Digimon Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Gathering of the Harem ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
[Standard Disclaimer: We own nothing. We gain nothing from this fic other than the opportunity to share our insanity
with other people. So don't sue us, we have no money]

Lashana and Telca are once again bored out of their minds. The Universe can be heard quaking in terror....or perhaps it is the sound of the ground quaking as uncountable numbers of males try to run for their freedom. For these two highly intelligent, extremely powerful and very gutter-minded females have now decided to end their boredom forever by putting together a joint Harem!!!!!

Blackwargreymon: oh crap

Lashana: Shaddup! *fwaps him* Dammit you ruined it!!!!! And we had such a nice ambience too! Argh! *looks around at the males that are running away from them* HEY! GET BACK HERE!!!

Telca: *laughs* Foolish men! Do they really think they can outrun us? *yells out* Yes Remy! I can see you hiding behind that car!

Remy: *peeks out over the hood of the car* Non petite, you mistaken. No Remy here. I've no idea who you be talkin' 'bout.

Telca: *snickers* Yeah okay. *looks at Lashana* Well, let's start with someplace to hold our Harem. How about a palace? We want our harem to be comfortable and happy. *thinks for a moment, then starts to count ideas off her fingers* Hhhmmmm ....swimming pools, saunas, gym, game rooms, TV rooms with satellite, 24 on call kitchen with a fleet of chefs. *she looks up as several men poke their heads out of their hiding places to hear better and grins* Hey, Lashana. You have any more ideas?

Lashana: *nods* We'd better get something like a Danger Room for the uppity ones *looks at Blackwargreymon as he glares at the other males* And we need computers here! Gods, you expect me to live without a computer?? Are you daft?!!? I'd go insane!!!

Blackwargreymon: We wouldn't notice -_- *ducks thrown book*

Telca: *smacks herself on her forehead* I can't believe I forgot computers!!! Have I gone completely insane?! *as several men start to reply, she turns towards them and gives them the look of death* Shut up you!! That was a rhetorical question! *looks at Lashana* A danger room sounds like a good idea. They are going to need a safe way to release some aggression. *pointed look in Blackwargreymon's direction* Okay...give me a moment....*she closes her eyes in deep concentration*

Lashana: *watches curiously as a huge portal opens in front of them and peeks inside warily before punting Blackwargreymon in* Go see if it's safe!!!

Blackwargreymon: *mutters under his breath and looks around, staring at the huge Palace and the even larger property it is settled upon before calling out* It's safe Lashana!

Lashana: *looks at Telca, who grins, and steps through the portal* Holy shit! *she stares at the Palace for a moment, then grins and looks at Telca as her friend corrals the males through the portal* I'm gonna like this ^_^

Telca: *grins* We deserve only the best. *closes the portal and turns to survey their new home* First things first! We are going to need some rules.

Lashana: *grimaces* Do we have to?

Telca: Yes. Rule #1 absolutely no other women are to be on the premises except Lashana or myself. Violators and their accomplices will be punished.

Lashana: *grins rather evilly* Namely we get to shoot them. Or fireball them. Or both! *cue the insane cackle* Bwahahahaha!! *grins as many men are heard whimpering* Ahem, Rule #2 No killing of rival harem members! Y'all can spar, but NO KILLING! *glances sideways* Blackwargreymon! Put him down!!!

Blackwargreymon: *puts Remy down and growls in displeasure*

Telca: *slowly re-sheathes her sword once she sees that Remy is unharmed* Ahem, yes, well... *she spots movement out of the corner of her eye and turns to look at the Cajun* Damn it Remy! Put those cards away!

Remy: *smiles innocently*

Telca: *crosses her arms over her chest and glares*

Remy: *sighs, puts the cards back in his jacket pocket and pouts*

Telca: *exasperated sigh* Rule #3 any and all injuries are to be treated immediately. We don't want any of you out of commission. If I come back and someone is ignoring an injury I will not be impressed.

Lashana: *sly look* you just want to see Remy without a shirt.

Blackwargreymon: Oh gag

Lashana: I concur. *grins* Oh Wolverine! Wolverine?? WOLVERINE!!! GET YER ASS BACK HERE YA BLOODY CANUCK!!!!!!!!!!

Wolverine: *Wolverine can be seen hotwiring a motorcycle with utmost haste as Lashana runs towards him* please start, please start, please start....urk!

Lashana: *has Wolverine by the collar of his flannel shirt and is dragging him back to Telca* I suggest holding pens.

Remy: *hands on hips and glaring at Lashana as the Elf drags Wolverine over to them* Hey!!! That's not very nice.

Telca: Don't worry Cajun. That just means that I get ya all to myself. *pinches him lightly on the butt*

Remy: *jumps at the touch* Oh merci, that make Remy so much better -_- *rubs his injured posterior as Telca smiles*

Telca: *gives Remy a wink before looking at Wolverine, chuckling softly* Where did you think you were going? *turns to Lashana* I don't know about holding pens. How about appropriate incentives. *'ports them all inside the Palace's huge entertainment room and pushes Wolverine toward a comfy chair, handing him a beer as she turns the big screen TV on and flips through the channels until she finds a hockey game*

Wolverine: *smiles at Telca and pats her on the thigh* I'm beginning ta like ya.

Telca: *rolls her eyes* Thanks a bunch. *turns to Lashana* Men!

Remy: *pouts* You never gave Remy a beer

Telca: *throws her hands up* Oh for the love of ...

Lashana: *snickers as she sits on the arm of the couch* Yeah, Telca, go get your Remy a beer....

Blackwargreymon: *hopefully* Will you get me a beer?

Lashana: Gods no! The last time I let you drink you disappeared for days!! *glares* I found that webpage about you and that kid Cody, ya big perverted oaf!

Blackwargreymon: *looks decidedly ill* a Kid!?! Where did....I didn't.....that's just gross!!!!!!!! *hears snickering from the group of males and spins around, coming face to face with Xellos The Mysterious Priest* YOU!!!!

Lashana: *growls* Xellos you fruitcake!!! What have you done!!!!! You turned my Favorite into a pediophiling pervert!!!

Blackwargreymon: *defensively* I am not!!!!!!!

Xellos: *floating in front of Blackwargreymon* Sore wa himitsu desu, Lashana.

Lashana: *grins* Okay, well, since you're near immortal Xellos, that no killing rule doesn't apply to you.

