Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ A MiSTing of 4 Robster80 fics ❯ Sincere Hope Pt. 1: A Reward ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A MiSTing of Sincere Hope



Thanks to Robster80 for letting me MiST this. I don't own MST3K, I'm just letting the memory live on.

In the not too distant future,

Orbiting the planet up above,

Brian Smiley and his robot pals

Are being tortured on the

Satellite of Love.

Tortured by the students of Pearl,

Nerd Boy Ned and QB Ted.

Because when Brian relaunched the

SOL into space,

He accidentally burned down

Mrs. Forester's entire place.

(Brian: I'm… so… sorry!)

Pearl: "They'll send him cheesy Stories.

The worst they can find (la, la, la).

They'll make him sit and watch them all,

And they'll monitor his mind (la, la, la)."

Now keep in mind this is a new guy that

Has to read these stories from begging to end (la, la, la).

But try to keep your sanity,

'Cause he teleported our old robot friends:

(BRIAN with a clip board reading:)

Robot Roll Call:

CAMBOT (You're on!)

GYPSY (Why couldn't the new guy be Richard Bass Heart?)

TOM SERVO (I am not a talking gumball machine!)

CROOOOW! (Same as always!)

If you wondering how he eats and Breaths,

And other science facts (la, la, la),

Just repeat to your self

"It's just a show,

I should realy just relax."

For Mystery Science Theature 3000 (Twang)

(Door sequence 0…1…2…3…4…5…6…Dog bone)

(BRIAN is standing on the bridge with TOM and CROW opening a package)

TOM (Jumping up and down with excitement): What is it? What is it? WHAT IS IT!?

BRIAN: Calm down little man. I just got this from The Mads a few days ago.

CROW: I hope it's that video collection I ordered.

(BRIAN opens it and sees mountains and mountains of foam balls and starts digging)

TOM: Maybe it's from my underwear of the month club!

(BRIAN stops digging and looks at TOM oddly)

TOM: What?

BRIAN: I don't want to know.

(BRIAN resumes digging and finds what looks like a broken female, red hair android with a note attached)

BRIAN: I wonder why they sent us this thing?

CROW: Read the note.

BRIAN: Oh-yah!

(BRIAN clears his throught and starts reading)

BRIAN: "Dear lab rats, Nerd Boy Ned made this android one day to serve his every need, but a few days ago it broke and I told him I would give it to you so it would be off of his hands."

TOM: How did it break?

BRIAN: "I know what you're thinking, and let me put it this way: Ned's a nerd, so how many dates do you think he gets on weekends?"

ALL: None.

BRIAN (from note): "If you said none, you were right. And, remember that I said he designed it to serve his every need?"

TOM: Yeah, but what does… that… have… to…

(Then it dawns on them)



(BRIAN tries to dust himself off in a frantic)

CROW: There's more on the letter.

BRIAN (Calming down, reading from the letter): "You guess right. I hope you like your gift. Your torturer, Pearl."

TOM (Sounding angry): Just great, we get something that used in a way that we didn't want to know about.

BRIAN: There's more.

(BRIAN reads the rest of the letter)

BRIAN: "P.S. I have enrolled you in my class."

BRIAN: WHAT? I'm just a high school student, why did she enroll me?

BRIAN (Continuing from the letter): "It was the only way I can let Ned and QB Ted do their experiment. Don't be late."

BRIAN: So now I'm a college man. Great.

(TOM & CROW suddenly reappeared with togas on them)

TOM & CROW (Chanting): TOGA! TOGA! TOGA!

BRIAN: Very funny guys.

(Yellow light flashes)

BRIAN: What does the yellow light mean?

CROW: Slow down.

BRIAN: Okay. (Sounds slower) What… does… the… yellow… light… mean?

TOM: Slow down.

BRIAN: Okay. (Even slower) What… does… the… (Snaps out of it) I met the yellow light blinking.

CROW: Oh. That's the commercial sign.

BRIAN: What? Commercial sign? Maybe its explained more in the letter (Reads letter) "PPS I bought air time on SCI-FI and you're on T.V. If you see a yellow light blinking, then that means it's the commercial sign."

BRIAN: Well, in that case we'll be back.

(BRIAN tapes light)

(Planet bumper)

(Commercial- TNN, we got crap.)

(SOL and BRIAN is looking through a box of old stuff)

TOM: What's that?

BRIAN: It's a box that fell into my backyard with the Sattelight. It has this weird stuff in it. A comic book collection.


BRIAN: An underwear collection.


BRIAN: And this disk labeled M.V.


BRIAN: You know what this is?

TOM: She was this voice that would remind us when to push the commercial sign.

BRIAN: Well, lets see if we can hook her back up.

