Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A.I. : Takuya ❯ When Destiny Falls ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 14: When Destiny Falls

By KellyQ

"That's only half of it," Mr. Kanbara corrected, "6-2-6 is an android of distortion..."

The words echoed through Takuya's ears as the surroundings changed all white as he felt something rock inside of him. Pulling himself back to reality, he looked back at his creator, his expression changed to dark hate. Balling his hands into a fist, he spoke in an icy cold tone ....

"So. Humanity and love, mean nothing to you ..."

"Of course not," Shinya spoke up, "androids don't have to worry about getting hurt by all those silly emotions ---"

"That's because you haven't experienced what it feels like to have compassion, be in love and see beauty," Takuya said in rage feeling nothing but hate that he didn't know he had.

"Yes. I'm sure," Mr. Kanbara said calmly, "but do humans feel that way about androids ..."

The comment caused Takuya to flinch feeling something in his body trigger again. He looked over at Kouji whom was trying to struggle free ...

"Humans may act they care when they really just pity and hate ---"

"Don't listen to him," Kouji struggled trying to look into the brunette's eyes, "not all humans are like that ... humans can see you for who you are --- I can see you ..."

This caused Takuya's eyes to widen with shock as they held their gaze for one moment. He can see me ... his thoughts where interrupted by Mr. Kanbara's soft tiskings and Shinya's wicked laugh.

"Then you must not understand that some things are not meant to be ..."

Kouji growled and was about to open his mouth to say something when part of the floor to the center of the moved causing the floor to shake. One second later out rose what looked two feet thick round platform, a long mettle bare that hunched from one end of the platform to the other. Small flashing lights flashing emanating from the bar.

"What's that?" Takuya whispered.

"Your destiny ..."

Saying nothing more; Shinya parted his lips slightly sending out a high pitch sound that only Takuya could hear causing him to stumble toward the round platform. No! I'm not going to let this happen, Kouji thought as he lifted his foot and brought it down really hard on the mans foot. Letting out a yelp, the dark haired boy was free.

Taking off running; he ran passed Takuya and stopped in front of the round platform ready to stop the brunette from coming toward ending the world.


Shouting and shooting was hard out side the sell door causing Izumi to pick Tomoki and Junpei to stand in front of the two ready to fight. After a moment, all was quite when the door open causing Junpei to tense up ready to fight. Once the door was fully open they all calm down knowing that it Kouichi.

"There's not much time ... you need to get out of here!"

"Tell us what's going on first?" Izumi asked dragging the 'first'.

"No time! Go down the hallway to your right. There's a window there ... it's your only way out ... now hurry ..." He ordered leading them to the hallway.

At least they'll get the help they need, Kouichi thought pressing a button on his watch.


Takuya tightened his grip around Kouji's neck. I've got to reach him some how, the dark haired boy thought. Yet, before he knew it, he was dropped to the side as Takuya kept on walking. Kouji got to his feet and was about to tackle the brunette when two of Mr. Kanbara's men took hold of the dark haired boy the arms holding him back.

"Takuya, snap out of it," Kouji yelled, "many innocent people will get hurt ..."

"It won't be long now," Mr. Kanbara said as Takuya stood in the middle of the round platform and turned around standing right under the hunched flashing mettle bar, "6-2-6 will help me take control of everything ..."

"You sick bastard," Kouji yelled in rage, "Takuya will not let that happen ---"

A bright flash of light cut him off from the corner of his eye. Kouji turned his head to see that the bar was glowing sending a thick beam of energy down on Takuya. This caused Kouji's eyes to widen as the android changed to his robot form ...

"It's too late for that," Shinya said, "my brother has all ready lost his memories and his gemine will no longer be an issue ..."


Kouji fought and kicked his way free. Making a break for it, the dark haired boy ran toward Takuya ...

To be continued ...

I could've wrote more but that would've meant that the next chapter would have been the last ... well close to the last chapter of the story ... and I didn't want to do that ...