Daa! Daa! Daa! Fan Fiction ❯ [Kanata X Miyu] : Wings of Heart ❯ A Weekend Unlike Any Other Part 1. ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Miyu (Sighs) : Finally! I'm done with my chores.
Kanata (Putting on his shirt while walking outside) : Hey Miyu! Santa and I are going to watch a wrestling match! You coming?
Miyu (shakes her head then smiles at him) : No thanks Kanata, I'm not interested in wrestling anyway, I'll just stay here at home with Lou and Wannya.
Kanata (walks towards Miyu then gives her a pat in the head) : Alright, just don't burn the house while I'm gone okay?
Miyu (annoyed at what Kanata has said) : Whatever! Just be home early ok!?
Kanataheads downthe Saionji temple running.
Miyuis sitting at the front porch looking at the light blue sky.
Wannya : Hey Miyu! What are you doing?
Miyu (Smiles at Wannya) : Nothing particular, I'm bored! Say, I have an idea! Let's go shopping with Lou!
Wannya : Oh that's a great idea!
Kanata (Running) : Hurry up Santa! We're going to miss the wrestling match!!
Santa (Panting) : Hold your horses! I'm trying my best to catch up!
Kanataand Santa arrives at the stadium just in time…
Santa (looks around then finds Christine) : Hey look! It's Christine!
Santa (Shouts at Christine) : HEY CHRISTINE!!! OVER HERE!!
Christine : OH! Hi Santa! (looks at Kanata the blushes) Hi Kanata
Kanata : What are you doing here? Are you here to watch the wrestling match?
Christine (Talks to herself) : Well... since I have nothing to do why don't I join Kanata to watch this wrestling match… it'll be fun! (giggles)
Christine :Well yeah! I'm here to watch!
Kanata (Smiles at her) :OKAY! Let's go together!
Meanwhile, The rain starts to pour outside while WannyaLouand Miyuare shopping.
Miyu (looks outside) : Oh! Look! It's raining cats and dogs!
Wannya (Mr.Dumpling form) :Oh Really!? I don't see any cats and dogs!
Miyu : No Silly! It's an expression meaning that it's raining heavily outside (Giggles).
Lou :Mama! Mama! (Points out a White bird).
Miyu : What is it Lou? (Notices the Bird) Oh! That bird? Is it…
The white bird lands on a guys shoulder and drops a box of bird seed into the basket the guys holding.
Nozomu (flings his hair then smiles at Miyu) : Oh Hi there! My little Miyu! (hands her some red roses).
Miyu : Oh hi there Nozomu!
Nozomu :And who's this? (points out Mr.dumpling).
Miyu : Oh this? This is my relative who's taking care of my little brother.
Lou (Cries then tugs Mr.Dumpling) :Wan-ya! Wan-ya!
Wannya :What is it Lou?
Louopen his mouth and starts to put his finger inside.
Wannya (Smiles at Lou) : You're hungry?
Lounods his head signaling that his hungry.
Miyu : Well we've finished doing the groceries so I guess we can go home!
Just when Miyuis about to go outside, Nozomuholds onto her hands.
Miyu (Startled) :Wa? What? Nozomu? What are you doing?
Nozomu : Miyu… I have a confession to make… I've been wanting to tell this to you …
Miyu (blushes a little) :W…What is it?
Nozomu (Still holding Miyu's hand) : Well you see… I'm… I'm…
Miyu (Blushing madly) : You're…what?
Nozomu : I'm lost …
Miyu : NYA! Is that all!? I thought it was something else!
Nozomu :something else? Like what?
Miyu :Well.. nothing… forget about it! Hey Mr.Dumpling, you go on ahead I'll catch up later! (Hands Mr.dumpling her umbrella).
Wannya: Okay! Miyu! See you later! (opens the umbrella then walks away with Lou).
Miyu : Let's go Nozomu!
Nozomu : Can you tell me where's the department where they sell some pet accessories?
Miyu : Oh I know! Quick! This way!
Miyuspent an hour with Nozomutouring him all around the mall.
Miyu (Sits down on a bench) : Phew! I'm tired.
Nozomu (Hands Miyu a cold beverage) : Here!
Miyu (looks up at Nozomu and takes the beverage) : Oh you shouldn't have!
Nozomu : No! it's okay! If I didn't bump into you… I wouldn't have bought the things that I want to! (smiles).
Miyu : I guess we should call it a day! (looks outside to find that it's raining) oh no! it's still raining!
Nozomu (opens his umbrella) : Well Miyu, can I walk you home?
Miyu (blushes) :Well… I… s… sure!
Meanwhile Kanata, Santa and Christinefinished watching the wrestling match…
Santa (opens his portable umbrella) :Well, I better go home! I have some business in the CR! If you know what I mean…
Kanata : Ok! Santa! Hope you can hold it enough!
Christine (looks at Kanata) :Umm… Kanata, I didn't brought my umbrella with me , would you mind if you take me home?
Kanata : Sure Christine. (opens his umbrella).
Christine (blushes) : At last I'm alone with Kanata.
Kanata : Hey Christine, my umbrella is kind of small.

Christine (places one arm around Kanata so that they can fit in a small umbrella) : Don't worry I'm slim!
Kanata :Well uhmm.. let's go!
Miyuand Nozomuare walking on a slippery floor.
Miyu : So why did you bought all this stuff huh?
Nozomu : hehe.. well I love Okame (the bird) I want Okame to be happy! I treat him like my own brother! That's why I bought all this stuff just for Okame!
Miyu (smiles at Nozomu) :Tee hee, well you know what Nozomu, I thought you're just a guy that loves all the girls in the class, but deep inside, I sense that you're a caring and sweet person.
Nozomu : Really---(A running man bumps him).
Nozomuwas bumped by a man that causes him to push Miyu, Miyuleans on a concrete wall while Nozomuleans against her dropping his umbrella [it's like they're hugging <Description : Miyu's back is against the wall while Nozomu's body next to hers and they both face each other]Again! Can't explain clearly Gomen…
Kanata : So? Did you like the match?
Christine : Yup! I like the part where the other guy gave his opponent the finisher and literally Kicked his Ass!
Kanatathen stops walking.
Christine(Still embracing Kanata due to a small umbrella) : What is it Kanata?
Kanatasees Nozomuand Miyuin a romantic position, it's like Nozomuis about to kiss and hug Miyu.
Nozomu : Oh I'm sorry little Miyu.
Miyu (Blushes) : That's okay! Huh? (she sees Christine hugging Kanata really tight).
Kanata : Miyu?...
Miyu : Kanata?..
*then a lightening strikes followed by a thunder!*