Digimon Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ The Harem's Christmas Special!! ❯ Decorating Madness ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Important Note : While the characters in the Harem (like Slayers, Digimon, X-Men and so forth) aren't ours, the Storylines, Ideas, the Insanity Continuity, and the Original Characters of Lashana & Telca belong to US. Lashana's Parents actually DO exist, so don't take them away. Tempest, Rebecca, and Eve, are Original Characters of Tempests. David belongs to himself cuz he actually exists. Steal from us and face our wrath.

Decorating madness

Xellos: *unknown to all of the Harem residents, he has been busy decorating the Palace in his own special way, and he chuckles softly as he finishes stapling the final piece to the ceiling* ^_^


Lashana: *as she helps the Guys decorate the tree* ^_^ Deck the halls with poison ivy! Fa lala lalala la lala! Tis the season to be naughty! Fa lala lalala la lala! Break the windows, slash the tires! Fa lala lalala la lala! ^_^

Kang: *as Lashana sings, he leans close to Blackwargreymon and whispers* Where does she come up with these things?

Blackwargreymon: *whispers back* I have no idea. But at least she has a nice singing voice.

Lashana: *still singing* Set the teachers hair on fire! Fa lala la laaa! Lala la laaa!! ^_^

The Guys: O.o

Lashana: *innocently* What? You'd prefer 'Grandma got run over by a reindeer'?

Telca: *from the Kitchen* Hey Santa!

Lashana: *grins* Where's me fuckin bike!

Lashana & Telca: *start laughing hysterically*

Blackwargreymon: *shakes his head* Ever since they watched that 'Bowser & Blue Christmas Special'....

Nightcrawler: I liked that one ^_^

Lashana: That vasectomy song was funny! ^_^

The Guys: *cringe*

Lashana: 'The balls are just for decoration' *snickers*

Kang: *winces* That song was evil.

Malcho: It was funny for us since you didn't know what they were talking about until Lashana explained it to you. *snickers*

Kang: Oh shut up -_-

Blackwargreymon: *chuckles* What was it you said? 'What the hell are those walnuts supposed to represent?'

Lashana: *is now laughing herself sick*

Kang: -_-

Nightcrawler: *snickers, smothering his laughter when a cry of horror comes from the kitchen* What was that?

Zel, Duncan & Remy: *run out of the Kitchen, shuddering*

Diane: *calls out after them* They're giblets you idiots! It's the turkey's NECK!

Telca: PERVERTS!!!

Lashana: *is now rolling around on the floor laughing like crazy*

Malcho: What's a giblet?

Duncan: I don't really know, but it looks painfully familiar!

Diane: *walks out of the Kitchen holding a bowl* I swear, you're all sick, sick people.

Kang: *peeks into the bowl and cringes*

Diane: It's a NECK, Kang. A NECK!

Blackwargreymon: *rumbles* Pervert.

Xellos: *teleports in* Did someone mention a pervert? ^_^

Malcho: *hisses warningly*

Lashana: *as Xellos dangles a mistletoe over her head and leans close to her* AACCKKK! *does a writhing leap backwards and lands on Malcho, practicly throwing herself into his wings to sheild herself from the oncoming Xellos*

Xellos: Aww....but Lashana-chan! *pouts*

Blackwargreymon: *snaps* DON'T CALL HER 'CHAN'! TERRA DES-

Lashana: *glomps him* NO! You'll fry the tree!!!

Kenshin: *from the hallway* Is that mistletoe?

Xellos: *grins* Under the mistletoe!! ^_^ *ports out*

Lashana: *from the security of Blackwargreymon's arms* That can't be good.

Remy: *clues in to what Xellos is planning* Mon Dieu! Run!! KENSHIN! RUN!!!!!

Kenshin: Ack! Xellos! What are you-- MMMFFPPTTTT!!!!!

The Gang: *shudders*

Diane: Can't you neuter him or something?

Kang: Who'd be brave enough to get that close to him?

Diane: Point.

Lashana: *shudders* Poor, poor Kenshin. Malcho. Go help him.

Malcho: No way in hell, chica!

Lashana: Damn. Zel-

Zelgadis: NO!

Lashana: Fuzzy! Bamf over there and save my samurai!

Nightcrawler: If Xellos kisses me I'm suing you for mental anguish! ~BAMF~

Blackwargreymon: *to Lashana* Can he do that?

Lashana: He can try.

Malcho: *happens to look up at the ceiling* Oh no.....

Kang: *frowns at the dread in the Quetzacoatl's voice* What?

Malcho: *points to the ceiling, where numerous bunches of mistletoe have been hung*

Kang: Oh. Shit.

Diane: Gotta go! ^_^ *runs back into the Kitchen, quickly followed by Remy and Duncan*

Xellos: *ports in* Under the mistletoe!!!

