Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02: The Strength of Friendship ❯ Flamedramon's Battle ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Recap: A sinister plot by the Digimon emperor to trap Davis and Veemon succeeded. It happened when a group of Snimon kept Davis and Veemon away from the port. When the other Digidestined and their partners went back to the Real World, the Snimon destroyed the port. Even worse was that the other ports were also destroyed. On a surprising note, Wormmon was able to Digivolve just by thinking about the Ken that he used to know. In turn, this helped to battle three large groups of three different Digimon. Flamedramon finally revealed his secret to Davis after a whole year by having to save Davis from a fall.
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Chapter 3: Flamedramon's Battle

The night was peaceful as Davis and Flamedramon slept on. They held onto each other, and Flamedramon's wings were still wrapped protectively around Davis. Davis still felt the coolness of the night and started shivering. Flamedramon felt Davis shivering and encased them in a heat shield.
"Thanks Flamedramon," Davis said before going back to sleep.
"No problem Davis," Flamedramon said before also going back to sleep.
Meanwhile in the Real World, the older and younger Digidestined received an email from Gennai. The email that he and other Digimon were working on the ports. He told them that he and other Digimon were working on the ports. He told them that it would be a while before they were all fixed however and that it would be better for Davis and Veemon to stay until all the ports are fixed.
"I just hope Davis is okay," Cody said.
"Don't worry Cody. Veemon is with him. Even if Veemon weren't with him, he would find a way to survive. Remember that time when Veemon and Davis got separated?" TK said.
"Yeah. Veemon was a nervous wreck until we found Davis. What still amazes me is that Davis came out unscathed even though he told us that he ran into a lot of enslaved Digimon," Cody said.
"One thing you have to admire Davis for is his fierce determination. Once he puts his mind to something, almost nothing stops him from carrying it out," Kari said.
"Veemon's the same way. I'd say that Davis and Veemon were brothers if Veemon wasn't a Digimon," Tai said.
The others nodded and waited for the ports that slowly but surely went through repair. Meanwhile, the Digimon Emperor couldn't shake the new Digimon out of his head. He kept wondering whom the Digimon belonged to if it had a partner.
"Something troubling you master?" Wormmon asked.
"It's that green Digimon. I don't know where it came from," Ken responded.
Wormmon smiled to himself. 'If you only knew that I can Digivolve just by remembering the old you,' he thought.
The next morning, Flamedramon woke up first. The sun was warm so he removed his heat shield. He unwrapped his wings from around Davis. Davis didn't feel the feathers of Flamedramon's wings around him anymore and also woke up.
"Did you sleep well?" Flamedramon asked.
"Yes I did. Your heat shield kept me warm all night," Davis responded.
They were at a lake, and Davis caught some fish for them to eat(A/N: The fishing gear is still there). They ate their fill and drank from the lake.
"Do you want to go flying?" Flamedramon asked an hour later.
"I would love to," Davis responded.
Flamedramon scooped Davis up, spread his wings and flew off into the air. Davis wrapped his arms around Flamedramon's neck. Flamedramon soon cleared the trees and was over the forest. Davis looked down in complete awe. The forest was beautiful on the ground, but there was no comparison to how awesome it looked from the air.
"This is amazing. I've never seen a forest from the air until now," Davis said.
"I'm glad you're liking it," Flamedramon said as he flew on.
Things remained peaceful for an hour before going downhill. A flock of ten hybrids soon surrounded them. They were half bird, half lion.
"Those are Griffinmon. Their personality is as bad as their fiery temper. Look out for their Fury Claw and Laser Roar attacks(A/N: I'll mention to expect make up Digimon from here on out)," Flamedramon said.
"What's even worse is that they have dark rings around them," Davis said, pointing to the dark rings on their front right legs.
"Laser Roar!" the Griffinmon shouted as they gathered energy in their mouths. As they roared, the laser shot out of their mouths.
