Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ *~DiGiTaL iNsAnItY~* ❯ Our silly tactics get us nowhere! The Day Kouichi found out he wasn't really here! ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Our silly Tactics get us nowhere! The day Kouichi found out he wasn't really here!"

In the last episode the gang met up with a drunken Gotsumon, Magnagarurumon got to test out his new lightsaber and the kids lost to the Royal Knights AGAIN….
…exactly how HARD is it to take down a flashy digimon and his pink Boyfriend anyway?

The Royal knights are randomly flying somewhere unaware that a boomerang was following them. On the outskirts of Aki something or other market a masked monkey digimon I've totally forgotten the name too is spying on the funky royal knights through the boomerang.

TAKUYA: - So what are they doing now?

MASKED MONKEY DIGIMON: - Oh just flying around… oh oh but I do foresee that Jamie Oliver will get attacked by mutant ninja noodles…with sexy results…

KOUJI: - Hummmm… (*Sounds interested*)…how sexy…?

Takuya just punches him in the arm making the bandana boy sulk.

TAKUYA: - (*Turning to the others*) So we're all aware of our duties right?

TOMOKI: - Erm…not really…

TAKUYA: - (*Sighs*) Okay you and Kouichi will be building a big random catapult for no real reason other to keep you both busy and out of trouble… Kouji and I will be waiting for the Royal Knights and Izumi and junpei are already in place… (*Turns to Kouji*) Okay come on and bring the monkey with you…I ain't losing THIS time…I ain't the goggle boy for nothing you know…

KOUJI: - No your the goggleboy cos that was the only part left when you auditioned…

TAKUYA: - True true…

With that they walk off leaving Tomoki and Kouichi on their own.

KOUICHI: - (*Feeling rather uncomfortable*) So….er… you like…stuff…?


Meanwhile at the train station…

IZUMI: - Okay okay everyone get on the trailmon in an orderly fashion or I'll be forced to start knocking some of you unconscious…

BOKOMON: - My my you do have a way with words

IZUMI: - (*Bringing her frying pan from out of that place called nowhere*) Shut it mon or you'll be getting some of this…

Bokomon cowers and backs off a bit before hiding behind Neemon. Izumi then looks up to a big crane Junpei is in as he moves the whole market around to break the data up.

JUNPEI: - Hehehehehe! I feel so macho in this thing ^_^


Back with Tomoki and kouichi there now laid back in deck chairs taking it easy while a bunch of Tocanmon struggle to move a bit piece of wood.

TOMOKI: - Hey Kouichi this was a great idea to make the Tocanmon slave over the catapult instead of us.

KOUICHI: - (*Drinking some lemonade out a straw with sunglasses on, despite the fact that there's snow on the ground and it's cold*) I am the master…

TOMOKI: - Is there any point to this catapult anyway?

KOUICHI: - Nah, they just couldn't find jobs for us…and they didn't want to risk me setting something important on fire…like say the market…man I SO wanna burn that

TOMOKI: - Oh! (*His face suddenly lights up*) Oh! Oh! We could use it to fire massive snowballs at the royal knights for fun YAY!

KOUICHI: - Well I would of preferred firing flaming bits of screwed up paper…but I guess the snowballs will do…

TOMOKI: - I am the master… (*The tocanmon then collapse under the weight of the wood they were carrying*)…HEY! GET BACK TA WORK YA SLACKERS!!!!

TOCANMON ONE: - (*To the others*) Quick we mustn't anger Master Tomoki…

With that they pick up the piece of wood and run off. Kouichi looks at Tomoki and gives him thumbs up for being nasty.


TAKUYA: - (*Looking kinda annoyed*) So NOW what are they doing?

MASKED MONKEY DIGIMON: - Nothing of importance… but I do foresee that Eminem will buy a cake….with sexy results…

KOUJI: - (*Goes all dreamy*) Cake…

TAKUYA: - Quit it!

KOUJI: - Quit what?

TAKUYA: - Whatever random thoughts you're having about you, Eminem and that cake…

KOUJI: - (*Frowns*) Takuya your getting WAY too controlling…I think we should se other people…

TAKUYA: - What!?! You're already dating your own twin brother as well as me…Ack! If your gonna day dream about eminem at least put me in there too…

KOUJI: - (*smiles*) Oh okay ^_^ I can't stay angry at you for long…

MASKED MONKEY DIGIMON: - Oh wait something is happening…

TAKUYA: - What? To emeinem…did he choke on the cake? I hope so…

MASKED MONEKY DIGIMON: - Nah! The Royal Knights…some digimon are approaching them…

TAKUYA: - Then that's our cue….HYPER SPIRIT EVO…(*pauses as he notices Kouji is still in cloud cuckoo land*)…Oh stop thinking about Eminem and that damn cake will YA!

KOUJI: - Fine, fine, if I must…





With the Royal knights…

RANDOM DIGIMON NUMBER ONE: - We won't let you take the data of the rest of our world so you can release that brat psycho angel lucemon, he needs to be detained somewhere…he's mental I tell you MENTAL!

