Daa! Daa! Daa! Fan Fiction ❯ [Kanata X Miyu] : Wings of Heart ❯ A Lovesick Kanata ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Next Day… Kanataand Miyuheads for school , but Kanataseems to have a lot of things on his mind.
Miyu (Looks at Kanata) : Hey Kanata
Kanata (Looks at Miyu) : Wh..What?
Miyu (places her palm on Kanata's forehead.) : Are you sick or something?
Kanata (Blushes then runs) : Hey where going to be late! Hurry up Miyu!
Miyu (runs after Kanata): Hey wait for me!
Kanata (whispers to himself) : What am I thinking? When she touched my forehead, I Felt this sort of hotness.
Kanatawasn't looking on where he was headed, then suddenly, he ran on Santa and they both rolled down the road.
Santa (Holding his head): OW! Wha? Kanata? Next time look where you're going ok?
Kanata :Sorry Santa, They are a lot of things in my mind lately.
Miyu (Runs at Kanata and Santa then stops to catch for breath) : *Huff* *Puff* Boy you sure run fast Kanata, huh? Santa ? what happened here (looks at the 2 guys who is still lying on the floor.)
Kanatatook a glimpse at Miyuthen he felt this feeling again, So he continues to run towards school.
Miyu (Looks at Santa) : Hey what's with him? He's acting weird since this morning.
Santa (Stands up) : I don't know , but that's not the Kanata that I know.
Later , Kanata, Miyuand Santa arrives at school…
Kanata (Sits on his chair and sighs) : Whew, good thing I made it in time.
Miyu (Stands behind Kanata) : Kanata
Kanata ( Turns around to see Miyu) : W…What…is it?
Miyu (moves her face close to Kanata to examine him.) : Is something the matter? You're acting weird you know that? Are you ok?
Kanatadidn't know what to say , Then Christinecomes out from nowhere.
Christine (Trance) : So, Miyu is getting all mushy on Kanata… first she will asks if Kanata is ok? Then she will take care of him , they're so sweet, it's like a sweet couple… GYAAHH!!
Nanami and Aya (Holds Chris' shoulder and tries to comfort her): There, There Christine, there's nothing going on . Miyu is just asking if Kanata is ok.
Christine (Explodes like a mad-woman that threw Nanami and Aya out of the Scene) : GYAHH!! That's not enough!!!
Then Ms.Mizuno enters the room, This causes Christineto return to normal.
Ms.Mizuno : Good morning Class.
Class : Goodmorning teacher!
Ms.Mizuno saw Miyusitting on her chair looking extremely worried. Ms.Mizuno then approaches her.
Ms.Mizuno : Miyu, can I see you after class?
Miyu (Surprised at Ms.Mizuno) : Huh? I didn't do anything bad..
Ms.Mizuno (Smiles) : No, I just want to talk to you.
Later… Ms.Mizuno and Miyumet at the Faculty.
Ms.Mizuno : Is something bothering you Miyu? You look worried.
Miyu : Well , you see. Kanata is acting strange today, Everytime I try to talk to him . He responds in a strange and weird way.
Ms.Mizuno : Oh I see, maybe you should talk to him later about this. Any couple goes through this .
Miyu (Blushes) : Huh? A couple?
Ms.Mizuno : Yeah, well see you tomorrow Ms.Kouzuki bye! (She walks out of the faculty leaving Miyu alone.)
Miyu (still blushing) :Kanata… and … me? A … couple??
Meanwhile , at the Saionji temple…
Wannya : So Kanata, what happened to school today?
Kanata(reading comics) : Nothing special.
Wannya : Oh I see, but remember, tomorrow is Valentine's day.
Kanata (Closes his book) : Meaning?
Wannya : You know, it means that girls will give you chocolates.
Kanata (Looking bored) :And what if the girls give me chocolates?
Wannya : It means that they like you.
Kanata (widens his eyes) :Uh? Really?
Miyu : I'm home!

Kanatais startled to hear Miyu's voice , He immediately opens his comics and covers his faces to prevent Miyufrom seeing that he's blushing.
Miyu (Walks towards Kanata) : Hey Kanata, are you alright? ( pulls out his comics to see his face.)
Just as Miyusees Kanatablushing , he immediately turns away from her.
Miyu (slightly blushing) : Why are you blushing Kanata?
Kanata (Blushing Madly) :Well.. you see…
Miyu (Reads the comics) :Well , the comics that you're reading doesn't seem to have drama and romance involve. So why are you blushing? (Starts to get suspicious about Kanata).
Miyu (Moves her head closer to Kanata's left side to see if he's still blushing) : Kanata?
Louthen tugs Miyufrom behind, Miyuand Kanataboth turn the other way to see Lou.
Miyu (Smiles at Lou) : What is it Lou? (Holds Lou in her arms.)
Kanatastares at Miyuand Loustill blushing.
Miyu : So you want this (points at her hair band then give it to Lou).
Lou : Da! (Flies away).
Miyu : Now where are we? ( Turns to Kanata then she suddenly sees Kanata's face being so close to her.) [you know, when you suddenly turn to see a guy , then you are startled to see his face very close to you.] << I Can't explain it.. Hehehe…
Miyuand Kanataare both blushing…
Miyu : Umm… Kanata, I'm worried about you .
Kanata (Shakes his head) : No, I'm fine, don't worry too much.(Walks to his room like a drunk guy.)
Miyu : I don't understand that guy. (Then she remembers what Mizuno said about them being a couple)
Miyu : A Couple eh…
Wannya's mini diary… today I don't seem to have any action, but I think Kanata is acting really weird since this morning. I wonder what is keeping him from being the old Kanata? Well, tomorrow is Valentine's Day .. I wonder if Miyu will give Kanata some chocolates?
Reviews pls…