Everyone: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wolverine: *where he's watching hockey with Lashana's Father in the Living room* What tha hell's with them?

Pete: Do we really want to know?


Both: Nah.

Wolverine: Here. Have another beer. *reaches down to scratch the Alaskan Malamute's shoulder as the dog munches on a pretzel*


Angel: *has shoveled through ten snowbanks and hasn't found his car yet* My baby! Hang on! Daddy's coming!! *keeps shoveling*


Lashana: *ducks into the kitchen and dives under the table, huddling into a little ball as she pulls her knees to her chest*

Telca: *crouches down to look at the Elf* What the hell is the matter with you?

Xellos: *from the Main Hall* UNDER THE MISTLETOE!! WOO-HOO!! ^_^

Zelgadis: MMMRRRAAAFFFFF!!!!!!

Telca: *shudders violently*

Remy: *shudders* Dat poor bastard....

Duncan: Glad it wasn't me.

Remy: Ditto.

Blackwargreymon: *dashes into the Kitchen* Made it! *heaves a sigh of relief*

Diane: *from where she's putting the 'giblets' on to boil* You'd better not have led him here.

Blackwargreymon: *shakes his head* He's too busy chasing Malcho. Um...where's Lashana?

Telca: Under there *points to the table*

Blackwargreymon: Oy.... *goes to crouch next to the table, peering under it at his Bonded* You okay?

Lashana: I came this close *holds her fingers half an inch apart* to being kissed by Xellos! How the hell do you think I am?!?!

Diane: *goes over to the table and hands her daughter a glass of wine* Here. This'll help.

Lashana: Where'd you get that? *crawls out from under the table and takes the wine glass from her mother*

Diane: Your father and I brought it for the supper. But I thought it'd be better if we drank it now.

Lashana: *nods* Good thinking.

Kang: *bursts into the Kitchen and throws himself at Lashana, locking his arms around her waist as he drop to his knees and buries his face against her stomach, sobbing loudly*

Lashana: O.o Oh dear..... *hands her wine glass to Blackwargreymon and puts her hands on Kang's shoulders* Kang? Kang, calm down... Kang?

Xellos: *ports into the Kitchen* There he is!! ^_^

Telca: *goes to push the swinging door open* Go for it!

Lashana & Diane: FIREBALL!!!!!!*send Xellos flying out of the Kitchen*

Xellos: *slams into a wall* Arigato! ^_^


Lashana: *looks down at Kang and nudges him gently* You can hide out in the Kitchen for a while. I think it's safe to say that this is going to be a hentai-free zone.

Kang: *shudders and tightens his hold on her*

Blackwargreymon: *growls softly but doesn't say anything*

Lashana: *rolls her eyes* Kang, I have to go decorate the tree. Either you let go or I'll drag you out there with me.

Kang: *sighs and hesitantly releases her* Alright.... *gets to his feet and tries to regain what little composure he can* Where's the scotch?

Duncan: *hands him the bottle* Just take a swig right out of the bottle. I have been.

Remy: Which explains your singing.....

Diane: Where's that wine? *looks around*

Lashana: *sighs and heads back out into the Main Hall, pausing to grab the marble rolling pin before leaving the haven of the Kitchen*

Blackwargreymon: *follows his Bonded, freezing in his tracks when Malcho zooms past quickly followed by a giggling Xellos* O.O

Malcho: SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!

Lashana: Malcho! Over here! *waits until the Quetzacoatl had slithered past (it really is amazing how fast he can move) before raising the rolling pin like a baseball bat and slamming it into Xellos' face, sending him sprawling across the Hall to slam through a wall* ^_^

Malcho: *sighs in relief and curls his body in a loose perimeter around Lashana* Gracias muchacha...

Lashana: No problema ^_^ *rests the rolling pin against her right shoulder* It was kinda fun.

Blackwargreymon: This coming from someone who was hiding under a table five minutes ago.

Lashana: Hush you. *looks at Malcho* Anyway, the Kitchen's officially a Hentai-free zone. So you can go take refuge in there for a bit.

Malcho: You're certain that Xellos will stay out of there?

Kang: *walks out of the Kitchen* He'd better. Lashana's Mother has been practicing her magick.

Lashana: ^_^

Malcho: O.o The senorita can weave spells?

Lashana: Yeppers! ^_^

Malcho: O.o Carumba.

Wolverine: *from the Livingroom* What's all tha noise out there?!

Kang: Xellos is on a mistletoe rampage!!

Wolverine: He's WHAT?! Oh flamin' hell. *goes back into the livingroom*

Lashana: *rolls her eyes and stores the rolling pin in a handy portal* Okay. Who wants to help decorate the tree?