Blackwargreymon: YES!!!

Telca: *springs out of the way as Blackwargreymon charges Xellos* Har Har. Very funny Lashana. You wanted Wolverine to stay I gave him a reason to stay. I think it's time to start rounding up the rest of our Harem. *sighs* This could take a bit of time to tackle them all.

Remy: *takes a manly pose* You don't need nobody else. We take real good care of you chere.

Wolverine: Cajun's right. What do you need those pansywaist's for? Ya got us... *mumbles 'especially me'* ...ta keep ya company.

Telca: *ignores them both, pulls a large pile of folders out of a portal and starts leafing through the files of possible Harem choices*

Lashana: *sighs heavily* Well, we're kinda stuck with Xellos no matter who we capture...er, I mean...nah, capture is good. *looks over at Blackwargreymon as he stabs the blades on the gauntlets though Xellos*

Xel: ^_^ Do that again

Blackwargreymon: O.O

Lashana: *calling over to Blackwargreymon* Hon, he's masochistic. He LIKES pain!

Xel: ^_^ *leers at Blackwargreymon*

Blackwargreymon: Don't look at me like that.

Xel: ^_^

Blackwargreymon: Stop!

Xel: ^_^

Blackwargreymon: *wails* Lashana!!!!!!

Lashana: Oy vey...

Telca: *looks up from her files and howls with laughter* This should be interesting. *turns at a caress on her leg*
Um...Wolverine? Is there a reason why you're patting me on the thigh?

Wolverine: *smiles* I need another beer

Telca: *raises eyebrow* so?

Wolverine: *blinkies* Aren't ya going to get it for me?

Telca: *jaw drops* WHAT?!!!! NO!! *growls* Okay listen up everyone! You all are here to cater our every whim not the other way around. If you want something get it yourself!!!

Wolverine: *grumbles and stomps off to the kitchen*

Remy: *hugs Telca* Way to put your foot down chere. *smiles* That don' apply to Remy right?

Telca: *frowns* Yes, Remy, it does apply to you. And would you please give me back the pouch of coins you just lifted off of my belt?

Remy: *grins as he replaces the pouch onto her belt* I gotta keep in practice.

Telca: *pats Remy affectionately on the cheek* I know dear but not right now. Go find something to do. I am going to get the rest of the...er...'play group' rounded up. *goes back to leafing through notes and jotting things down*

Lashana: Y'all are just a big group of hentai's *pauses* I like it! ^_^

Blackwargreymon: *darts behind Lashana to get away from Xel. Which doesn't exactly work since he's 8 1/2 feet tall* Help?

Lashana: How? *gets glomped by Xel* ACK!! Hands in the wrong places!!!! *drop kicks Xel hard enough that he goes flying out the open window*

Xel: *flying* Arigato!! ^_^

Lashana: *shudders* Ugh..... So, Telca? Can I start suggesting members now or what?

Blackwargreymon: *looks at her curiously* Will they help me kill Xellos?

Lashana: *shrugs* Probably

Blackwargreymon: Go get them.

Telca: *looks out the window to see Xellos crash into the patio deck two floors below* Ouch, that's gotta hurt. Hmm.. oh Lashana, yes, please do start making suggestions. I'm all ears.

Lashana: Okay! I vote for Zelgadis Greywards!! *goes and drags Zel out of the huddling group of males in the corner and shoves him towards the couch* He's so kawaii! *grins*

Blackwargreymon: *looks at Zel* Does he hate Xellos?

Lashana: *nods* Almost as much as you do.

Blackwargreymon: *turns to Telca* I vote for him too.

Telca: I have no objections! Candidate duly noted and accepted. I vote for Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler. I just love his accent.

Remy: Hmpft! *snorts*

Lashana: *ignores Remy's unimpressed grunt* Ditto!!! Gotta love the fur!! *grins and pulls another male from the group* I vote for Duncan Macleod from Highlander! You just gotta love our immortal highlander!

Duncan: *smiles* I am Duncan Macleod of the Clan Macleod

Telca: Woo hoo!! Men in kilts!!!

Conner Macleod: *runs forward* Hey what about me!?

Lashana: *gags* Ugh!! Gods no! I saw you in the new movie! You aged horribly! And that's saying something considering you're immortal! You're ugly! Ugly!

Conner: *sputters* Why you-!

Lashana: *glances at the Digimon* Favorite?

Blackwargreymon: Terra Destroyer!

Conner Macleod: @_@ *unconscious and crispy on the floor.*

Lashana: *drags unconscious immortal towards window and calls out to Xellos as she throws Conner outside* Here Xelly! Play with this for a while!

Xel: ^_^

Conner: *wakes up* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Telca: *checks to see what Xel is doing and shudders* That's just gross! *holds up a file* My second nominee ... Hank McCoy aka Beast

Beast: *walks forward* Why thank you my dear. It is both a privilege and an honor to be in your presence.

Telca: See! What's not to love. *hugs Big Blue* Please Lashana can I keep him?

Lashana: Actually I was going to vote for him too! *see's Blackwargreymon's shoulders' sag* You're still my Favorite. *glances outside* Ack! my eyes!!!!

Duncan: You do know he's a part of my family.

Lashana: You want to go out there?


Lashana: Then cope.

Telca: *yawns and looks at the clock* Okay, it's midnight, I'm going to bed. We can figure all this out in the morning. My Harem comes with me. Lashana, you can have the west wing of the Palace. Okay?

Lashana: *yawns and nods*

Telca: Good. G'night all *heads off to the east wing of the Palace with her Harem members in tow, dimly aware that Lashana is heading for her wing of the Palace at the same time. She reaches her room and smiles as she collars Remy and drags him in with her* Remy...did I mention I like to cuddle?

Lashana: *once she reaches her room, she quickly scribbles out a note to Telca and hands it to her new addition, whom she hadn't had time to introduce before Telca had left* Here ya go Kenshin. Just give this to Telca in the morning and you won't have any problems. *smiles at the Samurai before closing the door, kicking off her boots and going to curl up on her comfy king-sized bed*

Blackwargreymon: *opens the door and sticks his head into the room* Lashana?

Lashana: *half asleep* Hmpf?

Blackwargreymon: Um.....the other beds are too small.

