Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ *~DiGiTaL iNsAnItY~* ❯ The brat freak children who have enslaved Angemon! ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"The brat freak children who have enslaved Angemon!"

Erm…Hi there I'm Yugi Moto and I'll be your narrator for this evening, afternoon or morning…whichever it is! If your wondering why Davis and Ken aren't here…well…ken kinda got into trouble with some authority figures and now is facing six months in jail for illegally trying to take over the digital world without a licence then calling a police officer "Doo-doo head!" Davis is trying to appeal to let him out :p
Oh well enough of that time to tell you what happened in the last episode… well the kids were on the blue moon and Kouichi was on a mission to find something Star Trek related…but didn't so blew up the science lab belonging to the Starmon. Then they found a rocketship and blasted off on a rough journey across space to the digital world….
…Oh and apparently junepi has a hentai computer O_o; Oh well back to the story folks!

The kids get off the pink trailmon onto a platform.

TAKUYA - Hey thanks man!

LITTLE PINK TRAILMON - Sure don't mention it, it was the least I could do after accidentally pushing you off the rail track ^_^;;

KOUJI - Yeah sure…an "accident"…

LITTLE PINK TRAILMON - Oh well I'll be going now, cya around (*Sets off as the kids look around the station*)

TAKUYA - Okay then guys lets get going! We gots us an angel to slaughter…

IZUMI - (*Sarcastically*) Oh he makes it sound so beautiful, doesn't he?

As they walk through some canyon thing there is a sudden cloud of dust in the distance and a freaky looking digimon runs up to them.

SAGITTARIMON: - Hi! Hi! My name is sagittarimon and I'm just some random digimon…

KOUJI - (*Shrugs*) Heh! Fair enough! Everything is random to us these days…thanks to her (*Points to the author who's giggling insanely to herself*)

JUNEPI - Man! This thing looks like some kind of mutant cross between Flamedramon and Raidramon…

TOMOKI - Hey…you're right! (*To Sagittarimon*) Can I ride on your back? Can I Can I? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!

SAGITTARIMON - My back is not for riding! (*Suddenly looks around for something*) I think I lost a shoe….

TAKUYA - Erm…your not wearing shoes…


KOUJI - (*Looking over at the author*) Hey quit with the insanity a bit, okay?

KOUICHI - Yeah that's MY job!

TAKUYA - Okay group huddle!

Everyone huddles together.

IZUMI - Okay so why are we having a group huddle?

TAKUYA - (*Getting a huge warm smile on his face as he blushes*) I like them!

JUNEPI - (*Not looking pleased at Takuya*) Your getting RATHER too disturbing these days…

TAKUYA - (*Giggles*) I know…

SAGITTARIMON - Hey! Hey! You guys better not be talking about me! (*Sulks*) I hate it when people do that! (*Starts to cry*) It's like nursery school all over again!

JUNEPI - Okay now that IS disturbing…

SAGITTARIMON - (*sniffs*) For all those days I was called "Little Mutant Horsey thing" on the playground I will …. (*Points to the children as he gets angry*)…destroy these Human children!

JUNPEI - (*Looks shocked*) Bloody hell! What did we do? (*Starts to snigger*) Little Mutant horsy thing…Hehehehehe!


Sagittarimon suddenly starts to glow yellow as energy flows from him.

TAKUYA - ARGH! He's going Super Saiyan!

KOUJI - I didn't know Digimon could do that….

TOMOKI - Argh! Argh! What do we do!?!

??? - Hey you! Little freak Horsy

All the kids and sagittarimon look up to see…

JUNEPI - ARGH! (*Points to them*) Zombie children! ZOMBIE CHILDREN!

IZUMI - What makes you think their zombie children?

JUNEPI - Dunno… isn't there always?

IZUMI - Er…no…

JUNEPI - Oh…okay then!

KATSUHARU - (*The tall boy*) Leave those pathetic excuses for human beings alone we say! Ha! Ha! Ha!

TEPPEI - (*Evil nerd Kenta like kid with the glasses*) If you do not we will be forced to use our secret weapon of total mass destruction!

SAGITTARIMON - (*Looks nervous*) No! Please not… ANGEMON!

