Digimon Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Oh look...a dragon! ❯ Prologue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
[Once again, the usual disclaimer. We own nothing. Not Dragonlance, Slayers, Digimon or anything else. Hell, I won't even fully own this computer of mine for another twenty payments.....]

It's not a very lovely day in the Land of the Harem today. It's 9am and Lashana hasn't been sleeping well lately so she hasn't bothered to manipulate the weather, leaving it in it's depressing stormy greyness for all to abhor. She couldn't care less actually. Getting five hours of sleep in two nights will do that to a person. At the moment, she's sprawled out on the couch in the library, comfortably clothed in her grundge jeans and a baggy t-shirt, reading the new Dragonlance book 'Dragons of a Lost Star'. She's always had a soft spot for dragons...and after reading 'The Doom Brigade' and 'Draconian Measures', she's expanded that spot for *ahem* a few good draconians.

Lashana: *is halfway through the book when Zelgadis and Duncan storm into the library*

Duncan: We need sunlight.

Zelgadis: Now.

Lashana: *calmly looks up at them, marks her page with a bookmark, raises a hand towards them....* BOMD DI WIND!!!! *....and watches as the powerful blast of wind throws them out of the library.* No. *re-opens her book and starts to read again*


Blackwargreymon: *is still sleeping...well at least until Duncan and Zelgadis kick the door open. And that's where his warrior instincts kick in, so that before either of them can utter a sound, he's thrown a full-power 'Terra Destroyer' at them, blowing them out of the room. Annoyed and now fully awake, he sits up and looks around. Realizing that Lashana is gone, he hauls himself out of bed, dons his chest armor and leg guards and leaves in search of her...being sure to step over the twitching bodies just outside the door as he does so*

Lashana: *is still reading when Blackwargreymon walks into the library, his low rumble of greeting making her look up at him* You're up early.

Blackwargreymon: Duncan and Zelgadis woke me *he sits on the floor in front of the couch and meets her gaze, noting the dark colour under her eyes* You look like you're exhausted.

Lashana: *shrugs* I couldn't sleep. It's because of the New Moon tonight. The natural energies are at a high, so it throws my system out of whack. *bookmarks her page and sets the book aside* What did Zel and Duncan want?

Blackwargreymon: *sheepishly* I didn't give them a chance to talk.

Lashana: *knows damn well that no one in their right mind should EVER startle her Bonded awake, so she's not terribly upset* They barged in here earlier too. Something about wanting sunlight.

Blackwargreymon: *looks outside at the greyness* I'm surprised you haven't done something about that yet *his statement is punctuated by a flash of lightning and a crack of thunder*

Lashana: *gets up and stretches* I'm too tired to care at the moment. The rain won't hurt anything. *blinks as another lightning flash illuminates the library*

Blackwargreymon: The lightning might *he stands and ushers her towards the kitchen and the aroma of fresh coffee, knowing that she'll never pass up a cup of the most prized caffine*

Lashana: We'll send Xellos out with the lightning rod if it gets too bad. Though I can't help wondering why thse two idiots wanted sunlight. They usually play pool and watch TV all day.

Blackwargreymon: *shrugs* Who knows? *yawns and stretches as they walk into the Kitchen, heading over to the coffee machine and pouring a cup of coffee for her* Here.

Lashana: *smiles* Thanks *goes to sit on a stool at the island-counter, gazing out at the storm silently*

Blackwargreymon: *looks over at her and frowns* Lashana, are you alright?

Lashana: *shakes herself out of the light trance she had gone into and forces a smile* Yeah. I'm fine.

Blackwargreymon: *grunts* Liar *moves over to the counter and leans on it, studying her criticly* You should take it easy today. Try to take a nap or something.

Lashana: *sighs* Tried that. Doesn't work. Besides, we live with a bunch of wackos. Do you really think I'll be able to get a moment's rest with those idiots running around? *points at Xel who's running around outside flying a kite*

Blackwargreymon: *growls softly and eats a muffin* They won't bother you.

Lashana: *recognizes the over-protective Bonded act for what it is and chuckles* Having you 'Terra Destroyer'-ing every person that comes near me won't help.

Blackwargreymon: *glad that she's smiling* It could.

