing such fear in anyone's voice. The little girl had been so traumatized by the sight of the wolf. It must have been like dying all over again to the small child. Inuyasha grit his teeth together to retain control. He knew that Rin's well being was more Sesshomaru's concern than his, but by now the little girl was a member of his pack---his family. She was like a little sister to him, and Inuyasha never wanted to see such terror in Rin again.
Sitting up, he slammed his fist into the ground. “I could have killed him! That stupid wolf wouldn't be out there, somewhere, able to come back and threaten anyone ever again.”
I told you, Inuyasha, I need him. He has his role to play, too.”
“You again. Shut the fuck up and leave me alone. Don't you have something else to do?” Inuyasha snarled, hurling a rock into the pond.
Now, Inuyasha, there's no reason to be so irritable. You don't have to swear at me, either.”
“I'll talk to you anyway I please, asshole. That wolf threatened my pack. What if he wanted to kill Rin again?” Inuyasha growled. “Or worse, tried to kill Kagome because she's my mate?”
I wouldn't have allowed it.”
“Sure fooled me. You're the one who let him go. You forced me to let him go. I was going to kill him for what he's done. That kind of monster doesn't deserve to live.” Inuyasha ground his teeth together. “I may be an abomination by birth, but I at least have enough honor to never, ever kill a pup or let others do it because they're hungry.”
You're not an abomination. You really need to get over this self-esteem issue of yours. It'll get in the way if you don't.”
“Make me, fucker. You can't tell me how to feel about myself.” Inuyasha chucked another rock into the pond, satisfied with the large splash.
Inuyasha, there is going to be a lot of things coming up, and you'll need to be ready. You can't sit here dwelling on this morning, any more than you could about the incidents at the inn. It's time to set aside your rage against Koga.”
“I don't have to do what you tell me.” Inuyasha stood, brushing his pants off. “You know what, I don't even fucking care who you are anymore. Just get the hell out of my head. I don't have to listen to you and I certainly don't have to obey. I'm not a pet. You've done nothing but tell me what to do since you started talking to me and I've had enough. Leave me the hell alone.”
It almost sounded like the voice sighed. “I can't do that, Inuyasha. You have many things to do and I'll need you to do them. One way or another, you will do these things.” It paused. “I assure you, you'll enjoy the rewards that come with complying with my demands.”
Inuyasha snarled, starting to retort when he felt an emptiness. As sudden as it had spoken, it had left again. He stood, feeling agitated. He shook a fist and shouted to the night sky, “Fuck you! I don't have to listen to you!”
The hanyou set out at a blistering speed as he ran from the pond's shore, heading a little further north from camp. He felt rage flood through him and needed to burn that before returning. Jumping up into a tree, he started to leap from it to the next. Being high up gave him an advantage, and now he really wanted to sink his claws into something and rip it apart. It'd make him feel better and possibly get him the fur he needed for Rin's gift. Silently, he jumped from one tree to another, spotting a bear in the middle of a small creek, fishing in the moonlight. Inuyasha smirked to himself. This would be the perfect size for his blanket.
The bear splashed in the water, its massive paws trying to catch some of the dark bodies below the surface. It was a rather large male, silver tinging its fur. Inuyasha watched, not wanting to find himself coming face to face with its deadly claws. He wanted to take him down without too much effort and bring it back to camp. He dropped down to the ground, landing in silence, and crouched as he kept his eyes trained on the bear. It didn't notice his movements and for that he was glad.
The bear ineptly tried to catch another fish, and as Inuyasha approached from behind, he realized its reaction time must have slowed with age. Its frustration would be the hanyou's advantage. It bellowed in frustration as another fish eluded its grasp. Shaking its large head, the bear sprayed water into the air. It then plunged back into the water, trying to catch any unsuspecting fish.
Inuyasha crept closer, inching his way towards his prey. He raised a hand, the moonlight glinting off his claws. It wouldn't take much to kill this animal. Not wanting to alert the bear to his presence, he jumped from the banks of the creek to land on a rock in the middle. The bear didn't seem to notice it was being stalked as it swiped at another slick fish. Inuyasha smiled, revealing a fang. It was too easy, but he'd rather make it quick than get caught in an unnecessary fight.
