Digimon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ *~The TAD Fics~* ❯ A Tad too Many Characters Die ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: Don't own Pokémon...don't own digimon GOT IT!!!!

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Hey this is more of a digimon fic than a Pokémon one. Davis thinks anybody who kills Tracey will get praise and many presents so ropes his friends in too help...that's if they survive the fic!

A tad too many Characters die
By Togepi

The dark was night...er I mean the night was dark (*geez and I haven't barley had any cola today either*) Tracey was walking through a very dark park (*hee, hee that rhymed*) at about midnight....(*people begin to shout "get on with it"*) ...hey I'm building suspense...er...I think...or am I just tired and rambling on about irrelevant things, is Tracey even there? am I? Do I really exist? and if I think about it too much will I spontauosly combust? *BOOOOOM*

As he walked through the dark park at midnight he begins to sing and dance the song I happen to be listening to at the time of writing this! (*and I'm kinda wishing I had downloaded the lyrics rather than the song, so please don't blame me if the lyrics are wrong - where I write "something" that's a part I couldn't decipher the words so Tracey couldn't either - laughs evilly*)

"It's time to Polka...er something and Pidgey too, come on put on your lederhosen, and try not to step on little Pikachu, you better grab yourself a partner like something or other or Bulbasaur, hold on a minute there's a least one hundred twenty seven more, including ledyba, and omastar jynx....er something and magmar, geodude and arcanine, something and Mr. mime, don't forget about sandslash, execute and rapidash, lickitung and porygon everybody polkamon...."

While he passes by Davis from Digimon is sat up in a tree watching him along with his other digi-destined pals.

"Oh that has to be the gayest song I have EVER heard!" snapped Davis, he then turns to Cody who is sat beside him and dancing to the song. "Hey don't dance to it!" Davis then whacked Cody one accidentally knocking him outta the tree, there's a tiny "OOF!" as he hit the floor. Everyone looks down at him.

"Oh great Davis you just killed Cody!" snapped TK. "And the fic has barley started!"

"Hey it ain't my fault TK!" Davis snapped back. Everyone then gasped.

"Hey you called me TK" said TK in amazement, "Whatever happened to TA, TJ, TU and TR?"

"TR! Where?" cried out yolei in a panic as she looked about herself.

"Your fear of Team rocket is starting to get annoying!" sneered Davis he then pushed yolei out the tree. She landed on her head killing her instantly.

"Oh geez this fic is getting bad" sighed Ken.

"Are you gonna be the next to go Ken!" snapped Davis. Ken just shook his head quickly.

"Er...no! I'm fine alive thankyou!"

"Hey how many digi-destined do we have in this tree anyways?" asked TK as he looked about him.

"I haven't a clue TK" replied Tai.

"But the answer is probably very simple" added on Izzy. "I'll just type it into the computer"

Izzy types the question "HOW MANY DIGI-DESTIEND ARE IN THIS TREE?" into the computer, the computer processes the information then replies.

"I'm not gonna answer that Izzy..." the computer said. "...you will die now!"

With that the computer grows arms, grabs a knife out of nowhere and stabs Izzy through the heart. Izzy falls out of the tree and lands dead on the ground.

"Fancy that..." began Tai, "...killed by the very thing he loved the most...besides Mimi!"

"He fancied me!" gasped Mimi. "Oh woah is me, now I can't carry on in this cruel little world" So Mimi then brings a knife out of nowhere, commits suicide by stabbing herself then she too falls to the floor dead.

"Er...k?" said ken. "The fanfic writer loves digimon and all it's characters...why is she killing us all?"

Ken awaited to be punished for asking this question but it never came, so he sighed with relief.

"Erm...okay? So why are we all here?" asked Matt, before Gatomon accidentally popped him with her claws, yes folks Matt was a blow up inflatable doll!

"We're here to kill Tracey" replied davis. "All characters who kill Tracey get lots of high praise and presents and such"

"Since when did anybody get presents?" asked TK.

"I want presents" added on Sora before Davis pushed her out of the tree, she landed on team rocket who were all instantly killed.

"Arrgghhh! Davis killed sora and team Rocket!" yelled Kari. With that Yolei, who has amazingly come back to life again, jumped up after seeing Team Rocket screamed and ran away never to be seen again!

"I can't believe this even team Rocket are dead and we all know they were the fanfic writers top favoruite characters" said ken looking at the horrid mess at the foot of the tree. "Who's next to be killed...... Brock?"

