Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Game to Finish ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: Despite the fact that I repeated it a million times, I don't want to repeat it again.

I've repeated this a million times as well, so I guess I won't need to repeat this. But I'll repeat that the original tamers thoughts will be in bold while the others thoughts will be in their crest color.
















Chapter 12: No idea of what's going on here…

Sam: We were called by Ran to come and help the others'. She didn't explain to us why, but I think I already know the reason.

Kenny: Wormmon was acting strange, and it's a good thing that Ran and Sam came by in time to help me. Just wondering what's wrong?

With my plane, boat, car thingy, we went us Infinity Mountain. On the way up, they discovered what else this machine of mine could do.

"Hello Ran. What can I do for you today?" went the computer.

"Hi computer. Activate the plane mode up Infinity Mountain and also the invisible mode," I said.

"Plane mode activated. Invisible mode activated. Now going up Infinity Mountain," said the computer.

~I wonder how's Tai and Joe now…~ (Kari)

~I really hate to think about this, but I think I like Joe~ (Mimi)

~I hope Matt's fine. I hate to think about the things that the Dark Masters and Devimon could do~ (T.K)

"Ran, Devimon located," went the computer all of a sudden, snapping out the thoughts of Kari, Mimi and T.K.

"Good work computer! Land now, and re-activate the invisible mode," I ordered.

"Landing sequence activated. Invisible mode re-activated," went the computer.

"O.K now, everybody out!" I shouted as soon as we landed.

"Cool machine," commented Ken.

"Thanks," I responded.

"But, how'll you get Devimon's attention?" asked Mimi.

"I've that planned out. After I got Devimon's attention, T.K and Angemon can finish him off," I said, but not going to let them know what my actual plan is.

"That's the dumbest plan I've ever heard," muttered T.K.

"But… we've got no choice," said Kari.

"O.K then, lets' do it!" said Sora.

~O.K… 3… 2… 1… action! ~ (Kenny)

As if on cue, I went into the now-plane machine, started the engine and took off. I swooped down on Devimon, flew back up and said…

"Betcha can't catch me!" I yelled, turning the plane in circles.

"I can and I will catch you!" Devimon yelled back, flying up.

~Man… will he ever learn that bad guys always lose? ~ (Me)

============Near the Digital World's ocean…==========================

Matt took out his camcorder and played it saying: "Now, I'll present to you `the behind the scenes of Kourisho "Izzy" Izumi, Tentomon, me and Gabumon!"

Then, he turned the camera to Tentomon, who is banging the cage, saying: "Ahh!!!! Let me OUT!!!"

"Man… that's a change for Tentomon," said Matt sarcastically.

"Now, Izzy!" said Matt, as if he was making an announcement.

Izzy was at his laptop… as usual. But, it seems like he's at `Microsoft Word' typing things like: `I hate this thing! Why must it always break down?' and stuff like that.

"It's seems like it a change for Izzy too…" said Matt, kinda shocked.

"O.K… now, Gabumon!" he said, turning the camera towards Gabumon.

Gabumon seems to be meditating of some sort. This continued for one whole hour…

==============Back with the others'…================================

I was dodging Devimon, and T.K and Angemon was waiting for a signal to attack.

"T.K, now!" I ordered, as I closed into them.

"Angemon, ready?" asked T.K.

He nodded in response.

"1…2…3… Hand of Fate!" ordered T.K and Angemon together, which eventually defeated Devimon.

Oh, one thing. Ran's hearing is extra sharp. Now, back with the story…

I landed the plane, in which after that ran over towards where Tai, Joe and their digimon are.

"Now, let's get ride of this cage," said Davis, getting impatient.

Making a grab for it, his hand went thru the bars instead.

"What the?" was all that he could utter.

~Wait a minute… Devimon said something like: `The one who could get rid of the cage is only the Smallest Child.' The Smallest Child should be the one with the crest of Hope… that means… its T.K who could get rid of the cage~ (Me)

"That's it!" I shouted out.

"What's it?" asked Joe, confused.

"T.K is the only one who could blast this thing open," I explained.

"How am I supposed to do that?" asked T.K.

"Your power of Hope…" was all I replied.

Okay, I'm just glad that I finally finished chapter 12. Questions and comments can be sent to digimon_lover@hotmail.com