Nightcrawler: ~BAMF~ Is it safe?

Lashana: *is now in a coughing fit*

Kang: It's as safe as it'll ever be. Where's Kenshin?

Nightcrawler: He's in his room. Something about not wanting to turn battousai on Christmas.

Lashana: Oh dear. I'll have to go check on him later. But first.... ^_^

Blackwargreymon: Oh Gods....


(Three Hours Later)

Kang: *sits down on the floor* If I ever see another string of lights I think I may just develop a twitch.

Malcho: *is trying to get the bright red bow that Lashana had tied onto his plumed tail off of himself* Muchacha...get this thing off of me!

Lashana: *from where she's lying on her back on the floor staring up at the fully decorated tree* Too tired....don't wanna move....

Malcho: *grumbles*

Nightcrawler: Hey! We didn't put the star on yet!

Everyone else: *groans*

Nightcrawler: What?

Blackwargreymon: In a minute ok? *is sitting next to Lashana, looking at the tree with pride*

Telca: *pokes her head out of the Kitchen* Why's it so quiet all of a sudden? *sees the tree* Wow ^_^ *turns back into the kitchen* Come see this!

Diane: *walks out into the Main Hall and smiles at the sight of the large and beautifully decorated tree* Great job. *doesn't watch where she's going and trips on Kang's tail* ACK!


Malcho: *reaches out and catches the woman in his wings* Careful, senorita. *gently sets her on her feet*

Kang: *is now clutching his tail to his chest* She stepped on my tail ;_;

Telca: Oh grow up, you big baby.

Duncan: *snickers*

Kang: *growls and bowls Duncan over with his wings* Shut up you.

Remy: *is now laughing at Duncan who has just thwacked face first into the floor*

Beast: *dares to peek out of the livingroom where he, Zelgadis, Wolverine and Pete had been watching TV, blinking when he sees the tree* Well, congradulations are in order. Very well done my friends.

Lashana: *sits up and looks over at Telca* Y'know....I keep thinking that I've forgotten to do something....

Telca: Yeah....me too.....

Pete: *walks out of the livingroom and looks at the tree* All we need now is the presents.


Kang: We're supposed to wrap them?!

Duncan: *laughs, wincing when Kang smacks him upside the head*

Blackwargreymon: *looks at Lashana* Um....do we even have any wrapping paper?


Malcho: *hears a faraway giggling and feels a cold weight settle in the pit of his stomach* Oh no....

Remy: What?

Xellos: *teleports in wearing nothing except a holly leaf* Merry Christmas! ^_^

Everyone: AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! GO PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!!!!!!!

Xellos: Aw....but I'm being festive! ^_^ *looks around* And Lashana-chan is under the mistletoe!!

Lashana: *freaks* NO I'M NOT!!!

Xellos: *points to the leafy bunch over her head* Yes you are! ^_^ *leaps at her*

Diane: You stay away from my daughter!! *fireballs Xellos many many times. Unfortunately all it does is burn the leaf away*

Everyone: AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Blackwargreymon: *has covered Lashana's eyes with his hands, saving her from the horried sight*

Zelgadis: BOMB DI WIND!! *sends Xellos flying outside into a snowbank, where a loud resounding 'bang' is heard*

Angel: MY CAR! ^_^

Xellos: Hello! ^_^

Angel: *sees Xellos minus appearel* ACK!

Lashana: *struggles out of her Bonded's hold and stomps outside, glaring at Xellos murderously* You. Will. Not. Ruin. CHRISTMAS!! *raises her hands* Darkness beyond twilight! Crimson beyond the blood that flows, buried in the flow of time! In thy great name I pledge myself to darkness! Let all the fools that stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I possess!!


Kang: Angel! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!

Angel: Huh? *sees Lashana standing there with a battle aura swirling around her* ACK! *dives into a snowbank*

Lashana: DRAGON SLAVE!!!!! *the resulting explosion not only sends Xellos into orbit, but it melts all the snow for a ten mile radius*

Angel: O.o

Diane: You melted all the snow! I wanted to have a white Christmas!

Telca: *grins* No problema! ^_^ *snaps her fingers. Seconds later it starts to snow*

Angel: MY CAR! *glomps said car, murmuring reassuring words to it lovingly*

Blackwargreymon: He needs a hobby.

Kang: Or a girlfriend.

Lashana: No girlfriends for him. He gets a 'moment of pure pleasure' and he turns into a murderous killing vampire.

Duncan: Well that would suck.

Everyone else: *groans*

Duncan: *not realizing the pun he's just made* What?

Voice from behind them: Well. It's nice to see that nothing really changes around here.

Lashana: ACK! FIREBALL!!!! *fries intruder*

Telca: *snickers* Fried chicken anyone? ^_^