Digimon Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Visiting Hours are from 12-2 ❯ Prologue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: The original characters of Lashana & Telca belong to us, as well as the Storyline and the idea of the Harem. Other than that we own nothing. Don't sue us, we have no money.

It's another wonderful--

Lashana: Shaddup!! There's no time for your stupid narration!!!! FIREBALLL!!!!! *fries narrator*

Narrator: X_x

Blackwargreymon: Um...there WAS a reason for that...right?

Lashana: We are SO screwed!!! *is running around cleaning*

Telca: *walks into the room and frowns at the whirlwind of activity that is Lashana* What's going on?

Blackwargreymon: I haven't the slightest idea. I can't even sense her thoughts, all I get is a sense of dread.

Telca: *grabs Lashana and shakes her roughly* WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU!?!?!?!?

Lashana: *wails* My father's coming for a visit!!!!

Telca: *pales and drops Lashana* oh dear gods.....*snaps out of it* WE HAVE TO CLEAN!!!!! *joins Lashana in running around and cleaning*

Blackwargreymon: *watches them in complete bafflement* Isn't your father visiting you a good thing?

Lashana: *doesn't hear him as she yells out to Telca* WE HAVE TO HIDE THE HAREM!!!!!

Blackwargreymon: Hey now....hey! waitaminute! *is being shoved into a closet by Telca* Will you stop that?!?! HEY!!! Watch were you're grabbing!!! Ack!

Telca: *slams the door shut and locks it, then runs to go collect the various members of the Harem*

Blackwargreymon: *gets pissed and rips the door off it's hinges, stepping out into the now empty living room* LASHANA!!!!!!!!!!

Lashana: *from upstairs in their bedroom* Ack! *the combined mental and vocal roar finally gets her attention* WHAT!?!?!

Blackwargreymon: *runs into the room* What the hell is going on?!?!

Lashana: *while cleaning* My father is coming for a visit. Only he doesn't know about the Harem, or the fact that magick exists here, and he certainly doesn't know about YOU. And I don't know HOW I'm gonna explain the fact that in this dimension I look different than normal.

Blackwargreymon *only hears one thing (hmph males)* You didn't tell him about me?!?! I'm your Bonded!!

Lashana: Well obviously. But my father still thinks of me as his sweet little innocent daughter.

Blackwargreymon: -_- He obviously doesn't know you very well then

Lashana: *fwaps him* If he finds out about the Harem...dear gods...I don't know what he'll do!

Blackwargreymon: So you're locking me up? ;_;

Lashana: Just while he's visiting. It'll only be for a few hours.

Blackwargreymon: *sighs* Fine. I'll stay put.

Lashana: Thanks *gives him a quick kiss on the cheek and runs out the door*


Two hours later Lashana and Telca have managed to subdue and hide all of the Harem members. Even Xellos, who's currently strapped to a chair being forced to watch Barney videos. It wasn't easy to hide all of them, but somehow the two have managed a---

Lashana: WILL YOU SHUT UP?!?!?! *fireballs the narrator again as she anxiously stares out the window, searching for her fathers car*

Narrator: @_@ I don't get paid enough for this.....

Telca: *hopefully* Maybe he got lost?

Lashana: You just had to jinx it, didn't you? *points to the silver Intrepid as it drives up to the front door*

Telca: Oops. *runs to the entrance and throws the door open, only to pale and slam it shut again* ohshit.

Lashana: *panicked* What?? *pushes Telca aside and opens the door, gaping at BOTH her parents* eep!

Telca: Go! *shoves her out the door*

Lashana: *nervously* uh...Hi! Didn't have any trouble finding the place, I hope?

Lashana's Father Who Shall Remain Nameless: *grumbles*

Lashana's Mother Who Shall Also Remain Nameless: Oh no the transdimensional highways were really well marked. I didn't have to make your father stop and ask for directions once.

Lashana's Father Who Shall Remain Nameless: O.o France?? What the hell did you do to your hair???

Lashana: *grimaces* I'm called Lashana here, Dad. Alternate dimension remember? I have a different form here *pause* What's wrong with my hair?!?!

Lashana's Mother Who Shall Also Remain Nameless: Nothing! It suits you. Is that Kim?