(Mads light flashes)

BRIAN: Never mind, the wicked which of the west and her flying monkeys are calling.

(BRIAN taps the button)

(Classroom, PEARL is standing in front of her students and class is starting)

PEARL: In an experiment, what is the one thing that could change the results?

QB TED: Duh… Paying $10 for something that costs $5?

PEARL: Not that kind of change Ted.

NED: She means the variables.

PEARL: Correct Ned. Now Brian, give an example of what type of variable that would change an experiment.


BRIAN: Uh... um… I know! Having more than one person one the SOL for at least one experiment.


PEARL: Correct. And as a reward you get to pick 3 people to join you for at least one experiment.


BRIAN: 3 people? Thanks.

TOM: Why are you rewarding him?


PEARL: I'm in a good mood.


ALL: Really?


QB TED: Duhh… She got a boyfriend.


QB TED: Sorry.


CROW: Who?


PEARL (Still angry): NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! (Calming down) I'll let you pick at 3 people that you want to torture. Just this once.


BRIAN: Okay guys who are we going to pick first?

TOM: Well, it has to be someone dumber than a Right To Censor member.

CROW: Someone who is so annoying that he/she would make being locked in a room with Stephanie McMahnn and Gary Oak talking about themselves look tolerable.

BRIAN: And it has to be someone nobody likes.

(ALL think for a minute then BRIAN gets an "I got it" look in his eyes and the BOTS look at him as if they got the same idea)

BRIAN: Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?

CROW: He is annoying.

TOM: And every time he's on TV, I find myself wanting to here not only Stephanie speaking, but Stephen Richards or any RTC member as well as Gary.

BRIAN: That is annoying.


NED: Well?


BRIAN: We have someone in mind, but he's from a cartoon, how would you get him up there


NED: With this!

(NED reviles a big device that looks like a pinball machine, but inplace of the flippers, the button on the left read telliport, the one on the right reads return, and part there's a keyboard on top for NED to type the destination and the inplace of the score board, there's a TV screen)

NED: Our inter-dimensional telliporter. It can teliport anybody from anywhere, even other dimensions.


BRIAN: Well, in that case we pick Davis Motomya from Digimon.


QB TED: Duhh… what about the other… uhh… how many to they have left?

NED: Two Ted.

QB TED: Oh, yeah. I always have trouble remembering what comes after one.


BRIAN: How in the world did Ted get into college?


PEARL: Football scholarship.


BRIAN: Oh. As for the other two, can we have more time to think about that?


NED: Sure, you can think about who you want to pick while you read "Sincere Hope" by Robster80. It's a TK/Mimi romance, or a Takimi/Mimeru, with a hint of a Kari and Matt romance, or a Yakari. Enjoy.


ALL (In shock): A Takimi/Mimeru?

(Lights go off)


(Dog bone… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… 0)

(ALL take their seats)

BRIAN: Mimi and TK? Kari and Matt?

TOM: Why do people make these couples in the first pace?


CROW: I *Sincerely hope* its better than "Humans, Digimon, and Hormones."

(BRIAN and TOM groan at CROW'S bad pun)

A Mimeru/Takimi Fic by Robster80

BRIAN (Rob Schnider): Robster! The Robmister! The Robman! Making copies from the copier.

Notice: This story takes place about eight years after season one ends.

TOM: So, this takes place 4 years after 02, huh?


TOM: Maybe Davis stopped being annoying.

(ALL laugh hysterically)

TK, Davis, and Kari are sophomores in high school (16), Mimi a senior (18)

BRIAN: Just two years apart. Nothing to be alarmed of.

and Matt got held back a grade

TOM: Because he kept cheating off of the guy in the dunce cap.

and is also a senior (19).

CROW: Matt's a 19 year old that got held back who is dating a minor?

TOM: That tell us what he's going to do when he graduates.

BRIAN: What?

TOM: About 9-10 years at the state Penn.

The idea came to me after

BRIAN: A lobotomy?

TOM: A weird dream?

CROW: After drinking one-too many cans of Coke?

noticing a few Yakari fics,

ALL: Oh.

and wondering how Mimi and TK would take it.

BRIAN: Not a word Crow.

CROW: What?

This is NOT for fans of Michi, Sorato, Takari, Mimato, etc.

BRIAN: Luckily for me, the only one of those I am is a Takari fan. So this shouldn't hurt much.

Sincerest apologies,

the writer.

CROW: The fic hasn't started and he's already apologizing.

TOM: We're in trouble

<>: represents someone's thoughts

ALL: <We're in trouble.>

Mimi glared hard

(BRIAN clamps CROW'S beak shut)

BRIAN (to CROW): Its too early for that.

at the couple she secretly saw kissing on the park bench in the

late afternoon. Her ex-boyfriend Matt Ishida was kissing Kari Kamiya, the little

sister of their friend Tai and the supposed girlfriend of Matt's younger

brother, TK Takaishi.