Lashana: I doubt that *tosses him a chocolate muffin* Besides, I want to finish reading my book.

Blackwargreymon: That can be arranged. *goes to the fridge and gets out a few packages of sandwich meat and some cheese.* Go ahead. I'll be there in a minute

Lashana: *reluctant to leave since she really wants to know what he's up to, she hops off the stool and heads back to the library, jumping slightly when a crack of thunder rattled the Palace. The lightning illuminated the library in an eerie flash as she walked over to a lamp and turned it on, bathing the couch in soft warm light. Carefully setting her mug of coffee on a side table, she throws herself onto the couch, sighing as she leans back into the comfortable cushions and gazes at the shelves of books around her. Another crash of thunder startles her, and she debates exerting a little of her power to calm the storm as Blackwargreymon walks into the library looking extremely proud of himself as he carries a tray over to her. Now extremely curious, she sits up and looks at him* What did you do?

Blackwargreymon: Nothing bad, so don't look at me like that *he sits in front of the couch again and gallantly holds the tray out to her, seeing her smile when she sees the cold-cuts, cheese, crackers and fruit* See? Breakfast. You can read and eat at the same time, right?

Lashana: *tries to glares at him and fails. He's just so kawaii* Yes.

Blackwargreymon: Good ^_^ *he hands her the tray and gets up to go get himself a book, returning to her seconds later and pulling her down onto the floor so she was sitting next to him, the tray in front of them.* Now relax.

Lashana: *smiles in thanks and shifts so she's leaning back against his side, opening her book and munching on a peice of cheese as she reads*

Blackwargreymon: *smiles as he looks down at her for a moment, then turns his attention to his own book. He gets halfway through the first chapter when Zelgadis stalks into the library*

Zelgadis: *loudly* We need sunlight! Make this storm go away!!

Lashana: *sighs and bookmarks her place before glaring at Zel* Why??

Duncan: *from the hallway* Girls volleyball!

Lashana: WHAT?!?!?!

Zelgadis: *blushes fiercely* NO!! It's not that!! The satellite dish won't work as long as the storms messing up the signals.

Blackwargreymon: *to say he's annoyed would be putting it mildly* You've been bothering us over some stupid satellite dish?!?!!?

Zelgadis: *twiddles thumbs* Well...it's cuz...y'see....

Duncan: *still in the hallway* The girls' volleyball tournements are on!!!! Hawaii championships!!!

Lashana: HENTAIS!!!!! BOMB DI WIND!!!!!! *sends Zelgadis litterally flying out of the room to slam into Duncan.*

Blackwargreymon: *grumbles something about perverts and gets up to go close and lock the doors* You chose them.

Lashana: *fuming* They've been hanging around Xellos for too long. Bloody perverts.

Blackwargreymon: *goes back to sit next to her and rumbles at her soothingly* Go back to your book.

Lashana: *sighs and takes his advice, reaching out to snatch a peice of apple off the tray before turning her full attention to the novel*

Blackwargreymon: *is still seriously debating going to beat Duncan and Zelgadis over the head with the satellite dish when a muted roar is heard from outside. When Lashana looks at him in askance, he shrugs* It wasn't me. *Curious, he follows her over to the window and raises an arm to sheild his face from the wind and rain when she opens it* This can't be very good for the books!!

Lashana: *doesn't hear him. She's too busy gawking at the black dragon that's attacking Zelgadis and Duncan as they try to fix the satellite dish* This dimension has just gone straight to hell in a handbasket

Blackwargreymon: *sticks his head out the window next to her and growls* What have those idiots done now??

Lashana: Um....it seems that they've pissed off a dragon.

Blackwargreymon: Oh, is that all....*cue the clue* THEY WHAT!??!?! *looks up* Oh dear gods......

Lashana: Indeed *grimaces as the dragon somehow manages to shoot a lightning blast at the Palace* HEY!! STOP THAT!!!!

Voice From Behind Them: You do know that's not going to work

Lashana: ACK! *tries to turn around quickly and ends up slamming her head against the raised windowsill* GODDAMMIT!!!! *stumbles backwards clutching her head and cussing enough to make the roughest pirate blush*

Blackwargreymon: Um...are you alright? *gets a string of curses as a response* -_- I'll take that as a yes.