Flamedramon quickly dove to avoid the combined attacks. It wasn't over though because the Griffinmon fired off another Laser Roar, but in different directions.
"Hold on Davis. This is going to be a bumpy ride," Flamedramon said. He flew above one, below another, to the side of one, and kept this pattern until he dodged all ten attacks. Then he unwrapped an arm from under Davis's knees and prepared to fight back. His hand engulfed in flames.
"Fire Rocket!" Flamedramon shouted as three fireballs shot out of his hand.
The attack knocked three of the Griffinmon out of the sky. However, the other seven weren't going to go down as easily. Flamedramon knew that he couldn't fight at 100% while holding Davis, but he couldn't put Davis on the ground either. He didn't want to risk that one of the Griffinmon would get past him and capture Davis. He was at a complete loss on what to do.
Suddenly, he felt the heat rise in his mouth. He looked and saw fire licking his lips. Somehow, he knew what he was about to do. "Dragon Fire!" he shouted, letting the fire loose. 'Now I can fight 100%,' he thought as he fired another Dragon Fire attack.
The tables had turned in Flamedramon's favor now. Even though he was still very much outnumbered, his new attack had the Griffinmon on the run. Dragon Fire is such a powerful attack, that it would be like being hit by a solar flare. The Griffinmon soon fled in fear of getting destroyed by Flamedramon's new attack.
"I didn't know that you could do that," Davis said.
"I didn't either," Flamedramon admitted.
"So how powerful is Dragon Fire anyway?" Davis asked.
"As powerful as the sun," Flamedramon responded.
"Whoa, that could obliterate anything," Davis said.
"Yes it could. That's why I didn't use it at full power," Flamedramon said. He wrapped his arms around Davis's waist and flew on. He decided to have a little fun. "Hey Davis, want to be a part of some tricks?" he asked.
Davis caught on to the playful tone of voice right away. He didn't think it was a bad idea himself to be playful right now. "Sure Flamedramon," he responded.
Flamedramon started off by going into a slow, horizontal spiral. After spiraling in the air for about a mile, he dove and pulled up about one hundred feet above the ground. Then he looped twice.
"Wow Flamedramon! You're really good," Davis said.
"I've had practice Davis," Flamedramon. "Just like I had practice doing this," he added as he flipped over so he was on the bottom and Davis was on the top.
Davis was awestruck beyond words now. He hadn't too long ago found out that Flamedramon could fly; now he just found out that Flamedramon could fly upside down. He also saw that Flamedramon now had downward and upward beats of his wings instead of upward and downward beats. "Whoa, this is awesome. I can't believe that I'm flying upside down with you," he said.
"Believe it Davis," Flamedramon said smiling. He turned right side up half an hour later.
Then Stingmon came alongside Flamedramon. "Having fun I see," he said.
"We sure are," Davis siad. "How are you?" he added.
"Oh, not bad," Stingmon responded. "How are you?" he added.
"We're fine," Flamedramon responded.
"I saw you an hour ago, but I didn't want to interrupt your fun. It took me quite a bit of time for me to sneak out," Stingmon said.
Flamedramon suddenly hovered in the air. Stingmon did the same.
"What is it?" Davis asked.
"Our fun has ended unfortunately," Flamedramon responded.
"I don't get why just one Digimon is heading our way," Stingmon said. He gasped when he found out why.
"It's the Digimon Emperor on that Digimon," Davis said.
The Airdramon soon confronted them.
"Well, so we meet alone again. I would've never thought that your Digimon friend could fly," Ken said.
"Why are you here Ken and what do you want?" Davis asked defiantly.
"You dare take that tone of voice with me?" Ken asked angrily.
"Duh, genius," Davis responded just as defiantly.
"So leave us alone," Flamedramon said as defiantly as Davis.
"I actually came for your new friend here," Ken said.
"I won't work for your twisted purposes," Stingmon said. 'Sorry about this Ken, but you are not yourself,' he thought.
"We shall see. I leave you for now," Ken said before the Airdramon left.