Lashana: *cracks an eye open to look at him for a moment, trying to see if this is some kind of joke. When all she sees is severe embarrassment and a desperate longing for sleep, she sighs and pats the large expanse of mattress next to her* If you kick me while you sleep I'll fireball you. Understand?

Blackwargreymon: *nods and creeps into the room, closing the door behind him before removing his helmet and gauntlets and tensely lying down on the free part of the bed*

Lashana: *is realizing how hard it is to sleep when the other occupant of the bed is so tense and on edge that he's radiating discomfort* Oh for the love of.... *she rolls over and snuggles close* Go to sleep you big oaf.

Blackwargreymon: *is momentarily startled before he relaxes, puts his arms around her and lets sleep overtake him*


Te lca: *It's early morning when Telca opens her bedroom door and steps out into the hallway, stretching sleepily. Remy immediately heads for the scent of fresh coffee and could it be...? Yes! Chocolate muffins! Noticing that Lashana is not yet up, Telca shrugs and wanders off to the kitchen for a muffin. Upon entering the kitchen a chorus of greetings reaches her ears ranging from grunts to 'Salutations on this bright and glorious day!' She returns the greetings with a general sleepy wave, and continues her search for the ever elusive muffin. Success! Telca snags a muffin, and plops down in the nearest chair. Half way through her muffin she notices someone new sitting at the table* Hello ... Who are you? *she looks at the stranger as he pauses in eating his breakfast. He doesn't answer merely smiles and hands Telca an envelope. Telca takes the envelope and scans the message inside for a moment before getting up out of her chair. She walks over to the stranger and gently pulls him out of his seat. Turning him this way and that way and looking him up and down Telca eventually smiles at him pats him on the shoulder*
Welcome to our little slice of paradise Kenshin. I hope you enjoy staying with us. Just play by the rules and we'll get on like a house on fire! *she smiles at him a moment longer, then snatches her muffin and looks at the group* I'll be in the Danger Room practicing. Tell Lashana to come see me when she finally wakes up. *turns to Wolverine* Wolverine you want to join me for a little danger session?

Wolverine: *shrugs* Sure kid what the hell. Ain't got nothing better to do right now *follows Telca towards the danger room, grinning happily at the thought of a good fight*

Three hours later.....

It's a beautiful morning. The sun is shining, birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, everything is nice and peaceful. Lashana, however, is not a morning person, and is descending the stairs at a very slow and insecure pace. Zelgadis is no better, being that he has not yet had his morning coffee. Duncan is wide awake and cheerful, whistling as he descends the stairs with what would be a joyful spring in his step, except Lashana and Zelgadis's thrown fireballs force him to quell his cheerfulness. Loud snores can be heard from Lashana's bedroom where Blackwargreymon is still sleeping. (-_-) Xellos, being an all powerful Mazoku doesn't need to sleep, and upon seeing the congregation of people slowly descending the stairs, grins, and glomps Duncan.

This, of course, does not go over well with our resident immortal.

Giving vent to a scream of horror (he remembers what Xel did to Connor), Duncan tries to get out of Xel's grasp, only succeeding in losing his balance and falling onto Lashana, who in turn trips and falls onto Zelgadis...sending them crashing down the stairs to slam onto the floor in a less than graceful movement.

From the pile comes many phrases that cannot be mentioned because of the severity of the language presented. Lashana, however, is not in the mood for censorship.

Lashana: Xellos you gods' damned fucking perverted fruitcake! I'll kill you!!

Xellos: *floating above the dogpile of people as they try to untangle themselves* Do fruitcakes fuck? ^_^

Lashana: ARGH!! FIREBALLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Telca: *upon hearing the commotion, she comes charging out to the staircase with sword drawn and one hand glowing with lethal magic. Seeing the tangle of bodies strewn on the floor she sighs, re-sheaths her sword, powers down her magick and reaches out to pull Lashana to her feet*

Telca: Quite an entrance you've got going there, Lashana.

Lashana: *blinkes at Telca* mpfht........coffee before conversation *heads off in direction of kitchen with Zelgadis in tow*

Duncan: *has sword out and is trying to get away from Xel*

Lashana: *pauses and looks at Telca* ....where th' hells the kitchen?

Zelgadis: *sniffs the air* This way

Lashana: *follows Zel, knowing that nothing will stand between him and the prized caffeinated beverage and glances back at Telca as a loud snore resonates through the Palace* Do me a favor?

Telca: Yes?

Lashana: Can you go wake the lazy oaf that's still asleep in my room? *pauses* Just don't startle him.

Telca: Okay... *pause* Wait a minute. Who's still asleep?

Lashana: *blinks* huh?.....oh Blackwargreymon.

Telca: *grins* I say we send in Xel. If Blackwargreymon freaks out a bit and starts rampaging, Xel will at least enjoy the pain

Lashana: *since she is half asleep, she doesn't hear what Telca says* yeah, yeah. *follows Zelgadis to Kitchen*

Telca: *turns to Xel* Xel be a dear and go wake up Blackwargreymon. Maybe if you're lucky he'll throw you out the window. *turns and follows Lashana to the kitchen*

Lashana: *enters kitchen and heads straight for coffee-maker. After guzzling down two mugs of coffee, she blinks, grabs a chocolate muffin and looks at Telca.* So...what're we supposed to do today? You have any candidates left? Cuz I sure as hell don't

Zelgadis: *pauses in between sips of coffee, notices that Xellos is nowhere to be seen and feels a distinct sense of dread *
Um...not that I care, but where's Xellos??

Telca: *starts examining nails very closely* Xel? Oh...I sent him upstairs to wake up Blackwargreymon. He didn't look too thrilled with the idea until I mentioned that maybe Blackwargreymon would throw him out the window.

Lashana: Oh..... *then it sinks in* you did WHAT?!?? NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! *drops her muffin and mug of coffee and runs out of the kitchen at warp speed, heading for her room. She's only a few feet away when a roar of terror and fury erupted from the room* Favorite!!!!!! *she throws open the door, looks inside, pales, and slams the door shut* ACK!!

Telca: *watches Lashana's fleeing form* Hmmmm...I guess that wasn't that the best of ideas. *hops off counter and follows Lashana, pausing when she see's her friends rather pale complexion* What's the matter?

Lashana: *looks rather green. Opens door to reveal.....Xellos in the Rocky Horror Picture Show Transvestite Leather Outfit standing over Blackwargreymon, who is tied to the bed and lacking most of his armor.*

Blackwargreymon: *in a panicked voice* help me!!!!!

