Digimon Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ The Harem's Christmas Special!! ❯ New arrivals, stuffing wars and the finishing touch ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Important Note : While the characters in the Harem (like Slayers, Digimon, X-Men and so forth) aren't ours, the Storylines, Ideas, the Insanity Continuity, and the Original Characters of Lashana & Telca belong to US. Lashana's Parents actually DO exist, so don't take them away. Tempest, Rebecca, and Eve, are Original Characters of Tempests. David belongs to himself cuz he actually exists. Steal from us and face our wrath.

New arrival's, stuffing wars and the finishing touch

Lashana: *sees who she's just fireballed* Oops. Sorry Tempest! ^_^

Tempest: *shakes soot off of himself and glares at her* Is that how you greet all your guests?

Telca: No. Sometimes we give them to Xellos *pointed look*

Rebecca: You will not give my husband to Xellos!

Blackwargreymon: *sees Rebecca* ACK! *goes to stand behind Lashana, keeping the Elf between him and Tempest's wife*

Rebecca: Nice to see you too Blacky -_-

Duncan: *sees Eve standing near Tempest* Hi! ^_^ *waves*

Eve: *rolls her eyes and looks at Lashana* He doesn't get the fact that I already have a boyfriend....does he?

Lashana: He's a little slow. *shrugs* That and he's been drinking scotch all morning.

Eve: Ah.

Tempest: *sees the two new people amongst the group* Fresh victims?

Pete & Diane: -_-

Lashana: Uh...Tempest? Meet my parents.

Tempest: O.o

Rebecca: Nice going dear.

Tempest: o.O

Telca: *snickers*

Angel: *still murmuring to his car*

Eve: What's with him? *gestures to said vampire*

Lashana: We stole his car to go shopping at Wal-Mart. ^_^

Nightcrawler: And Lashana drove! It was really cool! We took this turn at like 100mph and we slid sideways around it and everything! ^_^

Eve: O.o

Blackwargreymon: *shudders* You have no idea. *gets fwaped by Lashana* Uh...I mean. It was really fun! Yeah. That's it.

Kang: Terrible recovery, Blacky.

Blackwargreymon: Oh shut up.

Diane: *to Rebecca* I'm Diane. Lashana's Mother.

Rebecca: *shakes hands with her* Rebecca. Tempest's wife and Eve's mother. *smiles* Managing to keep sane in all this?

Diane: I raised Lashana. My sanity vanished a long time ago.

Rebecca: *looks over at Lashana who's smacking Blackwargreymon* I can imagine.

Remy: Oh Mon Dieu! Remy forgot about his stuffing! *runs back inside*

Diane: *gasps* So did I! *follows Remy*

Rebecca: *wanders after them with Eve by her side, leaving Tempest to face his fate on his own*

Kang: *nudges a still slightly comatose Tempest* Hey. Wake up.

Nightcrawler: *winks at Kang as he picks up a handful of snow* Oh Tempest! ^_^

Tempest: *blinks and looks over at the teen in time to receive a faceful of snow* -_-

Blackwargreymon: *sees Tempest* BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

Wolverine: SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!! *nails Lashana in the side of her head*

Lashana: *glares at him* You. Are. So. DEAD! *grabs a handful of snow and tackles him*

Telca: *grins and makes it snow harder before hastily building herself a little fort and hiding behind it as she lobs snowballs at anyone unfortunate enough to be within her throwing range*

Blackwargreymon: *gets smacked in the head with a snowball and turns to glare at a cackling Telca*

Telca: I GOT THE TURTLE!!! ^_^

Blackwargreymon: I AM NOT A TURTLE!!!!

Tempest: *claws the snow out of his eyes in time to have another snowball thwack him in the face again* -_-

Wolverine: *has lost against Lashana and is currently trying to get the six freezing cold snowballs out from under his shirt*

Kang: *sees Lashana grin at him* Oh no....

Telca: CHARGE!!! *pelts Kang with snowballs from behind, distracting him long enough for Lashana to tackle him and give him a snowbath*

Kang: *wails* HELP!!!!!

Blackwargreymon: *grins and flying tackles Lashana, landing them in a rapidly growing snowbank*

Telca: *looks around at the five feet of snow* Gee. I think I overdid the spell a little.....