DYNASMON: - (*Yawns*) whatever I'm bored now (*Deletes the digimon*)

LORDKNIGHTMON: - Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Such fun! Soon Lucemon will be here and we can all dance about so gaily….

DYNASMON: - Er…yeah…whatever…

Suddenly smoke bombs go off in front of them as two shadowy figures, standing back to back, appear in it.

KG: - Whahahaha! Prepare for trouble you Royal knights…

MG: - Make it double you're an ugly sight!

DYNASMON: - (*Looks mad*) HEY!

KG: - (*As the smoke clears*) For you now the tables have turned

MG: - For a new tactic we have learned

KG: - Protecting this market is what we have to do

MG: - Protecting it from the ugly likes of you

KG: - (*Poses*) Kasiergreymon!!!

MG: - (*Poses*) I'm MagnaGarurumon and I have a lightsaber!!!!

KG: - Together we will do what's right

MG: - So get your punk asses over here and prepare to fight!!!!

KOUICHI: - (*Shouting from the ground*) DAAAAAAAAAAAT'S RIGHT!!!!

MG: - Oh just shut up kouichi and keep working on that random not really important catapult

KOUICHI: - (*Smiles at MagnaGarurumon*) OKAY! (*Give thumbs up*)

DYNASMON: - Oh DARE you steal the motto WE stole from Pokemon…

LORDKNIGHTMON: - (*With his rose out*) I don't know, I kinda liked it…very poetic…

DYNASMON: - Who's side are YOU ON!?!

LORDKNIGHTMON: - (*Putting his arm around Dynasmon*) Always on your side Dynasmon-Chan (*Growls*)

DYNASMON: - (*Pushing him away*) Please don't touch me…

LORDKNIGHTMON: - Oooooh! That's not what you said last night (*winks*)

KG: - Oooooh! What happened last night?

MG: - Yeah I wanna know too…

DYNASMON: - (*Blushes*) Nothing…just nothing okay… I was drunk and it was…NOTHING…nothing…

LORDKNIGHTMON: - (*Sarcastically*) Sure! It was nothing (*Winks at MG and KG who both start sniggering*)

DYNASMON: - ARGH! That's IT I'm gonna finish you two off FOR GOOD! ARGH!

A nice little fight ensues in the sky as Kouichi and Tomoki watch with their now built Catapult. As they played around with it Izumi, junpei and the digimon walked up to them.

IZUMI: - WHAT are you guys doing?

KOUICHI: - We're gonna fire random snowballs at the Royal knights for fun

TOMOKI: - Fire! Fire! POW! POW! POW!

JUNPEI: - (*Backs off slowly looking nervous*) Er…kay I think I'll keep out of this…

IZUMI: - (*Also looking nervous*) Me too…

TOMOKI: - (*Looking through the view finder as kouichi puts a snowball on the catapult*) Okay I gots LordKnightmon in my sight…

KOUICHI: - One, two, three EAT SNOW PINK THING!!!!

He fires the snowball and it lands on LordKnightmon's face.

TOMOKI: - Hahahahahaha! We got him! TAKE THAT LOOOOSER!


JUNPEI: - Oh they're gonna die if they carry this on ^_^;;

IZUMI: - (*Shrugs*) Oh well…no big loss really…

PATAMON: - (*Also now chanting*) LOOOSER! LOOOSER! LOOOSER!

BOKOMON: - Ack! Be quiet patamon or they might kill you too…

PATAMON: - (*Not looking to impressed*) and…your point being….?

TOMOKI: - (*Looking through the view finder again*) Oooooh! I've got a good aim here!

KOUICHI: - One, two, three EAT SNOWBALLS!!!!!

Kouichi fires the snowball and it lands straight into Dynasmon's crotch.

TOMOKI: - YAY! Got him!

KOUICHI: - Way too go little T (*Both high five each other*)

DYNASMON: - (*Looking very much in pain*) Ow…

KG: - TAKE THIS!!!!!

Kasiergreymon slams into dynasmon and they tussle on the ground.

TOMOKI: - Okay I got LordKnightmon in sight again!


He fires the snowball and it hits lordKnightmon in the face…

LORDKNIGHTMON: - Well that's bloody well IT!

He fires and attack towards the children on the ground.



Magnagarurumon blocks the attack but it still gets the children as they collapse to the ground. Data rings appear around Izumi, junpei and Tomoki.

KOUICHI: - (*Looking up*) Huh!?! Well this doesn't look right…how come I don't have a data ring…(*sulks*) I want one…

LORDKNIGHTMON: - You can't have one so NER (*Pulls a face*)

KOUICHI: - HEY! Why not? I'm just as good as them…Give me a data ring! I want one damnit!

LORDKNIGHTMON: - You can't…you see flesh is data; data is flesh… you have no flesh there for you have no data… understand deliciously looking one…?