Telca: *waves* It's Telca, Mrs..... *looks at Lashana helplessly* Uh......Mrs. Lashana's Mother.

Lashana: *brings her hand up to her forehead in an exasperated smack*

Lashana's Mother Who Shall Also Remain Nameless: *looks at the Palace* Wow. Do we get at tour?

Lashana: Uh....

Telca: Yeah! Sure!

Lashana's Father Who Shall Remain Nameless: Is that a satellite dish?

Telca: Actually we have five. One for the game room, one for the living room, one for the--

Lashana: *slaps a hand over Telca's mouth* They don't want to hear all that boring stuff! Heh, heh, heh...C'mon, I'll show ya the Kitchen.

Lashana's Mother Who Shall Also Remain Nameless: It's 'show YOU the kitchen'.

Lashana: -_- Yes mother.

Lashana's Mother Who Shall Also Remain Nameless: And don't mumble

Telca: *smothers a snicker as Lashana guides them into the Palace, earning a look of death said half-elf*

Lashana: *walks into the Kitchen* Anyway, this is our spacious kitchen. That door leads to the main dining room, and that's the deck with our often-used Barbeque. We've got the state-of-the-art stove and self-cleaning oven, microwave, our huge fridge...the Blessed Coffee Maker. Speaking of the Coffee Maker, anyone want a cup?

Lashana's Mother Who Shall Also Remain Nameless: After the tour. *is walking around taking notes of the colour schemes and dragging Lashana's Father around to show him things she wants in her Kitchen*

Lashana: Um.....Dad? Wanna beer?

Lashana's Father Who Shall Remain Nameless: *no hesitation here folks* Yes. *accepts the Labatt Blue from his daughter with a strained smile*

Telca: *exchanges glances with Lashana* C'mon, we'll show you the living room and the game room. *leads the way as Lashana ushers them out of the Kitchen* Here's the living room with the big screen TV and the surround-sound speaker setup. We can actually shake the Palace if we set the volume high enough during certain movies. Speaking of movies we have about two hundred of them as well as fifty or so DVD's. *she heads over to a door and opens it* and this here is the game room. Pool table, dart board, poker table, Playstation system....

Lashana's Father Who Shall Remain Nameless: *heads over to check out the pool table*

Lashana's Mother Who Shall Also Remain Nameless: Well, at least you'll never be bored.

Lashana: ^_^ That was the point! You'll love the library, Mum! It's got everything! C'mon, I'll show you! *ushers her parents upstairs and into the huge library* See? Ain't it great?

Lashana's Mother Who Shall Also Remain Nameless: That's 'Isn't it great' *heads off to go look at mystery books* Oh! The new Kathy Reichs!!

Lashana: -_-

Telca: *sees her friends aura shimmer* Calm down!! They'll see your battle aura! *fwaps her*

Lashana: *takes a few deep breaths* m'okay...... *runs her hands over her face and into her hair* Dad? Can I have a drink of that Beer? PLEASE?!?!?!?!?!

Lashana's Father Who Shall Remain Nameless: Sorry. I just finished it.

Lashana: *starts to bang her head against the wall repeatedly. At least until a thought of...{Stop doing that} distracts her* {Oh shove it, ya big oaf. I'm going insane over here}

Blackwargreymon: *is lying on their bed reading a dragonlance book* {Well, that's no reason to hurt yourself now is it?}

Lashana: {Oh yes it is} *looks over at her father as his gasp of surprise catches her attention*

Lashana's Father Who Shall Remain Nameless: *reads the title of the book out loud* 'A WICCAN'S GUIDE TO SEX MAGICK'?!?!!?!?!? o.O

Telca: *glances at a pale Lashana* We bought all the books on Wicca and Shamanism through Chapters. Bulk buying, y'know. There were a few that we didn't want, but we couldn't send them back and we certainly couldn't throw them out.... *shrugs and smiles weakly* It's a good conversation piece??

Lashana: *smiles triumphantly* You two always said it was wrong to throw books out. Remember?

Lashana's Mother Who Shall Also Remain Nameless: *from the far corner of the library* She's right dear

Lashana: *sighs as her Father grumbles but puts the book away* Thank you Lord and Lady.

