Demon Diary Fan Fiction ❯ Forever ❯ Please? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: I don't own any of the characters from Demon Diary, *sniff* really wish I did, but I don't. Warning, it's shonen ai. And, enjoy!
(Italic are thoughts, asterisks are telepathy, and quotes are verbal speaking.)
Raenef sat dazed into space. Ever since Chris and Erutis had left the company of his home, the corridors were just too quiet. The young demon lord sighed. All he could do, now, was wait for Eclipse to return from the meeting with the council. Too familiar was the boredom. What could he do to pass the time?
Raenef ran a hand through his silver hair. He wasn't expecting to see anyone today, so he still hadn't changed from his night robes. His hair was freely fallen, framing his face like a museum art piece. The black material complemented his fragile figure. Each curve was another stroke of the artist's brush.
I know! Raenef thought spontaneously. I could surprise Eclipse before he gets back! I wonder what kind of surprise he'd like. The blonde walked around through the large rooms of the massive house. He hadn't expected it to be so large when he first arrived, but now he was accustomed to being here. It was natural to be surrounded by underlings, and by Eclipse. His teacher, what was the amazing bond that Raenef felt between the two?
Raenef wasn't sure. He had never encountered this feeling before.
~After some time~
“There! I'm finished!” Raenef squeaked like a contented child as he held up a drawing. He had drawn a picture of Eclipse and himself together. The handiwork was much that of a child's, but it was really the thought that counted. Raenef hugged the picture gentle. I'm going to put it in his room, so he'll find it once he returns. Raenef pictured the room, with its dark elegant curtains and its four poster bed. The black satin blankets always were so enticing… the demon lord always wanted to snuggle to them, to feel their soft material makeup on his skin… But he knew better. It was Eclipse's room. “Go!”
He gave a smile to his new surroundings. It was this room that made he know Eclipse. Just being there was a reminding of the older man. Raenef placed the drawing on the engraved side table beside the bed. The two faces beaming at him. Raenef's smile turned into an impatient frown. I wish he were here right now.
He felt himself weaken. He fell onto the bed, Eclipse's scent embracing him. He closed his eyes, trying to imagine his tutor being there. It hadn't taken long for him to adore the company of the older demon. But, having to wait; could he with stand it? And why was he so eager? Raenef thought for a moment but drew a blank. He didn't understand, just knew he wanted Eclipse with him. Raenef found sleep all too well, his soft breathing slowly taking a restful pace.
~That night~
What could the older demon do seeing his master sleeping in his bed? The adorable picture was in his hands as he peered at the blonde. *Lord Raenef, wake up.* But the younger one snuggled a gesture of refuse. Eclipse put the picture down and sat on the edge of the bed, longing for sleep, but also trying to sort out the beating of his heart. “Lord Raenef, you need to wake up…” The tutor nudged at Raenef's shoulder. But no success, Eclipse growled with disapproval. He closed his eyes with frustration, not noticing Raenef's absent minded actions. The demon lord nuzzled against Eclipse, grasping at the material of his robes. The teacher tried to release his clothing from Raenef's hands, but ended up giving up. He leaned over the younger one and kissed his master's forehead. “You win.”
Eclipse curled up beside his master, relaxing after his long trip. He was tired, but felt relieved to be near Raenef. You're so strange, I love you too much. You stole my heart and still you don't know it. He caressed the soft cheek for a moment before he closed his eyes. He slipped his arms around Raenef and drew him close. Safe. That's how he felt. He never wanted to let go.
~In the morning, with a very confused Raenef~
The demon lord looked around, not moving from his place of slumber. I must have fallen asleep in Eclipse's room. He reasoned, not used to his awaken sights. What confused him was the fact he was being cradled against Eclipse's bare chest. He was warm, making Raenef tingle with affection. Eclipse's long black hair ran loose and raked over Raenef's skin. He ran his fingers through it, slightly awed by its silkiness. He hadn't notice his teacher's silent awakening.
Eclipse's heart pounded. Raenef hadn't made a fuse about sleeping with him. He wanted to keep quiet, as he watched his master's face fill with amusement as he played with his hair. So innocent, like a child.