Nightcrawler: *is currently engaged in a one-on-one snowball fight with Tempest*

Angel: *yelps when a snowball smacks into the back of his head, making him slam his forehead against his car* Ow!!

Zelgadis: *snickers evilly and picks up another snowball*

Malcho: *peers out of the Palace doors and grimaces* I hate the cold -_- *gets thwacked in the face with a snowball* -_-


Malcho: *glances at the warm inside of the Palace, then at a cackling Telca, a rather evil smirk growing on his face as slithers outside to scoop snow into his right wing* Bad idea, chica. ^_^

Telca: *screeches in shock as he dumps three feet of snow on top her, most of it going under her shirt*

Malcho: *chuckles and, his job done, goes back inside*

Lashana: *has Blackwargreymon pinned on his back and is currently shoving snow under his shirt*

Blackwargreymon: *trying to get free without actually hurting her* Stop! ACK! That's COLD!! LASHANA!!!!!

Lashana: Give up? ^_^

Blackwargreymon: NO!

Lashana: *grins and shoves more snow under his shirt, cackling as she even dares to put snow under the waistband of his pants*

Blackwargreymon: AAACCCKKKK!!! THAT'S COLD!!!!

Kang: CHARGE!! *tackles Lashana, knocking her off of Blackwargreymon*

Lashana: *is now engaged in a wrestling match with Kang*

Nightcrawler: ~BAMF~ *appears behind Telca, who's still trying to get the snow out of her shirt, and grins as he hits her with a snowball before bamfing away again*

Blackwargreymon: *has given up any thoughts of winning in any snow fights and heads inside, shivering violently the entire way*

Lashana: *throws Kang into a snowbank, grabs Tempest, and runs inside, heading for the fireplace* I forgot how much I hate the cold *shivers*

Tempest: Hey you started this!

Lashana: I did no such thing! Wolvie started it.... *pauses* Where's my father?


Pete: *is currently pelting Nightcrawler and Zelgadis with snowballs*

Zel: OW! That one had a rock in it!

Kang: *as he claws his way out of the snowbank and shakes the white stuff off of himself, half-spreading his wings in surprise when Pete thwacks him in the face with a snowball* Hey! That means war!!

Pete: *cackles*


Lashana: *has gotten sidetracked from worrying about her father by her Bonded, who has pulled her into his arms as he sits down in front of a fireplace* ^_^

Tempest: *looks at the two* Nothing's changed I see.

Lashana: ^_^

Tempest: So why exactly are you holding your Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve? Isn't it usually held on Christmas Day?

Lashana: Well yeah. But besides the fact that Telca and I don't do 'traditional', some of the Guys are going to visit their friends and families tomorrow. So we decided to hold the whole shebang today and tonight, have everyone sleep over, then open the presents in the morning so that the Guys can go visit in the afternoon.

Tempest: *smirks from where he's holding his hands out close to the fire to warm them* I'll be damned. That actually made sense.

Lashana: -_-

Blackwargreymon: *snickers and hugs Lashana* You think we should go check on your mother so make sure Duncan isn't giving her a hard time?

Lashana: Nah. Mum can handle herself. *hears Duncan's yelp from the kitchen and snickers* What we should do is finish decorating, then go set up the dining room. And I've gotta go find Tasuki.....

Voice from Behind them (as always): Ya don't gotta look far, Elfy. ^_^

Lashana: *leaps to her feet and runs over to hug Tasuki* You made it! I didn't think you were going to show!

Tasuki: *grins and hugs her back* And miss visitin' my favorite Elven sorceress?

Lashana: *dryly* I'm the only Elf you know.

Tasuki: *grins, showing his fangs* All tha more reason fer me ta visit!

Tempest: *sees that Blackwargreymon is actually not twitching like he usually does whenever Lashana is around other males* Are you sick or something? Shouldn't you be running over to rip his arms off or something?

Blackwargreymon: *shakes his head and gets to his feet* Don't have to.

Tempest: O.o Lashana! I think Blacky's been replaced by a clone!

Lashana: *looks over at the Arch Angel* What are you talking about? *looks at Blackwargreymon* He's not a clone.

Tasuki: *whispers to her* Didja drug him or somethin?