Telca: *whispers* Maybe we should get them out of here before he sees--

Lashana's Father Who Shall Remain Nameless: 'THE MEN OF X-MEN LIKE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN THEM BEFORE'?!?!!?!? O.o

Telca: .....crap

Lashana: Uh....So Mom, see any books you like??

Lashana's Father Who Shall Remain Nameless: '101 EROTIC USES FOR A FIREBALL?!?!!?!?' O.o

Telca: *hisses* Hey! Don't just leave me here!

Lashana: *drags Telca over to her Mother, leaving her father to alternate between glaring holes into the backs of their heads and twitching in a seizure-like fashion* You can borrow anything you want, Mum.

Telca: Yeah. It's not like we don't have enough to read! *laughs nervously*

Lashana: *smiles at her mother benignly. A sound from behind them startles her, and she spins around to look at a surprised Duncan* oh shit.

Duncan: *looks around* Um...hi.

Telca: *to Lashana* We are so screwed

Lashana: *whispers back as her father glares at the immortal* Just follow my lead! *walks over to Duncan* Hi, Duncan! I'd like you to meet my parents! *whispers* play along!!

Duncan: *nods to her as he smiles at her parents* Ma'am. Sir. It's a pleasure to meet you.

(Author's note: Okay here people. I am getting mighty sick an tired of typing out 'Lashana's Mother who will...blah blah blah' From now on, it's just Lashana's Mother and Lashana's Father. You don't like it? Fine. Have a Dragon Slave.)

Lashana's Mother: *is looking at Duncan the way a jaguar studies a rabbit when it's starving* The pleasure's all mine! ^_^

Lashana: *to her folks* Duncan here's our.....our....

Duncan: *to Lashana's parents* I'm an antiques dealer. Lashana is one of my best clients.

Lashana's Father: *suspicious* Oh really?

Duncan: Of course *smiles* Though I'm not permitted to disclose her purchases without her explicit permission. Clientele confidentiality, you understand.

Telca: *grabs a book off the shelf and brings it over to them* See? Duncan's excellent at finding out-of-print books.

Lashana's Mother: *sees the book* Oh my god! Is that an original manuscript of Agatha Christie's "Death on the Nile"? *looks at the book as Telca hands it to her* It is!! It's signed!!!!

Lashana: *smiles* You can keep it, Mum. It was going to be a surprise for you, but I guess it's too late now *shrugs and looks at Duncan* I'm sorry to inconvenience you like this, but can you Come. Back. Later?

Duncan: *gets the hint* Of course. *heads for the door* I'll come by around 5pm then. It's was nice to meet you! *waves and leaves*

Telca & Lashana: *sigh in relief*

Lashana's Mother: So...Lashana....

Lashana: *recognizes that tone of voice* ...yeah? *she is saved from a rather embarrassing conversation by a crash from upstairs* Uh....I'd better go see what that was! *runs, leaving Telca behind*

Telca: So......nice weather we've been having, huh?


Lashana: *runs towards the bedrooms and freezes when she sees that the room where she and Telca had locked Xel in has been destroyed....and Xel is nowhere to be seen* {BLACKWARGREYMON!!!!!}

Blackwargreymon: *is reading...or at least he was until his Bonded's scream echoed though his thoughts* {What?? What is it?! What's wrong?!??}

Lashana: *runs down the hallway* {Xellos got loose!!! You have to help me find him!!!}

Blackwargreymon: {But your parents....}

Lashana: *cuts him off as she bursts into the bedroom, panting for breath as she leans against the doorframe* {That's why we have to find him!}

Blackwargreymon: *gets up and goes over to her, supporting her as she gasps* Alright. I'll start looking around. You'll have to warn me where your parents are in the Palace so I don't run into them *rubs a hand over her back to calm her, tensing when he hears voices in the hallway* Oh shit.

Lashana: *hisses* HIDE!!

Blackwargreymon: WHERE!?!

Lashana: Forgive me *shoves him into the closet - which is really hard since he's wearing his most of his armor - closes and locks the door and goes to kick his gauntlets and helmet under the bed. She's just picking up the hardcover dragonlance book off the floor when Telca and her Parents walk into the room* Hi! A bird must've slammed into the window or something. Cuz' I can't find anything that fell.....heh heh

Telca: *walks over to her and whispers* Where's Blackwargreymon?