"I don't like the way that sounded," Davis said.
"We don't either," Flamedramon and Stingmon chorused together.
Sure enough, a dark ring headed right for Stingmon. Davis saw it first.
"Stingmon, look out behind you!" Davis shouted.
Stingmon looked back to see a dark ring. He didn't have time to move out of the way.
"Help him Flamedramon!" Davis said frantically.
"Dragon Fire!" Flamedramon shouted, using full power this time.
The very powerful attack completely disintegrated the dark ring. Davis, Flamedramon and Stingmon all sighed in relief.
"That was close. Thank you Flamedramon," Stingmon said.
"You're welcome. But it was Davis who saw the dark ring," Flamedramon said.
"It's nothing short of average dumb luck," Davis said. "Let's get out of here."
Flamedramon and Stingmon headed back to the forest and landed near the cave an hour later. Flamedramon gently put Davis down and retracted his wings. Davis saw the same blue light as when Flamedramon sprout his wings.
Meanwhile, the Digimon Emperor had seen Flamedramon's new attack. 'I need to get that two-legged dragon out of the way. He'll be a major threat to my plans with that kind of attack. It seems like that boy will be good for something after all, bait,' he thought.
"I'd better go," Stingmon said.
"Be careful. Ken will try again to control you," Davis said.
"I will," Stingmon said before flying off. Unfortunately, he, Davis and or Flamedramon didn't see the dark ring high above Stingmon. Stingmon felt the ring snap around his left arm when he was out of Davis and Flamedramon's sight and hearing range. He flew back to Ken's base.
"Excellent. You are finally mine to command," Ken said.
"As you wish master," Stingmon said.
Meanwhile, Cody had sent Davis and email. Davis and and Flamedramon were just having lunch when they head Davis's D3 go off.
"What is it?" Flamedramon asked.
"It's an email from Cody. He wants to know if we're okay," Davis responded before replying to Cody's email.
Back in the Real World, Cody received Davis's reply. He looked extremely relieved. The other Digidestined figured that Davis and Veemon were all right.
"So Davis and Veemon are all right?" Kari asked.
"Yes they are. And Davis says that Veemon is in his armor form," Cody responded.
"That's really smart. Flamedramon is a good fighter and can defend Davis well," Matt said.
The others nodded. Night soon came for everyone. In the Digital World, Davis and Flamedramon went inside the cave to sleep for the night. The temperature inside the cave was actually colder than the temperature outside. Once again, Flamedramon kept Davis warm inside a heat shield. Flamedramon brought his wings out and wrapped them around Davis as he held Davis protectively.
"Good night Flamedramon."
"Good night Davis."
Then they fell asleep together. At Ken's base, the now controlled Stingmon waited for his chance to get a crack at Flamedramon.
"You will get your chance tomorrow my slave," Ken said. "Sleep now because you will need evey ounce of your strength."
Stingmon obeyed and got some sleep. The next day would be a very tough battle for Flamedramon indeed. As they always say, it's very difficult to fight your friends. However, it is also said that you have to do what you have to do in order to protect your friends, family, etc.
The next morning, Flamedramon was the first to get up. He picked up Davis and left the cave. Davis awakened from the movement. Then he fished while Flamedramon flew up to retrieve some fruit. They ate their fill and drank from the lake afterwards. An hour later, Flamedramon saw something quickly coming their way, Davis saw Flamedramon looking up and looked to see the thing coming as well.
"What's that?" Davis asked.
"I can't make it out just yet. Let's wait for it to get closer," Flamedramon responded.
The thing came closer. Soon, they could make out that it was a Digimon. A few moments later, they could make out whom it was.
"It's Stingmon," Davis said.
"Be careful Davis. I sense something seriously wrong with him this time," Flamedramon said.
Stingmon came closer. Flamedramon noticed that Stingmon's normally red eyes had an eerie glow to them. Then he noticed the dark ring.
