Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Hazards through the sand ❯ Chapter Two: Emotions of the Heart ( Chapter 2 )

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Hazards through the sand
Chapter Two: Emotions of the Heart
The morning slowly ticked away, to slow to many. Takato silently went through it; he had always been a patient sort. As far as he remembered that it, he tried not to think of what he had been like before… for all he knew he could have been evil incarnate.
`Okay, maybe that is going too far' he thought with a sweat drop, he didn't think he could have been evil.
`In fact, anyone who knows me often say I'm like an angel in human form… I very much doubt I could be evil' he thought, but he knew his past would always bother him.
`One cannot truly know ones future, if one doesn't know their past' the goggle head thought.
With that in mind Takato began to take notes, it was on some play from England… Shakespearean play. The teachers were hoping to actually get the students to perform the play for the school; hopefully it would be one of his favorites.
“Goggles…” a voice whispered, peering behind him he saw a familiar red haired girl.
“What is it Rika?” he asked curious, she scowled slightly.
“We have that test this Friday, can you tutor me. Your smart… smarter then brainiac… though you don't show it,” she whispered, hearing this Takato blushed embarrassed.
It was true; he was extremely smart. In fact several collages were already trying to get him to go to them, but he wanted to go through school with people his own age.
He didn't like to show his high intelligence, due to the same reason he dyed his hair and wore contacts. But also another reason, he didn't want to be labeled a nerd.
“Sure, call me tonight and we'll arrange something… just don't tell the others of my intelligence,” he whispered back, she smiled.
“Nerdy goggle head,” Rika whispered a few minutes later, but he knew she was joking; after all he had been her friend for a few years.
`I wish that she wouldn't call me giggle head, maybe if I stopped wearing my goggles she wouldn't call me that' he thought. He sweatdropped and sighed, he knew that was too much to hope for.
`Oh well, I can always dream' he thought, and since his dreams sometimes became real… it was a possibility.
“Why is it, that every damn school on earth wear uniforms,” Duo said with a frown, he didn't think the white ad silver of the school uniforms fitted him.
“It's only the high schools that do” Wufei replied, Duo sighed.
“I can't believe Une put Heero and I in lower grades then you two, classes will be boring without you too,” Duo sulked.
“This is also part of our mission, the monsters have been spotted many times around this school… the preventers think they may be connected to some of its students,” Heero told them.
“Whoop de do, monsters connected with kids… what next Godzilla,” Duo sarcastically said.
“Heh… Godzilla is nothing, he is only a twentieth century movie character,” Wufei scoffed. With that Duo and the Chinese pilot began to argue, Trowa watched all this silently.
`This feels incomplete; we are missing one member and always will. Back then, Quatre would have stepped in and calmed both Duo and Wufei down' Trowa thought, he closed his green eyes and gave a soundless sigh.
He also felt incomplete.
`Quatre' he thought.
In class Takato frowned and rubbed his chest, more acutely the spot over his heart.
`What is this feeling' he thought in bewilderment, usually he could barely sense emotions unless they were strong… they felt familiar. He had never told anyone of this ability, after all he had it since he first woke up in the hospital.
It had been very weak then, but it had gotten stronger as time went by… but it had suddenly gone up a few levels. Yet this level felt right, was this where it was suppose to be?
At the moment: his musings were interrupted, by a knocking at the door. The new students had finally arrived.
Duo grinned at the class as they walked in, the students looked at the two in curiosity. He enjoyed the attention, especially since no one knew they were the Gundam Pilots.
“Class, these are the exchange students for our grade from eth colonies,” the teacher told the class, the teacher then turned to the pilots.
“Please introduce yourselves,” the teacher told them, Mrs. Juniper he remembered her name to be.
“My name is Duo Maxwell, not much to tell... but I'll say this. I may run and hide, but I never tell a lie,” Duo said with a large grin, he heard a few giggles go through the students.
“Heero Yui,” Heero said, and that was it, thankfully the teacher didn't push it.
“Thank you, Duo you can sit by Takato… Takato raise your hand please,” Mrs. Juniper said, a brown haired boy shyly raised his hand.
Duo grinned and quickly went to his seat; he nodded to Takato who now sat to his right. The other teen was at least a year younger then himself, but Takato wore goggles (not part of the dress code) and has startling crimson eyes.
