Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Being a Tamer ❯ Battle Situations ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Battle Situations

"I don't believe this. You got sent home from school?"

Jaarin glared at her older brother. "You don't have to rub it in, Rinchei. Besides, I didn't get sent home. Principal Miyamoto gave me a choice, and I chose to leave."

Rinchei shrugged. "Whatever. All I know is that Mom and Dad are going to freak when they find this out. You know they had hopes for you, going to that fancy private school and all." Jaarin groaned and she slumped over in her seat, drawing one hand up to her forehead as if to ward away a headache. Looking up, she shot Rinchei a severe Look.

"Thanks, Rinchei; I so needed to hear that," she told him.

After being sent away from school Jaarin and Gazimon hadn't gone straight home, the former being unable to face her mother about this disgrace right away. Instead they had wandered around town with no particular destination in mind. They ate her packed lunch in the park, sharing some of it with Guilmon when he inevitably showed up after sniffing out the food. After lunch the pair walked around the park a bit, running into Mrs. Katou, Masahiko and Culumon while they were there. Culumon got one look at Gazimon and hid behind Masahiko, whimpering and shaking. To Gazimon's surprise he felt hurt that the small Baby II was frightened of him. He'd held out a paw towards Culumon as a gesture of friendship, but this only served to make the little guy shrink back. Jaarin and Gazimon left the park, Gazimon sporting a wounded look on his face. Fortunately when the pair had reached the Lee apartment no one was home, which meant the explanation was postponed that much further. In fact the first person she had told was Rinchei, which caused his amused reaction.

Now her elder brother put a consoling hand on her back. "Hey, I'm sorry I laughed," he apologized. "It's just, well...I expected this kind of thing to happen to someone at my school, or maybe even to Jen's friend Hirokazu. You're kind of the last person anyone would expect to get sent home from school. Besides, I'm proud of you for standing up to that snob Sango. That took real guts, Jaarin-chan. And whatever Mom and Dad say, I'm behind you 100%."

The girl smiled. "Thanks, Rinchei."

Jenrya and Shiuchon were the next to come home, the little girl babbling away about everything she had done in class that day while Jenrya pretended to be listening; Jaarin and Rinchei hid smiles at the small eye twitch their brother had acquired. Then it was their turn to listen as Jaarin retold the events of the day that got Gazimon and herself suspended from school. Both Jenrya and Shiuchon were sympathetic to the situation.

Her parents, on the other hand, were not. The reason Mrs. Lee was not at home when Jaarin eventually came back was because she had received a phone call from Taiyou Academy asking if Jaarin had arrived home safely. Since Jaarin and Gazimon hadn't been home at the time, that had sent Mayumi into full panic mode and she had taken the bus around Shinjuku looking for her daughter. She had even gone to the Hypnos building, thinking Jaarin might have gone there, and ended up telling the story to Janyuu who joined her in the search. Both adults were disapponinted that Jaarin had been sent home from school for fighting with a fellow student, and for refusing to obey school rules.

"When you go back tomorrow, you shall take a letter of apology to both Mrs. Hotsuma and to Sango," Mrs. Lee said.

"I'm not going back," Jaarin responded quietly.

The rest of her family stared at her in shock for several quiet minutes. Finally Mrs. Lee managed a shaken, "W-what?"

"I'm not going back. Not to that school," Jaarin repeated firmly. "Not if they won't allow Gazimon."

"Why can't you just leave Gazimon here?" Mrs. Lee protested weakly.

Jaarin fixed her mother with a Look. "If I have to leave Gazimon here at home while I'm at school, then Jenrya and Shiuchon have to leave their partners at home as well. It's only fair." This brooked shouted protests from Terriermon and Lopmon's Tamers.

"Hold it, hold it!" Janyuu interrupted. "Now, we haven't made any decisions yet. Jaarin, if we did let you leave Taiyou Academy, where would you go to school?"

"Yodobashi Elementary, where Jenrya, Shiuchon-chan and their friends go to school," Jaarin answered automatically, as if she had had this on her mind for a while now. Jenrya blinked while Mr. and Mrs. Lee looked at each other.

Mrs. Lee sighed. "Jaarin, please give this some more thought. I remember in the third grade when you fought with us to get you enrolled in the academy. Why do you want to throw that all away?"

"I don't want to continue going to there if I'm going to have to sacrifice my dignity as well as that of my partner," the girl replied. "I'd much rather be a regular student going to a public school than go to a private one and become an elitist snob."

