Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Beavis and butthead's big adventure, and mayham! ❯ old chap! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chap. 4

Sorry for taking so long to put out the next chap but I was busy!

Disclaimer :I don't own anything but my socks and the shoes I lost which means I don't own it any more striping me down to my socks and other articles of clothing. (That sounds like turd hunhunhun.^_^)

Beavis and buttheads big adventure

"Cool I `tis now yami old chap" stated yami butt as the others (minus yam bev) stared at his ugliness.

"Good ta see ya old buddy old chap?" greeted bev to yami butt.

"Nice how `tis you old chap?" asked yam butt (I'm too lazy to right the whole name so this is how I will write it, k? k!)

"O.k.! How in hell did two British morons get into Egypt?!?!" shouted Jou in frustration.

"I say Bakura old chap do you here something?" asked butt ignoring the rest of the "rift raft" who do not have a British accent or have a yami.

"`Tis a wonderful day old chap so why don't us yami's go to a little town called the shadow realm old chap?" asked yam bev to yami (yami Yugi), Bakura and yam butt.

"It's not a town"-_-0 corrected Yugi and Bakura.

Then with yam bev's power he transports Bakura, yami (Yugi just turned yami), and yam butt into the "town" of the shadow realm.

In the shadow real instead of a duelling arena there was a coffee table, some tea and a lot of sugar.

"Would any of you old chap's like some tea?" asked yam butt.

Yami and Bakura just stared -_-000.

"Umm….shure" said Bakura a bit hesitant in fear of being poisoned to death.

They then sat down and started drinking tea (I think Bakua's a bit scared of the idiots! ^_^) yam bev poured tons and tons of sugar into his tea, literally!

"You stop that now old chap!" said yam butt while smacking yami bev over the head.

"Ummm….? What are we doing here?" asked yami as yam bev took a sip out of his tea/ sugar.

"We are having a descent conversation without some rift raft around old chap" explained yam butt as yam bev shook with hyperness.

"What is it you would like to talk about?" asked yami as Bakura sipped his tea quietly.

Yam bev turns back into bev and starts pacing around the realm with his shirt over his head claiming to be Corn Holio and asking for t.p for his bumhole.

"Ummm……." Said yami and Bakura -_-00000000000 "what an idiot!" stated Bakura.

"Do not insult my lackey old chap!" warned yam butt.

"Iii aaaammmm the old powerful Corn Holio iiii aaammmmm nooo laky!" sang the extremely hyper bev.

Yami finally got so pissed he took yam butt's and bev's millennium item and chucked them (the items) into the depths of the shadow world.

He then banished bev and butt into another dimension accidentally sending Bakura with them. He didn't notice Bakuras absence and returned into the real world.

"What happened to the pervs and Bakura?" asked Honda noticing their absence right away.

"Oh shit!" swore yami noticing too that Bakura was missing.

"I must have accidentally sent him into another dimension with the two idiot!" said yami in a panic.

"Oh no! Poor Bakura!" said Anzu feeling sorry for Bakura because the morons still think he's a girl.

"How do we get him back?" asked Jou.

"Ya and who's ganna clean the shit of the walls?" asked the furious grandpa.

"Um……" said all of them trying to think of something quick.

"You can!" chirped Honda and Jou running of with yami and Anzu under there arms.

"Get back here! You have to clean the shit up!" yelled grandpa as a few passer bys looked at him strangely.

Jou and Honda ducked into an alley and checked if the cost was clear.

"How do we get Bakura back?" asked Anzu.

"We'll have to travel through dimensions to find him let's just hope he's O.K." answered yami.

"Ok let's go!!!"Said Honda and Jou raising one hand, each, into the air. (Sniff my rummage sale cheap Bakura is doomed!)

"Ya let's go," repeated Anzu and yami doing the same thing as the other two.

Yami then began to chant as the others closed there eyes. Then they disappeared into another dimension.


Sorry it was short but I had nothing to write with out spoiling the next chapter! What will happen to my rummage sale priced Bakura! (I bought him at a rummage sale! ^_^) where will they end up in?! Who knows? I do! But you don't muhahahaha! *Does a jig around computer * muhahahaha! You can't do a jig but I can! Both the buu jig and the highland one! I don't lie!