“Welcome to our Wacky school,” Takato whispered with a gentle smile, Duo smiled back and nodded. He watched as Heero was seated across the room, but he didn't mind. This way, they could keep an eye on the whole class.
“By the way, what are we looking over right now?” Dup whispered curious, might as well find out what they were learning.
“A play, the teachers are hoping we'll actually do it,” Takato whispered back, Duo made a face… plays were boring.
“Pssst… gogglehead, pay attention,” the girl behind Takato hissed. The girl was a tomboy type if he guessed; her spiky ponytail gave her style.
“Yes mother,” Takato said with a grin.
“If you didn't tutor me, I'd beat the snot out if you,” the girl threatened, Takato only turned to look at her a smile o his face… making him almost angelic looking.
“Rika, the only person you beat up nowadays is Ryo… and he's in China for the next two weeks,” Takato said gently, the girl… Rika rolled her eyes.
“I could always make a change in that,” Rika threatened, Takato only turned away to take notes.
“You could, but you won't…after all I'm your best friend,” Takato replied, after that the amusing argument came to an end
`Well, looks like I won't be bored' Duo thought as he started paying attention to class. From what he could see Rika had a crush on Takato, and Takato…reminded him of Quatre.
`Quatre' he thought, pain went through him at the thought of sweet innocent Quatre…someone long dead.
But in a way the crimson-eyed, goggle headed boy reminded him of the dead pilot of Sandrock.
He wondered, if the pain of Quatres death would ever end… even if he had considered the other boy like a little brother.
Takato sighed in relief as he walked off the school ground, classes were over for the day and he was free. Okay not totally free, he had classes tomorrow.
Happily he began to walk home, he had promised to help with the bakery tonight... after he played with Guilmon for awhile that is.
“Hey Takato!” a voice called, startled Takato turned. Coming towards him was Duo and the other new student Heero, with them were two other teens he didn't recognize. He idly wondered, if they were more exchange students from the Colonies.
“Hello Duo, Heero… can I help you?” Takato asked curious, Duo grinned… a few minutes later Duo and the others were walking with him towards his house.
“As you know we just got here, I was wondering if you could show us around the area?” Duo asked; Takato blinked.
“Not tonight, I have things I need to do… I've had them planned for a few days,” Takato apologized; thankfully Duo wasn't offended.
“It was just a thought,” Duo said with a shrug.
“By the way who are your friends, you haven't introduced us yet?” Takato asked curious, Duo's expression didn't change from his grin but Takato could easily feel that the braided teen was embarrassed.
“Oh, well the guy with green eyes is Trowa Barton and the Chinese guy is Chang Wufei… I just call him pain in the butt,” Duo said grinning, Takato sweatdropped for the next minute Wufei chased a laughing Duo down the street calling death threats.
“I don't even want to know,” Takato said, he continued walking home leaving the exchange students behind.
A breathless Dup flopped onto the couch, only moments before had the four of them arrived at the safe house.
“Well, today wasn't too bad,” Duo said, meanwhile the others sat down around the room.
“Did anyone find out anything?” Wufei asked.
“Only two things, there is a group called `Tamers' and they are connected to the monsters in some way,” Trowa told the group, in the end it was the only thing they found out.
Takato hummed to himself; as he walked home, in his arms were bags filled with food. At the moment he was running errands for his parents, Guilmon had been fed and was already asleep, and as usual he had done his homework due to the fact he had finished it in class.
At that moment he slipped into the ally next to his families store, it was easier to go in from the side then from the store front. After all, the kitchen was right by the side door.
Once at the door he put the bags down, his hands were too full to open the door. Smiling he opened the door, warm light filtered out onto his form.
“Mom, dad… I'm back,” he called; he heard them call back from the front of the store.
Grinning he picked up his bags, it was then that it happened. Vertigo overcame him, his breath became harsh and hot…. His heartbeat was so loud he could hear it echo in his ears.
He tried to call out but he couldn't, his vision blurred… no he was falling.
And fell into nothingness.
Woah… now that was unexpected. Poor Takato, what's wrong with him… I won't tell.
Note: In this storyline the Gundams were never destroyed, the pilots use them in the preventors. That means sandrock is still out there.
Next time: The Tamers visit a comatose Takato at the Hospital; the pilots seek more information on who or what the Tamers are. And Takato, Takato dreams.
Chapter Three: In the stars of dreams