Lashana: *fwaps him, then glares at Tempest* You two are absolutely terrible!

Tempest: What? Hey I'm not the one who usually goes around trying to rip the arms off of people who go near you! *pointed look at Blackwargreymon*

Tasuki: He does what?! *grabs his tessen and looks at Blackwargreymon warily*

Blackwargreymon: *rolls his eyes before looking at Lashana* I'm gonna go save Duncan from your mother.

Tasuki: *blinks and looks at the Elf* Yer mother's here?

Lashana: *shrugs* She wanted to come. *hears loud yelps from the Kitchen and sighs as she heads over to the swinging door, opening it a crack to peek inside*

Diane: *is beating Duncan over the head with a wooden spoon* You stay away from my cooking!

Remy: *has backed away from the insane mother of Lashana*

Duncan: *yelps and tries to go hide under the Kitchen table*

Blackwargreymon: *sneaks up behind Lashana and shoves her into the Kitchen, chuckling at her yelp* Don't stand there evesdropping.

Lashana: I was not! I was....checking to see if it was safe! Yeah! That's it! ^_^ *sees that no one's buying it and turns to glare at her snickering Bonded* Traitor -_-

Telca: *runs into the Kitchen and glomps Remy, shivering violently*

Remy: MERDE!! Chere! You're too cold! *shivers*

Blackwargreymon: *starts to open his mouth*

Diane: I wouldn't if I were you.

Rebecca: *from where she's sitting at the island counter with Eve* That never stopped him before, Diane.

Blackwargreymon: Hey shut up!

Lashana: *as Rebecca glares at the Digimon* There will be no bloodshed on Christmas! *holds up a fireball* Is that understood?!

Diane: Lashana don't blow up the Kitchen.

Lashana: *lets the fireball fizzle out and throws her hands up in exasperation* I can't win!

Duncan: *from under the table* If it makes you feel better : neither can I.

Lashana: *looks at Duncan for a moment before sniffling and going to find comfort in her Bonded's arms*

Duncan: What? What'd I say?!

Blackwargreymon: *hugs Lashana and glares at Duncan*

Rebecca: *rolls her eyes*

Eve: Is it ALWAYS like this here? Gods...and I thought Dad was nuts.

Tempest: *from where he's standing in front of the fireplace* I HEARD THAT!

Eve: *snickers*

Remy: *has managed to pry himself out of Telca's arms* Petit, why don't you go upstairs and get changed out of those wet clothes?

Telca: *smiles* Want to come with me?

Rebecca: Hormonal little thing, isn't she?

Telca: *glares at her* What was that?

Rebecca: I said that you were--

Lashana: *runs over and clamps a hand over Rebecca's mouth* That you should go get changed before you catch a cold! ^_^

Telca: *glares at them, her eyes amber*

Lashana: *strained smile*

Rebecca: *gets fed up and bites Lashana*

Lashana: OW!!!! FIRE--

Diane: Don't. Blow. Up. The. KITCHEN!

Lashana: *plaintively* But she BIT me!! ;_;

Blackwargreymon: *opens the swinging door* Tempest! Your wife isn't rabid, is she?

Tempest: What?! No! Why?!

Blackwargreymon: She just bit Lashana!

Tempest: .......

Nightcrawler: *bamfs into the Kitchen, dumping snow on Rebecca and Eve* Oops. Sorry.

Rebecca: -_- *looks at Diane* And you volunteered to come here because....?

Diane: It's fun ^_^ *looks at the Elf* So, you are going to try my stuffing, right?

Lashana: Uh...mom? I don't eat stuffing. Remember?

Remy: *snorts* De petit would rather eat my stuffing!

Diane: *raised eyebrow* Oh really?

Duncan: *crawls out from under the table* No way! Mine tastes better!

Remy: Like de bottom of a trash can, mon ami.

Duncan: *glares* At least mine doesn't have hot peppers in it!

Lashana: *backs towards Blackwargreymon as the three start yelling and threatening each other* O.o

Nightcrawler: *takes one look at the wackos and bamfs out of there, heading for the living room*

Tasuki: *walks into the Kitchen, having been alerted to something going on by the numerous yells* What's goin on?!

Blackwargreymon: Stuffing war.

Tasuki: O.o What?! *blinks* Well why don't they hold a contest 'er somethin'?