Janyuu and Mayami exchanged looks again. "Well, if she's so passionate about it I don't see how we can say no," Janyuu said.

"You're just going to give in to her?" Mrs. Lee asked. "Janyuu, think of the money we've spent to keep her in that school! She is one of the top-ranked students in her class; are you really going to let her throw that all away?"

"If it comes to a choice between her grades or her scruples I say let Jaarin transfer," Janyuu countered. "Besides, who's to say she wouldn't do equally as well at a different school?"

"Hey," Jenrya spoke up. "Shiuchon and I go to Yodobashi; don't we get a say in this?"

"Fine," his father responded. "Do you two have any opinions about this?"

Jenrya bit his lip. "Well," he said "I think what Jaarin wants to do is admirable. And, truthfully, it is her choice so I think you should give her a chance and trust her on this."

Rinchei put up his hands when his mother looked him. "Hey, don't drag me into this. I don't attend the elementary school anymore, remember? Besides, Jaarin already knows what my opinion on this whole thing is." He winked at his sister.

Mayumi looked to her youngest daughter. "Shiuchon? What do you think?"

The pigtailed girl was silent for a moment, as if contemplating her decision. Then she jumped up and flung her arms around Jaarin's waist. "I can't wait until you come to our school! It's gonna be so much fun!" Janyuu looked over at his wife as if to say that that was the deciding verdict. Mayumi responded by throwing her hands up in the air in defeat and walking off.

"So does this mean I can transfer?" Jaarin asked her father.

"I'll talk to your mother some more, but I don't see any problems with it," Janyuu replied. "We'll start making the arrangements as soon as possible."

"As soon as possible" turned out to be the very next day. After a two hour-long talk with her husband Mayumi agreed that a transfer of schools for Jaarin might be in her best interests. So while Jaarin attended her last day of school at Taiyou Academy, her mother called to make the arrangements. Needless to say Principal Miyamoto and Mrs. Hotsuma were surprised when they read in the letters of apology that Jaarin had given them that she wouldn't be attending their school anymore. At the end of the day, while the other children were grabbing their coats and backpacks, Jaarin calmly and methodically cleaned out her desk. The next couple days Jaarin and Gazimon spent at home while her transfer from Taiyou Academy to Yodobashi Elementary was approved and completed. The pair passed the time doing housework that Mrs. Lee would normally have been doing, had she been at home. Instead she was out doing errands. Jaarin felt that she had disappointed her mother by deciding to leave her old school, so her mother didn't want to be around her.

"Boy," Gazimon said as he picked a damp glass out of the drain rack. "And I thought going on missions for Zhuiqaomon-sama was bad. The stuff he had us doing had nothing on housework." He shuddered. "I'm still having nightmares about that vacuum cleaner." Jaarin giggled, and the two of them continued washing the dishes in silence.

At length, Jaarin glanced over at her partner. "Gazimon," she said, taking a break and resting her elbows on the edge of the sink "how did you end up serving Zhuiqaomon? How did you end up being a Deva?"

Gazimon took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, placing the saucer he'd been drying in its proper cupboard before turning to face his Tamer. "It's a long story," he admitted. "Zhuiqaomon-sama called a dozen Digimon: myself, Lopmon and ten other Child Digimon. It was before Culumon was created and the power of evolution had been locked inside of him. We were to become the 12 Devas, Zhuiqaomon's special force of Digimon, protectors of the Land of the Four Holy Beasts. To accomplish this, he gave us the power to evolve to Perfection without having to reach Adult."

"So that's why Lopmon evolves straight to Antiramon," Jaarin interrupted. Gazimon nodded, taking the interruption in stride. "So you evolved to Makuramon and Lopmon evolved to Antiramon. Just out of curiosity, what were the child forms of the others?"

The gray rabbit 'mon looked up at the ceiling, lost in thought. "Majiramon evolved from Bakumon - that's the elephant-like Digimon with smoke for hind legs. Kunbiramon evolved from a Terriermon, unrelated to your brother's partner. Shinduramon the Chicken Deva evolved from Penmon, while Santiramon's Child form was Wormmon. Indaramon had once been V-mon, and Mihiramon was once an innocent Plotmon. Pajiramon and Vajiramon were an Armadimon and a Tentomon, respectively. Vikararamon's Child stage had been Bokomon, and Chatsuramon's a Labramon."

"Gazimon?" Jaarin said after a few minutes when she noticed her partner had fallen silent. "Is anything wrong?"