Lashana: *manages to open her eyes to glare at the intruder and gasps when she sees a draconian standing in front of her* Oh cool! A draconian!!! ^_^ *Her surprise is quickly overwhelmed by the pain of her near concussion, and she chucks a book at him* DON'T SNEAK UP ON PEOPLE LIKE THAT!!!!! *winces as her screaming echoes loudly in the library, aggravating her headache* Ow...that hurt.... ;_;

Blackwargreymon: *glares at the draconian* What are you doing here? Better yet, how did you get here? *pause, looks at Lashana* What the hell is a draconian?

Lashana: *as she weaves a Healing spell on herself* Draconians are the human-sized corruptions of good dragon eggs of Bronze, Copper, Brass, Silver and Gold dragons. By using captured good dragon eggs shortly before the War of the Lance,
Wyrllish the cleric, Dracart the mage and the ancient red dragon Harkiel developed the process for corrupting the eggs into draconians. There are five types of draconians - Baaz, Kapaks, Sivaks, Bozaks and Auraks. The Aurak draconians are the only draconians without wings, the Sivaks are the only ones who can truly fly and only the Bozaks and Auraks can weave magic. *looks at the draconian curiously* My guess is that he's a Bozak. And don't kill him, Bozaks explode when they die.

Draconian: *upon hearing how much she knows about him and his race* How the Hell do you know all that?!?!

Blackwargreymon: *to himself* I've gotta start reading those books if I'm ever going to understand any of this.....

Lashana: *finishes the spell and sighs in relief before turning to the draconian* I read. You have a name?

Draconian: *hesitantly. He's in new territory here, and he has no idea what's going on or who this girl is* It's Kang.

Lashana: Kang? THE Kang?! Like, the Commander of the First Dragonarmy Draconian Engineers Kang?!?!! Ohmigod!!! You're my favorite character!!!!

Kang: *warily* Character?

Lashana: *is about to go completely bonkers when the Palace is rocked by another lightning blast from the roaring dragon* Oh crap. Forgot about the dragon.

Blackwargreymon: *drily* How exactly can you forget about something that's fourty feet long and attacking the Palace?

Lashana: *gestures at Kang* I was distracted OKAY?! Yeesh! *tucks a few errent stands of hair behind her ears and starts to head for the doors*

Kang: *eyes narrow dangerously when he sees her Elven ears* You're an elf?!!? You're one of those disgusting pointy ears?! *starts to draw his sword*

Lashana: *spins around to face him, an aura building around her as she glares at him* Yes, I'm half-elven, if you must know. And I'm not like the elves from your dimension! SO PUT THAT SWORD DOWN BEFORE I FEED IT TO YOU!!!!

Kang: *wisely sets the sword on the floor*

Lashana: *is still ranting* How could you draw a sword on me like that!?! I rooted for you guys in the Chaos War!!! I was ready to go fireball the whole lot of those stupid humans when they wanted to make you and your regiment dig latrines!!!

Blackwargreymon: Um...Lashana?

Lashana: *still ranting*.....I wanted to go gut the Dwarves when they destroyed your city......

Blackwargreymon: Lashana!

Lashana: *still ranting* ....I bought all the books.....

Blackwargreymon: *tries again* LASHANA!!!

Lashana: *snarls* WHAT!??!!?

Blackwargreymon: *points out the window at a terrified Duncan as he tries to scramble into the Library*

Lashana: Oh for the love of..... *runs over and drags the Immortal through the window* What have you two done now!??!

Duncan: *panting and wheezing from the exertion of trying to dodge Dragon-made lightning blasts* Nothing!! I swear!! The
damned thing came out of nowhere!!

Lashana: *looks out the window and wails* AHHH!!! IT'S DESTROYING THE PALACE!!! TELCA'S GONNA KILL ME!!!!!!!!!

Blackwargreymon: *chuckles* That's nothing new. You destroy the Palace on a daily basis....*trails off as she sends a glare of death in his direction* ....nevermind

Lashana: We've gotta stop that dragon. *turns to Kang, who's still shocked from her little rant* Kang! Yo, Kang!! KANG!!! WAKE UP!!!!!

Kang: *blinks* There are books about me?

Lashana: Nevermind the books!!! That dragon's gonna destroy the Palace!!!!