Diane: *pauses in mid-yell* That's a great idea! *looks at Lashana* You'll vote for me...right?

Lashana: *nods quickly, elbowing Blackwargreymon in the ribs to get him to nod in agreement as well*

Telca: Well, you all know who gets my vote *smiles and huggles her Remy*

Remy: ^_^

Duncan: *plaintively* Won't anyone vote for me? *dead silence*

Eve: *sighs* I'll vote for you.

Duncan: *gets little stars in his eyes* REALLY!?! ^_^

Eve: *rolls her eyes* What have I gotten myself into?

Tasuki: I dunno, but considerin what Lashana's temper's like, I'm votin' fer Diane.

Diane: ^_^

Lashana: Gee, thanks a lump there Tasuki -_- *sees the others start to fight over who can make the best stuffing again and shoves her Bonded out of the Kitchen, following him moments later* I'll take my chances with the wackos out here.

Blackwargreymon: *looks at Tempest* Nah. Too easy.

Tempest: -_-

Blackwargreymon: What? Think of it as a Christmas present. ^_^

Tempest: Did you keep the reciept? I want to exchange it for something better.

Blackwargreymon: -_-

Lashana: *snickers and glances at the tree* Oh crapola. We haven't put the star on yet. *looks around before pulling a slingshot out of a portal and going to pick up the plastic star*

Tempest: You have got to be kidding me.

Lashana: *is aiming for the top of the tree* What? *lets the star fly and pouts when it misses.....*

Kang: OW!

Lashana: *peeks around the tree to discover that Kang has caught the star...with his head* Whoopsie. Sorry, Kang. ^_^

Kang: *grumbles and walks over to her, handing the star back to her* What are you trying to do?

Blackwargreymon: *snickers* She's too lazy to get a ladder so she's--

Lashana: Shaddup you!

Tempest: *finishes Blacky's sentence for him* So she's trying to get it up there with a slingshot.

Kang: *looks at Lashana* Have you been drinking espresso again?

Lashana: -_-

Telca: *pokes her head out of the Kitchen* Did I hear someone say slingshot? ^_^

Blackwargreymon: No!

Telca: Liar. *walks over to Lashana and snatches the slingshot and the star out of the Elf's hands* Let a pro show you how it's done. *aims and lets it fly....*

Malcho: ACK!! *dodges flying plastic star*

Kang: *sarcasticly to Telca* A pro, huh?

Telca: Well...I almost nailed the snake, so it evens it out ^_^

Lashana: It does not! Give me that! *snatches the slingshot back*

Tempest: Has anyone just thought of getting a ladder?

Pete: *saw what had happened to Malcho as he, Zelgadis and Angel had walked in from outside* That would be too easy for this bunch.

Tempest: Point.

Diane: *from the Kitchen* GIVE ME BACK THAT SPOON!!!

The gang outside the Kitchen: O.o

Zel: Great. Another wacko.

Lashana: That's my mother you're talking about!! *grabs Zel, hands him the plastic star and pitches him towards the top of the tree, sighing when he misses it completely and slams head first into the ceiling, hanging there like a demented ornament* Darn. Missed.

Blackwargreymon: Uh huh. Like you were actually aiming.

Kang: She did, however, get the star onto the tree *points to Zelgadis as the chimera releases the star, the plastic decoration landing directly onto the top point of the tree*

Lashana: ^_^

Telca: That was ridiculous.

Lashana: It worked didn't it?! Yeesh. *yelps as someone smacks her upside the head with a piece of cardboard* HEY! What's the big idea?! *turns around to glare at Malcho*

Malcho: *grins and hands her the wrapping paper roll* There's some in the attic, mi amiga. You had said something about wrapping presents?

Lashana: Holy crispy crap! I nearly forgot!!

Duncan: *pokes his head out of the Kitchen* Huh? What?

Telca: *snatches the roll of paper away from Malcho* The game room is now off limits!! Lashana and I have to wrap presents!!!

Duncan: Oh shit!!! I forgot!!!

Kang: Why exactly are we supposed to wrap them.....and why didn't anyone tell me?!?!?!?

Tempest: *exchanges looks with Pete* This is going to be a long day.....

More to come! Review, review, review! ^_^