Digimon Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ The Harem's Christmas Special!! ❯ Found: One Christmas Tree ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Important Note : While the characters in the Harem (like Slayers, Digimon, X-Men and so forth) aren't ours, the Storylines, Ideas, the Insanity Continuity, and the Original Characters of Lashana & Telca belong to US. Lashana's Parents actually DO exist, so don't take them away. Tempest, Rebecca, and Eve, are Original Characters of Tempests. David belongs to himself cuz he actually exists. Steal from us and face our wrath.

Found: One Christmas Tree.
Misplaced: One Bonded's Common Sense.
Lost and glad of it: Xellos

Lashana: *dumps Kang in the snow and lands in front of Wolverine, pausing when she sees that Zel is lacking most of his pants* What the hell have you two been DOING out here?!

Zel: *blushes* It's the squirrels fault.

Kang: *snickers* What? The squirrels molested you?

Wolverine: *grins* Tha tree fell on 'im and tha little buggers got into his pants.

Lashana: *clamps a hand over her mouth to smother her laughter*

Kang: Oh I wish I could have been there to see that!

Zel: *mutters*

Lashana: Anyway, c'mon. *opens a portal* It's freezing out here and there's a gang of us that want to decorate the tree! *shoves Zel and Kang into the portal before helping Wolverine drag the tree through it. Once said tree is safely in the Palace, she sticks her head through the portal and screams out* YO ANGEL!! GET YER ARSE IN GEAR OR I'M LEAVIN YA OUT HERE!!

Angel: Ack! *throws himself into the portal, slamming head first into the floor*

Lashana: *smiles and closes the portal* There. *looks over at the main doors as Telca ushers Beast inside* Heyla. Found Wolvie and the tree.

Telca: Kewl. *sees Zelgadis* What the hell?

Kang: *snickers* Squirrels *snickers*

Telca: O.o I don't think I want to know. *looks at Beast* C'mon into the Kitchen and warm up.

Beast: *smiles* Thank you for the kind offer my dear but I assure you that I am perfectly alright *sees that Telca's not going to change her mind and sighs* Lead the way.

Telca: ^_^ *pushes him into the Kitchen*

Kang: *looks at Lashana pointedly* Now would be a good time.

Lashana: *blinks, then gets the hint* Right. Okay. I'll be right back. *opens a portal and leaps in*

Angel: *looks around* What is this place?

Malcho: *slithers back into the large entrance room* This, mi amigo, is the personal dimension of mi amiga's Telca and Lashana.

Angel: *sees the huge, purple, TALKING, winged snake* O.o.....o.O

Malcho: *blinks* What?


Lashana: *exits the portal in her room and closes it behind her as she wriggles out of her jacket and tosses it onto the bed* Where the hell could he be? *getting an idea, she closes her eyes and concentrates on the Bond, sighing when she senses that Blackwargreymon has locked himself in the attic* Oh dear.... *she opens another portal and hops through, landing in a crouch in front of him* Hey. What are you doing up here?

Blackwargreymon: *startles and looks up at her from where he's sitting on the floor, automaticly countering her question* What are you doing up here?

Lashana: I'm looking for you silly. *drops to her knees in front of him* You mind telling me why you've locked yourself in the attic?

Blackwargreymon: *shrugs and glances away* How'd you find me?

Lashana: *is now officially worried* I used the Bond. Blackwargreymon.... *she pauses and clears her throat* Look. We both know I suck at this stuff. But....you know I love you....right? I mean....you know that I would never think of leaving you or anything like that....don't you? Cuz, y'know, I don't want to leave you....ever. *she glances away when she feels herself blush and stares at the floor* Kang kinda pointed out that I haven't told you that.... and that you might be feeling possessive cuz you thought that I'd want to leave you for someone else....

Blackwargreymon: *stares at her for a moment before reaching out and hauling her into his arms, hugging her tightly. He doesn't say anything for a few minutes until he's sure he wouldn't sound like a complete idiot* I'm so sorry, Lashana. I love you, and I do trust you..... *sighs* There are times where I wish I could sense the Bond as well as you do. So that I'd know how to act around you and how to make you feel better....and how to not screw up so often....*pauses and sighs* I've been acting like an idiot, haven't I?