Kang: *still shocked* You rooted for me??

Lashana: *brings her hand up to her forehead in an exasperated smack. When she speaks her voice is strained with the effort of keeping her temper in check* Can we talk about this later? I need you to tell me about the dragon that's trying to destroy the Palace.

Kang: *blinks* Dragon?

Lashana: *really strained voice* Yes, Kang. The dragon....

Blackwargreymon: *adds* That's currently using Zelgadis as a chew toy

Lashana: WHAT!?!? *rushes over to the window* HEY!! PUT HIM DOWN!!!!

Kang: *recovered* That's not going to work. Black dragons are uncontrollable *walks over and peers at said dragon out the window* Though I really don't know what it's doing here. They usually prefer swamps.

Duncan: If it keeps raining like this it WILL be a swamp *looks at Lashana pointedly*

Lashana: Shaddup *fwaps him as she looks at the dragon then glances at Kang* Are black dragons immume to magic?

Kang: No.

Lashana: Good! ^_^ C'mon *heads off towards the doors with a curious Kang in tow*

Duncan: Where are you going?!

Lashana: *calls back* To blow up a dragon!!

Duncan: Oh is that all........*blink* WHAT?!?! Wait!! What about Zelgadis!?!?! *follows her*

Blackwargreymon: This is going to be worse than the seagull fiasco, I just know it *runs after her* We're not going to have Xellos feed it antacid tablets are we?!?!? Cuz that would make a hell of a mess on the lawn!!!

Duncan: *remembers what THAT looked like* Ugh....

Lashana: *ignores Duncan and looks at Kang* Exactly how much trouble is that thing going to be?

Kang: I'm not sure. Black dragons weren't used much in the war since they couldn't be controlled. I know they use a darkness spell to blind their enemies. And you'll have to watch out for their deadly acid and spells.

Blackwargreymon: Deadly....acid?

Kang: Acidic spit.

Duncan: *thinks this is hilarious* So it's gonna hack killer luggies at us?

Blackwargreymon: *helpfully* Killer acidic luggies ^_^

Lashana: *raises a hand to her head in an exasperated smack* Idiots..... *looks at Kang* Is that all I need to know?

Kang: Basicly. Just watch out for the spells.

Lashana: *nods and stalks out onto the deck, exerting a small amount of her power to stop the downpour so she could see* Oy....where's the dragon?

Duncan: *looks up. WAY up* Um.....reclining on the roof while it chews on Zelgadis

Lashana: What?!?! *looks up* Ewww. That's gross. Good thing Zel's 1/3 golem else he'd have melted into a mucky puddle by now.

Blackwargreymon: *sarcasticly* Thanks for the mental picture

Lashana: *ignores him and takes a breath* YO, DRAGON!!!! LET HIM GO!!!! HE OWES ME MONEY!!!!

Zelgadis: *muffled protest* I do not!!

Blackwargreymon: Yo....

Duncan: .....dragon?

Kang: We're going to die. I just know it.

Lashana: *hisses* Shaddup! *to the dragon* ARE YA DEAF OR SOMETHING?!?!?! DROP HIM!!!! *to everyone's surprise, the dragon obeys, tossing Zelgadis off the roof*

Zel: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *lands in the pool* cough-sputter-hack-choke (did I mention that he's 1/3 golem? That's essentially 1/3 rock) *he realizes that he doesn't float and sinks to the bottom of the pool*

Lashana: shit *runs down to the pool and dives in, grabbing Zel's arm and hauling him out of the water, yelling at the dragon* YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE!!!!!!

Zel: *gasping for breath as he clings to Lashana's waist for dear life, not realizing that he's on solid and dry ground....at least not until Blackwargreymon's warning snarl reaches him* ACK!!

Blackwargreymon: GET OFF OF HER!!! *kicks Zel off of Lashana, sending him back into the pool*

Lashana: Dammit!!! I just got him out of there!!!! *starts to throw Blackwargreymon in after the chimera, thinks better of it and chucks Duncan in instead*

Kang: *jumps off the deck and glides down to them, landing next to the pool and glaring at them* Are you all insane?!?! This is no time for games!!! *points to the dragon that's still on the Palace roof looking at them hungrily as it licks it's snout*

Lashana: *notices it's drool is burning holes through the Palace's roof* STOP SLOBBERING ON THE PALACE!!!!

