Daa! Daa! Daa! Fan Fiction ❯ [Kanata X Miyu] : Wings of Heart ❯ Christmas season is here!! ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Miyu : Umm.. Kanata?
Kanataopens his eyes as he lies on his bed.
Kanata (looks at Miyu) : *yawns* … Miyu? What's up?
Miyu : It's Lou! We can't seem to stop him from crying.
Wannyacomes in Kanata's room carrying Lou..
Wannya : I Can't stop him from crying… I don't know what to do.
Kanata (Stands up then carries Lou) : What's up Lou? Why are you crying?
Loustops crying then takesa glimpse at Kanata..
Miyu (pats Lou) : Hey you stopped crying..
Lou (looks at Miyu) : Mama…
Miyu : What is it?
Loupoints out the TV ..
Kanata :What's with the TV Lou?
The TV shows a couple and a baby walking together at a mall.
Miyu : Hey I know! Lou … you want to go outside right?
Lou (nods his head) DA! (then smiles.)
Miyu (smiles back) : then it's settled! We're going outside.. right Kanata?
Kanata : huh? Oh yeah.
Wannya : What about me Miyu ? Can I go to?
Miyu : I'm afraid not Wannya. But I promise to buy you some sweet dumplings!
Wannya : OH REALLY? THANKS MIYU! (Hallucinates that he is eating those sweet dumplings.)
Miyu, Kanataand Lougoes outside to have some fun with Lou, They do some shopping, they bought Lousome toys and all sorts of fun stuffs .
Kanata : I'm tired, should we have a break anyway?
Lou :Da! Da! (agrees on what Kanata has said)
Miyu : I guess you're right! Well where do you want to eat Kanata?
Kanata : Me? Anywhere will do.
Miyu : Then why won't we try this Ice cream restaurant? (points out the restaurant).
Kanata : Sounds cool.
Then out of nowhere Santa shouts at Kanata.
Kanata (startled by Santa) : HUH? Santa?! What're you doing here?
Santa : There's this small auction about robots! Come on let's go (grabs Kanata's hand then drags him away from Lou and Miyu).
Lou (looks depressed) : Papa…
Miyu : Don't worry Lou Kanata will be only gone for a few minutes, say… while we wait why don't we grab some ice cream ok?
Miyuorders some Ice cream and sits on a 3chaired table.
Miyu (notices that Lou isn't eating his ice cream) : Lou? What is it?
Lou (looks depressed) : Papa…
Miyu (placed down her spoon then comforts Lou) : Don't worry Lou, he'll come back … I know you think that Kanata is a party pooper or a Joy Killer but he isn't that bad. In fact, I'm…. I'm in Lov--- (BAAAH!) well it's nothing…. Hey here he comes (sees Kanata from a distance running)
Kanata (stops in front of them while panting) : Sorry about that! I'm sorry Lou, Sometime Santa overpowers me in things like this , I can't resist.
Then he sits beside Miyu.
Lou (smiles) : haha!
Miyu (grabs her spoon then scoops some ice cream) : Open wide Lou!
Lou (opens his mouth) : aaaaaahhhh.. (gulp)
Kanatastares at Miyuand Louas he smiles at them.
Miyu : okay! It's your turn..
Kanata : WHA?
Miyu : open wide Kanata….
Kanata (blushing) : wa…um… (opens his mouth then eats some ice cream that Miyu fed him.)
Miyu : Now was that fun?
Lou :DA! (points out the Christmas tree)
Miyu : Hey that's a big Christmas tree.. Let's go Lou! (runs to the Christmas tree)
Miyuand Louwatches the Christmas tree while Kanatawatches them from a distant. But they didn't know that the Christmas tree isn't an ordinary one.
Kiwi : Well they fell for it! This Christmas tree we invented will throw a huge net when I press this button (points the button) , then we can catch that flying baby!
Guava : YEAH! Hehe.. what's this Christmas anyway?
Durian (looks at his book about seasons on earth) : Well, Christmas is the time to celebrate the birthday of Christ it comes every month of December and it's a international holiday.
Guava : Who's Christ anyway?
Kiwi (Hits Guava in the head) : OH! Shut up! Let's just focus on getting that baby.
Miyu (sees a booth where you can sit on Santa Clause's lap and take a picture) : Hey Lou.. let's take a picture of you!
Lou : DA!
Lousits on Santa Clause's lapwhile Miyugrabs a disposable camera.
Kiwi : JACKPOT! (laughs evilly).
Durian : NOW! (hits the button).
The Santa clause behind Louwraps it's arms around him and then a huge net covers Lou.
Miyu : HUH!? What the!?
Kanata ( Runs toward Miyu) : What happened?
Miyu : I don't know , this net just came out by itself.
Then Durian, Guavaand Kiwijumps out then shows themselves to Miyuand Kanata.
Durian : HAHA! We have the baby ! now there's nothing you can do!
Miyu (charges towards Durian) : NOO!! I Can't let you!
Durianuses a shock like gadget at Miyucausing hertoget blownaway.
Kanata (Runs towards Miyu then holds her shoulders) : You okay?
Miyu :I'm fine, but Lou
Then all of a sudden they heard a familiar voice behind them..
Christine (Trance) : So.. you two lovely couples are dating? You two where watching the Christmas tree together.
(imitates Miyu's voice) : Ouch!
(imitates Kanata's voice) :You okay Miyu?
(imitates Miyu again) : I'm fine Kanata, thanks for helping me.
Christine : Then you share a passionate kiss because you're face were so close to each other and decide to let it all out! You don't care about anyone ! you two only care about yourselves! GAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!! (lifts the Christmas tree).
Christinethrows the Christmas tree that sends the evil gang flying through the air.
Miyu (looks at Kanata) : Kanata! Rescue Lou!
Kanata : Okay!
Kanataruns towards Louthen takes him out of the trap.
Christine (still in a trance) : So…. You even bought Lou… what a lovely family…
Kanata (gives Lou to Miyu) : Go home Miyu, I'll take care of Christine.
Miyu : okay Kanata, see you later.
Kanatawalks towards Christineto try to comfort her. But out in a distant,Miyuiswatching.
Kanata : Hey Christine… we're not going out okay? (smiles at her).
Christine (returns to her normal self) : really?
Kanata : Nope, we're just cousins. It's a family matter you know, not a couple thingy.
Christine : Oh I see.. (fixes the Christmas tree).
Kanata : Don't think about it—
Suddenly Christinehugs Kanata.
Christine (cries in his arms) : You know … When I see you and Miyu together.. I always have this kind of jealousy to think that you're actually going out..I…I really love you Kanata..
Kanata (shocked) : Christine?!
Christine : Oh! What am I doing.? Well see you Kanata (runs away).
Kanata (stares at her ) : Christine
Miyu (still watching): How come? How come when I see Kanata and Christine I get this strange feeling… It feels like someone is stealing something really important to me..
Lou (stares at Miyu) : Mama?
Miyu : oh Lou! It's nothing… well let's go home ok?