Lashana: Do you really want me to answer that?

Blackwargreymon: Not really, no. *sighs and pulls away, pausing to lightly kiss her forehead before getting to his feet and smiling* C'mon. We've got a Palace to decorate.

Lashana: *grabs his wrist and stops him from moving to the door, meeting his gaze when he turns to look at her* Blackwargreymon......

Blackwargreymon: *smiles* I can't hide anything from you, can I? *reaches out to playfully ruffle her hair* I'll be fine. Honest.

Lashana: *plants her fists on her hips and looks up at him* That's my line. And you never believe me when I say it either.

Blackwargreymon: True. *sighs* Alright. I'm annoyed that Kang can read me so easily....and I'm even more annoyed because what he said is the truth. It's not something that I wanted you to know.

Lashana: Why the hell not? You're my Bonded, for crying out loud! If you feel that way then it affects both of us. Gods....it's no wonder that you can't sense the Bond if you feel that way. The Bond reacts to your emotions. If you think that....that you're not good enough....then the Bond will react to that and start to degrade.

Blackwargreymon: I....I didn't know....

Lashana: *shakes her head and moves towards him* Give me your hands.

Blackwargreymon: *blinks and holds out his hands, not moving as she places her hands palm-to-palm with his, her fingers lacing with his own as he stares down at her curiously* What are you doing?

Lashana: *smiles* Think of it as an early Christmas present. *she closes her eyes and concentrates on the Bond, letting her aura meld with his as she did so, knowing that when she did, he'd be able to feel her every emotion as if it was his own* {You worry entirely too much, mi amor} *...she sent as she fed her strength and energy into the Bond, smiling when he gasped in surprise. She let her aura stay melded with his for a few more minutes before she pulled away, releasing his hands and staggering backwards, slightly disoriented* Whoa...talk about your head rushes....

Blackwargreymon: *is now staring at her in complete dumbfounded shock* You....you....I mean....how....

Lashana: *smirks* You're not finishing your sentences.

Blackwargreymon: *shakes himself* I can't believe that you....that you love me that much....I mean.... wow....

Lashana: *arches an eyebrow at him curiously* So....are you going to get your head out of your arse and realize that I am not going to run off with someone?

Blackwargreymon: *nods silently, still stunned*

Lashana: *smiles* Good. Because I was starting to seriously debate punching you.

Blackwargreymon: *sighs and steps forward to sweep her into his arms, hugging her tightly* I don't have an early Christmas present for you though.

Lashana: *casually puts her arms around his neck* You stay out of that self-bashing slump you were in and we'll call it even. Deal?

Blackwargreymon: *grins* Deal.


Beast: *is singing, very aware that Telca is staring at him dreamily as he rumages through the cupboards for a twinkie* I'm dreaming, of a white christmas......

Diane: *is humming along*

Zel: *is sitting next to the coffee machine, drinking cups of coffee as fast as the thing can make it*

Duncan: *is fighting Remy for the bag of bread to make the stuffing with*

Telca: *casually reaches out to smack Duncan while still staring at Beast* ^_^

Kang: *sticks his head into the Kitchen* Hey Beast. Ya want to give us a hand with the tree?

Telca & Diane: NO! Let him sing!!

Kang: O.O *wisely retreats and turns to look at the others* He's trapped.

Wolverine: Damn. Hey where's Blacky?

Kang: Uh....

Malcho: And Lashana? I heard her before. Did she leave again?

Nightcrawler: Kang was with her last.

Kang: .......

Wolverine: *growls* You know something. ~skint~

Kang: *is now faced with three annoyed males, one of whom is holding adamantium claws to his throat. All in all, he figures he has a better chance here than against the two females in the Kitchen*

Voice: HEY! What the hell do you three think you're doing to my draconian?! Wolvie if you cut him I swear that I will glue you to Xellos!

Wolverine: *pales and retracts his claws as he looks at Lashana as she descends the stairs* But darlin', he was hidin somethin!

Lashana: He was helping me get a few minutes of peace and quiet to talk to my Bonded! *said Bonded is currently standing next to her with an arm around her shoulders*

Nightcrawler: Oops.

Malcho: Uh.... *looks at Lashana* We're sorry?

