Death Note Fan Fiction ❯ Sacrifice for a New World ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Light laughed as he pulled his gym bag from the small locker. He couldn’t help but feel slightly giddy when he won, especially when he actually faced a challenge. He looked at L sitting ton the thin wooden bench as he took a towel from the bag and pulled off his shirt. “How are you able to sit there like that without falling?” L chewed at his thumb. “I have very good balance.” Light continued to undress noticing that L still hadn’t moved. “You’re not going to take a shower?” L tilted his head thoughtfully. “Should I?” Light made a slight sound f disgust as he wrapped the towel around his waist. “Yes, you should. Unless you want to spend the rest of the day sweaty and stinking. It’s just good hygiene to shower after a physical activity.” L’s thumb drifted slowly down and away from his mouth. “Light-kun thinks I’m stinky?” Light rolled his eyes, removing a few more essentials from his bag, and walked toward the showers. He hung up his towel and stepped into the large tiled area containing several shower heads. He walked over to one near the chest high divider that kept water from splashing onto the changing area floor. He placed his things on a small shelf under the shower head and turned on the water, adjusting the temperature. He tilted his head back under spray with his eyes closed, letting the water soak his hair and run down his back.

So, “Ryuuga” wanted to be friends. Or so he had said when he set up the tennis match. Light could deal with that. He could work that to his advantage. He could-- “Wha-!”

“It’s alright, Light-kun,” L’s voice said quietly in his ear. How had he gotten so close with out him noticing? Close enough to lay both hands on his shoulders? Light tried to keep the shock from his voice, “W- What are you doing?” L kneaded the flesh beneath his hands. “Playing tennis can be very strenuous. I merely wish to give you a massage and release some of that… tension.” Then it clicked in Lights brain. He saw what it was that L was trying to do here and he saw the opportunity that lie there. The opportunity to get closer to L. MUCH closer. He just had to play his part, let L do as he wished and just play the submissive partner. He suppressed a smile as he turned around, trying to seem unsure. He thought of every lewd and embarrassing thing that he could to get a blush to come to his cheeks. He shyly reached out to touch L’s arm, near his shoulder, and purposefully stumbled on his words, letting his hand quiver ever so slightly, “R- Ryuuga, I- I just-” He really hoped that this would work, that he wasn’t making a fool out of himself for nothing. He hoped that L would take the bate.

He didn’t have to wait long for L to react, for him to grasp Light’s exploring hand and pull them together, to capture Light’s lips yet again. Light tried very hard to remember to be passive in it, to let L take the lead, let L feel like he was in control. It turned out not to be as difficult to go against his own nature as he thought, because no matter what Light’s position on the matter, L was obviously the more experienced of the two, being that Light had NO experience what-so-ever. What he was actually finding difficult was to not just melt into the older mans arms. L’s tongue explored every hidden cavern of his mouth, hands roamed Light’s body caressing and scratching. He felt his back pressed up against the cool wet tiled wall, felt L pressed up against him, the sensation of hot wet skin sliding against hot wet skin. Fingers in his hair, raking and tugging. More fingers ghosting across his hips, his back, the curves of his ass. He gasped when the fingers danced back around to take his growing passion in hand. L’s mouth came down to his neck, suckling the skin hard enough to leave a mark, as he worked Light with his slick hand. Light tried desperately to hold on to his concentration, to not lose himself entirely in the new sensations, to keep his mind alert, to watch L’s movements and determine what the detectives state of mind was. Could L possibly be feeling the same things? Feel that heat? The- the pressure, pushing him toward something? Suddenly all of Light’s hopes at logical thinking were smashed into little bits when a hot mouth engulfed his sex. He yelled out, unable to help himself. He had not realize that he had become so lost in his own thoughts, that he hadn’t noticed L slide down to the position that he was in now. He couldn’t remember what plans he might have had or bring himself to care. He didn’t even try to hold back the moans that L tore from him with his tongue, sucking on him like a favorite hard candy. Couldn’t keep himself from tangling his fingers in L’s hair. His legs felt like jello and he was suddenly very glad for the wall that he was leaning against. One of L’s hands slid down a leg and back up to gently play with Light’s balls and occasionally snuck further back to brush fingers against his entrance. Light gasped, choking a bit on some water that had sprayed from the showerhead, and let L take one of his weakening legs and drape it over his shoulder. His mind was reeling at all of the entirely new feelings. He strained to control his shudders every time L touched him there, and each convulsion made the man more bold, made his touch more firm and insistent, almost pressing into Light. The teen pressed his forearm against his mouth, biting down to hold back his shouts as he came, tasting blood on his lips. He was no longer able to support his own weight and slid tonelessly to the wet floor, leg slipping down from the older mans body. Only one thought swan through his head. He swallowed it. He swallowed it all. He opened his eyes, not remembering when they closed, to see L on the floor, still kneeling in the same spot, watching him with scorching eyes. His hand still lazily encircled his member, squeezing out the last of his passion, evidence washed away as quickly as it appeared. Light still lay panting against the wall, eyes wide at having actually seen the detective in such an erotic position. L quickly recovered though, crawling over to him to claim another kiss and letting the young man taste himself on his tongue. “Light-kun is absolutely beautiful in these moments.” He brushed a hand gently across Light’s now genuinely flushed cheek. “I can only hope that I am the only one who ever gets to see you this way.” Light tried to still the pounding of his heart, so loud was the sound to his ears. He had just been thinking the same thing of L, and looking at him now… Amazing…