Telca: *is torn between helping Blackwargreymon or running and hiding in Beast's lap. She turns questioning eyes to Lashana* What should I....er we do?

Lashana: *is starting to glow with a battle aura as she glares at Xellos, who's twirling a leather whip* Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows, buried in the flow of time...

Blackwargreymon: *recognizing the powerful black magic spell* oh shit *struggles to get free*

Telca: *stands and stares in wonder as Lashana begins to channel destructive energy, totally unaware of the damage that is about to be done to the Palace. It's only when a whimper escapes Blackwargreymon lips that she snaps back into reality*

Lashana: ....In thy great name I pledge myself to darkness! Let all the fools that stand before me be destroyed by the power you and I possess!!!! DRAGON SLAVE!!!!!!!! *the resulting blast not only puts Xellos into orbit, but destroys the half the Palace as well*

Telca: *before she can even blink an eye, a large part of the marble ceiling slams into her skull, knocking her body to the floor and pinning her down leaving only one hand and her feet in view. She struggles to form a force field around her body before succumbing to darkness. Her last thought before slipping past the pain is 'okay now I'm pissed'.*

Lashana: *is too busy rushing over to untie Blackwargreymon to notice her friend's current predicament* Are you okay!??

Blackwargreymon: I think we need to put an anti-mazoku barrier around the room. *looks over at Telca* Uh-oh

Lashana: *follows Blackwargreymon's gaze to an unconscious Telca* Oh flaming hell. *both she and Blackwargreymon rush over to her, and Lashana watches on anxiously as Blackwargreymon lifts the rubble off of her friend. She is relieved to see that Telca has suffered no major damage, only a slight bump on her forehead*

Blackwargreymon: *tosses the large piece of ceiling aside and kneels down next to Lashana to check on Telca* How bad is it?

Lashana: *as she Heals Telca* Not too bad. A bump on the head.... I don't think she has a concussion though. *she finishes the spell and looks down at Telca, lightly tapping her in the cheek* Telca? Can you hear me?

Telca: *winces at the headache she currently has, and at the voice that isn't helping said headache to go away, and cracks her eyes open to look up at Lashana and Blackwargreymon, glaring at the former angrily* Nice going there Lashana.

Lashana: *hangs her head* Sorry.

Xellos: *teleports back into the room/large rubble filled hole, still wearing the Rocky Horror outfit* That was fun! Do it again!

Telca: Xel! ^_^

Lashana: *is sitting there in complete shock as she watches Telca launch herself at the Mazoku and hug him tightly*

Telca: You're okay! ^_^

Blackwargreymon: *glances at Lashana* Uh....did I miss something?

Lashana: *blinks at him for a moment, then returns her shocked gaze to Telca, who's still glomping Xellos* Telca! What are you doing?!?! That's Xellos!

Telca: *looks at Lashana as Xel hugs her tightly* And you're stating the obvious because...?

Lashana: *jumps to her feet, pointing at the Mazoku in disgust* IT'S XELLOS!! You hate Xellos!!!

Telca: *curiously* Hate him? Why would I hate him? I love him! *kisses the Mazoku*

Blackwargreymon: *doesn't know whether to laugh, get a camera, or hurl* You've got to be kidding!! How can you be in love with him??

Telca: How can I not? *smiles at Xel* He's just so handsome!

Xel: ^_^

Lashana: *staggers towards the door* I think I'm going to throw up......

Remy: *runs into the room, having been alerted to trouble by a large portion of the Palace blowing up* What be going on!?!? *sees Telca hugging Xel and being hugged in return* What the...?!

Blackwargreymon: *is steadying a shaky Lashana* She think's she's in love with Xellos

Remy: Merde!

Lashana: *looks at the 'couple', shudders and looks up at Blackwargreymon* Ya think she got her wires crossed when she got knocked out?

Blackwargreymon: *shrugs* No other reason for it. I don't think she liked him from the start. Hell, she didn't even know him until yesterday!

Remy: *is trying to get Telca away from Xellos* Telca! What 're you doing?!? Are you insane?! That's XELLOS!!!

Telca: And you're stating the obvious. What's with you people and stating the obivous?!!?

Xellos: *purrs in her ear* They're just jealous of us. C'mon...let's go someplace quiet.

Lashana: ACK! NO! *runs over, yanks Telca from his arms and punts him out the huge hole in the wall* HENTAI!!

Telca: NO! XELLY!! *glares at Lashana, her eyes turning a deep amber, signifying her rage* Why did you do that?!

Lashana: Listen to me! You don't love Xellos! You got hit on the head with a piece of the ceiling!

Telca: And who's fault is that?

Lashana: *grimaces* That's not the point!! That bump you got knocked the common sense right out of you!

Remy: *lies a hand on Telca's shoulder* She be right petite. Let Beast take a look at ya.

Telca: I'm fine! *jerks away from Remy's touch* I think it's all of you that have lost your common sense! *storms out of the room, leaving the three to stare after her dejectedly*

Blackwargreymon: ....we may have a problem.

Lashana: *wails* I broke her brain!!!!!

Blackwargreymon: *rather un-helpfully* Actually the ceiling broke her brain.

Lashana: *glares at him for a moment, then heads for the door* We gotta get her to realize how big of a mistake she's making!

Blackwargreymon: *sighs* Do we have to?

Lashana & Remy: YES!

Blackwargreymon: *grumbles and grabs his chest armor - which Xellos had removed- and puts it back on* Fine. Can I have breakfast first? *grumbles again at the answering duet of 'NO!'* Remind me again why I'm even here?

Lashana: Cuz you're my Favorite. *glares* Even though right know you're acting like a heartless moron.

Blackwargreymon: *shudders* You didn't wake up to Rocky Horror Xellos! *looks at her* And I am not heartless!

Remy: *whispers to Lashana* An yet he not be protesting the 'moron' part.

Blackwargreymon: *growls* I heard that Cajun!

Lashana: *yells out in exasperation as the two start glaring at each other* This isn't helping Telca!!!! *glares at both of them for a moment as they look at her guiltily before turning and stalking out of the room, muttering angrily about testosterone levels*

Blackwargreymon: *sighs in defeat and runs after her* Lashana! Wait!

Remy: *closes his eyes for a moment, sighs, then follows Lashana and Blackwargreymon* Wait for Remy!