Lashana: You'd damn well better be *looks at the tree that's lying on the floor* That can't be good for the tree....

Wolverine: We need another person ta help us put tha tree up. We tried gettin Beast, but Telca and yer mother have 'im trapped in tha Kitchen.

Blackwargreymon: Gee, why does that sound familiar *sends a pointed look at Lashana as he pulls away from her and goes to help the other guys*

Kang: *as Lashana reaches the bottom of the stairs* So?

Lashana: *winks and grins, pausing to kiss him on his scaled cheek* Thanks.

Kang: *blushes and glances away, muttering out a hurried 'you're welcome' before going to help the others with the tree*

Lashana: *snickers and walks over to Malcho, nudging him gently* Do we have enough decorations for a 15 foot tall tree?

Malcho: If not, I'm sure you and Telca would enjoy another trip to Wal-Mart

Lashana: I don't think the security guards will let us in. *snickers*

Malcho: I don't want to know.

Wolverine: *looks over at Lashana* I'm realizin that I'm probably jinxin it....but anyone seen the fruitcake?

Blackwargreymon: No. Better yet: Do we care?

The Others: No!

Blackwargreymon: That's what I thought.

Lashana: Okay Guys! Let's get the tree standing! ^_^

Kang: *rolls his eyes* Are you even going to help?

Lashana: Sure! ^_^ I'll supervise!

The Guys: *groan*

Lashana: What?


Telca: *is still listening to Beast sing*

Diane: *is doing the same*

Zel: *is now smacking Duncan with a rolling pin cuz the Immortal tried to take a mug of coffee out of the machine*

Remy: *is taking the opportunity to sabotage Duncan's Turkey*

Beast: *is slowly trying to inch his way to the door as he sings, waiting until he's a few feet from said swinging door before running like hell*

Telca: Hey! Get back here!!

Diane: *snaps out of the dreamy state she was in and sees Remy about to pour tabasco sauce over Duncan's turkey* Stop that! *smacks his hands with a wooden spoon*

Telca: O.O You hit my Remy!

Zel, Duncan & Remy: *dive for cover*

Diane: *gives Telca The Look (tm)* And your point is?

Telca: *grumbles and slouches in her seat, fuming*

The three Guys: *peek over the edge of the counter and stare at Diane in shock*

Remy: Mon Dieu! She still alive!

Duncan: *still half-concussed from being hit with a rolling pin* Jinble bells! Jinble bells!

Zel: *retakes his spot next to the coffee machine*

Kang: *from the Main Entrance/Hall* No, lean it left. No, the OTHER left! No, not that way! Oh shit!!! RUN!!


Lashana: *sees the tree start to fall over* LEVITATION!!! *uses the spell to catch the tree and sighs in relief*

Malcho: Nice catch.

Nightcrawler: *who had bamfed out of the way of the falling tree* Phew. That was close.

Wolverine: No shit.

Lashana: *rolls her eyes and looks at the floating tree, gesturing to it casually and grinning as the spell holding said tree raises it and gently places the tree into the tree stand* There. Someone wanna tighten the bolts so the tree doesn't fall over?

Nightcrawler: *as everyone looks at him* Fine. Fine. *grumbles and crawls under the low branches to get at the stand*

Malcho: *notices that Angel has just walked out of the hallway* Ah. Senor Vampir!

Angel: *sees Lashana and breaks down in pitiful wails* Where's my car?!?!!? ;_;

Lashana: O.o Uh....outside. *pulls a shovel out of a portal* Here. Good luck.

Angel: *wails, grabs the shovel and runs outside, starting to dig through the snowbanks crazily while calling out for his car*

Blackwargreymon: *watches the vampire for a moment before sadly shaking his head* Lashana you have got to stop doing that to people.

Lashana: I did nothing!

Malcho: Um...shouldn't he be bursting into flames by now?

Kang: *shrugs* He didn't before. Don't know why though.

Lashana: It's a bizarre dimension thing I guess. *sees Nightcrawler fight his way free of the branches and releases the tree from the spell, smiling when it stays upright* Kewl. We've got ourselves a tree ^_^ *grabs the star for the top of the tree and strikes a dramatic pose* TIME TO DECORATE!!! ^_^

The Guys: Oh Gods.....