Death Note Fan Fiction ❯ ...Temporary Havoc... ❯ When misery befalls are souls... ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer! : I don't own Death Note or any of the characters, but what I do own is the idea of this story line that goes with it. Comments are greatly appreciated, because in doing so on your part to give me your opinions, on my part that makes me realize the flaws and I am able to correct myself, so you the reader can be satisfied with the story that I provide for the benefit of your intertainment.
And besides your joy of reading this fanfiction that will hopefully interest you makes me happy, and inspires me more.
This story by the way has Light Yagami getting sadly bashed, nothing personal against Light, but I wanted to make a story in which he would learn the meaning of betrayal and the painful suffering of someone you depend on let you down all of a sudden when you need them the most.
So warning to all you Light Yagami fans, sorry but I must do this fanfiction.
Chapter 1: When misery befalls are souls…
Everything was a bluer.
At least that's how Light Yagami saw it, laying there dying on the stairway. His body torn up by the bullets Matsuda had shot at him.
…That… Bastard…!
…Matsuda… Light had whispered while trying to catch his breath.
Then before Light's presence, he noticed he saw what seemed to be a bright light, before noticing the familiar soul standing before his lying, weak body; “ L ” …
Then everything went dark…
And for what seemed forever, the bright light returned back to Yagami's world of vision only to see the shinigami realm surrounding him. A dark, miserable looking abyss place. Worse then what Light Yagami had - expected it to be.
The shinigami realm was even more of a disaster before Light Yagami's eyes. Worse then the human world he had criticized so much on.
Light just couldn't stand the injustice, and wondered if the same fate would soon follow his world, without there devoted, wonderful God Kira, himself how will they cope with him gone?
End of chapter 1!
This fanfiction reflects on Light's future as a suffering soul. I know, some spoilings, but anyways!
Please review, your comments count.
Please and thank you.