Digimon Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ The Harem's Christmas Special!! ❯ It Begins....at 5 am ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Important Note : While the characters in the Harem (like Slayers, Digimon, X-Men and so forth) aren't ours, the Storylines, Ideas, the Insanity Continuity, and the Original Characters of Lashana & Telca belong to US. Lashana's Parents actually DO exist, so don't take them away. Tempest, Rebecca, and Eve, are Original Characters of Tempests. David belongs to himself cuz he actually exists. Steal from us and face our wrath.

It Begins.

It's finally Christmas Eve in the Land of the Harem! Everyone's been looking forward to this day. Plans have been set, tasks giving out, decorations dug out of storage....now if only people would actually get out of bed, things would be perfect!



Lashana: *yawns as she lets the large hardcover book fall to the floor to join the smashed alarm clock and rolls over to snuggle closer to her still sleeping Bonded, smiling when he automaticly put his arms around her and hugs her. She had been hoping to go back to sleep...but she had forgotten about the other residents in the Palace*

Duncan: *from the Kitchen, loudly and off-key* Deck the halls with boughs of holly! Fa la la lala, lala la la!! Tis the season to be jolly! Fa la la lala, lala la la!!

Blackwargreymon: *cracks an eye open at the horrid sound and groans* Lashana?

Lashana: *pulls a pillow over her head and tries to hide from the singing* Yeah?

Blackwargreymon: What time is it?

Lashana: Five thirty....am

Blackwargreymon: That's what I thought.... *moans as he pulls the blankets over his head, grimacing when it does nothing to drown out the horrid singing* I think I'm gonna kill Duncan.

Lashana: *snickers* You can't. He's cooking the Christmas turkey.

Blackwargreymon: Damn.

Telca: *from her wing of the Palace* SHUT UP!! FOR THE LOVE OF THE GODS!! JUST SHUT UP!!!


Blackwargreymon: *sighs as loud wails come from Telca's wing of the Palace*

Lashana: I am not getting up. I am not getting up. I am not getting up.

Telca: LASHANA!!!! SHUT HIM UP!!!!

Blackwargreymon: You have to get up.

Lashana: *sighs and rolls onto her back, yelping at the sight of numerous snowflakes and santa streamers hanging over the bed*

Blackwargreymon: *follows her gaze and growls* Someone dies.

Lashana: No bloodshed on Christmas *hauls herself out of bed and sighs as she pulls on some socks before grabbing her black house coat and heading for the door*

Blackwargreymon: *sighs, groans, whimpers......then realizes that she's not taking pity on him* Fine! *gets out of bed, tugs his jogging pants a bit higher and stretches before ushering her out of the room*


Duncan: *in the Kitchen* It's the most wonderful time of the year! Fa la la lala, lala la --URK! *gets beaned by a marble rolling pin*

Remy: *is standing there in just a pair of jogging pants looking nummily ruffled and half-awake* Mon ami, if you do not shut up very soon, I think dat I am going to kill you.

Duncan: Fa la la.... @_@

Remy: *rolls his eyes and drops the rolling pin square on the immortal's head, gazing around the kitchen for a moment before paling* Mon Dieu! What are you doin to dat turkey?!

Duncan: *still kinda out of it* It's the way I always make it......

Remy: *shudders* May de Gods take pity on us all.... *glances down at the immortal for a moment before grinning and going over to the turkey*


Lashana: *has invented a new mantra for herself* I will not cause bloodshed on Christmas...I will not cause bloodshed on Christmas....

Blackwargreymon: You keep saying that and you might actually start to believe it.

Lashana: *fwaps him as she walks down the main stairs, gazing out over the large main hall for a moment before sighing and heading for the Kitchen. What she walks into is mayhem*

Duncan: NO! You can't put spices on the turkey!

Remy: Bein oui! It gives it taste!

Duncan: That's what the bacon's for!

Remy: *gags* You don't put bacon on a turkey!

Duncan: Sure you do! Then you don't have to baste it!

Remy: But it looses all de flavor!

Lashana: *groans* It's too early for this..... ;_;

Blackwargreymon: *gets pissed* WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?!?!

Duncan & Remy: ........

Lashana: Ok. Now. What the hell are you two doing up at FIVE THIRTY in the morning?!?