"Oh no, he has a dark ring on his arm," Flamedramon said, standing protectively in front of Davis.
Stingmon soon landed. Flamedramon didn't move from in front of Davis. Before Davis or Flamedramon could say anything, Stingmon attacked.
"Spiking Strike!"
"Hurry Davis. Grab onto my neck," Flamedramon said.
Davis grabbed onto Flamedramon's neck, and Flamedramon quickly flew up. Stingmon ended up slicing a tree off. Unfortunately, Flamedramon didn't completely clear the tree, and it knocked Davis off him. Stingmon moved to capture Davis.
"Not this time Stingmon," Flamedramon said before he dove and caught Davis with fine agility and grace. He landed by the trees. "Davis, I want you to stay in the cover of the trees. I don't want to fight Stingmon, but I don't have any other choice. Don't let him see you or he'll come after you. I'll keep him distracted while fighting him as much as I can until I can get that dark ring off him."
"All right. Good luck Flamedramon," Davis said.
"Thanks, I'll need it," Flamedramon said before flying back up to face Stingmon. "If you want a fight, then you've got it."
"That's what I was hoping for. Spiking Strike!" Stingmon said.
Flamedramon flew in an upside down arch to avoid the attack. After coming down from the arch, he kicked Stingmon in the back. Stingmon regained his composure a few minutes later. Davis watched the battle from behind a tall and wide tree. This tree served as a perfect hiding spot because of the large shadow it cast in the sun's light. The shadow was so dark, that you could move all you want, and it will still be difficult to be located even with all the noise. Whenever the sun was out, it shone brightly over the area, but even it's bright light couldn't pierce the shadow.
'I hope Flamedramon will be all right. I saw it in his eyes that he didn't want to use his fire attacks because Stingmon would get seriously hurt. But he might have to use them,' Davis thought.
The fight lasted a good hour so far, and neither Stingmon nor Flamedramon looked close to calling it quits. Flamedramon thanked his secret flying time for having this much endurance. Flamedramon didn't give off one fire attack so far; it had been only punches and kicks. Then Stingmon tried a very sneaky move. He charged for Flamedramon, but dove into the forest at the last minute.
'He's going after Davis,' Flamedramon thought horrified. He immediately dove into the forest. 'I hope Davis found a good hiding spot.
Fortunately, for Flamedramon, Davis heard Stingmon through the underbrush and went back into the tree's shadow. Stingmon slowed dwon to do a thorough search for Davis. But it really didn't matter here because the tree that Davis hid behind had a really big shadow. Stingmon ended up passing Davis not once, but three times.
"Stingmon! You're battle is with me!" Flamedramon shouted from above. He knew that Davis was safe when he saw Stingmon frustrated.
Stingmon flew back up to face Flamedramon again. "This time, I will kill you," he said.
"You won't kill me this time or ever," Flamedramon said defiantly.
Then Stingmon flew in circles around Flamedramon. Stingmon hoped to catch Flamedramon off guard. Flamedramon just looked calm however. He didn't even look at Stingmon. Flamedramon just stayed focus. He almost got killed the last time a controlled Digimon tried this move against him; however, this was on the ground.

| Flashback |

A few months ago, the Digidestined battled against a group of enslaved Ninjamon. One of them challenged Flamedramon right off the bat. That one and Flamedramon began fighting. Both Digimon proved to be very good fighters because neither could get a hit in on the other. But then, the Ninjamon began running in circles around Flamedramon.
'What is he up to?' Flamedramon thought as he tried to keep up with the Ninjamon.
Davis already saw the Ninjamon's intention. "Flamedramon, stay focused. That Ninjamon is trying to catch you off guard," he said.
'What does he mean by that? I still have my eyes on this Digimon,' Flamedramon thought. He didn't know that he did exactly what the Ninjamon wanted.