Lashana: *is still grumbling about stupid males when a scream of horror is heard from downstairs. Worried, she runs to the stairs and slides down the banister at warp speed, running into the Kitchen to look at a pale and disgusted Duncan* What's wrong?!

Duncan: *shakily raises a hand, a single finger pointing to the scene in front of him*

Lashana: *does the stupid thing and looks...* ACK! *...staring at Telca and Xellos, who are curled up together on one of the patio deck chairs. She runs to the patio door and throws it open in time to catch the end of what Telca is saying*

Telca: *as she looks over Xel, searching for injuries* Oh my poor baby. Did that psycho Elf hurt you?

Xellos: *sees Lashana standing behind Telca and smirks as he lets out a groan of pain* My chest hurts. And my face hurts and my arms hurt....everything hurts Telca-chan.... *smiles* Want to kiss it all better?

Lashana: *as Telca leans down at kiss him* Telca!! NO!!!! *runs over and hauls Telca away from the Mazoku*

Telca: *glares* What are you doing?!! *fwaps Lashana*

Lashana: *has to come up with a reason that might get Telca's mind back on the right track* He's..uh...He's faking it!!

Telca: *still glaring* Of course he's faking it! *cue the sarcasm* You only blasted him into orbit and then threw him out a window but he is prefectly fine. Couldn't be better! *glares* Honestly, what is the matter with you?!! He has never done anything to you!

Lashana: He's Xellos!! He's a pervert!!

Telca: And you're just jealous!! *goes over and helps Xellos to his feet, helping him inside while alternating between throwing Lashana evil looks and murmuring sweet nothings in his ear*

Lashana: *can't stand the scene any longer, so she runs inside, fireballs Xellos and throws him out the patio door, before turning to look at Telca, who is being restrained by Duncan*

Telca: LET ME GO!! *smacks Duncan hard enough that he's forced to release her* And stop hurting my Xelly!!!

Duncan: *is looking rather ill* Your Xelly?!? What the hell has gotten into you woman?!

Lashana: *while trying to restrain Telca from running out to her litterally flaming love* She's got amnesia or something...she thinks she's in love with Xellos.

Duncan: *shudders* Ugh....

Remy: *runs into the Kitchen and goes to help Lashana in trying to calm Telca down* Now chere, you thank us for this later .

Telca: I will not!!! What's the matter with you people!?!? *kicks Lashana in the stomach and flips Remy off of her, leaving him to slam into Duncan*

Lashana: *grabs Telca's arm, dragging her back from the patio door* Telca! Listen to me! You don't love Xellos! You've got amnesia!! You can't love Xellos!!!

Telca: *jerks out of her grasp* And why not?!

Lashana: *dimly aware that Blackwargreymon has entered the Kitchen* He's perverted! He's a mascocistic, sadistic, perverted Mazoku!!! You saw what he did to Conner MacLeod!!!

Telca: *smiles* Your point?

Lashana: *shivers uncontrollably* Telca! Come on already! You've gotta come to your senses!!!

Telca: I have come to my senses. I love Xellos. That's the end of it.

Lashana: *watches in weary defeat as Telca goes out to rejoin a waiting Xellos* This isn't gonna work....

Duncan: *as he helps Remy to his feet* We have to change tactics.

Remy: *nods as he rubs the back of his neck, working out the kinks* Oui. But how? The petite seems to have gone mad!

Blackwargreymon: We could clonk her on the head again.

Lashana: I don't think so. -_- *rubs her stomach gingerly and winces* Okay, we obviously can't get Telca to realize
how...gross she's being... *looks at the doorway as Wolverine runs past it* Hey! What's wrong?!

Wolverine: *still running* Telca's gone daft!!!

Lashana: *exchanges looks with the others before running after the Canuck, a sense of dread filling her heart. She follows Wolverine upstairs to Telca's wing of the Palace, staring in shock as she watches Telca carry a box out of her room and heads for Xellos* Oh. Dear. Gods.

Remy: *pales and runs forward* Petite!! NON! You mustn't!

Wolverine: *is currently blocking Telca's way* Can't let ya by darlin'. It's fer yer own good.

Telca: For my own good? *tilts her head slightly as her eyes turn amber* Excuse me?

Lashana: Oh shit.

Telca: Shouldn't I be the one who decides what's good for me?! *throws the box at Wolverine and uses the distraction to bolt for Xellos' room*

Lashana: *runs after her* STOP HER!!!

Blackwargreymon: *sighs* The things I do for you *runs after Telca and tackles her, wrestling her to the ground* Sorry. Can't let you do that, Telca. Trust me, you'll thank us for this once you get your sanity back. *pins her to the floor as the others join him*

Wolverine: *looks down at the madly struggling and screaming Telca* So what do we do now?

Remy: Ear plugs?

Lashana: *winces in sympathy as Telca manages to kick Blackwargreymon in the side, making the Digimon grunt in pain* Can you handle her for a bit? I'm gonna go have a chat with Xellos.

Blackwargreymon: *looks at her warily*

Lashana: It'll involve lots of fireballs.

Blackwargreymon: *gets the drift and nods* I'll bring her to the livingroom. Tie her to a chair or something.

Wolverine: I'll give ya a hand.

Remy: *looks at Lashana as he pulls a deck of cards from his jacket* You and me will have a talk with Xellos.

Lashana: *to Blackwargreymon and Wolverine* We'll be back soon. Hopefully with a way to get Telca back to normal.

Blackwargreymon: *as Telca kicks him again* Hurry.

Lashana: *nods and runs for Xellos' room with Remy by her side, pausing to grab Zelgadis on the way*

Zel: *while being dragged down the hallway since Lashana has a death-grip on his cape* What are you doing?!!?

Lashana: *while running* Telca's gone nuts. She thinks that she's in love with Xellos.

Zel: *shudders* Yuck. And you're dragging me down the hallway because??

Remy: You gonna help us convince Xellos ta leave the petite alone.

