Digimon Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Insanity 102 ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Telca: *is absolutely livid* YOU TWO HAVE TO COME BACK SOMETIME!!!! I'LL BE WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!! *watches as Lashana and Blackwargreymon disappear from sight* *muttering to herself* I'm going to get her for this. I'm going to
get her! *Looks again at her credit card bill and pauses* *smiles evilly as an idea forms in her mind* XELLY!! Oh Xel, come here for a sec. I want to talk to you.

Xel: *ports in front of Telca* You called Telca-chan?

Telca: *throws an arm around Xel's shoulders and gives him a quick squeeze* How would you like to help me out? *smiles brightly at him and pulls him along as she explains her plan*

~an indeterminate amount of time has past until Lashana and Blackwargreymon feel it's safe to return home~

Telca: * looks up from her book when she hears the front door open cautiously. Lashana and Blackwargreymon are home at last. She smiles brightly at them.* So you've finally decided to come back huh? Did you guys have fun?

Lashana: *startles and looks at a rather chipper Telca, then echanges wary glances with Blackwargreymon* Uh.......

Telca: Oh stop looking at me like that you two! I swear you were expecting me run you through with my sword or something. It's all water under the bridge. Go unpack and then tell me all about your trip. *making shooing motions with her hands*

Lashana: Uh.....yeah, okay. *looks at Blackwargreymon. shrugs and heads up the stairs to their bedroom*

Telca: *keeps smiling at them* Oh Blackwargreymon can you stay for a second? I need to ask you something.

Blackwargreymon: *pauses on the stairs and gives Lashana a pleading look*

Lashana: *sofly* Sorry. You're gonna have to go, hon.

Blackwargreymon: *sighs and turns to head over to Telca*

Lashana: *looks from Blackwargreymon to Telca, then back to Blackwargreymon, gives him weak encouraging smile and continues on towards her room*

Telca: *pats the chair in front of her and motions Blackwargreymon to sit.* Have a seat. Don't worry I don't bite. *when he sits down. she grabs a glass of pop and holds it out to him* Here have something to drink.

Blackwargreymon: *hesitates. He's not stupid.*

Telca: Oh for goodness sake!!! *takes a sip of the drink* See nothing wrong with it.

Blackwargreymon: *knows he can't get out of this, so he accepts his fate and takes the glass, steeling himself as he takes a big drink of it*

Lashana: *Shaking her head at her good fortune Lashana blindly makes her way to her room. She throws open the door, trudges in and throws her stuff on her bed. It takes a few minutes for her surroundings to register in her brain and when it does she lets out a shriek at good wake the dead. From floor to ceiling and everything in between her room is covered with posters and other merchandise for the Backstreet boys, Nsync, Britney Spears and Pokemon. All her old stuff is gone and in it's place are brightly wrapped and smiling faces of bubble gum popstars. The speaker on her computers are on a continuous loops of Britney Spears greatest hits. Stumbling out of the room she races back down to the main room to confront Telca*

Blackwargreymon: *he's halfway through the glass of juice when Lashana's ear peircing shriek echoes from upstairs. He drops the glass and jumps to his feet....only to be asulted with a powerfully queasy feeling seconds later. Shaking his head to clear it he turns to look at Telca. She's still got that same sweet smile but now there's a somewhat unholy light shining in her eyes.*

Telca: Got ya!! *grins at him for a moment, then turns her gaze to Lashana when the Elf barrels down the stairs*

Lashana: *gasping and sputtering* That's...just....ugh..... *looks around the room and focuses on Telca* Where's

Blackwargreymon? What did you do with him?!! *last part comes out as a scream*

Voice behind her: Lashana I'm right here! What's wrong?!!

Lashana: *turns her head towards the voice and comes face to face with Xel* O.o ?!?!

Telca: *smirking* Suurrrprrrissseeeee!!!!!

Lashana: *goes ballistic* WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY FAVORITE!?!?!!?

Telca: That my dear is the result of team work, planning and vicious sense of revenge. By use of a Polyjuice potion I have turned your favorite into another Xel. I just love our collection of sorcery books in our library, by the way. And of course, I must thank Xel for a strand of his hair.

Xellos: *upon hearing his name he ports into the room and moves to stand next to Telca*

Telca: Now don't worry the change is only skin deep. Blackwargreymon still has all his own memories and thoughts he just looks like Xel now. *sighs* It will wear off.

Xel: *jumps into the conversation* We think. It is not recommended for cross-species transforming.

Telca: *looks horrified at Xel* SHUT UP!!!

