Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Anime Hearts ❯ Chapter 4: Rumble in the Battle Coliseum! ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ch. 4: Rumble at the Battle Coliseum!
Inside the ship, things had gotten a little hectic. Morty was watching over the little Digimon, with Al helping, although they seemed to be a bit too much for them to handle. Ed was at the controls, trying to pay attention.
Kaneda sat in the captain's chair, examining the Keyblade's new form. Suddenly, the ship came to a screeching halt, nearly sending Kaneda flying out of his chair.
“What the Hell was that for?!” He exclaimed, climbing to his feet.
“We got another Heartless reading,” Ed replied, glancing at the screens. “And it's coming from, somewhere down there.”
“Ok, let's go,” announced Kaneda. Looking at Morty, he added, “Could you keep an eye on the tykes for a while?”
“Uh, sure.” The smaller boy replied wincing as Koromon ran into his leg.

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World Name: Battle Coliseum

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Down in the world, the trio found themselves in a bustling city. People ran about doing their daily business.
“Huh. Kinda reminds me of my world.” Kaneda said as he glanced around.

They stopped at a huge white metal dome that sat in the center of the city. Over the doorway hung a large white banner that read, “SIGN UP FOR THE BIG TOURNAMENT” in bold letters.
“This looks promising.” Ed commented. “Let's go and see if we can sign up.”
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After searching around the outside to discover a red ball with fin-like ears, four stubby legs, and a tail called Gigimon, the three of them passed through the doorways and entered a large room with tiled floors and walls. There, they were greeted by short bald man in an orange gi.
“Hello and welcome to Battle Coliseum. May I help you?”
Kaneda grinned, pointed at the man, and said, “Hey Ed, there's someone here who's smaller than you are!”
At this, Ed went crazy. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!” He screamed angrily.
Al sweatdropped and said, “Uh, just ignore those two. We'd like to sign up for the tournament please.”
The man shook his head and replied, “Sorry, this year, we're only doing heroes.”
“What do you mean!?” screamed Kaneda. “We're heroes!”
“I'm sorry, but unless you have a pass, you can't join.” The man said as he turned away.
“Bull-“Kaneda never got a chance to finish his swear, because a voice interrupted him.
“What a drag.”
Spinning around, he saw a tall being with green skin, a white face, two dark green prong-like things on his head, and two black wings protruding from his back.
“It's a shame, really. You have too much potential to throw away, so I guess I'll just have to give you this.” He held out his hand and a ticket materialized in it.
“What's that?” Ed asked.
“This, my young friend,” the being said with a smile, “Is a Hero Ticket. With this, you can enter the tournament.”
“Uh, thanks,” said Kaneda, taking it from him. “Just who are you anyway?”
“Oh, how rude of me not to introduce myself. My name is Cell,” he said with a little bow, “And I'll be rooting for you.” Suddenly, he was gone. Kaneda blinked.
“What a weird guy…” he muttered.
“Do you think we can trust him?” Al asked.
“Who cares!” exclaimed Ed, “Now we can enter the tournament!”
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The trio found the short man busy cleaning tables. Ed cleared his throat.
“Uh, excuse me…”
“What is it? I'm very busy and…” he looked up. “Oh it you… what do you want?”
“Um, we have this ticket, and we'd like to sign up.” said Kaneda, handing the ticket to the man, who grabbed the object and began scrutinizing it intently.
After a moment, he said, “Well, this looks genuine. Come with me. My name's Krillin by the way. What's yours?”
“Oh, I'm Kaneda, and this is Ed and his younger brother Al.”
“Nice to meet you.” said Krillin. “Now before we begin the Preliminary round, I have to warn you that some pretty weird folks are here to battle, so you have to watch your back.” Kaneda grinned.
“No problem!”
Just then, a tall woman with long black hair in a white robe walked past. She briefly glanced at Kaneda and the others, before walking away.
“…I take it that's one of them.” Ed commented.
