Death Note Fan Fiction ❯ Keep Your Friends Close But Your Enemies Closer ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Definitely one of my favorite chapters (angst-wise), so I hope you enjoy it too!
Standing on the rooftop of the hotel, leaning against the guard rail encircling the edge, Raito surveyed the Tokyo night-scene, surprised at how brightly lit the city still was, even at this late hour. L stood a few feet back, still at top of the stairs leading up to the roof, the door opened behind him.
Flashing neon lights vibrantly danced across the buildings of glass and steel; yellow, flickering street lamps allowed for dark corners where lovers lurked. Only a few distant, twinkling stars shone through the dark blue canvas of sky, while a crescent moon hung solemnly above the whole scene, impassively observing in the many and sordid affairs of the Tokyo night-life.
Raito looked away disgustedly. Poetry and imagery were for petty fools too imprudent to get a real job. It was strange that Raito had even had lyrical thoughts such as these in the first place. He wasn't one to dress things up with sweet nothings or pretty words.
Unfortunately, when he looked away from the view, he looked straight at L.
He had been avoiding L's gaze since they arrived at the roof, the strange feeling in the pit of his stomach refusing to dissipate. In fact, it was growing worse by the minute. The poetic thoughts didn't help his increasingly frustrated mood.
But it was now or never, wasn't it? Even if L was an idiot, he couldn't be fooled forever. Eventually even his pathetic excuse for logical reasoning skills would puzzle out exactly what Raito was doing.
`And I'll have to get him to submit before then.'
Raito flinched visibly, prompting a sideways look from L. How could he have thought that? The very idea made him nauseous. Quickly regaining composure, he rephrased the thought:
`And I'll have to get him to surrender his name before then.'
Raito realized he was still staring at L, and L was still giving him a strange look, as if questioning his sanity. But then again, Raito was questioning his own sanity. Although he was loathe to admit it to himself, he was beginning to have certain…almost lustful…feelings toward that maniac L.
It was simply ridiculous. It was all completely and utterly ridiculous. He was insane; it was as straightforward as that. He hadn't been getting nearly enough sleep lately, consumed with plans for L's demise. Actually, now that Raito contemplated it, he really hadn't thought about anything or anyone other than L since….since he had met the man.
It was like L had taken over his mind, which was a rather scary thought in itself.
Was it really possible to hate someone so, so much and yet be madly in love with them at the same time? Could you seriously go about obsessing over someone you can't stand being in the same room with?
Raito sighed inwardly and refocused in on his surroundings. L was still staring at him patiently, and Raito was still gazing dreamily back at L.
What had the once great genius Yagami Raito become, reduced to staring dreamily at another man?
Raito slammed his fist on to the roof's railing, making the entire length of it vibrate. His hand also thrummed unpleasantly from the force of the blow. `Enough is enough,' he thought, his features arranging themselves into his familiar scowl. Something about the familiarity comforted him.
Enough was enough. Whatever mind games L was playing with him would have to end. Raito would not succumb, and he would not have mercy.
“Raito-kun, is something wrong?” L asked abruptly in his sickeningly sweet voice. The scowl plastered on to Raito's face deepened.
“No, Ryuu. Nothing is wrong at all,” he hissed, suddenly overcome with a blind, murderous rage. L was naïve and foolish, and only served to complicate Raito's plans at every turn. He wanted nothing more than to kill the stupid, stupid man. To punch him and kick him into submission, to make him writhe in pain.
Raito closed his eyes and let out a low breath, trying to dispel the anger coursing through him. This effort was ruined, however, by L's next comment.
“You look almost…lovesick.”
Before Raito knew what was happening he was nose to nose with L, his arms moving on their own. As if in slow motion, L fell backwards from the force of Raito's hands shoved roughly against his chest in a crude shove, the power of the blow propelling him through the open door behind him and down the stairs below. L's body hit the fourth step with a dull thud.
Raito almost snorted. How could L be so fragile as to be thrown down the stairs by that sort of push? But the snort died in his throat when he saw the look on L's face.
The other man's features were screwed up in an expression of bewildered pain that sent a jolt of guilt through Raito. Guilt? No, that couldn't possibly be right…
A flurry of thoughts rushed through his head, the most prominent of which was `Dammit, he better be ok.' But why would he be asking himself a question such as that? What the hell did he care if the bastard was hurt? Hadn't he just wanted him to hurt?
“No,” Raito whispered, completely positive that he was losing his grip on reality. He was only interested in L's safety because otherwise he would never get the satisfaction of killing the man himself. `There, that must be the reason!' he thought, even as a small part of his brain knew it was just a rationalization for an entirely different sentiment.
But, if this was the reason behind his recent spasms of emotion, perhaps it was ok to let a little bit of these feelings on to L.
Armed with the boldness this new outlook gave him, Raito hurried down the stairs, a look of panic on every inch of his face. “Ryuuzaki!” he gasped, reaching L's side in seconds. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry Ryuuzaki, I didn't mean to push you, are you ok?”