Kang: *reaches up to massage his aching temple* We're all going to die....

Lashana: Stop saying that!!!!! Where's the optimisim from the books?!!?! *turns to Blackwargreymon as he helps Zelgadis and Duncan out of the pool* Okay, we have to distract the dragon somehow until we can figure out a game plan. Any ideas?

Blackwargreymon: *grins* XELLOS!!!!

Xel: *teleports in front of them* You bellowed? ^_^

Lashana: *points to the dragon* We got you a plaything ^_^

Xel: ^_^ *flies up to the dragon* Hello!! ^_^ *gets bitten* Arigato! ^_^

Dragon: O.o ??????

Kang: O.o

Lashana: *to Kang* He's a masocistic immortal somethingorother in human form. Just cope. He'll either distract the dragon or make it go insane. Either way, it ought to be entertaining. *turns to the three next to the pool* Zel? You okay?

Zel: *gasping* M'okay.

Duncan: *watching as Xel torments the dragon* Y'know, I can't help feeling a little sorry for it *sees Xel get swallowed by the dragon* .....nevermind. Um...Lashana? It ate Xellos

Lashana: Your point?

Duncan: *shrugs*

Kang: It's flying over here

Lashana: *looks up and glares at the dragon, who's left the Palace roof in ruins. She sees the dragon bare it's fangs and the next thing she knows, a lightning blast slams into the ground directly in front of her, startling her enough that she stumbles backwards.....right into the pool*

Blackwargreymon: *reaches into the water to fish out his Bonded* Can dragons laugh?

Kang: This one can.

Lashana: *grabs Blackwargreymon's arm and gasps for breath as he lifts her out of the water. She takes a few deep breaths of non-water air and then releases her Bonded, turning to glare at the dragon* You wanna play with lightning?!? FINE!!! *raises her hands, an aura building around her* Wind, crimson flame. Grant the power of thunder to my hand...

Zel: *realizes that he's still half-in the water and that they're all, in fact, soaking wet* NO!!!!!! *leaps up and clamps a hand over her mouth* You'll electrocute us!!!!!

Lashana:*slams her elbow into his ribs, forcing him to release her as she finishes the spell* DIGU VOLT!! *smirks as the blast of lightning slams into the dragons chest, then glares at Zel* I know how to control my spells!!!!

Kang: It's coming back!!!

Lashana: *weaves a quick spell to dry them all off and looks up at the now rather annoyed dragon*

Duncan: I think you pissed it off.

Lashana: *sarcasticly* Thank you for that delightful observation, Duncan.

Duncan: You're welcome ^_^

Blackwargreymon: *grabs Duncan and throws him at the dragon* DISTRACT IT!!!!

Duncan: *wails as he flies through the air to be caught by the dragon* I DON'T WANNA GET EATEN BY A DRAGON!!!!!!!


Duncan: Oh yeah... *whips out sword and hacks at the dragons knuckle*

Kang: we're all going to die....

Lashana: *fwaps him* Stop saying that!!!! Is that all you can say?!!?!? You're a Bozak draconian!!! You know magick!!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE KAWAII HERO!!!!!! YOU'RE ACTING LIKE A PUTZ!!!!! *ducks as Duncan sails over them, having been thrown by the dragon -who's talons have been nicely manicured thanks to the immortal- leaving him to slam into a nearby tree*

Duncan: @_@ lookie all the purdy dragons......teehee!

Zel: *looks at the dragon* It's laughing again


Blackwargreymon: *hopefully* Maybe it'll laugh so hard it'll fall out of the air and kill itself.

Kang: Doubtful *watches as it flies back to the Palace and lands on the roof again* Is it me or does it look kind

Blackwargreymon: Actually it does...

Lashana: *pales as the implications of that sink in* Oh gods no! *yells* DON'T PUKE ON THE PALACE!!!!

Zel: That's just plain gross.

Lashana: *hangs head* Telca's gonna kill me ;_;

Duncan: *staggers over to them* Ugh....wha's goin' on?

Blackwargreymon: Xellos is giving the dragon indigestion

Duncan: *blinkes* Oh...... *looks at the dragon* Um....shouldn't we try to get it off the Palace then?