In one leap, Inuyasha lunged at the bear, slashing his claws across the bear's back legs. The animal howled in pain as he effectively cut its hamstrings. Inuyasha waited for the bear to struggle in the water, trying to turn and face its opponent. Running to its other side, Inuyasha next swiped his claws across the bear's throat, cutting its vocal cords with a strangled gurgle. He jumped out of the way of the bear's claws as it swung at him clumsily. Inuyasha knew he only needed to wait for the animal to bleed out.
The bear sputtered and tried to rise up as it tried to take in air. Unable to support itself on its back legs, the animal tottered backwards and landed on its back. Inuyasha listened, hearing the animal's gurgles as it died. He dipped his hand into the water, wiping blood away and then hoisted the bear's carcass on his back to bring it back to camp. This would make an excellent fur for Rin's blanket, once it had been treated and prepared. He had made quick work and kept the fur in good condition. If anything, when they traveled further north, the little girl would not lack warmth.
The heavy weight of the bear slowed him, and he pushed himself to run faster. Inuyasha felt another surge as his body increased in speed, his surroundings blurring. He ran back towards camp, wanting to unload his kill. This time he didn't take the time to relish in the freedom running provided. Getting back to camp was his goal, and all the responsibilities waiting for him beckoned. He had a pack and a mate waiting. He had obligations to fulfill to them. The bear on his back represented that and it provided him that reminder. Smiling to himself as he ran, Inuyasha realized he wouldn't have it any other way.
As he caught sight of the small camp fires on the horizon, he slowed to a walk. He walked through a small grove on the northeastern border of camp, hoping it'd camouflage him from view. He didn't want to run into either Rin or Kagome, wanting this blanket to be a surprise. Inuyasha approached the outskirts and deposited the bear onto the ground. The hanyou shook himself, water spraying from his hair. He spotted Durnik by the fire, heating up a dagger to repair it. He waited until the smith had done his work, then approached.
“Hey, Durnik,” the hanyou called in a whisper.
“Inuyasha.” The smith smiled at him.
Inuyasha put a finger to his lips. “I've got something for the blanket. Come take a look.”
Durnik wiped his hands on his singed and burn spotted apron. “Alright.”
They returned to where Inuyasha had left the bear. Inuyasha asked, “Well?”
Durnik smiled wide. “I must say, you've done well. I didn't know there were bears in this area.”
Inuyasha blushed. “I kind of ran farther than I intended. But it'll work?”
“It'll work well, indeed.” Durnik crouched down, examining the carcass. “I'll warn you, I'm not a tanner, but I can hopefully get it to be at least somewhat decent. It looks like good fur and it'll make a great blanket once we get it ready.”
“Good. I was hoping you'd say that. I wouldn't know what to do with the damn thing if you hadn't.” Inuyasha rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
“Well, leave it to me. You've done your part. Once I get it tanned, we'll have to figure out what lining you'll want.”
“I'll think about it.” Inuyasha smiled.
“Just let me know.”
Inuyasha nodded, looking over camp. He didn't see Kagome or Rin and frowned. Sesshomaru wasn't in view either. He asked, “You know where Kagome is?”
“I certainly do. She had Garion and Ce'Nedra set up her tent a bit outside of camp, in that little grove to the west, not far from here.”
Inuyasha arched an eyebrow. “She did?”
“Yes.” Durnik blushed, looking away.
The hanyou smirked to himself. “Thanks. I guess I better go see her, then.”
“Good night, Inuyasha.”
“Yeah, goodnight, Durnik. Thanks again.”
“It's not a problem.”
Inuyasha turned, heading towards the other grove. He wondered what was going through her mind. It was obvious that Kagome wanted some privacy with him. She wouldn't have decided to set up their tent so far away from everyone else otherwise. The only way to find out was to go and see her. He found the tent, and pushed back the flap, glancing inside. A lit oil lamp hung in the center, illuminating the interior. Narrowing his eyes, Inuyasha noticed that Kagome wasn't there.