As he speaks its name an Angemon flies over the 4 freak children and lands in front of Sagittarimon who screams and runs like a baby. The other six children look very confused.

KOUJI - What's going on here?

KOUICHI - Pah! Isn't it obvious. We've passed into an alternate dimension and those four kids are our alternate selves…

KOUJI - Oh come on! That makes no sense…there's 4 of them, six of us…

KOUICHI - Alternate dimensions don't follow the normal rules oh sweet naïve brother of mine…

TOMOKI - (*Looks sad*) Nah! See the tall boy and the one with the glasses…I know them…they bully me at home and stick my head down the toilet at school…

TEPPEI - Why if it isn't ickle Tomoki, I didn't think you'd be tough enough to survive here….

TAKUYA - (*Points to Teppei*) CHICKEN BOY!

TEPPEI - Ya wha!?! O_o;;

KOUJI - Again with this chicken thing?

KATSUHARU - Oh well you six misfits and your digital pets should come with us into our kingdom…

JUNEPI - Kingdom?

BOKOMON - Digital Pets?


Inside some building or other…
…the 4 kids are sat opposite the six kids and the digimon.

KATSUHARU - Well let me introduce us, I am katsuharu I'm tall, good-looking and have a black belt in digimon jujitsu…. (*The six kids laugh.*) Don't laugh it's true… :( Anyway the kid with the glasses who looks like an evil kenta type character is Teppei, the quiet boy and girl who haven't spoken at all are Terou and Chiaki.

TAKUYA - Oh well okay… I'm Takuya, I'm the leader and in love with kouji, this is Kouji he's the lonewolf and a sexy one at that (*Kouji blushes*) This is his brother Kouichi…he's insane and likes setting things on fire, Junpei he eats chocolate, Izumi she likes to hit things and Tomoki…he's quiet all of a sudden…

Everyone looks at tomoki who's making an extra effort to ignore everyone.

IZUMI - Are you okay?

TOMOKI - (*Pouting*) yeah…(*sniff*)… I'm fine…

IZUMI - POOR TOMOKI! (*Grabs Tomoki and hugs him hard*)

JUNPEI - Awwwwwwww…. Man the angsty treatment even works for Tomoki (*sulks*) don't work for me :(

TAKUYA - So why are you freak kids here?

KATSUHARU - Ah, we got on the trains same time as you but then these stupid digital creatures said they had no use for us and told us to go home. We got pissed off so decided to stay…then we met this Angemon and we enslaved him to become our Slave!

KOUJI - (*Shaking his head*) Your sad strange little children… (*Noticed kouichi is trying to sneak away so he grabs his shirt and makes him sit down again*) …don't even think of setting them on fire…

KOUICHI - Awwww…. Not even the nerd with the glasses…?


KATSUHARU - So why are YOU guys here?

TAKUYA - (*Looking pretty smug*) Ha! Well unlike you stupid children we have a very important role here, we're legendary wa…

Kouji suddenly thumps Takuya in the nose to make him shut up. Takuya falls off the seat they're sat on backwards.

KOUJI - We're erm… the gardeners…gotta keep the digital world pretty y'know…

KOUICHI - Erm… where have you been these last 40 episodes… we're not gardeners we're legendary wa…

Kouji thumps Kouichi in the nose also making him fall off the seat backwards, he then looks nervously at the other 4 kids.

KOUJI - ^_^;; They're in denial about our super boring and uneventful gardening job

IZUMI - And unlike Charlie Dimmock, I DO wear a bra… (*Everyone looks at her*) …well I do…

TOMOKI: - Oh! Oh! Can I be Alan titchmarsh pleeeeeeeeeease!!!!

TEPPEI - My GOD your all stupid and boring… we're gonna leave now…

With that they walk off.

KOUJI - But…don't you want us to plant you some dodecahedrons?

JUNEPI - Erm…Kouji…that's a shape with ten sides…not a flower…

KOUJI - ^_^;; I…knew that…


A little later on Takuya is walking outside with the three Digimon, Kouji and Kouichi.

TAKUYA - Ah, so what do you think of the four freak brat kids?

KOUJI - (*In thinking mode*) I'm just wondering what their purpose in the show is. Are they the kids who will get the remaining spirits… or are they just some sad attempt to save falling ratings?