Krillin nodded. “Yeah. Her name's Suzuka Twilight, and I'll be darned if she isn't one heck of a swordswoman. Well, you'd better get ready. The Preliminary round's starting soon.”

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As the fight began, Kaneda's group fought off Shadows, as well as lantern-like creatures called Red Nocturnes and Blue Rhapsodies. After several rounds, Krillin came up to them and said, “Not bad. It's a shame Goku isn't here to see you fight.”
Ed looked confused. “Who?”
“You must not be from around here.” Krillin said, “He's a great fighter and the best friend I ever had. He's off training right now, but I bet he'll be back before the tournament ends.”
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Little did they realize that Cell was watching them from the very top of the stands. He turned to face Suzuka, who was with him, and said, “There's your next target. I don't want them dead, just knocked out.” The woman scoffed.
“The great Cell afraid of a little boy? I'm sorry, but my contract says…”
“I know what your contract says because I wrote It.” interrupted Cell. “In any case, it's like they say: It's just a game, so have fun while you can.”
Suzuka frowned and said: “Fine, fine. I'll do what you want.”
And with that, she left. Cell shook his head.
“You just can't find good help anymore…”
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Back on the field, the trio had just finished off another round of Heartless, when Suzuka stepped onto the field.
“I do not wish to fight you,” she said, “But it seems I have no choice.”
Drawing two swords (1), she ran at them, and forced them to jump out of the way.
Kaneda swung the Keyblade, but Suzuka blocked it, saying: “What can a little boy do to beat me?”
The boy grinned. “This! FIREBALL BARRAGE!”
The fireballs pushed Suzuka back, and she glared at them, saying, “That was a dirty trick!”
“Well, I never really played fair,” answered Kaneda with a smirk.
The Elric brothers took this distraction as a chance to bring her down, and cast magic. But she was up again, and with a single sweep of her blades, knocked them both out.
“ED! AL!” Kaneda turned to glare at Suzuka. “You'll pay for that.” He hissed angrily.
The boy rushed at her, and began slashing away. What followed was a furious assault, continuously blocked by Suzuka, who tried to strike, but Kaneda blocked her attacks. Finally, she was able get past his guard, and knocked the teenager to the ground. As Kaneda glared up at her, she smirked and said, “Now, do you give up?”
Then without warning, the ground began to shake.
“Whoa! What's that?!” exclaimed Kaneda.
Suddenly, a young woman with white-blond hair and cold blue eyes appeared. She wore a white long-sleeved shirt, a black vest, and jeans.
“Beware humans,” she shouted, “For no mere mortal can compare to the power of Android #18!”
“Android #18?” asked Kaneda skeptically, “What, did they run out of names for you?”
The girl's eyes flashed red as a large burst of energy was unleashed from her fingertips, forcing them to jump out of the way.
“Grrr! Cell said nothing would interrupt us!” Suzuka shouted angrily. “That dirty double-crossing son-of-a…”
The next energy burst woke up Ed and Al just in time as they ran to Kaneda's side and helped him to his feet.
“What did we miss?” asked Ed.
“Oh, nothing really,” the other boy replied dryly.
The warriors faced the evil android, who glared at them with an evil look on her face.
All of a sudden, a huge energy burst shot out of nowhere and knocked #18 to the ground. She pulled herself up, shouting, “Who did that?!”
“I did!”
They looked up as two men appeared. To their surprise, they were hovering in the air!
The first one had incredibly spiky black hair and wore an orange gi with a blue undershirt. The second man also had spiky black hair and wore a navy blue jumpsuit along with white gloves and boots.
“Heh. And I thought we would miss all the good stuff, Kakarot!” the second man said.
“Looks like we came just in time.” said the first man.
From the stands, they heard Krillin shout, “GOKU!”
“That's Goku…?” Suzuka whispered to herself.
“Hey Krillin!” Goku shouted back, “Get everyone to safety before…AH!” He suddenly cried out in pain as the energy blast hit him in the back. #18 only laughed evilly.