“Alright, where did the wench go?”
Before he could look around, a pair of hands covered Inuyasha's eyes. A low, throaty voice whispered into one of his ears, “Bet you can't guess who.”
Inuyasha smirked to himself. If Kagome wanted to play, he'd play. He twitched his ears, sniffing. He said, “Let me think for a minute.”
Kagome kept her hands over his eyes and nuzzled her nose against his hair. “Any guesses?”
Inuyasha bit his lip, trying to appear indecisive. He said, making his voice sound doubtful, “I don't know---it might take me awhile to figure it out.”
Soft laughter filled his ears and she pulled her hands from his eyes, hugging him from behind. Kagome said, “I hope you know who it is. Otherwise there's going to be problems, my hanyou.”
“My hanyou. Only one person calls me that,” Inuyasha said, continuing on with the game his mate had chosen. “You must be my mate, then.”
Kagome playfully smacked his back. “Of course it is. Who else would want to lure you out into the grove---alone?”
Inuyasha still stood facing way from her, feeling her press closer to him. “I don't know, maybe there are other women out there who want some time with me. How do you know?”
“Don't be a tease. I know that they wouldn't stand a chance.” Kagome leaned her head onto his back. “Where did you go earlier?”
Inuyasha pulled away, turning to look towards her. “I just had something to take care of, nothing big. It felt great to go for a run. Haven't been able to do that for awhile.”
“I'm glad you had a good time.” Kagome looked down, her hair falling into her eyes.
“Oi, what's wrong, wench?”
“Nothing.” Kagome looked up, smiling. Her expression turned into a pout. “I just wish you'd tell me the big secret you're keeping about Rin's birthday gift.”
Inuyasha shook his head. “Ah, nice try there. I'm not falling for that pout. You'll just have to wait and see.”
“I'm sure I could find a way to coax it out of you.” Her lips upturned into a smirk.
Inuyasha blushed, turning to go into the tent. “Come on, it'll be another long day tomorrow.”
“You're no fun.”
Kagome followed Inuyasha into the tent, and sat down next to him. She leaned her head onto his shoulder and hugged him around the waist. A soft silence settled in the tent, and she sighed. “It has been a long day, hasn't it?”
Inuyasha nodded. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, taking in his mate's scent. It was one of his simple pleasures, something that he could indulge in any time he liked. Her soft scent filled his nose and he felt content. Over that rested a hated scent: the stench of sweat and musk and fur. He sat Kagome up and leaned in, sniffing. Somehow, the stench of that wolf still clung to his mate. He could smell it and it made him furious. No other male's scent should be on Kagome. He growled softly, feeling that his claim to her had been threatened. Koga had deliberately made sure his scent lingered somehow.
Kagome asked, her voice wary, “Inuyasha, what is it? What's wrong?”
nuyasha sniffed, finding that most of the scent resided in her dress. He said, his voice low and gruff, “Take that dress off, Kagome.”
“My dress? What's wrong with it?” Kagome looked down, brushing a hand over the bodice. “I don't see anything wrong with it, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha's eyes narrowed. He wanted to get rid of the smell, get it away from his mate's body. He growled low in his throat. What if the wolf had meant to come back and try again to claim Kagome? He had to make sure there was no question who her mate was. He clenched his teeth together, feeling his rage start to build. How dare anyone threaten his claim to his mate. Kagome was his and there was no way he would let anyone change that.
“Take it off. Now.” His voice sounded deeper, harsher.
Kagome's eyes went wide. She bit her lip and nodded. Kagome started to untie the strings on the bodice. She stood, slipping it off her shoulders, revealing the straps of her strange undergarment. The top of the dress hung about her waist, and she slowly pulled on the skirt, taking it off the rest of the way until it pooled around her feet. Never taking her eyes off of him, Kagome stepped out of it to stand in front of him clad only in her underclothes. She crossed her arms over her breasts in a nervous manner, and bit her lip.