*Are you awake yet?* Raenef asked Eclipse, not really expecting an answer. *I wanna play.*
*How so?* Eclipse asked, blinking to show he was awake. Raenef blushed, but quickly recovered and hugged Eclipse. The older demon smiled and ruffled the silver hair on Raenef's head. “Did you miss me?” He asked, not really meaning to say anything, but the words had slipped out nonetheless.
“A lot, it's boring without you.”
“So you sneak into my room?” Eclipse asked, feeling slightly curious about Raenef's presence in his room. The demon lord blushed, and nuzzled under Eclipse's chin to hide his embarrassment. He wasn't exactly sure how to explain it, the feeling that was overwhelming him.
“I… well, I drew you a picture.” Raenef began. The teacher thought back to the childish drawing and smiled.
“I saw.”
“Then, I wanted to put it where you'd find it, so I came here. Then it reminded me of you, well you know, because it's your room. And…” Raenef held off on the end. Eclipse was amused by his master's words and wanted them to continue.
“And?” He pushed the topic slightly, trying to keep his voice from sounding too curious.
*I started to miss you so much… This room surrounded me with you, so I stayed here. And then I woke up to you. I was happy.* Raenef said with telepathy, afraid to speak the words aloud. The older demon's heart pounded like the younger. They were both quiet for a moment. No words. No thoughts being transferred. Just silence.
*I missed you, too. I didn't expect to see you in here.* He wished he could see Raenef's reaction, but the younger one remained hidden to his neck.
“I'm sorry.” Raenef tightened his embrace around his tutor. *I won't come sneak in unless I have permission.*
“You don't need—” Eclipse blushed. Raenef looked up at his tutor's sudden words. Eclipse tried to cover up his embarrassment. “You don't need my permission. I was just mentioning I was surprised, I wasn't mad.”
“Oh, so it's okay if I sleep with you? Is that a demon lord okay?” Raenef asked. Eclipse blushed again. His master was being rather blunt.
“Well… no… not really, but… I don't mind.” Idiot! Eclipse shouted at himself in his mind. But his master surprised him with a kiss on the cheek and a happy smile.
“Yay, I like sleeping with you. I'm safe.”
Safe… like my feelings…Eclipse rolled, his body taking over the top of Raenef, their chest pressing against one another. “You like being safe?” Eclipse asked. His hands caressed the demon lord's cheeks. Raenef tried to hide his blush by curling against Eclipse, but the teacher didn't allow him any closer. He wanted to see his master's eyes. *Tell me.*
I do, I do!!! “I…” Surround me! “…”
“Tell me…” Eclipse purred slightly, leaning closer to his master. Raenef closed his eyes; his heart was overwhelming with the unknown emotion. An ache filled heart; he was yearning for more Eclipse. “Lord…”
*I do!* “Please, don't call my Lord.” *I do!* “I don't like the title…” *Eclipse!* Raenef blushed, knowing how horribly his was keeping his thoughts and reasons on track. He tried to avoid the violet eyes that stared him down, but his heart wouldn't let him. He stared back enchanted by the older male's beauty. “I…”
*No need for words.* Eclipse whispered as he captured Raenef's lips. The younger demon was startled, but couldn't resist this new touch. He had never kissed anyone before, and had never known what the word love was. These feelings were now filling his insides like sunlight, and he couldn't stop wanting more. I love him so much. Eclipse gently sucked at Raenef's lips, gently prodding and testing his master's responses. The young male had fallen silent and allowed this new evasion openly. Not exactly sure what to do, he allowed Eclipse to take lead.
Eclipse drew back to see the blue crystals staring at him innocently, and slightly confused. “I like that, can we…” Eclipse placed a finger to Raenef's lips. He gently hushed and smiled like a child.
“Not now. You still have studied to take.” Eclipse reluctantly pulled away from his liege, but stood beside the bed. The young master laid there, slightly dazed and closed his eyes. He was so tempting, but he wasn't aware of it. “You haven't even changed your dressings in the past days, have you?” Eclipsed asked, making Raenef hide his face beneath his hands.
“No, I didn't see the point.”
“You shouldn't do that. I think changing your clothes in a necessity.” Eclipse pulled out some fresh robes from his closet. It was made from dragon silk, and gleamed like rubies. Eclipse handed it to his master, trying to make up for his earlier disappointment. “Try these.”
“But they're yours.”
“No matter, they'll fit you. Besides, it'll save you a trip to your room.” Eclipse turned, giving his master privacy to change; Raenef returning the same favor. Raenef slipped into the new robes, feeling awkward but also content.
