Danny Phantom Fan Fiction ❯ Relative Terms ❯ A Request ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Inspired by the episode “Masters of All Time.” Just an idea that popped into my head, after I asked myself a few questions about the episode.
Chapter One: A Request
Dear Maddie and Jack,
I am entirely sorry to put this burden upon you, since I know you have two children of your own to care for, but this is a hard time for me. A close relative of mine has fallen ill to a point where he can no longer care for his daughter. I was asked to take care of her, but you know how horrible I am with children. She is about Daniel's age, and it might be good for her if she got some time with children her age. (She's spent the last few years at a boarding school until she was sent a letter about her father's condition. Public school might help her make more friends, since she has been terribly intolerant of people.)
I do hope I am not asking too much of you. I've opted to give her a small allowance, but a place where the people are friendly, and a home that can care for her seems the best position for now. I do plan to check up on her, and it will be pleasant to see you all again.
The girl's name is Ana- Marie, but she will prefer Anna. Call me if you have any questions, or any problems arrive. I would be most grateful, and willing to return any favor if you take this child off my hands for a short time.
Vlad Masters
Of course Danny was nervous when he heard the news that Vlad would be dumping Anna with them. Anyone related to Vlad couldn't be trusted.
She was supposed to be there after school, so he sat through the day feeling antsy and nervous. He hadn't even known Vlad had any relatives, and he'd been unclear as to the actual relation between them. Danny was suspicious it would be another clone, this time not as nice as Danielle had been.
His friends were slightly less suspicious.
“He's obviously lying about something,” Danny decided at lunch. “Not good with kids? He's been trying a thousand different ways to get me as his kid.”
“Yeah,” Sam said. “But what if this isn't a plot? He doesn't really want a kid. He wants a successor, or at least someone he can share his ghost powers with…”
Danny narrowed his eyes. “When is it not a plot with Vlad?”
Tucker and Sam exchanged glances then nodded in defeat.
“But this isn't like with Dani,” Tuck tried. “She just randomly showed up and showed off. This girl's got an announcement. Plus she's supposed to be our age. Where he's gonna get a fourteen year old daughter all of a sudden is beyond me.”
Danny promised to keep them updated, and headed home. He opened the door, dropped his backpack at the foot of the stairs, and peeked into the kitchen.
A girl was sitting at the table, hands folded as she stared up at his mother. There was an unreadable expression on her face, somewhere between happiness and confusion as she listened intently to everything Maddie was saying.
She was definitely pretty: red hair that curled at mid-back, bright blue eyes, and a slim figure. She wore a crimson shirt with a gold dragon painted across and black jeans. Her suitcase was at her feet: a small duffel bag that didn't seem to be filled with much of anything. He stepped into the kitchen, and his mom stopped talking a moment to greet him.
“Danny!” She smiled. “I'm happy you're home! This is Anna.”
The girl turned in the chair. She stared at him before offering a small wave. Her small smile had turned, and her expression soured a bit.
“Um, hey,” he waved. She just stared back.
“We were discussing ghost hunting,” Maddie sang. “She says it's been an interest as of late.”
Anna nodded. Danny fidgeted.
“I was about to make a snack,” his mom continued, oblivious. “And I completely forgot! Go show Anna up to the guest room. She's been sitting here all afternoon while I just babbled.”
Anna stood carefully, grabbing her duffel. “It was hardly babbling, Mrs. Fenton,” she said. It was the first time Danny had heard her speak, and it made him jump a bit. There was something odd about her voice… “I love hearing about the ghost sightings around here. I've always been attracted to the supernatural. Do you think you could show me your lab sometime?”
This idea made Maddie jump in joy. None of her other children expressed so much enthusiasm for ghost-hunting!
“Of course! But you should rest now. I'll get started on dinner.”
Danny picked up his backpack again, since they were heading upstairs. “Where's dad?”