Softly, Kagome asked, “Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha stood, closing the gap between them. Inuyasha pulled his mate to him, and leaned in, his eyes closing. The half-demon sniffed at her hair. He could still smell the wolf and it angered him. There was only one way to reassert his claim to Kagome. He leaned in, kissing her surprised mouth. He pushed his tongue inside, exploring it. At first his mate stood stiff in his embrace. Slowly, Kagome brought her arms up, her hands meshing into his hair. He growled into her mouth in approval. He kissed her roughly, his tongue twisting with hers. Her mouth tasted sweet. As he plunged his tongue further into her welcoming mouth, Inuyasha slowly pulled her down with him until they were on the ground, Kagome resting in his lap.
Kagome pulled away, breathless. She looked up into his face, cautiousness in her eyes. She asked, hesitant, “Inu---Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha flattened his ears to his head. He leaned in, roughly kissing his mark on her skin. Lifting his head, he looked into her eyes. He raised a hand, gently running his fingers through her hair. Kagome leaned into his touch. His other hand found a covered breast, and rubbed it. He smirked in satisfaction as his mate moaned. Inuyasha kissed her again, holding her to him. This time she returned his hunger, running her hands over his clothed chest.
The spice of Kagome's arousal struck his nose. It seemed more potent this time than the others. Inuyasha felt lightheaded. He could feel himself straining in his hakama, and growled. He didn't want to pull away from his mate, but he had to get out of these clothes fast. Standing, he first unstrapped Tetsusaiga, leaning it against one of the tent walls.
As soon as he removed the sword, Inuyasha closed his eyes as he felt his body pulse. He felt unrestrained and free. There was nothing holding him back now. Nothing was curbing his power. Inuyasha shuddered as he felt it surge within him, building. It made him feel stronger. Inuyasha twitched his ears as he heard Kagome's soft gasp. Taking a deep breath, the scent of her desire seemed more acute. He smirked, feeling his pride swell. Once his body ceased tingling, Inuyasha shed his haori and under shirt, tossing them into a corner. He undid the string of his hakama, pulled them down and stepped out of them. He looked down at his mate, seeing her almost bare body.
“Get out of those things.” Inuyasha's voice sounded husky, and even deeper to his own ears.
Another jolt of power coursed through him and he felt stronger than he had ever before. His blood raged through him, demanding that he submit to its will. It wanted the woman before him and it wanted her now. There was a raw possessiveness in his blood's demand. It would accept nothing less than his reclaiming of her. Inuyasha's blood called out to Kagome as he felt another rush of energy. He sniffed, picking up on another spike in her arousal. His mate wanted him and his blood relished in her willingness.
Kagome stood, her head bowed before him. Her hands went behind her back and tugged on the strange top white garment covering her breasts. Inuyasha stood, watching intently as she pulled it off and threw it to the floor. She stepped closer to him, looking up into his face. Her eyes connected with his and Inuyasha saw only acceptance. She reached a hand up, rubbing his cheek. Her finger traced one of his markings slowly. Inuyasha closed his eyes and leaned into her touch, as a soft growl more like a purr escaped his throat.
He opened his eyes when his mate pulled away. She slipped her hands into the waistband of the bottom undergarment, sliding them down her hips. As soon as they were on the ground, her desire filled his nose, demanding attention. Inuyasha pulled her close, kissing her fiercely. He ran his hands over her shoulders, then moved them down to cup her breasts. His claws gently teased her nipples. Inuyasha growled softly into her mouth as he felt them harden to his touch. His hands trailed down her stomach next, brushing against her skin in light touches.
Inuyasha thrust his tongue faster into her mouth, capturing her moan. He relished in the feel of her hands running through his hair, fisting. As his hand delved in between her legs, Inuyasha felt her start to spread them, welcoming his advances. His blood hummed in pleasure as his mate answered its call, wanting to be claimed as much as he wanted to claim her. The hanyou broke the kiss off, and slowly, lowered them to the floor of the tent, leaning her back. Inuyasha eased her knees apart, lowering his head to her stomach. He left a trail of open mouth kisses on the skin there, feeling his mate grasp his hair into her small hands. He rumbled in delight as she found an ear, rubbing its tip between a thumb and forefinger.