"I was thinking," Gazimon answered. "Lopmon told me yesterday that Janyuu-san and the other scientists tried scanning Impmon for Leomon's data again."

Jaarin blinked. "I thought they were going to use Juri's D-Arc to shorten the parameters of the search." Gazimon nodded to confirm this.

"But Shibumi-san thought they should try again before having to borrow Juri's D-Arc. So they scanned and removed the foriegn data and recomplied it in the D-Box. But before anyone could see if the Digimon they had retrieved was Leomon or not, it just up and disappeared." Jaarin looked at her partner and asked why he was so concerned. "The only other Digimon I know for certain that Impmon absorbed was Chatsuramon, after Dukemon deleted him. If it had been Leomon that had come back, he wouldn't have disappeared like that."

"So you think it was Chatsuramon," Jaarin said. Gazimon nodded. "Do you think Zhuiqaomon called him back to the Digiworld?" Her partner shrugged. Tenatively Jaarin asked, "Are you jealous if that's the case?"

"No!" Gazimon exclaimed a little suddenly, causing them both to jump. "I may have been a little jealous at first, but not anymore."

Jaarin smiled. "So, what was being a Deva like? I mean, what did you do?"

Gazimon smiled at the memories. "Peace-keeping, mostly, which meant taking care of anything that threatened the Land of the Four Holy Beasts and the Digi-Gods, especially Zhuiqaomon-sama, and Culumon after he had been created and the power of evolution locked inside of him. We liked to pair off: Vajiramon and Pajiramon together, for instance; Chatsuramon and Mihiramon, and Vikararamon and Kunbiramon, believe it or not. Antiramon and I were quite the team. She was the largest of all the Devas height-wise, and she was fast. I doubt even Renamon could beat her in a flat-out run. And I had my smaller size compared to most of the foes we went up against, not to mention my agility and my powers of illusion."

"Then what happened?"

"Culumon escaped from the Land of the Four Holy Beasts, and Zhuiqaomon-sama charged us to go track him down. But he only sent out eleven of us." Gazimon shifted position so that he was sitting on the edge of the counter, hind legs and tail dangling off the edge. "Antiramon was made to stay behind, to guard the gate that led to Zhuiqaomon-sama's resting place. He didn't want to be left vulnerable if another Digimon somehow managed to get ahold of Culumon and use his evolutionary powers, and as the tallest Antiramon was possibly the most intimidating-looking of all of us.."

Jaarin snorted. "Gazimon, he's a Digimon god! How invulnerable can you get?"

Her partner chuckled. "You have a point, but at the time I didn't question it; I just followed orders. Then we found out that Culumon had somehow managed to escape to this world, and we were sent after him. Chatsuramon had his own agenda, though, and remained behind, as did Majiramon for reasons unknown. And of course Antiramon stayed behind. By that time...my priorities had changed. Catching Culumon had become a competition between the rest of us; we knew that whoever caught Culumon and brought him back would be looked upon very favorably by Zhuiqaomon-sama. And I wanted to be that Deva. So I had no qualms about kidnapping your little sister and taking her to Zhuiqaomon-sama after I lost Culumon."

"It went to your head, all that power," Jaarin summarized. Gazimon nodded, apparently ashamed. "Don't feel too badly, Gazimon. All that's in the past now; you've got a whole new life with us." With a light-hearted smile she added, "Besides, I'm sure one of these days you and Lopmon will get that old team back together." Gazimon smiled along with her.

Just then there was a knock on the front door. Jaarin headed out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron as she went to answer the door. Opening it she found one of her former classmates standing outside. "Chiaki-san. What're you doing here?"

Chiaki Koharu, one of Jaarin's former classmates, nervously shifted her weight from one foot to another as she held a thin packet of papers out to Jaarin. "I brought you this, Lee-san. It's the last test we took before you left school. Mrs. Hotsuma didn't think you'd want it, but I volunteered to bring it to you anyway."

"Thanks Koharu," Jaarin said. "How are things at Taiyou, anyway? Did the class throw a party the day after I left?"

"No," Koharu answered. "But...something kind of strange did happen this afternoon, outside during lunchbreak. This strange fog sprang up near Sango's table, and a creature that looked like it was made of slime popped out. Sango started freaking out, especially when this funny-looking lime green and white watch appeared beside her and the creature said that it and she were partners... Lee-san? Why are you laughing? What's so funny?"