Zel: *evil grin*

Lashana: That's what I thought. *raises her free hand while she runs and murmurs an incantation* Source of all power! Crimson fire burning bright! Gatherin my hand and become my strength!! *she skids to a stop in front to Xellos' door and slams her hand flat against it* FIREBALL!!!! *once the door has been reduced to ashes, she steps through and...* ACK!! *...runs right back out*

Remy: What? *does the stupid thing and looks inside, paling when he sees Xellos' in a bondage outfit and twirling a whip*

Zel: *shudders in total disgust and raises a hand* Wind, crimson flame. Gather the power of thunder to my hand!! DIGU VOLT!!! *and fries Xellos with a blast of lightning*

Lashana: *has gotten herself under control and is now majorly pissed. With a shriek of anger, she grabs Xellos by the neck and proceeds to severely thrash him against the wall, the floor, several objects around the room and Zelgadis' drawn sword while screaming out all the things she would do to him if he ever so much as touched Telca again*

Remy: Uh...chere?

Lashana: *is still beating the living crud out of Xellos*


Lashana: *looks down at the Mazoku and shudders at the pleased and rather leering look he is giving her* ACK!! HENTAI!! *throws him across the room and launches a fireball at him for good measure*

Telca: *runs into the room with Wolverine clinging to her waist with one arm as he drives the claws of his free hand into the wall to anchor him there* NO!! XELLY!!!

Lashana: What the!? What's she doing here?! Wolverine!

Wolverine: *struggles to hold Telca back* The darlin's stronger than she looks!

Lashana: Where's Blackwargreymon?!

Wolverine: Unconcious in the hallway.

Lashana: WHAT!?!

Telca: *to Lashana* YOU BEAT UP MY XELLY!!!

Lashana: *to Telca* YOU BEAT UP MY FAVORITE!!!

Telca: *gets free of Wolverine and launches herself at Lashana*

Lashana: *screams in anger and tackles Telca*

Wolverine, Zelgadis & Remy: *stand there in wary awe as they stare at the large dustcloud that is Lashana and Telca's fight* O.o *loud screams and curses can be heard from within the cloud as they catch glimpses of fists, fireballs, a frying pan and a carrot*

Xellos: *looks at the cloud* Ooo. Fiesty!

Zel: Shut up! *fireballs him again*

Xellos: Arigato! ^_^

Remy: *shudders*

Wolverine: *inches closer to the dust cloud* Uh...darlin? *when he doesn't get an answer he leaps in and wrestles Lashana to the floor, throwing a screaming Telca over to Zelgadis, who propells her out of the room with a forceful shove* Lashana! Calm down!!!

Xellos: Want me to help you hold her down? ^_^

Lashana & Wolverine: NO!

Lashana: *still peeved but not homicidal* I'm okay dammit! Let me up! *pushes Wolverine off of her and gets to her feet* Where's Telca?

Remy: *goes out into the hall to check on Zelgadis to see if Telca has beaten him unconsious yet and blinks when he sees her fast alseep on the floor*

Lashana: *follows him* ACK! Zel! What did you do?!

Zelgadis: Just a sleeping spell. *shrugs* It was either the sleeping spell or the paralizing spell

Lashana: Okay. Remy, take Telca back to her room and stay with her. Wolverine, you and Zelgadis can get rid of Xellos, I don't care how. I'm gonna go check on Blackwargreymon. *leaves the room and shivers in disgust at the present situation as she runs down the hallway, skidding to a stop next to the Digimon that's passed out on the floor* Oh boy. Telca really got you good, didn't she? *she kneels next to him and weaves a basic Healing spell on him, smiling when he groans and opens his eyes* Hi. You okay?

Blackwargreymon: No... *sits up and rubs at the back of his head, wincing at the pain from a large bump where Telca had slammed his head into the floor* Your friends are dangerous.

Lashana: That's why they're my friends, silly. I'd be screwed if they were my enemies. Can you get up?

Blackwargreymon: *grunts in pain and growls testily* I can but I won't.

Lashana: *sighs and gets to her feet* Hold still. *she closes her eyes and raises her hands, murmuring the incantation of a full Healing spell and releasing it upon him, dropping her hands with a weary sigh afterwards* There. You should be okay now.... I'm gonna go sit down for a bit.....

Blackwargreymon: *stares at her in surprise for a moment. He hadn't expected her to use a full-power Healing spell on him like that. He slowly gets to his feet and looks over at her in time to see her head into the living room, and he sighs as he follows her* Lashana? You okay? *when he doesn't get an answer, he looks over the back of the couch to discover that she's sprawled herself along the length of the couch and fallen asleep due to the large amount of energy used up by the spell. Now that he feels like a total cretin, he takes a quick glance around to assure himself that no one's around, then scoops her into his arms and heads upstairs to her bedroom*


Remy: *is really worried about Telca. She's still asleep due to the spell Zel had woven, but it's a fitful sleep....and she's murmuring Xellos' name. He shudders and leaves the room, looking up as Wolverine walks towards him*

Wolverine: How is she?

Remy: *softly* She still be sleepin'. But she be callin' out the Mazoku's name.

Wolverine: *shudders* There's gotta be a way we can get her back ta normal.

Remy: *sighs and runs a hand through his hair, closing his eyes for a moment before gazing at the Canuck* Where's Zelgadis?

Wolverine: Went ta go find Lashana. Xellos took off and we don't know where he went off ta. *shrugs* Figured I'd come and help ya watch over the darlin'.

Remy: *looks at the closed door of Telca's bedroom worriedly* ...merci...


Zel: *is currently knocking on Lashana's door, gulping when it's suddenly yanked open to reveal a glowering
Blackwargreymon* Uh.....

Blackwargreymon: *growls* Don't look at me like that. I'm not going to attack you. What do you want?

Zel: *shakes himself awake and looks up at the Digimon* I have to talk to Lashana.

Blackwargreymon: *sighs and glances back over his shoulder* She's sleeping. She....she drained herself Healing me....

Zel: And you bit her head off about it, right?

Blackwargreymon: *winces*

Zel: I'll take that as a 'yes'. *sighs* Fine. When she wakes up, tell her that I need to see her, okay?

Blackwargreymon: *is seconds away from answering when a sleepy call sounds from behind him*

Lashana: *yawns* ...m'awake.... *rubs at her eyes for a moment* Wha's up?

Zel: It can wait for a few minutes. *looks at Blackwargreymon pointedly and whispers...* Don't screw this up! *...before leaving*

Lashana: *blinkies* Huh? *looks at Blackwargreymon as he closes the door and then turns to lean back against it, eyeing her apologetically* What's wrong? Didn't the spell work?

Blackwargreymon: No! No.... *sighs and glances away* I'm fine. It's just..... I'm sorry if I snapped at you before... I didn't mean it.