Suddenly, the Ninjamon sped up a lot, making it hard for Flamedramon to keep up. Flamedramon was so confused that he didn't see the Ninjamon until it was too late. The Ninjamon cut deep into Flamedramon's side with its sword. Flamedramon gave the Ninjamon a Flaming Fist attack that shattered the dark ring before he fell to the ground unconscious and reverted to Veemon.
"Veemon!" Davis cried, rushing to Veemon's side.
The other Ninjamon had all been freed. The one responsible for Veemon's critical injury felt very guilty.
"It's not your fault. You were under the Digimon Emperor's influence," Yolie said.
"Someone needs to get Joe here quickly. I'll stay with Veemon," Davis said.
"Good idea Davis. We'll stay with you," Kari and TK said.
The other Digidestined hurried to find Joe. Luckily Joe was already at the school waiting for them. He had his medical supplies ready when he saw the worried looks on their faces.
"What happened?" Joe asked.
Cody told him everything that happened, ending with Veemon's injury. Now it was Joe's turn to be very worried.
"Let's go now. Veemon won't be able to last much longer," Joe said as he and the others entered the Digital World.
Davis, Kari and TK moved so Joe could attend to Veemon. Joe cleaned up Veemon's wound and bandaged him up.
"It was a good thing that I was at the school. Veemon might have died if I wasn't," Joe said.
"I'm...sorry...Davis. I...should...have...listened...to...you," Veemon said.
"That's not important right now. What's important is that you get better," Davis said as he and the others headed back for the Real World.

| End of Flashback |

'I won't make the same mistake again. Davis is counting on me to win this fight,' Flamedramon thought.
Stingmon came straight at Flamedramon's back with a Spiking Strike attack. Flamedramon with all his grace and agility sidestepped the attack, dodging it completely.
"I hoped not to do this, but it's the only way to end this battle. Fire Rocket!" Flamedramon said, charging at Stingmon with his fire attack after going at Stingmon with just physical for the last hour.
The attack hit home and Stingmon got seriously burned. Flamedramon ended the battle with a Flaming Fist attack at Stingmon's dark ring. Stingmon's normally red eyes lost the eerie glow and he Dedigivolved to Wormmon. He fell from the sky. Flamedramon quickly caught him and landed in the forest.
"Where are you Davis? It's all right to come out now," Flamedramon called.
Davis came out from behind the tree's shadow and walked up to Flamedramon. He immediately saw the burnt marks on Wormmon. "I knew that you would have to do that," he said.
"I really didn't want to," Flamedramon said. "Let's get him into the cave."
Davis nodded and he and Flamedramon went into the cave, Wormmon in Flamedramon's arms. Flamedramon really felt guilty for burning Wormmon, but then he realized that it was do that, get killed himself, or watch Davis die. He didn't want the latter two to happen, especially the latter.

Well, I've come to the end of another chapter. I hope you saw why I couldn't give you a preview to this chapter. A preview would've blown the chapter this time. I can give you a preview for chapter 4 so here we go. Preview for Chapter 4: Returning to the Real World: After a year of waiting for all the ports to be repaired, Davis and Veemon finally return to the Real World. But the beginnings of another sinister plot happen as the Digimon Emperor finds out that he needs to use dark spirals after trying to control a trio of Skull Meramon. It will take a strong Ultimate on the Digidestined to fight this trio of troublemakers. How will it happen since none of the Digidestined's Digimon can go Ultimate? You're going to want to definitely stay tuned to find out.

ShadowGallantmon: Thank you. Your review lifted my spirits. I'm glad that there is at least one person who understands the plot of this story, and has a basic idea of where I'm going with it so I commemorate you.

One more thing. I'm going to need help as far as which Champion and Ultimate-level Digimon I will have the Digimon Emperor control. I'm not very familiar with Season 2 anymore since it hasn't shown for a while. I would really appreciate your opinions on which Digimon I should use. Remember to include the Digimon's attacks too so I will know exactly what you want to see. You will most likely see your suggestion in my story so give it a shot. You really can't loose this time so take advantage of it.