“Hey! No fair!” Suzuka shouted. She leapt at #18 with her swords raised, and in the process, took off a piece of her hair.
“MY HAIR!” Screamed the android angrily, “You will die for that!”
“Not before you do.” Suzuka stated calmly.
The second man grinned. “If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get! You'll rue the day you messed with Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans!”
He flew at her, but she unleashed an energy burst that blew him backwards.
Goku climbed to his feet, saying, “Vegeta, I think we'd better take this to a whole new level!”
The other man grinned. “Good idea Kakarot! I guess you're not as stupid as you look!”
The pair clenched their fists, screamed…and then they were surrounded by a bright light! The others saw that their hair had turned golden and their eyes became a turquoise color.
“Wow…” breathed Kaneda.
#18's eyes narrowed. “It doesn't matter what form you take,” she growled, “I'll destroy you anyway!” She rushed at them, but the two men unleashed energy blasts that sent her flying into the stands.
“Hey! We have to help!” shouted Al.
“Good idea,” Ed said with a nod.
The group rushed at the android, with Goku and Vegeta shooting energy blasts, Suzuka and Kaneda slashing, and Ed and Al just attacking in anyway they could. Finally, #18 went down.
“How could this be?” she gasped. “How all-powerful android like me lose to pathetic beings?!”
“Well,” began Kaneda, “Your problem is you don't have a heart. And without a heart, you can't win!” And with that, he drove the Keyblade into her chest.
The evil android screamed only once before her body exploded, leaving nothing left. Kaneda stared blankly.
Your problem is you don't have a heart. And without a heart, you can't win”? Where did that come from? Oh well, I don't think anyone noticed.
Krillin appeared, clapping loudly. “Awesome!” He turned to Kaneda, Ed and Al, saying, “Ad for saving the coliseum and the city, I'd like to make you Junior Heroes, and…”
“Ahem! Let me finish,” said Krillin, in slight annoyance. “As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, you can fight in the remaining rounds of the tournament. Oh, and by the way, here's a prize.”
He pulled a yellow stone out of his pocket and gave it to Kaneda. “It'll give you the Electro Bolt ability,” he continued. “I think you might need it.”
Kaneda nodded and put the stone away. “Thanks.”
“If you want to move up,” Goku said, “You'll have to keep fighting, and discover what it means to be a true hero.”
“Ok, so we'll join in the games every now and then.” Kaneda said.
The trio said goodbye, and left the coliseum, where they met Suzuka.
“Hey, are you alright?” Ed asked her. The woman nodded.
“Yeah, I'm fine.”
“Can I ask you something?” Suzuka turned to look at Al. “Why were you fighting us in the first place?”
The woman just sighed and answered, “Well, I was looking for someone, and Cell told me he'd help find them. I tried to use the power of darkness, but I found I couldn't get out. Thanks to you three, I may have a chance. So, how about we have a rematch sometime, with no dark forces involved?”
Kaneda grinned. “No thanks!”
As the three of them walked off, Suzuka smiled and whispered, “Good luck kid.”
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Somewhere else, Cell watched Kaneda and the Elric brothers leave, and he growled angrily.
“Great, just great. Two chances to take that kid down and they both failed. Worse of all, I loose my best warrior. Okay, so she's my only warrior, but who cares?!” The angry look on his face faded as he said, “Wait a minute. Why am I getting worried? There will be other chances to take him down.”
“So you haven't taken care of him yet?”
Cell spun around and saw that Myotismon (2) was looking at him curiously.
“What are you doing here?” Cell snapped angrily. “I never said you could come! And besides, I have things planned out perfectly!”
The pale-skinned being smirked as he said, “Very well then. Do what you wish. Just remember that that child is tougher than he looks…”
To be continued…
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(1)-I really don't remember what she uses, so I'll just have her use ninja swords.
(2)- Remember the vampire-like guy?