Lies, Raito thought, trying desperately to make himself believe they really were. Well, he had deliberately pushed the man, there was no debating that. But had he meant to hurt him…?
L looked up at Raito, astutely perceiving the worry exuding from him, and smile faintly. “I am 96 percent sure you are not Kira,” he mumbled.
“What?” Raito asked, genuinely puzzled. Perhaps L had mistaken Raito's look of worry over his new feelings for L for worry over L himself. Because, naturally, it wasn't really worry over L…was it?
“Kira would never show such pure concern for me,” L elaborated with a disarming smile. Raito's stomach lurched in a not-unpleasant way. L tried to gracefully get to his feet, but his ankle collapsed under him. With a sweeping hand gesture, Raito reached out and caught him right before he hit the ground.
“I think my foot broke,” L murmured anxiously, and Raito practically carried him up the stairs to level ground.
“Here, climb on to my back,” Raito ordered, and L complied, carefully hooking his arms over Raito's shoulders and pulling himself on to Raito's back. “I'll examine your foot in the hotel room where we can get some ice for it.”
It was the least Raito could do, really, and it would further win L's trust. L had just stated that he didn't think Raito could be Kira, which should have been a huge victory for Raito. And yet there was still that small nagging feeling in his stomach that he had somehow behaved inappropriately, which Raito's quick dismissal as “preposterous” didn't help ease.
No. No he couldn't. He could never worry about the tall, slender man. Never, ever about that raven-haired sexpot who's shirt clung to him in the just the right way as to reveal the contours of his waist and hips. Never, ever, ever.
Raito cringed as he realized just how warm the man on his back was. L was pressed so closely to him, his arms draped around Raito's sides, his warm breath tickling Raito's neck…
“Thank you,” L muttered suddenly from his place on Raito's back, interrupting Raito's lurid thoughts.
“You're welcome,” he said, cringing slightly at the gentle tone his voice had taken on. Seriously now, what was going on with him? He was acting just as foolish as L. It had to be contagious.
Once again a scowl contorted his features. It was L that was supposed to succumb, not him. It was L that was supposed to be seduced. A low growl escaped his throat when he suddenly realized the true reason behind his feelings.
He had been seduced. By L.
Raito's eyes widened imperceptibly as the meaning of L's prior words became clear, hitting him full-force. “I rather like games…”
So Raito had indeed been playing a game, a game by L's rules. In fact, he himself had been played.
For some reason, this thought made him angrier than anything had ever before. `If you want to play, oh will I play, Ryuu dearest,' he thought, licking his lips in a not-so-seductive manner. `And the game will be oh so good.'
The rules were changing, and Raito was going to be the one to define this new set. No more fooling around. L would be his.
Raito's scowl lifted a little at the thought of having L as his to do whatever he pleased with. Instead, a malicious smile replaced it. L would be his, his to hurt and finally kill.
And yet, amid the conjured images of L's torment, a much more sensual picture crept in. If L was his he could do anything to him, right…? Anything at all?
Raito walked the last few feet into their room, setting L gently down on the bed. His hand moved to L's already shoeless and sockless foot, gently stroking the already swelling area, which elicited a soft moan from L.
“Don't worry, Ryuu, this won't hurt,” he said in as temperate a voice as was possible from him. L only moaned again in response. “I'll get some ice and then we can head over to the hospital.”
L nodded weakly.
As Raito turned away to get the ice, the malicious smile returned to Raito's smirking face.
Back on the bed, L shook his head, trying to clear it. The pain in his foot was enough to muddle up his thoughts, and he was having trouble understanding exactly what was going on. Raito had looked genuinely concerned after his fall, but the question was really why he had pushed him in the first place. Raito had also seemed anxious about L's safety, and was acting uncharacteristically gentle. What was his motive for all this?
What concerned L the most was the hint of a smile on Raito's face as he left L on the bed. That certainly didn't bode well, knowing Raito. He hardly ever showed any sort of pleasure, much less at getting ice for a wounded colleague.
But what if L's “lovesick” comment had hit deeper than he'd meant it to? That would explain the push down the stairs, and even the concern, panic, and gentleness Raito showed afterwards. But there was still that hint of a malicious smile…
L pulled his good leg up to his chest, hugging it close. At that moment, the concern on Raito's face was enough for him to conclude that Raito couldn't possibly be the serial killer Kira. It had certainly dispelled several of his doubts about Raito. But there was still that hint of a malicious smile…
“I suppose this must continue for a little longer,” he muttered darkly.
Raito entered the room again, bag of ice in hand, and L looked innocently up at him. Their eyes met for a split second, and in that moment they both glimpsed all they needed to know.
The real game had only just begun.
A/N: Thanks all your lovely reviews/comments, and just for reading this in the first place! COMMENTS ARE A WRITER'S LIFEBLOOD! XD