Lashana: *blinks again then smiles as she sits up and swings her legs over the edge of the bed* Hey. It's okay. No biggie. *shrugs* She did slam your head into the floor after all. You probably had a concussion.

Blackwargreymon: *mutters* That's still no excuse....

Lashana: *grins and hops to her feet* You can apologize to me later by watching a movie with me. Deal?

Blackwargreymon: *looks at her in surprise, then smiles and nods* Deal. No romances though.

Lashana: Not a problem. *pauses and looks at him mischivously* Are you going to let me out of the room so I can go see Zelgadis?

Blackwargreymon: *blinks* Huh? Oh. Right. *steps aside and opens the door for her, not to surprised to see that Zel is standing inches away from the door*

Lashana: *snickers* Okay you eavesdropper. What's wrong now?

Zel: *blushes at the 'eavesdropper' part, then clears his throat* We lost Xellos.

Lashana: *lowly* You what?

Zel: He teleported out of the room.

Lashana: And Telca's...?

Zel: *shrugs* In her room and still asleep as far as I know.

Lashana: *thinks about that for a moment, then pales* Oh. Dear. Gods.

Blackwargreymon: *looks at her worriedly* What??

Lashana: *grabs Zel by the collar of his tunic* Is she alone?!?

Zel: I don't know.... *pales* You don't think?!

Lashana: *drops him and bolts for Telca's room, dimly aware that Blackwargreymon and Zel are right behind her*

Remy: *looks over at Lashana as the Elf runs over to him and Wolverine and frowns at the panicked look on her face* What? What is it?

Lashana: *gasping for breath as she skids to a stop in front of them* Is Telca in there alone?!

Wolverine: Ya. O'course she is... *meets her gaze* Wait... Oh flamin' hell!!!

Lashana: *bolts over to the door and throws it open.......* AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *...and screams at the sight of Xellos curled up next to a sleeping Telca. A naked Xellos next to a sleeping Telca*

Xellos: *looks up at the scream and smiles* Why hello! Come to join the fun? ^_^ *gets attacked by Wolverine and Remy* Oooo. A foursome!

Lashana: *is still standing there, catatonic, when Blackwargreymon walks up behind her and looks into the room, spotting Xellos*

Blackwargreymon: Oh no.... he didn't......

Zel: *is green...er...greener* He did.

Blackwargreymon: *shudders*

Remy: *as Wolverine practices his shish-kabobing techniques, he walks up the the bed...* Please be wearing clothes. Please be wearing clothes. *...and lifts the covers, grinning in relief* Telca's still dressed!!!

Everyone except Xellos: *heaves a big sigh of relief*

Xellos: How do you know I didn't just re-dress---

Lashana: HENTAI!!!! *leaps over and shoves Wolverine out of the way* FLARE ARROW!!!! *now that Xellos has been blown out the window, she turns and looks at Remy* We'd better move Telca somewhere safer. Zel? How long does that spell last?

Zel: Maybe another half-hour.

Lashana: *rises a shaking hand to rub at her aching temple* Okay.... Remy? Bring Telca to the livingroom. I'll watch over her till she wakes up. At least that way if Xellos shows up I can manage to keep him away from Telca until y'all show up....

Blackwargreymon: *glances at the window and growls* I'll stay with you.

Lashana: *smiles at him before following Remy, who's carrying Telca, to the livingroom. Once Remy has set her on the large couch, she sighs and collapses in a plush Lazy-Boy chair* There's gotta be a way to get her back to normal.... It's only the second day here and I already need a vacation....

Blackwargreymon: *sighs and sits on the floor, leaning back against the side of Lashana's chair* This was your idea.

Lashana: Telca listened to me. What does that tell you?

Blackwargreymon: That you're both insane.

Lashana: Thanks -_-

Blackwargreymon: *chuckles and looks over at a sleeping Telca* You don't think that Xellos...?

Lashana: *adamantly* No!

Blackwargreymon: *decides to let the matter drop* Wanna watch TV? There's a Die Hard movie on. *when she agrees, he grabs the control and starts to flip through the channels until he finds said movie, stiffening momentarily when Lashana leans against his shoulder and drapes her arms around his neck. He pauses for a full minute before sighing and leaning fully back on the side of the chair, privately enjoying the closeness while he watches the movie*


Lashana: *is starting to get a little worried. It's been over half an hour, and Telca still hasn't given any sign of waking up. But just as she starts to get up to go try to wake her friend, Blackwargreymon grabs her arm*

Blackwargreymon: *whispers* She's faking. She's been awake for the past ten minutes.

Lashana: *frowns* You sure?

Blackwargreymon: *nods* She glared at me while you weren't looking.

Lashana: *looks over at Telca and sighs* Telca?

Telca: *growls* Yes?

Lashana: Dear Gods... Why didn't you tell us you were awake?!?! *gets a nasty glare as a result* What?

Telca: *throws a decorative pillow at Lashana* You hurt my Xelly!

Blackwargreymon: *buries his face in his hands* Oh, not this again....

Telca: *gets to her feet and glares at Lashana* Where is he?!?

Lashana: *growls* I don't know!

Telca: You liar!

Lashana: *tenses in preparation of another fight...only Xellos teleports in before Telca can attack*

Telca: XELLY! *glomps Xel*

Xel: ^_^

Lashana & Blackwargreymon: *shudder*

Telca: *looks at Xellos warmly* I was so worried! Are you okay?!

Xel: *smiles and kisses her lightly* I'm fine, Telca-chan. *looks at the TV* Want to sit and watch the movie?

Blackwargreymon: NO!

Telca: *glares at the Digimon* Sure.

Lashana: *is debating fireballing Telca in the hopes that it might straighten her brain, looking away in pure disgust as Telca and Xel curl up on the couch, cuddling each other lovingly*

Blackwargreymon: I may just be sick.

Xel: *grins and looks at the Elf leeringly* So, Lashana-chan....

Blackwargreymon: *growls lowly*

Xel: *glances at the Digimon and winks* You know what 'chan' means, hmm?

Blackwargreymon: *glare*

Xel: *laughs and cuddles Telca* You're right, Telca-chan. He is jealous.

Lashana: *is making gagging motions*

Telca: Of me or of you?

Xel: *really disturbing grin* Of both of us.