He was watching for Anna's reaction. Vlad hated Jack to a point he was willing to kill, and this girl might be another plot for that… But she did nothing but wait patiently at the stairs.
“He's down in the lab. We've got a new project. I hope he hasn't hurt himself…”
Danny sighed and began the trip to the guest room.
The room was small with absolutely no decoration. The floor was colored beige, the walls were colored white, and the only accessory was a dresser. Anna stared around for a moment before throwing her duffel onto the grey-washed bed and sitting down.
“So…” Danny tried to think of something to say. “You want to be a ghost hunter?”
“Yep,” she gazed at the ceiling. “What is there to do around here?”
It was an abrupt subject change that did not settle well with Danny. “Nothing really. I hang out at Nasty Burger sometimes, but that's about it.”
She bobbed her head absently. “I'm tired. Danny, right?”
He nodded.
“Alright. I'm just gonna take a quick nap.”
He had no choice but to leave her alone.
“It doesn't sound like there's anything wrong with her,” Tucker said after Danny told them of his short encounter with Anna. She'd fallen asleep and wouldn't wake up until the next morning, where she was already down in the kitchen with his mom around six in the morning.
“You're right,” Danny sighed. “If she's planning anything with Vlad, she's hiding it well.”
Sam shook her head. “Besides the interest in ghost hunting, I doubt there's a thing abnormal about her-”
She stopped abruptly as the subject of their conversation walked up behind Danny, set her tray down, and began eating quietly.
The three glanced at each other before turning their attention to the redhead before them.
“You're Anna?” Sam was the first to speak up.
She nodded.
“…How's Danny's?”
She shrugged.
“Got a boyfriend?” Tucker asked.
Sam hit him.
“How are you related to Vlad?” Danny intervened.
Anna paused a moment. “…I'm not sure. There's never been a mention of him in my family. I don't know why.”
The three exchanged a look that clearly read: I can think of a few reasons.
Danny opened his mouth to say something else, but all that came out was a silvery breath, and his whole body shivered. Quickly he jumped up.
“I gotta go!” he shouted. “I, um, forgot something.”
Anna turned to him, but Sam and Tucker were quick to distract her. Danny had already disappeared around the building.
Dear Maddie and Jack,
I am terribly sorry to inform you that the short time I promised you in my previous letter must be extended. Business elsewhere has sent me out for a few months. If I could press you to hold onto dear Ana-Marie for a while longer, I would be deep in your debt.
The child has done well in hiding her grief, I've heard. I was in her presence only a short time, but she seems a bit troubled. I know Jasmine is skilled in psychology, and Anna might come out of her shell if she has a small talk. She's also expressed her desire to hunt ghosts, which is why it seemed best to send her to you.
I am making sure Anna's father is getting the best treatment possible. Please take care of her for me. I do hope I'm not asking too much.
Vlad Masters
Anna tested the weight of the Fenton Ghost Blaster in her hand. Jack Fenton was blabbering on about ghosts while Maddie was mixing formulas.
“Your lab is impressive,” she said quietly, setting down the weapon carefully. “And so are your weapons.”
“We're working on something so the ecto-blasts won't harm humans as well as ghosts,” Maddie said, determined. “We've had some… accidents.”
Jack remained oblivious.
“Mom?” someone called from upstairs. The lab door opened, and Jazz stared down. “Danny just called. He's working on a project with Tucker and Sam, so he'll be late tonight.”
“Awww,” Jack whined. “I was gonna show him the new weapon.” He grabbed it from his wife, who jumped back uncertainly, throwing out her arms.
“Jack! It's not finished yet! It's not even stable!”
Anna stepped towards the stairs. “I think it'll be safer if I leave now…”
Jazz offered her an apologetic smile. “I'll make something to eat.”
No one even saw what Anna had slipped into her pocket.
Authoress Notes:
I want to hear conspiracy theories on Anna. I don't think I've given her away yet. I won't for a while.
Next Chapter: Danny Phantom and Ana-Marie meet for the first time. Things get interesting…