“Inuyasha---,” Kagome's breathless voice panted. She arched towards him, begging.
Inuyasha pulled back, looking down at her. She laid spread before him, waiting. He smirked down at her, running a hand on one of her inner thighs. The hanyou kissed it next, moving up to her opening. He slowly lapped his tongue out, tasting her desire. It was spicy and sweet and his blood wanted more. Inuyasha buried his nose in her curls, inhaling deeply. He lifted his head and looked at her, his eyes narrowing in possessiveness. Inuyasha said, “You smell good.”
Kagome threw her head back and moaned. She spread her knees further apart, offering herself to him. Inuyasha took the invitation, slowly pushing a clawed finger inside her waiting body. He began to thrust it as she groaned in pleasure. Inuyasha lowered his head, licking her in slow, languid strokes. He removed his fingers as she bucked, and placed them on her hips, holding her still. Kagome reached down, her hands grasping his head to hold him in place.
Inuyasha smiled against her slick entrance and purred in approval. He swirled his tongue over her, her pants filling his ears. The hanyou could tell that her body was coiling, preparing for release and he delved his tongue inside, tasting her. He rubbed his nose against her as he thrust his tongue in quick motions. Her hands tightened their grip on his hair, and Kagome groaned loudly. Inuyasha found her sensitive nub, gently biting down on it. He rubbed his hands over her hips, feeling her body shudder under him as she released.
Sitting up, Inuyasha looked down at his mate. He wasn't finished with her quite yet. For now, he looked at her flushed face, pride filling him. Kagome moaned softly as she came down, her eyes closing. She took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling as she slowly calmed. Inuyasha licked his lips, tasting her. He licked his fingers, cleaning them off. She sat up, looking at him with a pleased smile. Kagome's hair was tousled around her head, making her look disheveled.
She whispered as she looked down, a blush painting her cheeks, “Thank-you.”
Inuyasha smirked in satisfaction. Not only had his mate submitted to his touch, she had enjoyed it. He moved closer to her, kissing her again, his hands going to the back of her head to hold her. He still had to fully reclaim her. Inuyasha lifted his head and whispered, his gruff voice thick with need, “Turn around.”
Kagome moaned softly, trembling. She pulled away, turning around as she was told. His mate glanced over her shoulder at him, her hair spilling down her back. Curiosity and desire swirled in her gold-flecked eyes as she waited for his next move. It almost seemed to his blood that she knew that it asked for her willing submission.
The hanyou moved behind her, brushing her hair away from her neck. He lowered his head, kissing her throat, working his way to his mark. As he left an open mouth kiss there, Kagome mewled softly, leaning back towards him. He ran his hands over her hips, slowly working up to her breasts to cup them in his hands. They felt soft and pleasingly heavy in his hands and he gave them a gentle squeeze, all the while continuing to kiss his mark on her skin in small, fast circles.
As he smelt her arousal build again, Inuyasha's eyes narrowed to slits. He had to have her now. The hanyou couldn't hold off any longer. He slowly pushed her forward, communicating that he wanted her in this position. She complied, resting her weight on her elbows and knees. Inuyasha leaned close to her ear and growled in approval. He moved behind her, rubbing his hardened need against her slick, waiting entrance. This would reassert his claim to his mate, his Kagome. No one else would ever get her to do the things he had this night. Inuyasha would make sure of it.
In one swift thrust, Inuyasha buried himself all the way in her welcoming heat. He grunted, feeling that she was tighter than he remembered. It felt good and he leaned over her back, rumbling possessively in her ear, “Mine.”
Kagome trembled under him, moaning. She pushed back towards him, encouraging him to move within her. Inuyasha complied, pulling his thick arousal almost all the way back out only to push back in hard. She panted, leaning over further to give him a better angle. Inuyasha started to roughly thrust into her, feeling her tightness pull him deeper into her body each time. She rocked back in return,
groaning in pleasure. Inuyasha leaned over, locking his fangs about her throat, holding her in place as he started to frantically move faster within her. He could feel her building towards another climax as he pushed deeper.