Lashana: *exchanges looks with Blackwargreymon and groans*

Telca: *chuckles as Xel hugs her* Oh, come on, Lashana! It's not that bad! *pauses*

Lashana: *looks at her friend curiously as her eyes go blank for a moment* Telca? You okay?

Telca: ....yeah..... *shakes her head slightly, wondering why it aches so much, then looks at who she's cuddling with...* WHAT THE FUCK?!!? GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!! *leaps to her feet and darts behind Lashana's chair*

Lashana: You're okay! ^_^

Telca: Okay?? OKAY?!?! I WAS HUGGING THE FREAK!! HOW CAN I BE OKAY?!?! *takes a deep breath before screaming* WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!!??!?!

Xellos: Aw...Telca-chan. Don't you love me anymore?

Telca: O.o WHAT?!?!!? NO! *shudders*

Lashana: *gets to her feet and looks at Telca* You don't remember what happened?

Telca: Remember what? *pales as an ocean of memories of the past day floods her mind* Oh...oh no.. No! NO! NO! NO!!

Blackwargreymon: She remembers.

Lashana: *as Telca runs around screaming in horror* Do tell.

Xel: *glomps Telca* But I had so much fun ^_^

Telca: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! *pulls her battle-axe out of a portal and proceeds to beat Xellos to a purplish splat on the floor*

Lashana: *runs forward as Telca axe starts to make a large hole in the floor* Telca! Calm down!!

Telca: *still hacking* I can't calm down!!!! I don't to want calm down!! Freaking out is a good idea right now!!

Blackwargreymon: *leaps to his feet as a loud creaking sound fills the room* Lashana!! THE FLOOR!!!

Lashana: *grabs Telca and reaches out to grab Blackwargreymon's outstretched hand as a portion of the living room floor gives out under them*

Telca: *is gasping for breath from the exertion of her little berserker rage, still clutching her battle-axe*

Lashana: *as Blackwargreymon pulls them back up onto s olid ground* That's enough freaking out for today.

Remy: *runs into the room, almost falling into the huge hole in the floor before he manages to stop his forward momentum* What the--?!?

Telca: REMY!! *glomps and clings to him*

Remy: *looks at Lashana curiously as he hugs Telca, who's babbling about perverted Mazokus*

Lashana: She's back to normal.

Remy: *grins in relief and looks down at Telca* You okay chere?

Telca: *shakes her head*

Lashana: *starts ushering Blackwargreymon out of the living room* We'll give you a few minutes. *once they're in the hallway, she sighs and leans against the wall*

Blackwargreymon: You okay?

Lashana: *nods, looking at Telca when her friend rushes past her* Telca? Hey wait! *runs after her* You okay??

Telca: I need to get the feel of Xellos off my skin! *opens a portal and jumps throough, leaving Lashana behind as it closes*

Blackwargreymon: Well. This sure has been an interesting day... *pause* I hope we never have one like this ever again.

Lashana: Ditto. I need a coffee.

Blackwargreymon: *since he hasn't had breakfast yet, he follows her to the Kitchen, intending to ransack the fridge for anything edible*

Zelgadis: *as Lashana walks into the Kitchen, he hands her a cup of coffee, receiveing a thankful smile* I see that Telca's back to normal.

Lashana: *nods* Yeah.... *pauses* Wait. How'd you know?

Zelgadis: She was here. *takes a sip of his own coffee* Who'd have thought that cleaning was Telca's coping mechanism.

Lashana: *frowns* What're you talking about?

Zel: *shrugs* She came in and got the bleach, the Fantastic and a box of SOS pads before heading upstairs.

Lashana: Oh dear gods!! *drops her coffee mug and dashes for the stairs*

Zelgadis: What?! What's wrong?!!!

Lashana: *yells back to him* Telca told me that she was off to scrub the feel of Xel from her skin! I thought she meant that she was getting a bath!

Blackwargreymon: *runs after her* She'll scrub herself raw!!!

Lashana: *bolts into Telca's room and slams the door shut, preventing Blackwargreymon from entering* Telca! *she blinks and looks at her friend, who's know wearing raggy cotton shorts and a tank top as she tosses her previous outfit into a metal garbage can that's currently holding a small fire. As she is doing this, she is rubbing a soaked SOS pad against her right arm* TELCA NO!

Telca: *as Lashana tries to wrestle the SOS pad from her hand* NO! I'm not done yet!! Give that back! I'm unclean!! UNCLEAN!!!! *starts to spray herself with the Fantastic*

Lashana: You'll poison yourself!! *goes through another wrestling round before she manages to take the Fantastic away from Telca* That stuff will eat through your skin!!! NO! Put down that bleach!!! *kicks it out of Telca's hands*

Telca: *wails* I'M UNCLEAN!!!

Lashana: *finds herself trying to fend off Telca as she tries to reclaim the Fantastic* Telca, no! *pause* What's that on your neck?!?!

Telca: *pauses* Huh?!? *darts into the bathroom and looks at herself in the mirror* AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I HAVE A HICKEY!!! *grabs the toilet bowl cleaner and starts to apply it to her neck* WHAT DID HE DO TO ME!?!?!?!?!?

Lashana: Uh.....

Telca: *looks at her* You know something!

Lashana: No! I know nothing!!!

Telca: TELL ME!!!

Lashana: ....we found you and Xel in bed... *as another scream rips out of Telca's throat* BUT YOU WERE CLOTHED!!

Telca: *calms down a little, then grabs Lashana by the collar of her t-shirt, pulling the Elf close as her eyes turn amber* We will never, EVER speak of this day again. Understood??

Lashana: O.O *nods*

Telca: Good -_- *releases Lashana and starts rumaging through the cabinet for cleaning products*


Blackwargreymon: *it's three hours later when Lashana and Telca exit the room, and he's startled to see that every part of Telca is currently swathed in bandages* What happened?!!?

Lashana: SOS Pads and bleach. -_-

Blackwargreymon: *shudders, then yelps as Telca grabs the edge of his chest armor and pulls him down to her eye level*

Telca: *in a soft yet deadly voice* We will never speak of this day again. Understood?

Blackwargreymon: O.O *nods and quickly backs away when she releases him*

Lashana: *watches Telca head downstairs to spread her message* This is gonna come back to haunt us. I just know it.

Blackwargreymon: *looks at Lashana warily* Xel didn't..... I mean.....

Lashana: *shakes her head, shudders, and heads after Telca*