His head became clearer with each passing moment, the reasons for this… indulgence returning to him. This was the moment, the chance to hopefully tie L to him, to begin to worm his way inside of his mind. He kept the heated passion in his eyes, let it make his voice thick as he touched L’s face in the same way that L touched his. “You ARE the only one, the first one to---” He cut himself off and made it seem as if he were trying to make a choice and he could resist no longer when he stole a kiss. “You will be the only one. I’ll never let anyone else. Ever.”

L smiled, satisfaction evident, and began kissing up and down Light’s neck again. “Will you promise me? Promise that Light-kun is for me alone?” Light started to pant again and gasped out, “Yes! I promise! I’m yours!” L pulled quickly away and stood up, pulling Light with him. “That pleases me very much.” He smiled lecherously as he walked away to the small shelf by the shower head. “But Light-kun should try to wash quickly. I can hear someone coming.” And sure enough, Light could hear people, in the distance, conversing as they opened the locker room door. He scrambled over to the shelf as well and lowered the temperature of the water considerably, not wishing for any of his classmate to see him that way, blushing like a virgin and half-hard. L chuckled as he rubbed some of Light’s shampoo into his hair. Light frowned in annoyance but quickly remembered to change it into a pout when L looked in his direction. He snatched the bottle from L’s hands and quickly shampooed and rinsed his hair. He then left the shower area, leaving L to grab whatever he had left behind. He was immensely relieved that the newcomers hadn’t chosen a locker anywhere near his. They were in a different row entirely. He dressed quickly and combed his hair. After checking his appearance he shoved the small mirror back into his bag and went to wait outside, leaving the bag on the bench for L to grab. He leaned up against the wall by the door and tried not to outwardly show how furious he was inside. He wasn’t even entirely sure why, just that this was not how he would have imagined things to turn out. He thought he would have more control over himself. He folded his arms over his chest and closed his eyes. And L, he had enjoyed seeing him so flustered, seeing him so completely affected--- But wait, he had to think of how it would look to L and how he could use it to his advantage. L might have been the one on his knees but Light was clearly the one who had submitted, given in, got caught up in the moment. L would think to use this, would think he could control Light in some way, or get closer to him to gain information, insight. But Light could use it too. He could let L believe that it was working, let L think that he was in control. He would watch and learn. He would use whatever he had learned to manipulate L, he would set roots in L so deep that the detective wouldn’t be able to survive without him.; He just needed to play his part, bide his time. So he stayed there against the wall waiting in peaceful repose, entirely undisturbed until L shuffled out, moving in far too close, pressing the gym bag into his hands, startling Light into awareness. “I hope I’m not disturbing Yagami-kuns thoughts…” Light blinked a few times in surprise and made a dismissing gesture with his hand, the gears in his head set into motion. “Not at all. I was thinking of you.”

L looked like he was debating probing further but opted to take another route. “Thank you for letting me use your shampoo and conditioner. I had honestly neglected to think of the need.” Light smiled at him. “It was no problem. As a matter of fact, feel free to use them anytime. If you should decide to play against me again, that is.” Once again, L seemed to be mulling something over and then he began walking, leaving Light with no choice but to walk with him or be left behind. “Perhaps we will face each other again. We will have to see.” They walked in silence for a bit, each contemplating their next moves as well as that of their rival. “Ryuuga, would you like to get some drinks? I would like to talk with you more. It feels like we should know each other a little better, considering.”

“Yes, I agree. I would like to get to know you better, but I feel as if I should tell you something first.” They were walking side by side by this point and Light casually glanced over to the detective, trying to read his expression. “Yes?”

L stated simply, “I suspect that you are Kira.” And there it was, put as bluntly as possible. No room for interpretation. Light stopped dead in his tracks, honestly shocked that L would just come out and say it, just like that. “You think that I’m Kira? Even after--” He cut himself off, laughing the tiniest bit. “No, I suppose it wouldn’t matter to you, would it?” L had stopped and Walked back a bit so that he was standing about a foot away from Light. “I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s only a one percent chance, at this point. Once we can prove that you are not Kira I would like nothing more than to have you work on the investigation with me.” Light shook his head, smiling slightly, and started to walk again. It was a good move on L’s part, he hadn’t expected it. But it, like everything else, could be used to his advantage. “Then you had better get on that. I would love nothing more than to work with you.” He chanced an sultry glance toward L as he said, “Closely, I hope.” He smiled in silent victory when L bit his lower lip, ever so slightly. “My favorite café is not far from here. I think that you’ll like it, Ryuuga.”