Lashana: *still smiling as she murmurs* In the closet.

Telca: O.o *looks at Lashana's parents* Um....how about I bring you out on the deck. You'll love the view! *starts to usher them out of the room* Coming Lashana?

Lashana: *smiles and give a little wave* In a moment. You go ahead. I'll meet you there! *makes shooing motions with her hands, tensing when a low groan comes from the closet*

Lashana's Father: What was that?

Lashana: *nervously* What was what?

Lashana's Mother: *knows something's up* That sound.

Lashana: Sound? What sound? I didn't hear anything? Did you Telca?

Telca: Nope. Didn't hear a thing.

Lashana's Mother: *LOOKS at Lashana* What are you hiding?

Lashana: *really nervous* ME!?!? Hiding something??? *the closet door creaks and she raises her voice* I'm not hiding anything! *winces as the closet door gives way, dumping Blackwargreymon onto the floor* Uh........*adds an innocent tone to her voice* ......Gee, where'd that come from??

Blackwargreymon: *from the floor* Would you help me up already?? They obviously know I'm here.

Lashana: *sighs and goes to help him* Um....Mum, Dad...Meet Blackwargreymon.

Lashana's Father: What are you doing in his room Lashana?

Lashana: *exchanges glances with Telca* Um....

Blackwargreymon: *who is now down on one knee to be at eye level with all of them.* Actually, we share this room. *puts an arm around Lashana's shoulders*

Lashana's Father: *flatly* You what?

Lashana: We're...um....kinda Soul-Bonded *looks at her father, who seems to be slightly catatonic*

Lashana's Mother: So! He's the one, hmm? I knew it had to be someone.

Lashana: *really intelligent* Huh?

Lashana's Mother: Well it's rather obvious! I'm not blind! Just look at you! You're smiling, you're happy....

Blackwargreymon: *smiles at Lashana* I TOLD you it would be alright. *hugs her*

Telca: I think I need a chocolate bar....

Lashana: Forget the chocolate. I need a beer.

Telca: *grins* Beer and Chocolate?

Lashana: Deal *pulls away from Blackwargreymon and looks at her Parents* Let's continue this in the Kitchen okay?

Blackwargreymon: *chuckles* {Are you alright?}

Lashana: {I'm dreading when my father regains his senses} *ushers her parents downstairs* {And Xel is still loose}

Telca: *whispers* What was that bang before?

Lashana: *whispers back* Xellos' loose

Telca: Oh shit.

Blackwargreymon: I doubt he'll be stupid enough to piss Lashana off again though. *walks into the Kitchen and goes to get his Bonded her Ovation stick-mints*

Lashana's Mother: *looks at Blackwargreymon and whispers to Lashana* Um...if you don't mind me asking.....what is he?

Lashana: .....A Mega Level Digimon

Lashana's Mother: *studies the Digimon* Not bad.....

Telca: *to Lashana* Now I see where you get it.

Lashana: Oh do shut up. *gestures for her parents to precede them outside, where they sit at the large patio table* So Dad.....um...Dad? Dad are you okay? Dad? YO, DAD!!! *silence* Um....Mom? Is he okay?

Lashana's Mother: *looks at her husband* I think he's still adjusting.

Blackwargreymon: *joins them and sets a Labatt Blue in front of Lashana as he munches on one of her stick-mints* Adjusting to what?

Lashana: You *looks at him*....Hey!! What did I tell you about stealing my chocolate?!?! *grabs the box out of his hands*

Blackwargreymon: *chuckles and sits down on the deck, leaning against Lashana's chair* So why would your father have to adjust to me?

Lashana: Because you're 8 1/2 feet tall, not human, and sharing a bed with me

Blackwargreymon: Point *looks at Lashana's mother* You don't seem that shocked

Lashana's Mother: *smiles* I am her mother. Besides, as long as she's happy...... *trails off as her gaze is lured in the direction of the pool*

Lashana: *follows her mother's gaze and raises a hand to her head in an exasperated smack when she sees Duncan swimming laps* Idiot..... *gets up and goes to the edge of the deck* DUNCAN YOU MORON!!!!