“I'm finished.” Raenef said absent mindedly, accidentally glancing at Eclipse. He blushed and quickly closed his eyes. He suddenly clammed up and counted to ten, trying to remain calm.
Eclipse came up behind Raenef and embraced him, and gently sucked the nape of his neck. Raenef blushed, unwilling to pull away. His teacher's gentle fingers closed around him, giving the comforting feeling of security again.
“Can we?” Raenef asked, wanting to feel the amazing emotion again. Eclipse chuckled slightly, not expecting his lord to be so bold. “Please…”
“No, you have lessons to learn.” Raenef made an attempt with his puppy eyes, but Eclipse had learned to resist them. “I'm sorry, but lessons come first before play.”
“Then we can play?”
“Of course.”
~In the lesson room~
“Lord Raenef, try again. I want you to memorize the phrase.” Eclipse looked over the page of the textbook. He couldn't count the numerous times he had glanced at Raenef in the past two hours. The silver haired lord sat with the ponderous look on his face. He was working so hard to impress his tutor. But now at this point, he was stressing himself out. Eclipse hated trying to force him on, but he wanted to see if his master could pull a few more extensive tries.
“I… Argh… I can't remember!” Raenef clamped his hands on his forehead, as if trying to force the knowledge out. “I want to, but I can't!” Eclipse smiled, he was sure they were done for now. There was no point when Raenef was discouraging himself.
“Perhaps a break would refresh you.” Eclipse suggested setting the textbook on the marble floor beside him. His hand lingered on it, thinking about a walk in the garden. The day had progressed nicely and the garden was humming for attention. “Might you like a walk?”
Raenef sighed, dropping the leather-bound book to the floor. “Yeah.” Eclipse held out his hand for his master; the receiving grasp all too happy. Eclipse and Raenef whispered, “Go,” and appeared out in the rose abundant garden. The beautiful scent coated the world around them. Raenef looked around and gleefully went to pick on. But his carelessness led to his finger being prodded by a thorn.
“Ow…” he whined slightly, looking at the blood. Eclipse brought Raenef's finger to his lips, and kissed it tenderly. Raenef's eyes filled with remembrance and his thought of the morning. He slightly stepped forward, wishing his tutor would gather him in his arms again. But Eclipse retained himself, and smiled at Raenef.
“Un-uh.” Raenef whispered, slightly disappointed. Why was Eclipse being so reluctant about Raenef's feelings? Eclipse turned to the water fountain and allowed the water to run over his hand. Raenef watched in awe at the beauty of his mentor. He wanted to beam forever at him.
“That was a nice drawing.”
Raenef suddenly came back to reality. Drawing? Oh! The surprise I left him! “You liked it?”
“Yes, to know you think about me is quite the comfort.” Eclipse admitted. He wrapped an arm around Raenef's waist and pulled hi close. Raenef, still being short, had to look up at the dark haired demon. “It is. I was thrilled.” A chill swam down Raenef's back, he was so nervous.
“I want you.”
Eclipse's eyes widen by the sudden phrase. Raenef took a moment to realize what he had said. He turned to pull away, wishing he hadn't been so thoughtless. He didn't even realize he had spoken, not until he saw Eclipse's expression. Complete surprise. But Eclipse held me close. Now wanting more than ever to hold the demon lord he served. It was true he wasn't expecting such an admitting, but he was absolutely gay about it. “Raenef…” The younger male stopped fidgeting. Eclipse had called his name without using a formality. He wanted to know what the older man was thinking. Of course, he was enchanted with love.
“Can we?” Raenef suddenly wanted to feel Eclipse's lips again.
“Yes.” Eclipse allowed Raenef to approach the kiss this time. The young one willing stood up on his toes and found the sweet lips. They were warm and seemed to be works of magic against Raenef's. This time, Eclipse decided he'd show more of this love he felt. He slipped his tongue into the demon lord's mouth and allowed it to dance with Raenef's.
Raenef was surprised, but was responding lovingly back. *More.*
Eclipse smiled, his hands now feeling free to explore Raenef's body.
How was it? This was my first Demon Diary fanfics so I'm not exactly sure how it's turning out. Any suggestions? And I'm really sorry for stopping there (For now), but I have to work on some projects for school. Sayo!