As he pumped in and out of her body more, he felt Kagome tense underneath him, a low moan eliciting from her throat. Her body tightened around him and he held still, feeling the waves of her release surround him. It felt wonderful to have his mate shudder underneath him from his attentions to her body. As it subsided, Inuyasha began to thrust into her again, wanting to build another release in her. He leaned them back, still joined until she sat in his lap. Inuyasha pulled her towards him until her back rested against his chest. He then held her down on his hard erection.
She moaned, throwing her head back as he slowly started to move again within her in this new position. Kagome turned her head, capturing his mouth in hers in a hungry kiss. She wrapped one arm around his head, rubbing an ear with her fingers in time to his thrusts. He grunted into her mouth, kissing her forcefully. Inuyasha's hands ran over her body, one rubbing a breast, the other dipping to rub where they were joined. At this, she mewled in delight into his mouth and he increased his speed inside her tight body.
Inuyasha moved his hands to her hips, needing to finish his renewed claim over his mate. He thrust faster and deeper into her, grinding her onto him as he rotated her hips. He kissed her possessively, groaning into her mouth as he bucked into her harder. She moved with him, pushing him to drive into her more. It felt so good to have her tight channel grip him as he rapidly thrust into her as he felt his release build. Inuyasha growled in pleasure as she shook, this climax stronger than the last. She squeezed around him and he bucked into her hard one last time, holding her on his thick flesh as he released.
As they both came down, Inuyasha heard his rapid heart beat in his head. He felt drained, tired, and sated. He slumped against Kagome, holding her close as he lazily lapped at his mark. Kagome moaned softly, leaning back against him. She dropped her arm from around his head and sighed in contentment. Kagome lifted her head, looking at him. She had a tired, happy smile on her face and leaned down to kiss his cheek.
Inuyasha smiled back, slowly rubbing a breast in one hand. The rage had subsided and he felt his claim finally secured. He whispered into her ear, “Mate. Mine.”
Kagome laid her head back, and whispered in return, “Mate. Mine.”
They sat in silence with one another a moment, basking in the afterglow of the pleasure they had just given one another. He buried his nose into her hair, smelling her scent mingled with his. Kagome pulled her head back and looked into his eyes. “Inuyasha?”
“Yeah?” He asked, his voice tired.
“Your stripes are gone now.”
“They are?” Inuyasha ran a hand over his cheek.
“Yeah.” She looked down, blushing. “I guess they must have faded after you reverted to normal again.”
Inuyasha frowned. “What---what do you mean? I---I didn't, did I?”
Kagome nodded. “You did. You were sniffing my dress and then you started to have red in your eyes and told me to take it off. Something about it bothered you.”
Inuyasha's ears drooped. “Oh no.” He looked down. “Shit, I could have really hurt you. If you had said no---or refused who knows what would have happened.”
Kagome shook her head. She moved and he slipped from her body. She turned, facing him and grasped his head in her hands. “Listen to me, Inuyasha. You'd never, ever hurt me. Not even when you're like that. If you were going to do that, you would have done so a long, long time ago.”
“No buts, Inuyasha.” Kagome kissed him, this one lingering and tender. She pulled back and nuzzled her nose under his chin. “Besides, I rather enjoyed it once I realized what you wanted.”
Inuyasha blushed. “I didn't, didn't hurt you at all, did I?”
Kagome sighed. “No, Inuyasha.” She lifted her head and looked into his eyes. “You made me feel rather good. It actually satisfied a curiosity of mine.”
“That being?” Inuyasha wrinkled his nose.
“What it would be like to make love with you transformed.” She blushed and looked down. “Silly, huh?”
Inuyasha shook his head. “You're crazy, woman. There's no telling how things would have gone if you hadn't gone along with it.”
Kagome looked up. “I wouldn't do that to you. No matter what form you're in, Inuyasha, you're still my hanyou.”
Inuyasha snorted. He bit his lip and asked, “So---”
“Was it good? Is that what you're asking?” Kagome's lips upturned in a smile. “You don't remember?”