TOM (Sarcastic): Isn't that cute. Age 16, and she's learning how to cheat.

Before she saw them kissing, she had overheard them


BRIAN (Singing): Don't be boring. Say yes.

BOTS (Singing): Say yes.

BRIAN (Singing): Don't be dull.

their love for

BRIAN: Cheese?

TOM: Pro-Wrestling?

CROW: Porn?

BRIAN: Crow!

each other.

ALL: Oh.

Matt had dumped Mimi a few years ago,

CROW: The reason being is that she was around his age, and therefor not young enough for his taste.

so she didn't care what he did since then. Now, she was downright furious at him, and


BRIAN: But she still didn't care.

<How could she?>

TOM: It was easy.

She thought angrily. <How could they do this to TK?! Matt's his

own brother and Kari's supposed to be his best friend as well as his


BRIAN: They were trying to get on the Jerry Springier show during the tapping of "I'm a held back 19 year old High School senior dating my younger brother's 16 year old girlfriend behind his back" episode.

Though Mimi was two years older than TK, she felt something between


BRIAN: Don't even think about it Crow.

CROW: What?

It wasn't a bond like he supposedly shared with

TOM: Sora?

BRIAN: Yolie?

CROW: His mom?

BRIAN & TOM: Ewww! Crow!


ALL: Oh!

but she did care

BRIAN: About herself a little too much.

about him similar to a kid brother, or so she thought.

CROW: So she kept saying that she didn't know him whenever the in-crowd was around.

Even before she dated

TOM: Davis?

BRIAN: Izzi?

CROW: Joe?


ALL: Oh!

and after they broke up, TK treated her as if she was his

CROW: Hooker.

BRIAN: Crow!

sister rather than a friend.

After the break up,

BRIAN: Mimi started dating people who looked like Matt to prove that she was over Matt.

TK visited Mimi one day and said that Matt had been an idiot

TOM: She's right about that.

to break up with someone loving and sweet like her.

CROW: Don't forget superficial as well.

He also blamed

TOM: School?

BRIAN: Davis?

CROW: Television?

BRIAN: Movies?

TOM: Chief?

CROW: McCloud!


ALL: Oh!

for it happening, thinking he got in the way somehow.

BRIAN: Then he should move.

It was then that she realized

CROW: He didn't have the $2.99 for her "services."

BRIAN: Crow!

how caring TK really was.

ALL: Awww…

She was grateful for his

CROW: Size of his…

BRIAN (Quickly): NO!

CROW: …wallet. What?

BRIAN: Never mind.

concern and went as far as

TOM: The 50-yard line.


helping him get together with Kari since she

BRIAN: Accidentally spilled glue across both their backs.

knew he liked her.

CROW: Rack.


As Mimi looked at the kissing couple,

TOM: She realized it was a bad dream and she woke up.

BRIAN: Wishful thinking pal.

she finally noticed that

CROW: Kari had a nice…

BRIAN (Quickly): NO!

CROW: …outfit. What?

BRIAN: Nothing.

someone else was watching them from the other side

ALL (Singing): Head on to the other side!

of the park. He was wearing, from her view, a

yellow and blue shirt and a white hat,

TOM: Gilligan got a new look.

and he looked like he was about to cry. Her eyes widened

BRIAN: And zoomed in!

as she quickly realized who it was.

CROW: A flasher.

<Oh my god,

TOM (Jessica Rabbit): IT'S DIIIIIIPPP!!!

it's TK! He must have heard them, too.>

BRIAN: How far are they from Matt and Kari anyway?

TOM: Judging by the fact that they over heard Matt and Kari say they love each other, I say they're right next to them.

CROW: But how don't they notice T.K. or Mimi?

BRIAN: Don't know, don't care, don't even wana know.

Mimi saw TK quietly turn away and begin to walk off,

TOM: The cliff.

BRIAN: That was a little dark.

then run.

CROW: Because she robbed a liquor store.

She quickly sneaked away from her hiding place

BRIAN: The bench next to Matt and Kari.

and rushed after him. She couldn't call out

TOM: For pizza.

his name or else Matt and Kari would hear her and realize

CROW: That they were being watched by peeping toms.

what had happened.

Running with all her might,

BRIAN: She saw a little old lady pass her by.

she finally caught up with TK at another section of

the park, sitting on a bench with his face in

CROW: Her…

(BRIAN grabs CROW'S beak shut)


(BRIAN releases CROW'S beak)

CROW: …handkerchief. What?

BRIAN: Stop doing that!

his hands. She flinched as she

heard a faint sniffle coming from the boy.

BRIAN: How can she hear if it was faint?