* * *

The next morning Jaarin nibbled nervously at her breakfast. It was her first day at Yodobashi Elementary school. Jaarin wondered how the other students there would receive her. Would they think she was a snob when they found out she had transferred from Taiyou Academy? Or would they think she was dumb because she had transferred out of it?

At least she was assured that she would have some friends at Yodobashi; namely Jenrya, Shiuchon and the rest of the Tamers barring Ruki and Ryo. And Gazimon would be there with her, of course. She had received permission from the principal for him to come with her to school, as it was occasionally the focal point of the errant digital field. All of the Tamers who attended Yodobashi Elementary had permission to bring their Digimon with them for this reason; the only ones who weren't allowed into the building were Guardromon and Guilmon because of the former's size and the latter's appetite. Those two, along with Impmon, divided their time between the school and the park.

After breakfast Jaarin went to her bedroom to change for school. She had just reached for her uniform when she realized that she didn't need to wear it. Jenrya wore street clothes all the time; why should she be any different? Grinning, she moved her hand away from her uniform and selected a semi-longsleeved shirt of pale yellow and a pair of long pants that were dark purple, almost plum in color. A lilac-colored vest with white trim that closed with a dark purple tie went over top of the shirt. The finishing touch was her D-Arc, which she clipped to her belt loop. With a new wardrobe to go along with her new start, Jaarin headed off to school with her partner, her siblings and their partners.

It wasn't long before they were joined by Takato and Guilmon. Takato greeted Jenrya and Shiuchon amicably enough, but hesitated when he came to Jaarin and Gazimon. "Uh, hi Jaarin, Gazimon. It's, uh, nice to have you at our school."

Jaarin giggled, and Gazimon shot Takato a mock Look. "You don't have to be so nervous, Matsuda. It's not like I'm going to leap off of Jaarin's shoulder and bite you." Takato's eyes flew open wide and he flushed red while Jaarin giggled.

"Uh...yeah, okay. Come on, let's get to school before we're late." The group continued on walking. Once they reached the schoolyard Shiuchon and Lopmon ran off in one direction when they had spotted Impmon, Ai and Mako while Takato and Jenrya led Jaarin over to the stone clubhouse that had become the headquarters for the Tamers of Yodobashi Elementary. Hirokazu, Kenta and Juri were already there, Kenta and Juri holding their Digimon in their laps while Guardromon stood intimidatingly outside.

"Welcome to Yodobashi Elementary, Jaarin-san," Juri greeted her as Jenrya's twin sat down. Gazimon she greeted with a simple, quiet nod before murmuring quietly to Culumon, who was burying his head in her shirt.

Gazimon sighed, then hopped down from his perch on Jaarin's shoulder so that he was standing in the middle of the group. "Look, I realize that most of you don't trust me as far as you can throw me, although I'm not exactly sure how far a Gazimon can be thrown. My point is, I realize that I've made some mistakes in the past, and I can't go back in time to change them. But I just want to say that I'm sorry, and I hope you can at least forgive me."

The Tamers were quiet for a moment, apparently thinking about what Gazimon had said. Finally Juri looked at him and quietly said, "I forgive you, Gazimon."

"Yeah, so do I," chimed in Takato, and Hirokazu and Kenta quickly added their admissions of forgiveness as did their Digimon. Culumon still looked a little frightened, but Gazimon couldn't really blame him for that. The only person who hadn't spoken was Jenrya.

"C'mon, Jenrya, say something," Terriermon prompted.

Jenrya's expression didn't change. "I've got nothing to say," he said finally. Jaarin and Gazimon sighed in unison; Jenrya was going to be a harder nut to crack than they thought. At least Gazimon thought a majority of the others forgave me.

At that moment the bell rang, and the Tamers climbed out of their hideout and headed into the school building. "So, Jaarin," Hirokazu asked "whose homeroom are you in?"

"Let me check my schedule," the new student answered, pulling a folded sheet of paper out of her pocket and unfolding it. "Miss Asaji," she read off of the paper. The other Tamers, except for Jenrya, halted in their tracks and nearly fell over. "What's the matter? What's wrong? Is she- is she a bad teacher?"

Kenta shook his head. "No. She's just my homeroom teacher, too."

"And mine," chimed in Takato.

"And mine," Hirokazu added.

"Mine too," finished Juri.

"Don't look at me," Jenrya said when his sister looked at him. "Iwamoto-sensei is my homeroom teacher."

Jaarin blinked. "How come so many of you are in the same homeroom?"