Duncan: *startles as he hears someone scream his name and looks up towards to deck, paling when he sees Lashana and her parents watching him* O.O Uh......Hello again! *waves*

Lashana: *seriously debates flinging her beer bottle at him as she goes back to sit on her chair, covering her eyes with a hand* Gods above give me strength.....

Blackwargreymon: *reassuringly pats her hand* It's not that bad.

Lashana's Mother: *tears her gaze away from Duncan* I have to visit more often ^_^

Telca: *laughing*

Lashana: *looks over at her father, who looks like he's either about to go ballistic or have an aneurysm. She shrinks back into her chair as he turns to look at Blackwargreymon and she quickly sends a whispered thought to her Bonded* {Run}

Blackwargreymon: *looks at her* {Why?}

Lashana's Father: *to Blackwargreymon* Let's go have a talk.

Lashana: *gulp* Mom, stop him!

Blackwargreymon: *smiles at her reassuringly* It's alright *nuzzles the side of her neck lightly before getting up and following her father inside*

Telca: He is so screwed.

Lashana: *bangs her head on the table*

Lashana's Mother: It's not that bad. So! Who else is here?

Telca: ..........huh?

Lashana's Mother: Who else lives here with you two?

Lashana: *looks at her Mother* How did you....*doesn't get to finish her sentence as Wolverine walks out onto the deck wearing jeans minus a shirt* Ack! Logan! You're supposed to be hiding!!!!

Lashana's Mother: *looks at Wolverine* Now I know why you love watching that movie so much.....

Wolverine: Thought I should warn ya darlin'. Xellos is on the loose.

Telca: We know. We'll handle him when the time comes.

Lashana: Well since you're here you might as well join us *looks over at Duncan as he climbs the deck stairs and walks over to them while drying himself off with a towel* I need another beer.... Anyone want anything? *gets requests for two beers, a coffee and a ginger ale* -_- I shouldn't have asked *she heads into the kitchen to get the drinks and pauses at the sound of voices in the dining room. Curious, she goes over to the door and peeks inside, looking at Blackwargreymon who seems to be willing himself to disappear into the floor as he listens to her father* Oh boy.... *she wisely heads back to the Kitchen and sends a gentle thought to her Bonded* {You okay in there?}

Blackwargreymon: *deadly serious* {If your father had a shotgun I think I would be afraid for my life}

Lashana: *chuckles* {Need rescue?}

Blackwargreymon: {Um....just a moment} *looks at her father* Look, I understand that you're concerned about your daughter. But we're not having-- *gets cut off* {Okay. Help.}

Lashana: *sighs as she calls out* Heyla! Dad? Can I have my Bonded back? *smiles as Blackwargreymon runs out of the dining room seconds later and rushes over to her, hugging her tightly*

Blackwargreymon: Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!

Lashana: *grins and gently pushes him away* You're welcome. *glances at her father, who is glaring at her Bonded* Um...you want something to drink, Dad? Another beer? *silence* Hokay fine. *looks at her Bonded* Give me a hand with these?

Blackwargreymon: *whispers* At this point I'll do anything that'll keep me from having to go through another conversation like the one I just had with your father. *grabs the three beers as she takes the coffee and the ginger ale*

Lashana: *arches a pure white eyebrow at him curiously* That bad?

Blackwargreymon: I'll tell you later *follows her outside onto the deck, where Duncan is speaking with her mother, who's laughing*

Lashana: *hands the coffee to her mother and the ginger ale to Telca* So! Anything interesting happen while we were gone?

Lashana's Mother: Duncan and Wolverine were just telling me about the video Telca made for you two! *laughs at the look of complete horror on her daughters face*

Lashana: *glances at Blackwargreymon, who looks rather ill*.......oh joy *grabs a beer and chugs it, nearly choking when a yell of anger erupts from the Kitchen* What the hell?

Blackwargreymon: *pulls her out of the way of a flying Xellos as her father drop kicks the pervert out of the Kitchen* Well....we found Xel.

Lashana's Mother: *looks from the purple-haired male currently sprawled on the deck to Lashana* And this is?

Lashana: *lowly* His name is Xellos. He's a perverted masochistic sadistic freak.....

Xel: *leers* My my! Flattery will get you everything Lashana-chan! ^_^

Blackwargreymon: *loudly* DON'T CALL HER 'CHAN'!!!!!!