Inuyasha blushed. He could remember the feeling of her underneath him, his body driving into hers. He looked down. “I remember.”
“Good. Because I know I had fun.” She kissed his cheek and slipped from his lap.
The hanyou pouted as Kagome bent over in the corner, grabbing her bag. He said, “Oi, wench, what are you doing now?”
She dragged it back to where he sat and looked at him. Kagome giggled, “Oh Inuyasha, don't pout like that.”
He snorted. “So what are you doing?”
“You'll see.” Kagome pulled a small, white box out and set it next to her bag. She then picked up the box and turned towards him, outstretching it towards him. “I got this for you. I think now would be the best time to give it to you.”
Inuyasha looked at it with curiosity. “What's this?”
“Open it, silly.” She smiled in encouragement.
The half-demon lifted the lid on the box, setting it down on the tent floor. He looked inside to find a wooden carving. Lifting it out, he gasped. “Where did you find this?”
“I found it when I was shopping for Rin's birthday. I just knew you had to have it.”
Inuyasha ran his fingers over the bark of the miniature Sacred Tree. He found a small notch on it that resembled the spot he had been pinned. To find something with such detail was rare. Emotions flooded through him. He felt pain, anger, and sadness as he ran his hands over the leaves, feeling the intricate details. So much of his life had been wasted pinned to its bark, waiting for freedom. Inuyasha had been trapped, unable to move forward as long as the arrow had remained. This tree reminded him of his foolishness.
“You don't like it?” Kagome frowned, looking disappointed.
Inuyasha held her gaze before looking back down to the small tree. He ran his hands over it again, the pain erased by a quiet joy. If it hadn't been for the Sacred Tree, he might not have met his Kagome. He wouldn't know what love, acceptance, or belonging had been like if it wasn't for this cursed tree. It was where he had last seen Kikyo and where he had first seen Kagome. As much as he associated pain with this tree, he now equated it with love. Looking back up, he caught her hurt expression.
“No. I like it.” Inuyasha moved it out of his way to kiss his mate. “Thank-you. It means a lot to me. Honestly.”
“Are you sure?”
“It's where we first met, isn't it? Why wouldn't I want to remember that?” Inuyasha smiled. He kissed her cheek. “I got you something, too.”
“You did?”
Inuyasha dug through the bag he had tucked the small box into. He took it out, handing it to her. “It's not useful, but I hope you'll like it.”
Kagome shook her head and opened it. She gasped. “Inuyasha, the glass rose!” She carefully lifted the delicate rose out of its box, looking at it under the dim light of the oil lamp. “Is that where you went when Polgara took you shopping elsewhere?”
Inuyasha nodded. “Yes. She said that it didn't have to have a use and that you really liked it so that I should get it for you.”
Kagome gently put it back in the box and threw her arms around his neck. She kissed him. “Thank-you. It means a lot to me.” She leaned up, whispering into his ear, “Mate. Mine.”
The hanyou closed his eyes, holding her against him. He smirked against her naked breast. “You know, we're still naked here.”
Kagome giggled. Mid-way through, she yawned. She said, her voice tired, “Sorry.”
Inuyasha chuckled softly. “It's alright. I'm tired, too.”
He laid her back onto the blankets, pulling her to rest over his chest. He pulled the blankets over them and tucked them close for extra warmth. “It'll be a long day tomorrow. You should rest, wench.”
Kagome nodded. She sighed, snuggling down on his chest. She asked, “Inuyasha?”
“What was wrong with my dress. You never said.”
Inuyasha growled softly. “That stupid wolf left his scent on it.”
“Oh. I see.” She yawned. “You know I'd never go with him, right?” Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck, getting comfortable. “I wouldn't let him take me away from you.”
“Yeah.” Inuyasha ran a clawed hand through her hair. He kissed the top of her head. “Go to sleep, Kagome. It's late.”
“Yes, my mate.” Kagome laughed. She lifted her head and kissed his cheek. “Mate. Mine.”
“Mate. Mine.”
Author's Note: Please check out my livejournal at farawayeyes4 for more information, review responses, and news.