Takato shrugged. "We don't know, though Dr. McCoy and Shibumi are thinking of looking into that theory. Well come on, we don't want to be late. She's not a mean teacher, but she is strict." With that in mind, the five of them headed into Miss Asaji's classroom while Jenrya and Terriermon went off to Jenrya's homeroom.

Takato, Kenta, Hirokazu and Juri quickly went to their chairs and sat down, talking with friends as they did so. Jaarin remained at the head of the class with Miss Asaji so that she could introduce herself. The teacher welcomed her, and greeted Gazimon politely enough before giving the new student a list of things that Digimon were and weren't allowed to do in her class. The rabbit 'mon refrained from rolling his eyes at the list. After a few more minutes, Miss Asaji called the class to order.

"Class, today we have a new student with us. Her name is Lee Jaarin, and she recently transferred here from Taiyou Private Academy," the teacher announced. "Now I'm sure you will all welcome her and treat her respectfully. Yes, Yusuke?" she sighed, calling on a student whose hand was raised.

"How come she transferred out of the academy and over to here?" Yusuke asked. Miss Asaji sighed quietly; apparently "tact" was something a few of her students had yet to learn.

Jaarin answered the question calmly. "There were irreconcilable differences between myself, the faculty and some of the students." When it was evident that there were no more questions, Miss Asaji directed Jaarin to find an empty seat. She walked down one of the aisles and found a desk that was kitty corner to Kenta and Hirokazu's desks. With the new student situated, Miss Asaji began the first lesson of the day.

* * *

At lunchtime all of the Tamers gathered together to eat their lunches and talk; even Ai, Mako, Shiuchon and their partners were there, and Guardromon and Guilmon had joined them for lunch. Gazimon recounted some of what he had told Jaarin a day earlier while they were doing the dishes. He included his comments on Lopmon's speed as Antiramon, making her blush. Jaarin then gave the condensed version of what caused her to leave Taiyou Academy, with the epilogue involving Sango's becoming Tamer to a Numemon. Except for the fact that nine Digimon comprised nearly half the group that was sitting at their table, the lunch period proceeded normally. At least until the bell rang to signal that it was time to come in.

As students began to file back into the school, Guilmon's normally innocent expression suddenly changed, and he let out a feral growl. "What's wrong?" Jaarin asked, suddenly a little afraid. "What is it?"

"A digital field," her brother answered, a serious tone to his voice. "When one usually forms there's a wild Digimon waiting on the other side. Sometimes it's one that got caught up in a data stream and is just lost and confused, but other times it wants to cause trouble."

"What if it wants to cause trouble?" his twin asked.

Takato answered, "Then we fight it and, if necessary, delete it." Jaarin shivered, partially out of the shuddery feeling the spreading fog was giving her and partially out of reaction from Takato's statement.

"Look out; it's realizing!" Hirokazu shouted the warning. The children and Digimon watched as a large, hulking figure stepped into their line of sight. Jenrya's analyzer identified it as a Hyougamon, a blue, ice-element version of Ogremon. The Hyougamon quickly introduced himself with his Icicle Toss attack, tossing the large icicle into the midst of the Tamers and causing them to scatter.

"Shiuchon; Ai, Mako!" Jenrya called over his shoulder as the group spread out. "Try to find anyone else who got caught in this thing and make sure they stay on the sidelines!" The three youngest Tamers didn't argue; they knew their job was just as important as that of the older Tamers. The kids didn't want any casualties on their hands.

"Too bad Ruki isn't here," Kenta commented, also staying on the sidelines with Marine Angemon. "Renamon would probably already have this guy halfway on the ground by now."

"Well, she's not here, so we're going to have to do the best we can without her," Takato answered. "Looks like we're all clear; go for it, Guilmon!"

"Fireball!" the red dino Digimon attacked, spitting a sphere of fire at the ice-ogre. Hyougamon threw his arms up over his face to protect himself, and growled when he found that the attack had singed his arm. Terriermon was on the ball, using Guilmon's head as a launching platform to get enough height to launch a Blazing Fire attack at Hyougamon. The attack nailed him right in the face, effectively blinding him. Unfortunately the term "blind" also referred to his emotional state, for immediately following this development the Hyougamon went berserk. He lashed out with his club and his Icicle Toss attack at anything he sensed moving. The only solution the Tamers had for this course of action was to run to avoid being hit by either club or icicle.

Then in the middle of all this running, Jaarin tripped over the strap of a backpack that someone had left lying on the ground while fleeing from the digital field. Her momentum sent her sprawling on the ground face-first. "Jaarin-chan!" Gazimon yelped, running over to her. "Are you all right?" he asked as she rolled over onto her back, clutching her left leg.