Lashana: *as Xellos approaches* You sick perverted freak!! *throws her beer bottle at him*

Xel: *gets beaned with the bottle* Ahhhh....foreplay! ^_^

Lashana: ACK!! *leaps into Blackwargreymon's arms*

Lashana's Mother : *is really getting annoyed at Xel who is trying to paw at her daughter. REALLY annoyed. Like homicidal annoyed*

Duncan & Wolverine: *back away from Lashana's mother as a bright bluish-green battle aura shimmers around her*

Telca: *is hiding behind Wolverine lest Xel notices her*

Lashana: *is kicking at Xel who is currently attached to her leg while Blackwargreymon punches the Mazoku, trying to free his Bonded* GET IT OFFA ME!!!!!!

Wolverine: *Can't resist* Yeah Blacky. Some Bonded you are!

Blackwargreymon: DON'T CALL ME THAT! *punches Xellos* LET GO!!!!

Lashana's Mother: *snaps* GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!!!! *she raises her hands in an instinctual gesture, throwing the fireball that had formed at her fingertips*

Xel: *gets fried* Arigato! ^_^ *falls off of Lashana*

Blackwargreymon: *grabs the freak and throws him off the deck* TERRA DESTROYER!!!!!

Xel: *is now flying through the air while on fire* Arigatooooooooo!!! ^_^ *disappears over the horizon*

Wolverine: *looks at Lashana's mother* Well...at least we know where she gets it......

Lashana: *is staring at her mother in surprise* Go Mom....

Telca: O.o Uh....how did she do that?? I thought only Lashana, Xellos, Zelgadis and I could do magick.

Blackwargreymon: *hugs Lashana protectively* Apparently you were wrong.

Duncan: Imagine that *gets fwaped by Telca* ...ow

Lashana: Oh shit! Dad! *leaps out of Blackwargreymon's arms and runs into the Kitchen in time to see her father chug down a beer* Sorry Dad. We tried to keep the freak locked up..... *shrugs* If it makes you feel better...Mom fireballed him.

Lashana's Father: O.o She did what?!?

Blackwargreymon: *walks up behind Lashana and lies his hands on her shoulders* Fireballed him. Good aim too. I always wondered where Lashana got it from.

Lashana's Father: o.O ..............?!?!? O.o

Wolverine: *sigh and walk over to Lashana's Father* C'mon bub. We'll explain it to ya while we watch the hockey playoffs *he and Duncan usher her Father out of the Kitchen*

Lashana: I think we broke my father's brain.

Blackwargreymon: We seem to do that to a lot of people.

Lashana's Mother: *walks into the Kitchen, dusting off her hands triumphantly* Well, now that the horrid little man is gone, do I get to meet the others?

Telca: *follows her* Um...aren't you even a little surprised that you're able to lob fireballs around?

Lashana's Mother: Should I be?

Telca:.......I guess not

Blackwargreymon: *looks at Lashana's mother curiously* How do you know that there are others living here?

Lashana's Mother: *points to the doorway, where Remy is peering at them*

Lashana: *smacks herself again* Idiots.....

Telca: Well, at least she wasn't here when that dragon of yours was drooling on my Palace.

Lashana: MY dragon?!?! That thing wasn't mine!!!

Remy: *walks over to Lashana's Mother and gives her one of his suave looks* Enchante, chere *kisses the back of her hand*

Telca: *glares at Remy* What do you think you're doing?!

Lashana: Get away from my mother you pervert!

Telca: He is not a pervert!

Lashana: Is to!

Telca: Is not!

Lashana: Is to!

Telca: Is not!

Lashana: Is to!

Telca: Is not!

Blackwargreymon: *covers Lashana's mouth with his hand* -_- I hate to break up this lovely show of maturity...but your mother is holding another fireball.

Telca: *wails* Don't blow up my Remy!!!! *glomps Remy*

Lashana: *wails* Don't blow up my Bonded!!!! *glomps Blackwargreymon*

Lashana's Mother : *launches the fireball at Xellos, who is currently trying to sneak up on Lashana and Blackwargreymon*

Lashana: *watches the Mazoku get blown out of the Kitchen* Oh....that's okay then....

