Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ WE LIKED THE OLD YOU BETTER! ❯ New games, Old games and people from games. ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: don't own them.

New games, Old games and people from games.
(Part Three.)

(That night back at the Mansion Xion decided to go throught with a party, he and Squall talked about. He called numorus poeple over. The pasty would start at 10:00 but it was only 9:00.)

Kadaj: * walked up to Xion who was standing by the closet. * Hey Xi, I
guess I did get here kind of erily, but anyway are you sure Misha won't
find out.

Xion: I'm absolutely sure she want find out.

Kadaj: and how is this?

Xion: cuz' man, she's in another world with your big bro and someother peps
looking for some kid named Sora, that's how I know.

Kadaj: I still cann't believe you guys put up with her. Anyway I'm going
to the T. V. room now Ja ne. * He turns and walk away. *

Xion: * started walking pass the closet on the way to the Kitchen. * Inuyasha
is everything ok in there with food and things?! * The closet door flew open.*

Misha: * came running out, stopping infront of him. *

Xion: * squeaked. * Misha! You're here! I thought you left... I saw you leave.

Misha: I'll deal with you later. There's an imposture wearing my face.

(Back on the Island, dawn was rolling in quick and Athena needed to contact
her leader. The others were still asleep, now was the perfect time to do it.)

Athena: * walked a long ways away and started transmitting her boss. * Sir,
I think we may have a problem. * She spoke through it. *

Ansem: * from the other side. * Let me guess, the potion ain't workin'.

Riku and Sasuke: * were standing quietly behind her. *

Athena: yes Sir, that is correct. what should I do now.

Sasuke: how about telling us who the hell you're talkin' to.

Riku: what did you do to Sora!? * He slapped her in the face. *

Athena: * flew across the ground. * Grrr! * She jumped into the air throwing
a few Pyscho Balls at them. *

Sasuke and Riku: * jump over them and threw power waves at her, cut her
left arm open. *

Athena: Aahh! * She grabbed her arm and three pabbles hit her on the head.*

Riku: what are you doing Irvine, use your guns, idioit.

Hinata: * threw five Shuriken at Athena. *

Misha: * landed infront her belowing them all away. *

Tifa: Misha, I know you hate when it's 16 against one, but she evil should
it matter.

Misha: * had Sora drapped over her shoulders. * My orders are to take him
to the boss.

Irvine: I'm sorry Misha I won't ever have the ladies over again, I didn't know it hurt you that bad to see the most sexiest man in the world with them.

Mai: Irvine that has nothing to do with it!

(The person they thought was Misha, was revealed to be a Ninja in black.)

Irvine: MISHA! You're a dud! Oh my lord I can't beleive this! AAHHHH!

Mai: * hit him with a rock. * Shut up!

Riku and Sasuke: Transformation Jutus!

Gaara: that's Hanzo, the greatest of all Ninja!

Hinata: then where's Misha?

Hanzo: I tied her up and put her in the closet.

(Now lets go back to the Mansion. The party has started.)

Misha: * went into the T. V. room looking for Rinoa cuz' she can open
portals. *

Xion: * ran to check on the food again. *

Kadaj: * sees her and tries to be nice. * Oh, Misha we didn't thin...

Misha: * punched him in the jaw, sending him to the next wall. *

Naruto: * stopped kissing Sakura to stand up. * What the hell is your issue!

Misha: quiet you runt Ninja wanna be.

Sakura: sweety try to let it go, so you can finish kissing my charming forehead.

Naruto: If it was for my beautiful Sakura I'd.....

Misha: * put a shoe in his mouth to shut him up. * I think that's a much better sound for you.

Hiei: * smirked * Sometimes, I think she even more evil then our narmol bad

Misha: * found Rinoa dancing with Squall. * Rinoa, you can open portals can't you?

Rinoa: yes, why?

Misha: I need you to open one to Kingdom Hearts and I need Yuna to come
with me.

Squall: I'll go find her. * Leaves. *

Rinoa: might I ask why you need Yuna?

Misha: I need her to break a spell.

Rinoa: oh... And are you going to kill Xion for this party?

Misha: yup, and then I'm taking a vacation, a long vacation.

Mitsuhide: * walked up to them. * Can I help you Misha san.

Misha: yeah, Mitsuhide sama, you can.

Mitsuhide: Misha san?

Misha: have this party over with by the time I get back, in a hour.

Mitsuhide: don't you mean one ta two days.

Rinoa: no, you trust that she means one hour.

Mitsuhide: really now, then I'll have it cleaned up in a hour.

Squall: * returned with Yuna. *

Yuna: Misha, Squall told me you needed my help.

Misha: that's right. Are you going to help.

Yuna: HAI!

Rinoa: Misha, is there an exact place for you to sent to?

Misha: if I'm right, I'll need you to put in Destiny Island.

Rinoa: Roger that.

Squall: ~Roger that~ who says that anymore?

(Rinoa opened the portal to the exact destantion Misha had asked for. So
let's check back shell we.)

Gaara: * had his try at Hanzo and failed in simple black and white. *

Hanzo: * had laid Sora down by Athena a while ago. * Athena has it taken
affect yet.

Athena: yes, sir it has.

Sora: * new found powers below almost everyone away. *

Sephiroth and Sesshomaru: * charged at Sora full speed. *

Athena: * jumped up using her Phoenix Arrow attack. *

Sesshomaru: * clawed her face nice and deep. * Foolish girl.