With that brock walked underneath the tree, Davis shifted nervously accidentally causing a wasps nest to come lose. it fell and landed on Brock's head Brock ran around panicked for a while screaming how he's allergic to wasps he then falls to the floor dead.

"One day I'll learn not to open my mouth" sighed Ken.

"Yeah you do that!" snapped Davis. "So are we gonna kill Tracey or not?"

"I guess" replied TK. "Only if we have nothing better to do"

"Of course we have nothing better to do?" replied Davis as the remaining digi-destined climbed out of the tree.


Arukenimon and mummymon are stood on top of a cliff both laughing manically as they watched their control spire digimon destroy the digital world.

"Whahahahahahahaha..." laughed arukenimon. "...we're causing so much destruction and not a digi-destined in sight! Whahahahahahahahahahaah!"

Then suddenly Arukenimon stopped laughing as her and Mummymon looked around awkwardly.

"Is it me, or is it less fun when we don't have any enemies to fend off?" asked Mummymon.

"Yeah kinda" sighed Arukenimon. As they became deep in thought blackWargreymon danced about behind them covered in flowers, singing.

"Preetttty, I'm so preeetyyyyy....."

"Hummmmm....why don't we play a game to pass the time?" suggested mummymon.

"Suggest Strip poker and your dead!" warned Arukenimon. Mummymon just began to sulk.

"But it's so much fun"

"I don't CARE!" snapped Arukenimon. "I don't like being caught up in the fanfic writers strange obsession with stripping games...plus I don't want to see that ugly third nipple on your butt!"

Mummymon sulked more "I'm sensitive about that thankyou!"

just then Wizardmon and gatomon approached the two human/digimon..er...things!

"How about we play monoploy" suggested Wizardmon as he set up the game.

"Monopoly? Wasn't that mentioned in the last Halloween fic?" asked Arukenimon, she then turned to Gatomon. "Hey and weren't you in the last scene, how come your here?"

Gatomon just shrugged. "Haven't a clue!"

"Can we play strip Monolploy?" asked Mummymon, with that Arukenimon gave mummymon a paper fan to the head.


Suddenly Arukenimon felt something by her leg....she looked down to see Pikachu and Patamon sniffing around her shoes...er...boots....er....whatever!

"Ewwwwww...icky icky rats!" she screamed as she kicked Pikachu away sending him plummeting over the cliff killing him as he hit the floor. Then Patamon peed on Arukenimon's shoes, Arukenimon just sighed.

"I'm not having a good day!"

"Okay okay..." said mummymon as he sat up with several bumps in his head. "...how about we settle for a strip happy days game!"


They are walking behind Tracey keeping silent and a comet lands ontop of Tai, squishing him.

"Sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" snapped Davis as they came up behind Tracey. They were about to strike when.....Myotismon jumped out of the bushes broke Tracey's neck then ran off.

"HEY! WE WERE GONNA DO THAT JERK!" Shouted Davis as myotismon ran away. "ARRGGGHHH!"

"Now what are we gonna do for the rest of the fic?" asked TK. "Since us killing Tracey was the basic...er...storyline!"

"Well..." began Kari. "...we could take Tracey's corpse to the nearest school, process his carcass and serve him for lunch"

"Ohhh I like that idea" replied TK. "Let's go!"

With that TK, kari and Ken picked up Tracey's body and ran off into the night. Davis just watched them leave and sighed.

"I never get a break"

"Well we can give you plenty" said a voice from behind him....Davis turned around to see all the dead people behind him.


"ARRGGGHHHH! I SEE A TOTAL JERK!!!!" Brock screamed.

"ARRGGGHHHHHH!!!! MY HAIR IS ON FIRE!" Jesse screamed running around with her hair on fire while James tried to put it out.

After all that all the zombies attacked davis, piling on him, several cracking sounds are heard as Davis screams.

"ARRGGGGHHHH! *Crack* THAT'S MY LEG DAMNIT! *crack* ARRGGGHHH! MY ARM IT HURTS! IT HURTS! *crack* DAMNIT MY RIBS! *crack* ARRGGHHH! THAT WAS MY NECK YOU FREAKS....oh.....I'm supposed to be dead now aren't I?"

"Yep!" replied Izzy. With that Davis dies. What a fun fic that was! I'm going to bed now before I kill anymore characters....or my dad shouts at me...whatever!