Blackwargreymon: *is still holding onto Lashana* Good aiming, Mrs....uh.....*looks at Lashana for a second*.....Mrs. Lashana's Mother.

Lashana: *groans and bangs her head against Blackwargreymon's shoulder armor* Idiots.....

Blackwargreymon: Stop that. You're going to hurt yourself.

Telca: Or give yourself brain-damage.

Remy: How would we notice?

Lashana: SHADDUP!!! *kicks at Remy, only she's too far away to reach him* ...crap

Telca: *sticks her tongue at Lashana* Nyah-nyah--ack! *however she has forgotten that Blackwargreymon has a longer reach than Lashana and has just been knocked to the floor*

Lashana's Mother: No fighting! You'll destroy the Kitchen!

Telca: -_- wouldn't be the first time. *gets to her feet, glaring at Lashana*

Blackwargreymon: *is about to leap to his Bonded's defense when a yell of "Tarbarnac!!!!!" is heard from the living room followed by a "Yer supposed ta stop the puck ya damned moron!!!!"* Um.....what was that?

Lashana: -_- My father and Wolverine watching sports together *sighs as a combined yell of "Shoot you idiot!!!" echoes though the Palace*

Lashana's Mother: *sighs* We'll never get your father away from the TV now

Wolverine: *yelling from the living room* Someone bring us some beer!!!!!

Lashana & Telca: We're not your maids!!!!! Get it your own damned self!!!!!!!

Lashana's Mother: *beams at Lashana proudly and wipes a tear from her eye* I raised you so well! *sniffle* My baby's all grown up!

Lashana: ^_^

Blackwargreymon: *chuckles as he hugs her* Well at least it's comforting to know that one of your parents doesn't want to get rid of me.

Lashana's Mother: Oh? And what did my husband tell you?

Blackwargreymon: Um...he gave me The Speech. *at everyone's looks of incomprehension, he sighs and lowers his gaze, a blush colouring his cheeks, turning them a deep purple* The one that's along the lines of "you'd better take good care of her or else I'll hunt you down" and "she's too young to have kids so you'd better use protection"

Lashana: ACK!!!!! *blushing a bright red as she pulls away from her Bonded and goes on a rampage* DAD!!!!! I WANNA TALK TO YOU!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *stomps down the hallway, an aura glowing around her*

Lashana's Mother:*sighs in exasperation* Oh not again *follows her*

Wolverine: *knows this mood and dives behind the TV* Yer on yer own, bub!

Lashana: *stalks into the room* Where do you get off threatening my Soul-Bonded?!?!?! And please take note of the SOUL-BONDED part!!!!

Lashana's Mother: *is trying to either calm Lashana down or at least shut her up*

Lashana: *is still ranting* I moved out!!! I am not a defenseless little girl!!!! AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!! STOP STARING AT THE STUPID TV!!!!!!!! *fireballs said TV many times, narrowly missing Wolverine as he leaps out of the way*

Lashana's Father: AAHHHHHH!!!! Alright!! That's it! *gets to his feet*

Blackwargreymon: *reeeeeaaaalllllyyyy doesn't want to find out if her father can weave magick or not, so he rushes in, grabs Lashana, and forcibly drags her out of the room* Lashana? Lashana! Calm down!! Lashana!! *she's still screaming out things in who knows what language* MY BONDED!!!!!

Lashana: *blinks and looks at him* Huh?

Blackwargreymon: Calm down. It's alright. *brings her back to the Kitchen and into the Dining room*

Lashana: It is not! He doesn't have to threaten you like that! And he should trust me enough to know that I'm not stupid enough to end up with a gaggle of kids! *huffs* You're my Bonded for Goddess's sake!

Blackwargreymon: Calm down. *he kneels in front of her and takes her hands in his* He's just looking out for you.

Lashana: By threatening my Bonded?!?!

Blackwargreymon: Okay...so he needs a little practice... *shrugs* At least he wasn't cleaning a shotgun while he was talking to me.

Lashana: -_- It's in the trunk of his car

Blackwargreymon: o.O Um.....y'know, if we leave now we could be in Cancun by nightfall.

Lashana: *chuckles softly* However tempting that may sound. Telca will kill me if I dump my folks on her. *sighs and frees a hand to rub at her temple* Gods I have such a headache......