KOUICHI - Personally I would of added some hot bikini babes and a pyromaniac leprechaun…

Everyone looks confused at kouichi…then ignore him. Then Angemon appears behind them.

ANGEMON - I know who you are, legendary warriors…

TAKUYA - (*Giving Kouji a strange look*) apparently we're gardeners now…

ANGEMON - I say to you now, RUN RUN! Before they enslave you too… (*Cries*)

BOKOMON - Well that's just pathetic….

PATAMON - I wish I were an Angemon… he's pwetty!

As the others watch the pathetic Angemon have a breakdown, tomoki watches them from up high in the building. Suddenly from the shadows comes Teppei.

TEPPEI - Whahahahaha! Now we're all alone Tomoki! Whahahahahaha!

Teppei runs up to tomoki and attempts to grab his shirt but as he does he accidentally pushes Tomoki out of the window.


Teppei looks out of the window and bites his lip as katsuharu enters.

TEPPEI - Erm…ooops

KATSUHARU: - Teppei? Did you just push tomoki out of the window…?

TEPPEI - (*Looks at Katsuharu*) ^_^;; Er…yeah, in a way, he landed on his head though so I think he's okay (*looks out the window again*) Look he's getting up see…

TOMOKI - (*Getting up looking rather dazed*) I'm a little teapot short and stout…

With that he collapses back to the floor.


SAGITTARIMON - BEHOLD I am BACK and looking to take out these children cos they're all annoying and freaky…

TAKUYA - Pah! Least I wasn't the result of a horrid mutation between two characters cos the character designers were lazy and had too much to drink the night before…

KOUJI - hey Takuya…do you want the author to get in trouble for you saying that stuff about the character designers at Toei…

TAKUYA - I don't care what happens to her…

KOUJI - Yeah your right neither do I…

AUTHOR - (*getting all sulky*) I thought you guys loved me I'm gonna go cry in my trailer now…

With that the author storms off into a wardrobe and shuts the door.

TAKUYA - Erm…what's a wardrobe doing OUTSIDE…?

KOUJI - And why is this not making much sense?

JUNEPI - And how come the adverts for red bull say it'll make you fly… it doesn't, that's false advertising!

SAGITTARIMON - (*Looks rather confused then shakes it off*) Damn you! Quit confusing me…meet my army of Centuramon who will destroy you all! Whahahahahaha!

KOUJI - (*Not looking impressed*) Oh…wow…I'm so shaking…

TAKUYA - Yeah what are they gonna do, shoot us with laser guns…

With that the centuramon lift up their arms and start to fire lasers from them.

KOUJI - You just HAD to say that didn't you.

With that the Centuramon go on a rampage as Teppei and Katsuharu make it outside.

KATSUHARU - Hey! What is going on in our lovely kingdom!?!


KATSUHARU: - (*To the centuramon*) I order you to stop now you freak evil horses!!!

The centuramon shoot at them so they scream and run like pansies.

TEPPEI: - ARRRRGGH! I'm too young to get trampled by insane digital horses!

KATUSHARU: - Think of my face! My lovely face!

Suddenly Tomoki wanders dazed outta nowhere and walks straight into Teppei knocking him out of the way. The centuramon stop and look at the dazed kid in front of them.

TOMOKI: - (*Giving then a HUGE smile*) Pwetty horses…here pwetty horses…

KATSUHARU: - Man! He's insane! (*Pauses*) Cool!

CENTURAMON - Prepared to get blasted human!

TOMOKI: - You aren't nice horses… (*Holds up his D-Scanner*) …SPIRIT EVOLUTION!


Blizarmon fights his way through all the centuramon as the others watch on nervously. Then the centuramon run off like sissies.

SAGITTARIMON: - ARGH! Come back you have a 4 year contract to do anything I say! Damnit!

ANGEMON: - Time I practised my golf (*Gets his golf clubs out and hits Sagittarimon with it making the freak digimon fly through the air!*)



TAKUYA: - Whoa! Look at him fly!

Tomoki de- evolves back into himself and falls unconscious to the floor.

TEPPEI - Hey insane Tomoki is cool! He's my new best friend!

KATSUHARU: - Mine too!