KOUICHI: - (*Sulks*) No…I have flesh…see… (*Shows the back of his hand*)…Now give me MY DATA RING!

LORDKNIGHTMON: - (*Sighs*) To say your pretty cute looking you aren't very smart…I'll run through it again…

Two hours later…

LORDKNIGHTMON: - (*Standing next to a diagram and everything*) So NOW do you understand?

KOUICHI: - (*Remains silent for a few seconds*) Er…no…

LORDKNIGHTMON: - ARGH! For the love of…YOU are not really HERE! You're a spirit, a soul… YOU ARE NOT HERE!!! (*Grabbing kouichi's shirt and shakes him*) NOT HERE!!! GET IT NOW!?!

KOUICHI: - erm…are you trying to tell me I'm not really here…?

LORDKNIGHTMON: - ARGH! YES YOU DAMN FOOL! Oh I am just gonna go now, I've had enough… (*Begins to walk off but a voice stops him*)

MG: - Nobody tells my brother he doesn't really exist Take THIS!!!!

Starts to pummel LordKnightmon.

KOUICHI: - (*To himself*) I…don't really exist…I'm only here spiritually…COOL!…oh…wait…that can be bad also…but really cool… but bad…but cool… bad..cool…oh man I'm confused I'm gonna go burn something now… (*walks off*)

Meanwhile back with KasierGreymon he's now ready to layth the smackth down on Dynasmon…

KG: - Whahahahahahaha! Finally I get to kill you! YAY!

DYNASMON: - Oh good for you…stupid punk fire thing!

KaiserGreymon then grabs Dynasmon's horns

DYNASMON: - Nobody but NOBODY touches the horns…(*Pummels Kaisergreymon*)… now to find the data… I'm bored now…

AUTHOR: - Man you get bored easily…

DYNASMON: - Wouldn't you?

AUTHOR: - (*Just shrugs*) Guess so…

With that Dynasmon uncovers the data but it's all in little pieces.

DYNASMON: - ARGH! Damnit! (*To LordKnightmon*) Keep the lover digimon occupied while I put this together (*Lordknightmon nods as Dynasmon returns to the data and sweatdrops nervously*) I was never all that good a jigsaw puzzles O_o;; Okay…so this little piece has to fit with this one…(*He tries but it doesn't fit*) ARGH! Then it fits with this one… (*Doesn't fit as well*) Argh! DAMNIT!

KOUICHI: - (*Giggling at Dynasmon*) Hehehehehe! Stupid you…hehehehehe!

DYNASMON: - Oi! Kid…come help me…

KOUICHI: - NO WAY! I just found out I don't really exist it's a lot to take in…(*His face then suddenly goes all vacant*)…hummm… now I must buy cheese… (*wanders off*)

DYNASMON: - O_o;; Strange kid…

Two hours, 5 minutes and 45 seconds later….

DYNASMON: - YAY! FINISHED!… now to get it (*gets data*)

KG: - What the…!?! HEY! Who was watching him while we were fighting lordknightmon…

Everyone on the ground shrugs

MG: - ARGH! Damnit!

With that MG and KG pick up the others, fly up into the sky and watch the data be taken…

MG: - All that strategizing for nothing…

KG: - Man…we suck total ass…

MG: - You're telling me…

DYNASMON: - Bye bye suckers…

They fly off leaving the digimon and kids all on their own.

KG: - Guess we should swing by opanimon's place then…

MG: - Guess so… (*sighs*)… and watch that get deleted too…

KG: - (*Sigh*) yeah…

KOUICHI: - (*Sigh*)

EVERYONE: - (*Sigh*)

AUTHOR: - WOW! There's a whole lotta sighing going on…(*Everyone looks at her with serious looks*) Damn! Just sayin' Geez!



TAKUYA: - So ophanimon's place is the only place left to try and protect…

TOMOKI: - Awww…it's surrounded by pwetty flowers… neat!

KOUJI: - Man! This place has a lot of books…Ophanimon sure must of loved reading…

JUNPEI: - ARGH! It's my library nightmare all over again (*Screams and runs around like a headless chicken*)

TAKUYA: - Books make me sleepy (*Falls asleep and snores*)

KOUICHI: - I think I'm dead… (*Sulks*)

KOUJI: - (*Looks down at the sleeping takuya*) Er…'kay… next time on Digimon Frontier "Adventure in Ophanimon's lending library! Where many books are overdue!" Erm…till next time…

TAKUYA: - (*Mumbles in his sleep*) Hummm… I'll have a side order of fries and beetroot please…. Hummm yeah with extra raspberry sauce and slugs… hummm….tasty… (*drools*)


Hummm…so episode 45 is finished…with sexy results… (*I like stealing…er…I mean "borrowing" lines from the Simpsons *lol*) Eeeeeee! I'm looking forward to when lucemon appears…^_^ KAWAII PSYCHO ANGEL!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!