Duncan: Actually it's more like six now... *winces at the death glare she sends him*

Remy: Well Remy got up to shut dis idiot up, but den I saw what he was doin to de turkey.... *trails off at her annoyed glare*

Lashana: *slowly* You're telling me that all this is about HOW TO COOK A TURKEY?!?!

Duncan: Um....yes?

Lashana: *starts hyperventilating*

Blackwargreymon: *warily* Lashana, calm down.....

Lashana: I AM CALM!

Blackwargreymon: O.o

Telca: *stomps into the Kitchen and glares at Lashana* Are you yelling at my Remy??

Lashana: *ignores her* Ok. This is what we'll do. *points to the turkey on the counter* Remy can cook that one. Duncan, you go find another turkey and cook that one.

Duncan: ....we don't have another turkey.

Telca: *grins evilly* You have a sword. There's the forest. Go fetch.

Duncan: You've got to be kidding -_-

Lashana: *lowly* Do we look like we're kidding?

Duncan: *takes one look at the annoyed sorceresses and the pissed Digimon and runs out the patio door*

Telca: *has seen Remy in jogging pants minus a shirt* Oh my....Merry Christmas to me! ^_^

Lashana: *rolls her eyes* I'm going back to bed.

Telca: *snaps out of it* You can't!

Lashana: *pouts* Why not?

Telca: It's Christmas! We have to decorate the Palace and go find a tree and--

Blackwargreymon: *shocked* But it's 6 in the morning! It's too early!

Lashana: *grumbles* Trust me, she'll find work for us to do until we drop dead of exhaustion.

Blackwargreymon: *groans* Can I at least go change into my jeans?

Lashana: And you'd better let me have my coffee!!

Telca: Caffeine freak.

Lashana: -_-

Telca: *sighs dramaticly* Fine. *mutters* Big babies. *looks at the Bonded pair* Go get changed and get coffee or something. Blacky make sure to put a shirt on.

Remy: I should go get changed too. *starts to head out of the Kitchen, except Telca stops him*

Telca: No no. You're fine like that *grins*

Lashana: *rolls her eyes* For some reason the term 'naked chef' comes to mind.

Blackwargreymon: *shudders* If he does that I'm ordering pizza for supper.

Lashana: Me too. C'mon, let's go get changed. *sighs and heads back to their room. But when she gets there, she doesn't head for her closet, instead she pulls off her housecoat, chucks it into a corner, and crawls back into bed*

Blackwargreymon: *looks at her curiously* I thought you said you were going to get changed.

Lashana: I will....later.

Blackwargreymon: *grins and joins her, hugging her as he lies down again*


*ten minutes later*

Telca: *yelling* I know you two are alseep!! GET UP NOW!!!!

Lashana & Blackwargreymon: Mpft.


Blackwargreymon: ......crap

Telca: *opens a portal above them and dumps a foot of snow onto them*

Blackwargreymon: AAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!

Lashana: *pissed* ALRIGHT ALREADY!! WE'RE UP! WE'RE UP!! *gets out of bed again and stomps into the bathroom*

Blackwargreymon: *takes this opportunity to leap to his feet and shake the melting snow off of him, sending a dirty look towards the ceiling of Christmas cheer afterwards* I'm not getting paid enough for this.

Lashana: *as she walks out of the bathroom wearing black jeans and a dark green long sleeved shirt* You're not getting paid at all.

Blackwargreymon: *sighs* That's a large part of the problem then. *grabs his jeans and a t-shirt off a chair and staggers into the bathroom*

Lashana: *stretches with a groan before brushing out her hair, tying it up into a loose ponytail afterwards. She yawns and goes to pound on the bathroom door* I'll be downstairs! *she doesn't wait for an answer as she opens a portal and walks through it into the Kitchen, freezing in mid-step when she sees the pandemonium*

Zelgadis: *is standing next to the coffee maker, hording the machine as he drinks out of a mug*

Kang: *is standing in the middle of the Kitchen wearing only a black pair of boxers while ranting and raving at Telca and Remy* It's not even daylight yet, Zel won't let me have my coffee, it's snowing, and you expect me to go running around outside with Duncan to kill a TURKEY?! Are you completely INSANE?!?!

Telca: Yes ^_^

Kang: *twitches, a low growl rumbling out of his chest*

Lashana: *rolls her eyes and grabs Kang's arm before he can attack Telca* No bloodshed on Christmas.