<Damn you both, Matt and Kari!>


Mimi thought bitterly. She then sat beside TK,

not taking her eyes off him. "TK?" The teen looked up to see her,

CROW: Big…

(CROW looks at BRIAN)

BRIAN: Go ahead.

CROW: …boobs.

(BRIAN facefalls out of his seat)

CROW: You said go ahead.

BRIAN: But… you… I… Never mind.

startled by the familiar voice he had known for

years now.


Tears stained his face

CROW: Those stains are the worst to get out.

and his eyes were red.

BRIAN: Because he swam with his eyes open.

Mimi wanted to cry at the sight of him

CROW: That's a bad sign for their future.

in that state, but kept her composure as

TOM: TK got out his gun.

BRIAN: Isn't it a little too early for the dark stuff?

TOM: Okay. I'll wait.

she placed a hand on his

CROW: Big…

(BRIAN grabs CROW'S beak shut)


CROW: Okay, okay. Calm down man.

shoulder and said, "I overheard them, too. I... I'm so


BRIAN: Why dose that sound so familiar?


TK looked down to stare at his feet.

CROW (TK): Man, I need new shoes.

"She said she'd always be honest with me...

that she'd never hurt me. If it were Davis, I'd be just angry. But it's not!

It's my own brother! I told him how I loved Kari and he betrays me like that!"

TOM: So, I take you're happy with this then?

As he spoke, he clenched his fists with rage and more tears began to flow down

his usually lit-up face.

BRIAN: That kid better stop or he'll flood the town

Mimi couldn't stand it any longer. She

CROW: Gave in to her sexual desires.


wrapped her arms around TK and hugged him


TOM (TK): Can't… breathe… I… need… air!

resting his head under her chin.

TK was still crying,

CROW (Newscaster): This just in, we have found the source of the flood! It is TK crying.

but he slowly placed his arms around Mimi, returning the

hug she was giving him.

BRIAN (Mimi): TK… I… can't… breathe!

"Let it out, TK,"

(BRIAN grabs CROW'S beak shut)

BRIAN: Not one word.

he heard her soothing voice whisper to


TOM (Mimi whispering): Do you like scary movies?

"Somehow we'll get through this,


then everything will be fine again. I

won't let you face this alone if I can help it." She was trying to act as

TOM: Yolie?


CROW: Kari?

TOM: Chef?

CROW: McCloud!


ALL: Oh!

did back in the Digital World,

TOM (Sora) Eat your vegetables young man, or no fighting Devimon tonight.

CROW (TK): Awww…!

TK realized. And from where he was sitting, she

was doing a better job than Sora could ever do.

(BRIAN grabs CROW'S beak shut)

BRIAN: Next time, I'm tapping your mouth shut.

Inside, Mimi felt guilty for what was going on.

TOM (Mimi): If only I had done something before I even knew what was going on.

<This is all my fault! If I had known Kari would've done this to TK, I'd have never got them together. Please forgive me, TK!

CROW: I think you'll would find out if TK forgives you if you try, oh I don't know, TALKING TO HIM!

BRIAN: I think she wants to keep it private.


I'll make it up to you somehow.>

CROW (TK): Say….


CROW: I'll shut up!

BRIAN: This is your last chance Crow.

She heard two familiar voices

BRIAN: In her head.

in the distance and said, "TK, why don't you walk with me back to my place?"

TOM (TK): All ready?! Damn, your quick!


CROW: It wasn't me!

BRIAN: Sorry, force of habit. TOM!

TK looked up at the older woman.

TOM (TK): But Mimi, I'm only 16.



BRIAN: I've got to stop doing that. TOM!

Since they both lived in the same apartment it


CROW: …be too difficult for Mimi to sneak in at night.


TOM: It wasn't me!


be out of his way, and he could use some friendly company at the


(BRIAN grabs both BOTS' mouths shut)


(BRIAN releases both of the BOTS' mouths)


CROW: You need to relax.

"I... I'd like that, Mimi. Thank you."

BRIAN: That's a good idea.

(BRIAN and the BOTS exit the theater.

(Door Sequence)

(SOL Bridge)

(We see BRIAN tinkering with the android PEARL gave him)

TOM: What are you doing?

BRIAN: The way I relax is that I ether build or fix something. Since there's nothing to build, I figure I could repair this android.

CROW: Your touching it?

BRIAN: Don't worry, I washed it. In dissenfectict. 500 times.


BRIAN: I wonder what happens if I do this?

(We suddenly hear a sound of BRIAN getting electrocuted)


(Commercial Sign flashes)

BRIAN (Weakly): We'll be back.

(BRIAN taps the light)

(As we see the planet bumper, we hear a sound of electricity and BRIAN going YEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!)