Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ New Arrival (Aka It's all Xellos' Fault) ❯ Into the Basement...beware of flying doorknobs ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Usual Disclaimer: The Harem members from X-Men, Digimon, Pokemon, Dragonlance, etc. don't belong to us. However the Original Characters of Lashana & Telca, our Ideas, and the Insanity Storyline are ours, so no touching! No touching! (hee hee, I have to stop watching Emperor's New Groove)

Note: Words between ~ ~ and { } are telepathic thoughts and such. That is all

"Telca an tha Cajun 've gone down ta tha basement. Somethin' 'bout Xellos hidin' somethin'...." Wolverine paused in mid-sentence when Mewtwo ran forward and grabbed Lashana's arm, blinking slowly when the two abruptly vanished. "Wha'd I say?"


"We have GOT to clean down here more often," Telca grumbled as she picked her way past a large pile of boxes. "I swear, if I see one rat, I'm out of here."

"Don't worry, petite," Remy smiled, "Gambit won't let dem near you."

"That's very sweet but-- ACK!"

"Calm down! It's just us!" Lashana cried as a fireball appeared in Telca's hands. She felt Mewtwo yank her towards him and watched as a blue sheild envelloped the two of them, easily protecting them from the thrown attack. "TELCA!"

"Oops. Sorry."

"Sorry, my ass! You could have killed us!"

~Hardly,~ Mewtwo snorted as he let the barrier drop. ~I've been in worse situations than this.~

"Like when Giovanni blackmailed you into willingly walking into that energy prison?"

He looked down at the Elf in shock. ~How did you know about that?~

Telca growled. "I was wondering who those movies belonged to! Gods, Lashana! How could you bring something so....so...." she trailed off and gestured vaguely, as if she could find the words in thin air, then shuddered. "It's just wrong!"

"Oh chill. It's only a couple of movies. 'Sides, I only bought them cuz 'Two was in them," Lashana told her, jerking her thumb in Mewtwo's direction. "It could be worse, y'know."

"How? How could it possibly be worse?!"

"I could be an Ash and Pikachu fan."

Everyone present shuddered in disgust and horror.

"Ugh. Good point. Now let's never speak of this again," Telca said, shuddering another time before turning to continue making her way towards the storage room.

~That's just....ugh....~

"Chere, dat was de most horrid thin' I ever heard."

"My point exactly. I could be way weirder than I am. Hell, I could be obsessed with the Care Bears or something."

"Stop it! You're freakin me out over here!!" Telca cried, glaring at the Elf when she snickered.

"Sorry. Sorry. I'll stop," Lashana said as she followed the other sorceress. "I'm starting to freak myself out anyway."

~Y'know, I would have loved to decorate New Island with that brat's blood,~ Mewtwo said to Lashana as they followed the other two.

Telca glanced back at the Pokemon and smirked as she leaned closer to Remy. "Okay. Maybe I don't hate him that much."

"I heard that! I heard that!" Lashana grinned, pointing at Telca. "Ha! I knew you couldn't help it!"

"Oh shut up, Elfy."

"Aw, did I hit a nerve, Telca?" Lashana drawled, smirking when her friend turned to glare at her.

"Sore wa himitsu desu!"

Telca glanced up at the cheerful exclaimation and lept aside, narrowly avoiding Xellos' glomp. Granted, things would have gone better if she hadn't tripped on a box and crashed to the floor. Okay.....OW!

"Hentai! FIRE--"

~No!~ Mewtwo yelled, grabbing Lashana's wrists to prevent her from throwing the attack. ~We're in too close quarters. You attack will only backlash onto us.~

She growled softly but nodded. "Fine. I've got other spells. Hey, Xel! Glomp this! DIEM WIND!!!"

Telca, now upright thanks to Remy's help, moved to stand next to Lashana and rose her hands. "On three."


"There. That's much better," Telca smiled as she looked over at the Mazoku that was frozen to the wall. She rubbed her hands against her pant legs to free them of dirt and turned to give the box she had tripped over a solid kick, wincing when the distinct sound of broken glass followed. "Oopsie."

"Do we want to know what dat was?" Remy asked.

"Probably not," Telca murmured. "It's got Xellos' name on the box."

Lashana grimaced and looked at her friend. "When the portals work again remind me to drop kick that box into the nearest abyss."

"Count on it."

~We should hurry. The ice is melting.~


Mewtwo sighed. ~Nevermind.~ He looked over at the Elf and smirked as he sent a private thought to her. ~You're more stubborn than Kang.~

She glanced at him. You can hear me, can't you? When he nodded she sighed and turned to head for the storage room. Stubborness isn't always a bad thing, Mewtwo.

~I never said it was,~ he sent to her. ~Can I ask you something?~


~Are all Elves telepathic?~

Telepathic? I'm not telepathic. Oh, you mean the Bond I have with Blackwargreymon, don't you? She glanced at Telca to make sure her friend wasn't noticing that she was being super quiet and saw that she was busy talking to Remy. Thank the Gods for small miracles. Anyway, the Bond Black and I have is special. We can share thoughts, but only with each other.

Mewtwo shook his head slightly, just enough for her to see that he disagreed with her without fully giving the game away. ~You have more psychic talent than that. So does Telca. It's just weak from lack of use and practice.~

You can't seriously think that I'm psychic. I mean c'mon, 'Two. I'm a half-Elven sorceress, not Superwoman. And I'd be seriously worried if Telca was psychic. Actually I'd be downright frightened.

~Welcome to my world,~ he smirked, looking over at Telca when she called to them. ~Pay attention.~

Lashana blinked and looked over at the others, blushing slightly when she saw Telca looking at her in askance. "Nothin'. So, can we open the door or not?"

"That's what I just asked you. You think you can give us a hand? It's stuck."

"You okay, petite? You look like yer head is in de clouds," Remy said as the Elf neared them, slightly concerned at the distracted look in her eyes.

"M'fine." She walked past the Cajun and reached out to grab the doorhandle, planting her right foot against the wall before heaving. "Sweet flamin' shit..... Mewtwo get over here and give me a hand, will you?"

He bristled instinctively and glared at her. ~I'm not your slave.~

"Oh for the love of...." Fine, you big psycho. Geez, remind me to ignore you the next time you need help. She gripped the doorhandle tighter and gritted her teeth as she pulled back, feeling Telca and Remy grab her arms and help her pull. Ow.....I guess I didn't need that shoulder.... "Telca.... you're.... pulling.... my arm.... out.... of.... it's socket!"

"Sorry!" Telca gasped, yelping in surprise when the doorhandle came off in the Elf's hands, sending the three of them crashing to the ground. "Okay...that hurt. Oh hi, Remy, I didn't see you under there."

Lashana groaned. "I need a vacation..."

"Stupid door!" Telca snarled, yanking the doorhandle out of the Elf's hands and throwing it at the door, her eyes widening in shock when it rebounded. Shit! She ducked and winced in imagined pain when the handle slammed into Lashana's forehead, instantly knocking her out. "Uh...." She stared at the Elf for a moment before the sound of clapping from behind her caught her attention, making her look over at the smirking Pokemon.

~Well done, Telca. I'm sure Lashana will appreciate the concussion you've just given her,~ Mewtwo said, his voice thick with sarcasm as he moved to kneel next to the unconscious Elf.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!! Is she okay?!"