Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ New Arrival (Aka It's all Xellos' Fault) ❯ Introductions, running from Telca, and Magickal loans ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Usual Disclaimer: The Harem members from X-Men, Digimon, Pokemon, Dragonlance, etc. don't belong to us. However the Original Characters of Lashana & Telca, our Ideas, and the Insanity Storyline are ours, so no touching! No touching! (hee hee, I have to stop watching Emperor's New Groove)

Note: Words between ~ ~ and { } are telepathic thoughts and such. That is all

Mewtwo smirked and looked over at the shelf that held all the videos and DVD's, exerting a small fraction of his psychic powers to telekeneticly levitate two movies over to himself. 'Mewtwo Strikes Back'. Hmpft. I'd like to catch the person who managed to record everything that happened on New Island.... Then again I also wish I could have gotten rid of the annoying little yellow rat.... Hmm... Someone's coming....

"Que? Mi amigo? Do you know if Xellos has any friends?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Because there's a big naked something sitting in the Livingroom. I just assumed it was here to see Xel."

He shuddered. That is so wrong on so many levels.... ~I am not naked. I have fur.~

Malcho reared back as the voice intruded into his thoughts and hissed, spreading his wings slightly to push an equally startled Kenshin aside. "Who are you? Do mi amigas, Lashana and Telca know you are here?"

~My name is Mewtwo. And yes, they know I'm here. Lashana is up in the Library at the moment, and I believe that Telca is busy sterilizing her skin after coming in contact with the Mazoku.~ Mewtwo paused and glared at them. ~And no, I am definately NOT here to see Xellos.~

Malcho blinked and exchanged surprised glances with Kenshin. "Uh...sorry about that, mi amigo. You wouldn't believe the strangeness that goes on around here. Ah, where are my manners? I am Malcho, and mi amigo here is Kenshin."

Kenshin looked at the strange creature for a moment before nudging Malcho in the side. "He's one of Lashana-dono's favorites."

The quetzacoatl chuckled and gazed over at Mewtwo. "Where are you from, amigo? You seem familiar, but I can't quite place you..." he trailed off as Mewtwo held up a DVD and blinked. "Pokemon? Lashana owns the Pokemon movies?"

"Just the ones with Mewtwo in them," Kenshin said with a smile.

"Carumba. And I thought the chica hated Pokemon."

"She does," Nightcrawler grinned as he bamfed into the Livingroom, grimacing when Kang slammed into the floor. "Whoops. Sorry dude. Misjudged the room."

"Do tell," the draconian grumbled as he slowly got to his feet and rubbed at his aching back. "I'm getting too old for this..."

"Kewl. You keep complaining like that and I'll ship you off to a Old Folk's Home," Telca grinned as she poked her head into the room. "Geez, Malcho, get out of the way will ya? Yeesh. Anywho, where's Elfy?"


"It's her nickname for Lashana," Kenshin explained.

~Ah. She went to the Library to research a locate spell,~ Mewtwo told her, frowning curiously when she looked at him and paled. ~What?~

"Why are there Pokemon movies in the Palace?" Telca asked, her voice lacking any emotion.

Oh boy. This is going to be bad. "I believe they came with the last shipment of movies, amiga," Malcho said, trying to calm the storm he knew was coming. He glanced back at Kang franticly, seeing the draconian nod as he moved to stand next to Mewtwo.

"I went through that last shipment. I damn well know that there weren't any Pokemon movies in it!"

Kang kept his eyes on the ever dangerous Telca as he inched closer to Mewtwo, seeing Malcho shift to block Telca's view of him as he neared the Lazy-boy chair. "Teleport your tail out of here!" he hissed at the Pokemon.

~Why?~ Mewtwo sent, keeping the conversation private.

"Because she's got a temper worse than Lashana's!"

"What's going on?" Blackwargreymon asked as he walked over to the group of people, looking from a panicked Nightcrawler to a wary Kenshin before letting his gaze fall on Telca. "Oh, what's wrong now Telca? Did Remy put a shirt on?"

"Har har," the sorceress growled as she shot a glare at the Digimon. "You know who brought those into the Palace?"

He looked over at Mewtwo and spied the movies he was holding. "Uh oh."

"You know! Tell me!!"

Oh shit! Why, oh why couldn't I have just gone straight to the Library?! "I don't know!"

"Oh yes you do!"