Lashana: *looks at Xellos, then at her transformed Blackwargreymon, then back at Xellos, then at Telca, then at Xel/Blackwargreymon.....then the last part of the conversation sinks in* You....you mean.....HE MIGHT BE STUCK LIKE THAT FOREVER!?!?!!?! *looks at Xel/Blackwargreymon and cries* HE LOOKS LIKE THE FREAK!!!!!!!

Telca: *rolls her eyes* Oh stop blubbering. It'll wear off in an hour

Lashana: *hopefully* REALLY!??!

Telca: *shurgs* Yup that's how the potion works.

Lashana: *looking at Xel/Blackwargreymon, who's staring at his reflection in a mirror, a look of shock and horror on his face* but what about what Xellos said? what if you fucked up?

Telca: *insulted* I did NOT fuck up. If he stays that way it'sbecause the potion worked too well. If he doesn't change back I'll give you another glass of the potion. All you have to do then is find a scale or something from Blackwargreymon, add it to the potion and get him to drink it. *suddenly she grins and snickers* You do realize of course that he has been walking around naked don't you? It only effects the physical body not what the person is wearing. You've been hanging around a naked Xel.

Lashana: Huh? *does the REALLY stupid thing and looks. then shrieks* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! BLACKWARGREYMON!!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF THE GODS, GO PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!!!!!!!!!

Telca: *laughs at Lashana as Blackwargreymon rips a drape off the window and wraps it around himself* But I thought you liked Xel? It was your idea to bring him into the Harem, remember? *belatedly wonders* I wonder what would happen if you cast a spell on him making it impossible for him to feel pain?

Xellos: *horrified*WHAT!?! NO!!

Lashana: It would serve you right!!! *goes over to a shakey Xel/Blackwargreymon and tries not to freak as she touches his shoulder* It'll be okay. You just have to last one hour.

Blackwargreymon:*knows damn well how hard it must be for her to be this close to a Xellos look-alike, so he firmly squashes the urge to hug her* Alright....I'll be upstairs....

Lashana: *watches him leave and glares at Telca* I WILL get you for this. I swear it! *she turns and runs after Xel/Blackwargreymon, calling out to him* WAIT UP!!

Blackwargreymon: *looks at her in surprise* What are you doing??

Lashana: I'm knitting a freakin' sweater -_- What does it look like I'm doing! I'm keeping you company, of course!

Blackwargreymon: But....I look like the freak!!! I sound like the freak!! *wails* I'm not even a digimon! I'm stuck in some weak, ugly body!!! Lashana: *sarcasticly* Really? I hadn't noticed! *sees his hurt look and sighs* Look, I know you look like the namagomi okay? It's rather obvious. But you're not him! So lets go plot our revenge.

Blackwargreymon: *gapes at her, then slowly smiles* I'd hug you if I didn't think you'd fireball me. Thank you.

Lashana: No problem. C'mon. *heads for her room*

Blackwargreymon: What does 'Namagomi' mean anyway?

Lashana: *evil smirk* 'Raw garbage'

Blackwargreymon: Raw...garbage? *at her nod, he grins and then breaks into hysterical laughter*

Lashana: *smiles when the imitation of Xellos's voice cracks, to be replaced by Blackwargreymon's usual baritone rumble* See? The spells already starting to wear off. You've got your voice back.

Blackwargreymon: *clears his throat* Good. I hate sounding like the pervert.

Lashana: At least you're not acting like him.....

Blackwargreymon: *shudders*


The hour passes, and by the end of it a now fully armored Blackwargreymon is back to his normal self...all except for a single lock of deep purple hair among the golden yellow, which he is trying to convince Lashana to cut off.

Lashana: I can't! You'll have a bald spot! *snickers*

Blackwargreymon: *glares at her* Lashana. I HATE purple.

Lashana: Well at least let it grow out a little! Hide it under your helmet!

Blackwargreymon: *glares at said helmet which he has not put on yet, prefering to go without it and his gauntlets for the moment* How long?

Lashana: Oh...a week...

Blackwargreymon: O.O A WEEK?!?! LASHANA!!!!!!!

Lashana: *rolls her eyes* Fine you great big oaf. *picks up a pair of sissors and beckons him closer, snipping off the offending lock of purple* There ya go baldy!

Blackwargreymon: *glares at her some more* Thanks -_-

Lashana: *chipper* You're welcome!

Blackwargreymon: *sighs and runs a hand through his hair before looking at her for a long moment. Then, moving slowly, he reaches over and hugs her* Thank you for staying with me.

Lashana: Well, you are my Favorite. *hugs him back then pulls away just enough to meet his gaze.* So, whatever shall we do to Telca?