Zel: We would. Except we don't know how.

Lashana: You can think of something on the way there.

Zel: *blinks* WHAT?!?!

Lashana: *grabs him and chucks him at the dragon with all her strength, watching in dread as Zel slams into the dragons stomach* ohshit

Kang: *sarcastic* Nice going

Blackwargreymon: We have got to work on your aim

Duncan: *dives for cover* IT'S GONNA BLOW!!!

Blackwargreymon: *knocks Lashana to the ground and moves to shield her with his body*

Lashana: *looks up at the dragon, who looks decidedly ill and grimaces as it lets loose a belch strong enough to rip sapling trees out of the ground. She see's a form streak towards the forest at warp speed, propelled by the....explosion*

Xel: ARIGATOOOOOOO!!! ^_^ *slams into a tree* Ow. ^_^

Lashana: -_- Well. We know it's male at least. *wriggles out from under Blackwargreymon and gets to her feet, glaring up at the....satisfied-looking dragon*

Blackwargreymon: -_- Gee thanks.

Lashana: *ignores him and yells at the dragon* YOU COULD AT LEAST EXCUSE YOURSELF!!!!

Kang: Nice projection though

Lashana: *groans as all the other males nod in agreement with Kangs observation* Idiots..... I'm surrounded by idiots..... *she looks at the dragon and sighs when she sees that it's chewing on Zelgadis again* We're right back where we started! ;_;

Zelgadis: *gurgles* HELP ME!!!!!!!!


Blackwargreymon, Kang, Duncan & Zelgadis: *as the dragon roars and leaps into the air, heading straight for Lashana* ohshit

Lashana: *as the dragon dive-bombs towards her* Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows, buried in the flow of time. In thy great name I pledge myself to darkness! Let all the fools that stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I possess!!!!! *grins up at the dragon rather maniacly* DRAGON SLAVE!!!!!!!!

Blackwargreymon: Hit the dirt!!!!!

Dragon: *thinks* ohshit

Lashana: *grins smugly as the dragon is envelloped in the powerful black magic spell. Her grin turns to a shriek of surprise as the dragon dives out of the blast and lands headfirst in the pool, driving it's head deep into the ground*

Kang: Now I've seen everything.... *stares at the dragon as it tries to free it's head from the ground*

Lashana: Well.....um.....I got it away from the Palace! That's gotta count for something....right? *looks over at the delapatated Palace and sighs* Telca's gonna kill me.....

Blackwargreymon:Well.....what the hell do we do with it?

Xellos: *after prying himself off the ground* With it? Or to it? ^_^

Lashana: HENTAI!!!! *punts Xellos over to slam into the tree again*

Kang: *looks at all of them* I would really like to go home now.

Lashana: *hesitantly* I have been learning how to open portals.....I should be able to send you, and it, home.....maybe....

Kang: Maybe?

Duncan: You're going to die, friend.

Lashana: Shaddup! *fwaps him and turns away from them, murmuring a few words and watching as a portal opens in front of her* There. See? It worked!

Kang: *eyes the portal distrustfully* Send the dragon first *looks over at the dragon that's still struggling to get free*

Blackwargreymon: *sighs and flies into the air, grabbing the dragon's tail and heaving it out of the ground. With a grunt of effort, he aims and throws the dragon into the portal* There! *lands next to Lashana*

Lashana: *smiles at him* Thanks *looks at Kang* In ya go.

Kang: *looks at the portal a moment, then glances at her* You do know it's a miracle we survived that, right? *when she grins and nods, he chuckles and shakes his head* I'll actually miss you guys *walks into the portal*

Lashana: *calls after him* I'll send you the books!!!!!

Duncan: *watches as the portal closes and sighs* All this and the satellite STILL isn't fixed.

Lashana: Oh do shut up about your stupid satellite *pauses and looks around at the destruction for which she knows she'll be blamed for later.....even if she didn't do it.* Hey....where's Zelgadis?

Zelgadis: *is half-concious on the roof, covered in dragon drool that's eating though his clothes* Someone kill me....

Xellos: *teleports in front of him, holding a camera* Where's the fun in that? ^_^ *starts taking pictures*

Zel: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!