Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Adventer to... ❯ Chapter 4

[ A - All Readers ]

Deep in a Demon Blood Forest lays a castle. The only one that lives in that castle is Akiyo Hoshi. The castle looks like a huge church on the outside. Surrounding the Building was six tall towers linked up by a wall. Every six tower was linked to the castle by bridges. The castle itself has a tower. Around the tower were carvings of unknown creatures and angels. Between two towers was a gate and on both sides of the gate was status of gods. These two gods was also at the doors of the castle. Inside everywhere in ever floor is bookshelves with thousands of books all over the world. Shelves full of spell book, fantasy books, mangas, Horror, and any other stories with power and deaths. Deep down in the underground dungeon, she stands there looking at a big oval mirror on the wall. It has gold framing with carvings of leaves and wind. The reflection was watching both Harry's trip and Roy's stay at the hotel. She turns away disappointed in what she sees in the hotel room. I did not think he really would do something like that. Not to such a young boy like him, he will receive massive lecturing when he gets back here. She said to herself. She was had a black cloak on that covers her whole body from her mouth to her feet. She has red cat eyes and black blue hair that was completely straight. Her long hair lies on her lower back. She has pale skin and a body of a model. At the age of sixteen, she was as tall as an adult horse.
She walks outside looking up at the night sky and thinks to herself, they are going to be a day late. It would be a good idea to take a like this way better. Oh well, I need to rest. She snapped her fingers and the gate closed. She walked through the forest until she reached to a cliff. She stood there feeling the wind pounding on her face. Its strong current blows her hair back and her cloak following the current of the wind behind her. She tilts her head down and closes her eyes. She raise her arm slowly like if she was going to take flight. Feeling the wind pass through her fingers, standing there waiting for a certain moment to come. With her cloak blown away, you can see clearly that she wore a black sailor suit with read strips on its collar and a black knee high skirt and wore black one inch high heal boots. She rose up her head and faced the sky with her eyes still closed. She soon started to mutter some words to herself and then stopped. Suddenly, her eyes opened and the wind stopped. She relaxed her arms back on her sides, turned around and headed back to the castle.
“When are we going to get there?” ask Ron frustrated by the long ride.
“Damn it, she already knows we are going to be a day late. I think I might get yelled for this, but she has been acting strange lately,” said Erika. “She seems more relaxed lately. It's not like her to relax so much. It worries me for some reason.”
“Is not relaxing a good thing? What would go wrong when you are relaxing?” asked Ron.
“You would not understand, but you might when we reach to our destination.” She was worried, but did not fasten her pace. I think there might be a storm. I need to find a place for them to stay at while the storm passes by. She thought to herself. They landed next to a cave and she told them, “I think there will be a storm we will stop here for the night and even if there is no storm I need to rest. I'm not use to carrying three people and teleporting your stuff to the Castle.”
“Ok, but we need to eat. We have not eaten supper yet,” Harry told her.
“Don't worry about it. I'll be going out for awhile stay here and use these logs to make a fire.” She left the ground and flew toward the dark sky. By the time she came back the sun was rising at the east of the mountains giving them a great view of where they were. She enters the cave with a net full of fish and a deer.
“That should be more then enough for all of you. If you wish not to eat deer meat then this will be mine, but if you wish to have some I'll get it ready for you.”
“Thanks, but I'm fine with the fish. We don't really know how to cook on outside grounds,” Harry told her.
“Very well, wait for a few moments I will be back to help. I wish not to set off your fire,” She said while walking to the mouth of the cave.
“What do you….?” A burst of wind appeared before Ron could finish asking his question. Once the wind stopped, they all look to the cave opening and saw a woman that look like she was around her twenties walking towards them. She was tall and skinny with dark brown hair. Her eyes were blue, green and small.
“What didn't I tell you I was a spirit? Did I forget to mention spirits has two figures, one human another is an animal,” she told them. They ate and went to sleep, but Erika's mind was still on her masters odd behaviors.
Back at the hotel Edward Elric was completely tired he could not move an inch of his body. He rested on the bed to relax his body, but no matter how long he rested, his body refuses to move.
“Damn it, when I get my hands on him I'll kill him. If my body is allowed to move,” he thought aloud. He tried to move his body, but the more he moved the more it hurt. He tried to ignore the pain and started walking. He grabbed his clothes and went to change. After, he left the room and went to the Hotel's dinning room for breakfast. As he walked out the girls next door to him came out of their rooms at the same time. He walked passed him limping a bit and went down to the first floor. As he passed them, the girls started to huddle together, “Oh my god, did it really happen. Look just now he was limping. Oh my god, wait isn't he the Full Metal Alchemist Edward Elric? Wait, so he is…oh my god!” said one girl. They all giggled and laughed. They headed towards the elevator and talked about it all the way down to the first floor.