Crap. She's not going to let this go.... He backed away a few steps when Telca turned to glare at him and franticly reached for the Bond he had with Lahsana. Oh Lashana! My Bonded! I need a little help here!!

{What'd ya do now?}

Blackwargreymon nearly heaved a sigh of relief as he felt the Bond flare open, Lashana's thoughts easily reaching his. {Um...Telca found your Pokemon movies.}

{.....wanna go to Maui?} came the slightly frightened reply.

{I'd much rather you get down here and keep her from killing me....}

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Telca growled when she saw the telltale faraway look in the Digimon's eyes. "You quit trying to contact Lashana and tell me who the hell owns those movies!"

~I've got a better idea.~

Kang stepped back in shock as Mewtwo vanished from the chair he had been sitting in and looked over at Blackwargreymon, blinking when he saw that the Pokemon was now standing next to him. Okay. I'm impressed. He yelped seconds later when a blue glow envelloped him, a slight wrenching sensation confusing him before he found himself standing in the Library. "What the hell?!"

Lashana looked down where she was perched on a ladder near the top of a bookcase and stared at the gathering of Harem members. "Where'd you come from?"

"The Livingroom!" Nightcrawler grinned, looking over at a smug Mewtwo. "That was so cool!"

Blackwargreymon blinked a few times before slowly exhaling the breath he had been holding, sagging against a bookcase in relief. "That was way too close. Next time, Lashana, hide your movies somewhere else."

"How was I supposed to know you lot couldn't keep a secret?" she retorted as she slid down the ladder, smiling when Malcho caught her in his wings and gave her a hug before setting her on her feet. "Hey you. Long time no see. Managed to get to the final level yet?"

Malcho blushed at the reminder of the game he had become addicted to. In fact he had practicly locked himself in a room in an attempt to get enough time to himself to be able to complete all twenty levels. "Not as such, mi amiga. The demon on the sixteenth level keeps killing me."

She smirked and gently rubbed her curled fingers over his left eyeridge. "You'll beat him. So- who do I thank for Telca on the rampage?"

~Me,~ Mewtwo sighed. He walked over to her and handed her the two movies. ~I didn't know it was a secret. Of course, I could just erase her memories.~

"No. The further you stay from Telca's mind the better. There's no telling what would happen to you," Kang pointed out as he went to sit on the couch. "You do remember what happened last time, right?"

~I'm trying very hard not to,~ the Pokemon shuddered.

"I don't want to know, do I?" Kenshin asked warily.

Lashana looked over at him and shrugged. "Seems that since Telca's empathic, Mewtwo can pick up some of her thoughts. The thing is, he found that out while she was staring at a half-naked Wolverine."

Kenshin shivered.

~My point exactly.~

Blackwargreymon rumbled softly and went to sit on the floor at the base of a bookcase. "So what's the plan? We still haven't started looking for that spellbook that Xellos hid."

"Yeah well, I'm working on that," Lashana said as she walked back to the ladder and started to climb up, yelping in surprise when Malcho simply curled his plumed tail around her waist and lifted her off her feet. "Hey thanks. Anyway, I think I may have found a spell that'll help. Granted there's a catch."

~Isn't there always?~ Mewtwo grumbled as he leaned back against another bookcase and crossed his arms over his chest. ~What is it this time?~

"The locate spell can only be used once."

Nightcrawler bamfed up to her and perched on the top of the bookcase. "So that means that if we blow it, no more mystical homing device?"


"Crap," Blackwargreymon muttered.

"But there's a good side to all this," she continued as she reached out to pick up the proper book. "The spell can be used more than once...if it's weaved by a different caster."

"Oh I remember those kinds of spells!" Kang said, sitting up straight to face everyone present. "Those are bloody annoying." When he saw that Mewtwo and Kenshin still didn't understand he sighed and explained. "See, whoever weaves the spell can only use that certain spell once, then it's gone forever. But if you've got more than one person who can use magick...."

"Gotta love loopholes," Lashana grinned, tapping Malcho's tail to get his attention. "Could you put me down?" Once the quetzacoatl had set her on her feet and released her, she turned to Kang and arched a pure white eyebrow at him curiously. "You think you could manage a spell?"

He growled and shook his head. "Lashana. You know that I--"

"That you're more stubborn than a mule and thrice as thick headed?" When he glared at her she rolled her eyes and walked over to him. "Kang, you don't give yourself enough credit. I know you still have magick. You never lost it."