Lashana's Mother: *walks in* With all the screaming you just did it's no wonder.

Lashana: -_- thanks mum.

Lashana's Mother: Telca just pulled another TV out of a portal. She says that next time you blow up the TV, YOU can port a new one in.

Lashana: *sighs and massages the bridge of her nose* yeah yeah.

Lashana's Mother: And I've managed to calm your father down. Granted it was easy since the he and Wolverine had only missed ten minutes of the game. *sighs* men and their sports

Blackwargreymon: *grunts at that last comment but decides not to comment. Instead he gets up and goes to stand behind Lashana's chair, rumbling at her soothingly as he starts to massage her shoulders*

Lashana's Mother: *smiles at the two* Present company excluded of course.

Lashana: *doesn't hear her. She's enjoying her shoulder rub*

Lashana's Mother: Oh, and there's a red haired samurai in the Kitchen doing dishes.

Lashana: *THAT she hears* S'just Kenshin. Kenshin! YO, KENSHIN!!!

Kenshin: *walks into the room while drying his hands on a towel* Hai, Lashana-dono?

Lashana: *shifts so Blackwargreymon can work at the tense muscles in her neck and closes her eyes in pleasure* Meet my mother. *gestures in that general direction. She hopes she is anyway*

Blackwargreymon: *chuckles* You're pointing at a chair

Lashana: *leans back into his caresses* Don't care...... *sighs contentedly, ignoring the conversation her mother is having with Kenshin* A bit lower...there....*sighs again*

Lashana's Mother: Lashana?

Lashana: *doesn't move* Mmm? *cracks an eye open to discover that Kenshin has left*

Lashana's Mother: You really should pay the poor boy. He cooks, he cleans....

Lashana: *distractedly* 'ready did pay 'em. Anti-Mazoku shield around his rooms.

Blackwargreymon: *pauses his ministrations* Why don't we have that?

Lashana: Because Xellos burned the spell book *pulls away and stretches contentedly* Mmm, thanks for the shoulder rub. *looks at her mother* Um....not that I want to get rid of you or anything....but aren't you pushing the Dog Bladder Control Time Limit?

Lashana's Mother: *looks at watch* O.O Oh crap!!! *yells* Dear!!! We have to go!!!!

Lashana's Father: *from the living room* But the game's on!!!!

Lashana's Mother: *screams* NOW!!!!!!!

Lashana's Father:......yes dear ;_;

Blackwargreymon: *snickers as he follows Lashana and her mother over to the front doors*

Lashana's Mother: *hugs her daughter* You take care. *looks at Blackwargreymon* And you take care of my daughter.

Lashana's Father: *is grumbling to himself as he trudges to the doors, pausing to give Lashana a quick kiss on the cheek before heading for the car*


Lashana's Father: *does the fastest bodily u-turn humanly-possible and walks back over to give Lashana a rib-creaking hug*

Lashana: *wheezes* ....Dad....Lashana....need....air.....! *gasps for breath when he releases her* @_@ ....thanks.....

Blackwargreymon: *is now confronted with Lashana's father. Drawing himself up to his full height, he looks down at the human and rumbles out in a voice that's thick with sarcasm* It's been a pleasure.

Lashana's Father: *looks at the Digimon for a moment, then laughs and reaches up to smack him on the shoulder in a friendly gesture before heading for the car*

Blackwargreymon: O.o Uh......Well, I guess that's where Lashana gets her mood swings from..... *winces as he rubs at his shoulder* Or her strength.....

Lashana's Mother: We'll have to come visit again sometime *hugs her daughter again and does the Mandatory Child-Embarrassing Smooch* Take care! And say bye to Duncan for me!

Lashana: *rubs at her cheek to try to get the lipstick off of her skin* Ugh.....

Blackwargreymon: *waves as the car pulls out of the driveway and closes the door, leaning back against it wearily* Okay. Next time, we go hide in Cancun.

Lashana: Deal.

Blackwargreymon: *walks with her towards the Kitchen* At least then I won't find myself being shoved into a closet.

Lashana: -_- You're never going to let me forget that, are you?

Blackwargreymon: *chuckles* No.

Lashana: *evil grin* Have it your way, Blacky.