JUNPEI: - Do we even exist (*Waves his hand in front of Katsuharu's face with no reaction*) Guess not!

As Tomoki comes too again groaning they all hear sinister laughing.

KOUJI: - Who's there? It better not be my psychiatrist!

IZUMI: - Your Psychiatrist laughs like that?

KOUJI: - Yeah -_-;; Apparently I have some personal problems he finds hilarious…

KOUICHI: - Mine just screams a lot and threatens to hit me with a newspaper…

DYNASMON: - (*Off screen*) Whahahaha! Prepare for trouble you human freaks…

LORDKNIGHTMON: - (*Off-screen*) For we're a bunch of digital sneaks…

Suddenly they appear in the sky back to back to each other with Lordknightmon holding a rose.

DYNASMON: - To corrupt this world from it's data

LORDKNIGHTMON: - To it you say "Cya later!"

DYNASMON: - To show how evil we can get

LORDKNIGHTMON: - With this motto a scene we set

DYNASMON: - Dynasmon!

LORDKNIGHTMON: - Hummmm… I'm LordKnightmon ;)

DYNASMON: - Lucemon will rule with all his might!

LORDKNIGHTMON: - Hummm… he's actually quite a handsome sight…

DYNASMON: - (*Whacks Lordknightmon over the head*) Bloody hell he's just an evil rookie you pervert!

LORDKNIGHTMON: - (*Looking at Dynasmon*) Oooooh! You feisty fox you (*Growls*)

DYNASMON: - Oh for the love of… LordKnightmon I've told you a thousand times…NOTHING will happen between us!

LORDKNIGHTMON: - Oh we'll see… (*Winks*)

TAKUYA: - Hello!?! Don't you have jobs to do?

DYNASMON: - Yes we do!

KOUJI: - (*Whacks Takuya around the head*) Thanks for reminding them!

KOUICHI: - Yeah…I was enjoying the lovers tiff…


LORDKNIGHTMON: - (*Whispers to the kids*) He's in denial… (*Looks at Angemon who is still perfecting his golfing technique and is not paying attention*) Ooooh! Lets delete that digimon, what about it Dynasmon-Chan?

DYNASMON - (*Sighs*) Don't call me that!

ANGEMON: - (*Swinging his club*) Wheeeeeeee! I've perfected my swinging tech… (*Gets deleted*)


Suddenly Dynasmon throws a rope net over the 4 freak brat children and files off with them, Tomoki grabs hold of the rope and goes with them.

DYNASMON: - Hey we could sell these humans in the slave trade…

LORDKNIGHTMON: - Oooooh! Good idea Dynasmon - Chan…

DYNASMON - For the last time…don't CALL ME THAT!

The other kids just watch them fly off into the distance.

IZUMI: - (*Sigh*) Guess we'll have to go after them…

TAKUYA: - Stupid freak kids… Oh well this calls for another group hug

EVERYONE ELSE: - (*All except Kouji backs off*) Noooooooooooooooope!

KOUJI: - Well I'm up for a group hug…

Everyone except kouji and takuya just fall down anime style…



TAKUYA: - Trailmon are stupid creatures… they won't help us for some odd reason nobody can think of…

KOUJI: - So we con one into taking us to save the freak brat children and Tomoki…

KOUICHI: - But not before we have to wash it…build a new track and…say…isn't kouji looking rather delightful today…

JUNPEI: - O_o;; Oh yeah that reminds me… If you don't like Koukou yoai stuff…then don't read the next episode…

KOUICHI: - SO? We flirted with each other in the actual real episode…

IZUMI: - yes and it's disturbing… you and Kouji are strange…

KOUICHI AND KOUJI: - (*Look puzzled*) So…?

TAKUYA: - (*Cries*) I don't wanna lose my Kouji-Chan… (*sniff*)…Oh well catch the next episode "Chosen children and the Beanstalk! Disturbing brother love!?!"… I'm….gonna go sulk somewhere now…(*Cries and runs off*)


Liked the eppy… yeah started off slow but I think my first ever portrayal of the two Royal Knights is cool…or not…
…oh well Koukou in the next episode… and its true…they really did seem to flirt a bit in the real episode… Their eyes were never off each other! Cute, but disturbing, cute, but disturbing…