Sephiroth: * kept fight Sora and was thrown back horriblely. * I feel so

Tifa: * along with Sasuke tried to take on Hanzo. *

Sasuke: * tried everything from Genjutsu to Taijutsu on him and nothing
worked. * He's not as good as Kakashi but he's sure as hell better then me.

Gaara: * went in for another attack and was caught. *

Hanzo: * put the kunai up to his neck. * Everyone, surrender now or he dies.

Sasuke: I really don't care what you do to him.

Riku: SASUKE you can't be for real!

Gaara: and to think I was helping you... you FART FIGNEWTEN!!!

Sasuke: I was only joking, man you geeks take these things so hard.

Mai: well, you could have fooled me.

Sora: * put everybody in a black ball trying to crush them to bits. *

Irvine: ya'll recon he's just fakin' it.

Tifa: you've gotta be really empty up there to beleive that... Idoit.

Riku: * saw Yojimbo. * We're saved, the real Misha's here.

Yuna: * paid her summon to do Watakashi on Athena killing her. *

Misha: * threw some Sutra's at the ball annuling the spell. * You guys are
hopeless without me and you know I'm right.

Yuna: who all do you need sent back.

Misha: Irvine, Mai, and...

Sephiroth: and ME!

Misha: fine him too. Send back everybody but Kasumi, Hinata, Okuni and Sesshomaru. Is that ok?

Gaara: nah, be my guest.

Yuna: * sent them back to the Mansion. *

Ansem: * appeared next to Sora. * Do any of you know how long I've wanted
to have this kid with me.

Misha: Yuna, we need a different summon for him.

Yuna: * called Yojimbo back and summoned Bahamut. *

Ansem: Sora!

Sora: * floated upward with dark silver balls forming around him, shooting
them at everyone. *

Misha: * pulled out a sutra, deflecting them at Ansem. * Minna, Riku Yuna,
Sesshomaru and I will take care of Ansem and free Sora the rest of you,
get Hanzo and Athena.

Ansem: * put his hand up absrubing it. * Hmph.
Hanzo: * warpped into the air throwing a number of Shurikens and Kunais
at them. * Die.

Hinata: Byakugan! * used her Byakugan putting up a Chakra shield blocking the weapons. *

Okuni: * dashed at Hanzo with her umbrella as soon as feet landed. *

Hanzo: * met Okunis' attacks head on, dodging her kicks and punchs. * You
weak fool. * He kicked her in the face. *

Kasumi: * helped Okuni up and pulled out a Kunai. * Ready. * She and Okuni
double teamed Hanzo. *

Hinata: Hey guys! I'm ready.

Kasumi&Okuni: * jumped back next to Hinata and started twhirling their
Kunais. *

Hanzo: is a little late to be trying to cool me off, don't you think.

Athena: * jumped up behind Hanzo with her pyschoball attack. *

Hinata: * did various hand seals, preforming a fireball Jutsu right infront
of Okuni and Kasumi. The wind from the twhirling Kunais sent the huge flames
right toward Hanzo and Athena torching them both. * Who said I was trying
to cool you off.
Sesshomaru: * pulled his whip out and ran at Ansme with it. *

Riku: * drew his sword and charged at Ansem as well. * You time ends now!

Ansem: that's what you think. Sora!

Sora: * put his hand up in Ansems direction putting a barrier around him. *

Riku&Sesshomaru: * flew back a bit. *

Ansem: * tried to take Sesshomaru and Rikus' heart. * Just give up already
and surrender your heart to darkness, it'd do you well.

Misha: * took out three holy sutras and threw them at Ansem, burning his
hand. * Yuna! now would be a good time.

Riku: wait what about Sora?

Misha: don't worry, I got this.

Yuna: * ordered Bahamut to attack with Megaflare. *

Misha: * ran toward Ansem just as bahamut unleashed it's attack. She jumped
off Ansems' hands just as he put them up and grabbed Sora causing him to
fly out of the way with her. * Gotcha!

(When the somke and everything cleard they all saw Misha with Sora but no
Ansem in sight. )

Yuna: * walked up to them. *

Misha: ok, now I need you to free him from this spell.

Yuna: * put her staff over Soras' head annuling the spell. * That should do it.

Sora: * stood up. * Man, I thought you guys were never gonna free me.

Riku&Kairi: Stop complaining.

Kairi: you should just be thankful you're free in the first place.

Misha: Riku, will you Sora and Kairi be staying here?

Riku: yup!

Kairi: * nodded. *

Sora: you bet I am.

Misha: good cuz' I'm tired and don't won't to see anyone for a while got it!

Okuni: good lets go then.

Yuna: * opened a portal back to the Mansion. * Well then, til next time.

(They went back to the Mansion.)

Misha: * looked around. * Good, no party.

Hinata: catch you poeple later. * She ran out the door. *

(And everyone eles went where to go to sleep.)
Yazoo: well folks that's it for this boring story, join me next time if you want to see Misha's vacation leave.

Orphen: that's right and wait til you see her replacement.

Sephiroth: look no further I'm right here.

Cloud: you're a Baka if you think you're a replacement.

Marth: I'm taking charge and that's, that.

Yazoo: with my good looks she just gotta to pick me.

Rufus: * sees a souped up woman. * So who's that laday?

Sakura: if you wanna know join us next on " Leave Misha leave. "

Sephiroth: wait when's she coming back.

Sakura: when ever she wnats... Next time.