"My magick was a gift from Takhisis," he said stubbornly as he rested his elbows on his knees and stared down at his hands. "It vanished along with her."

~Someone mind explaining this to me?~ Mewtwo asked. ~Because if you don't I'll just have to psychicly listen in on someone's thoughts.~

"Go ahead. Doesn't faze me," Lashana shrugged before she turned her attention back to Kang, completely missing the shocked look from Mewtwo as she knelt in front of the draconian so he would be forced to meet her gaze. "Kang.... Do you miss the magick?"

He sighed and glanced away. "More than anything."

Can't believe I'm gonna do this.... She rose her hands and closed her eyes, concentrating as she reached inside herself. I'm gonna feel this in the morning. Oh well, as long as I have my coffee I should be okay.... As a sphere of golden energy formed in her cradled palms, she sighed and opened her eyes to meet Kang's surprised gaze. "Give me your hands."

"W-what are you doing?" he stammered, unable to look away from the golden sphere of light in her hands.

She smiled. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course. But what-?"

~Do as she says,~ Mewtwo told him, surprising everyone.

Kang looked from Lashana to Mewtwo, then back again before he took a breath to steel himself and gently placed his hands on top of hers, dimly aware of Blackwargreymon's low growl as he met the Elf's mischivous gaze. "What-?" He cut himself off with a gasp of shock when the golden energy flowed into him, making him feel dizzy and lightheaded as it coursed through his veins like wildfire before dulling down to a slight tingling sensation. This is.....this is just like before Takhisis left....how....

Lashana grinned at his dumbfounded look and slowly got to her feet. "It's just a loan mind you. Until I can convice you to stop being such an idiot."

"What....how did...."

Malcho snickered. "You're not finishing your sentences, amigo."

"You won't be either. C'mere."

"Lashana," Blackwargreymon rumbled. "You sure you can handle it?"

"I'll be fine. Mewtwo get out of my mind, you're starting to give me a headache."

The Pokemon blinked and quickly pulled his thoughts away from hers. ~How is it that you can sense me? And before, you were the only one unaffected by the psyburn.~

"Dunno. Maybe it's an Elven thing," she shrugged as she started gathering more energy into her hands, staring down at the golden light in concentration. "Kang? You know anything about Elve's being able to withstand telepathy and the like?"

"Huh? Wha?"

"Oy vey...."

Malcho smiled slightly at the draconian's current state of mind, but his attention was quickly diverted back to the golden energy that Lashana was holding out to him. "Que?"

"Just take it," she whispered, smiling when he lay a wing over her hands. She watched as the golden energy was immediately absorbed into him and stepped back as he gasped pulled away, his eyes wide with shock as the light engulfed him completely before fading.

"What did you do?" Nightcrawler asked as he curled his tail around the ceiling light fixture and hung upside-down in front of her.

"Gave them a bit of my Magick. It'll only last for a few days, and they won't be able to do anything more then a full-power fireball--"

"You gave me your magick?!" Kang gasped, looking at her in shock. "Lashana! That's too much!"

She shook her head and smiled. "Nah. You worry too much. Besides, I only gave you a tiny amount."

~At what price?~ Mewtwo asked softly, drawing her gaze.

Blackwargreymon looked at her warily. He knew that Mewtwo had been listening in on Lashana's thoughts while she had given Kang a portion of her Magick. The psychic Pokemon had probably heard something that the Bond hadn't transmitted. Unless she's blocked me out again. There has got to be a way for me to sense her as clearly as she senses me....

"Oh for the love of-- I'm fine," Lashana protested, sending a warning glare in Mewtwo's direction as she spoke. "Black, stop panicking. Malcho, close your mouth already, you're catchin' flies. Mewtwo, how many times do I have to tell you to get out of my thoughts?!"

Damn. How does she do that?! ~Sorry.~

Malcho snapped his jaws closed and swallowed thickly before daring to try to speak. "Mi amiga...."

"There ya are! Geez, what is this? A conference?"

"Hey Wolvie!" Lashana smiled, waving at him as he made his way into the Library. "What's up?"

"Telca an tha Cajun 've gone down ta tha basement. Somethin' 'bout Xellos hidin' somethin'...." He paused in mid-sentence when Mewtwo ran forward and grabbed Lashana's arm, blinking slowly when the two abruptly vanished. "Wha'd I say?"