Kang: But...but...she.... *whimpers pitifully and looks at Lashana pleadingly*

Lashana: Oh for the love of.... *drags him out of the Kitchen and into the hallway*

Remy: *exchanges curious looks with Telca before the two creep towards the swinging door that leads to the main hallway*

Lashana: Look. It's Christmas. We're all gonna be put to work. *sighs at his dejected look* Oh geez. Stop looking at me like that.

Kang: *gives her the puppy-dog eyes treatment*

Lashana: Okay! Okay! I'll make you a deal. You help out with things today, and I'll port you home for all of tomorrow. You can go visit Slith and the guys.

Kang: *brightens* Really?! *when she nods he grins and sweeps her into a rib-jarring hug, spinning himself around in a circle as he laughs joyously*

Lashana: *wheezes* Kang....Lashana....need.....air....! @_@

Kang: *releases her a bit too fast and nearly drops her, except Blackwargreymon catches her first*

Blackwargreymon: What the hell are you doing with my Bonded?

Lashana: *to Kang as she works the kink out of her neck* You don't know your own strength....

Kang: *still grinning* Sorry.

Blackwargreymon: What's this all about anyway? *blinks at the sound of frantic whispers and looks over at the swinging door in time to see it swing open, dumping Telca and Remy into the hallway* O.o

Telca & Remy: We tripped. *grin and retreat back into the Kitchen*

Lashana: *calls out after them* Evesdroppers!!! *grumbles as the distinct sound of a raspberry is heard from the Kitchen*

Blackwargreymon: *snickers and looks at his Bonded* No bloodshed on Christmas, remember?

Lashana: Yeah, yeah, yeah. *looks at Kang, arching a pure white eyebrow curiously* You may want to go get changed before you go help Duncan. Unless you want to run around outside in your boxers....

Kang: *looks down at himself* Right.

Blackwargreymon: *growls*

Kang: *backs away and runs up the main stairs to Lashana's wing of the Palace*

Lashana: *to Blackwargreymon* Calm down. Geez. Try trusting me for a bit, okay?

Blackwargreymon: *blinks and looks down at her* Is that what you think?

Lashana: *doesn't answer, instead she goes into the Kitchen and heads straight for the coffee machine*

Zel: *glomps the coffee machine* MINE!

Lashana: *to Remy as she picks up a fork* Can I borrow this? Thanks. *lunges at Zel*

Blackwargreymon: *walks into the Kitchen and sees a large dust cloud next to the coffee machine* O.o

Telca: The caffeine freaks are having it out. *pulls a list out of a portal* This is what needs to be done today *hands it to him*

Blackwargreymon: *snatches the list away from her and reads it* You expect us to shovel the driveway?!

Telca: You're gonna have to if you expect to get out of the Palace.

Blackwargreymon: *is about to tell her exactly what he thinks of her list when Wolverine and Nightcrawler drag themselves into the Kitchen*

Nightcrawler: *sleepily* Wats goin on?

Wolverine: *trips over the dust cloud fight and crashes to the floor*

Lashana: *uses the distraction to drive the fork through the material of Zel's pyjama's, pinning him to the floor before she gets to her feet and calmly pours herself a cup of coffee*

Zel: *is hyperventilating since Lashana had driven the fork into the crotch of his pants, embedding the tines of said fork deeply into the floor* O.O

Remy: *winces in sympathy*

Wolverine: *is asleep on the floor and snoring loudly*

Telca: Oh for the love of.....

Blackwargreymon: *sighs and looks over at Lashana* Want to help me shovel the driveway?

Lashana: *takes a drink of her coffee* Shovel? Um, no. There's an easier way. C'mon. *heads for the main doors with him in tow, shoving them open and shivering as she walks out onto the stone walkway* I've gotta have a talk with Telca about this snow.... *shivers and raises a hand* Source of all power!Crimson fire burning bright! Gather in my hand and become my strength! FIREBALL!!!!

Blackwargreymon: *grins as half the driveway becomes cleared of snow* My turn ^_^ *steps past her and raises his hands* TERRA DESTROYER!!!! *smirks as all the snow on the driveway and walkway vaproizes* There. All done ^_^

Lashana: ^_^ *hears a loud yell and looks over at Duncan as he chases a wild turkey across the front lawn* O.o Ooookay. *blinks at a roaring war-cry and watches as Kang tries to tackle the turkey, only to have the bird give him a solid peck on the forehead before it hops over him and runs for the backyard*

Blackwargreymon: O.o

Lashana: I think I need another cup of coffee *heads back inside*