"No; I think I scraped my knee up pretty bad," she answered, teeth clenched in pain. Gazimon looked and saw what appeared to be a large amount of blood oozing from the wound. Just then a growl nearby caused Gazimon to turn his attention elsewhere. The Hyougamon still couldn't see, but his other senses were still working at top capacity. And he had smelled the blood from Jaarin's scraped knee and was now following the scent.

Right to Jaarin.

Gazimon felt the anger rush up inside of him, as it had when Sango had insulted Jaarin in class a few days ago. Only this time it was burning hotter and fiercer. This wasn't some schoolyard bully; this was an Adult Digimon who was out for blood, with a human as the intended donor. Only it wasn't just any human Hyougomon was after; she was Gazimon's human.

Dropping to all fours, Gazimon raced along the ground to intercept the Hyougamon before it got too close to Jaarin. He didn't waste any time, either. "Paralyze Breath!" He blew a dark cloud out of his mouth. The cloud then spread over the Hyougamon, and when it dissipated the ice digimon was unable to move.

"Destruction Grenade!" A whistling sound in the air signaled the advent of Guardromon's missiles, so Gazimon swiftly moved out of the way. The whistle-blowing shells struck the immobilized Hyougamon head-on, reducing him to a glittering confetti of data. Yet after having either witnessed or been a part of what going through data extraction was like, no one was too eager to absorb the data of the Hyougamon.

As the digital fog slowly dissipated, Jenrya and the other Tamers rushed over to Jaarin. The girl had already propped herself up on her elbows, and was grimacing at the pain her scraped knee was causing. "Jaarin, are you okay?" Jenrya asked anxiously.

"I'm fine, Jenrya, don't worry," Jaarin assured him. "I just scraped my knee up a bit."

"Here, let me take care of that for you," Kenta offered. Before Jaarin could protest Marine Angemon flew over and hovered before the injury. He pursed his lips and blew, sending blue bubbles over the injury. Jaarin watched in surprise as the bleeding slowed and then stopped, then disappeared altogether as new skin closed over the open sore. Within minutes it was as if the scrape had never been there at all.

Jaarin turned surprise-filled eyes from her uninjured leg to Kenta. "Thank you," she said.

The other Tamers also were looking at Kenta. "I didn't know Marine Angemon could do that," Hirokazu finally said. "How come you didn't tell me?" His tone of voice was wounded, as if Kenta had kept a vital secret hidden from the person he had no secrets from.

The green-haired boy shrugged. "I didn't know he could do it until a couple days ago, when my dad accidentally sliced his hand open while doing some housework. Marine Angemon had it all fixed up before Mom could even dial for the ambulance."

Juri looked back towards the school, and the Tamers noticed for the first time that the schoolyard was empty, save for their group. "We'd better get back inside," she suggested as Jaarin got to her feet with an assist from her twin. The Tamers filed into the building, with Jaarin and Gazimon at the back of the line. Gazimon's expression was wide-eyed, as if something had happened during the battle that he didn't expect to happen. In fact, that was the very case; today in battle he had leapt to Jaarin's defense without a second thought. He had protected her, like the Digimon of the other Tamers had done countless times.

As he wrestled to come to grips with this, Jaarin looked down at her partner. "Thank you," she said quietly.

Gazimon smiled, and stopped his wrestling.

To Be Concluded

Short Author's Note: For those who don't know or didn't get it from the fic, Mayumi is Mrs. Lee's first name. I just thought I'd clear that up so no one would have to ask in the reviews. ^_^

More Review Responses

Ryan Griffin: Glad you like the fic! You hit the nail on the head for why I chose Gazimon for Makuramon's Child form; I wasn't sure how many people would pick up on that. As for the evolution thing, well, you'll just have to wait and see. Regarding your comment about Gazimon's feelings towards Jaarin starting to change, it has been about a week since he became her partner and I felt that was time enough for his bond with her to start affecting him. Plus Impmon's little talk with him helped (or at least he likes to think so ^_~). Plus I'm not that good at writing a lot of filler.

Akino Ame: Hello again! *chuckles* Yes, I've been doing my "homework," so to speak. I'm a big Sailor Moon fan in addition to Digimon, so Mugen just had to get a mention. I'm glad that you're enjoying it :)

Demonic Wolf: Don't feel bad. Sometimes just seeing "this is a good fic, I liked it" in a review is good enough for this author :)