Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Dark Journey v2 ❯ Chapter 1 Arrival 02 ( Chapter 1 )

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Digimon dark journey v2
The Story of this story is derived from the revelation of episode 53 of adventure that there were 5 previous Digidestined.
I dedicate it to all the fans, the cast and crew and writers and directors, and the characters of Digimon Adventure, and the entire digimon series.
The kid was sitting on a tree limb in a dark, mist filled forest, trying to decide how soon his patience was going to run out. His part was on another branch, also waiting. Finally, his watch beeped. “Leo? We're ready to go. They should be there in a moment.”
He, Leo, let out a sigh. “Finally. We're still in position, ready to go. See ya soon Zach. Stay safe.”
Zach chuckled. “I'm the one who needs to worry. You lot are in far more danger. Everybody online still?”
3 more clicks came through, and 3 more voices sounded. “Morgan here, ready.” “Chris here, I'm good to go.” “It's still me, I'm still here, let us commence.”
“Then Here. We. Go!”
Elsewhere, in another world entirely
It had been nearly 2 years since the defeat of MaloMyotismon. Things had been relatively peaceful. The second generation of Digidestined were entering high school, while the older generation were in college or almost finished with high school.
At that moment Ken was helping a freaked out Yolei study for the entrance exams to one of the most prestigious high schools in the area. Even without the Dark Spore, Ken had discovered he could still excel in school with enough effort. That effort was now helping Yolei score a “not date” with him, to help her study. However, just as Hawkmon returned with snacks, the D3s began to emit an extremely bright light. As Ken and Yolei pulled their D3s from their pockets, they felt themselves being sucked into a portal to the digital world.
Across town, Cody was on his way the dojo for Kendo practice when his own D3 went off. He pulled it out, only for the computer in a nearby window display to draw him into the onscreen portal before he could utter the mealiest protest, Armadillomon coming along right behind him.
Davis was staring at his jumbled notes, trying to figure out his sales for the day. He was now an apprentice noodlecart operator, rather than going into High School. He saw his D3 suddenly start glowing, and grabbed it. He and Veemon were sucked into the portal on his boss's computer.
Lastly, T.K. and Kari were at T.K.'s house. He was reading to her the latest draft of his first book about their adventures in the digital world, to “see if he missed anything.” Gatomon, sitting atop the couch, winked at Patamon mischievously. Before anything else could happen, however, the 4 friends were dragged by their D3s through the portal on T.K.'s computer.
The Adventure begins again!
Chapter 1 “Arrival”
Davis sat up groggily. Veemon was still out cold next to him. That surprised him, because he'd never been knocked out on arrival to the digital world before. He looked around, trying to figure out if he'd come out anywhere he recognized. No such luck. He couldn't recall anywhere so dark and gloomy, and full of mist, with no sunlight at all. Wherever it was, he didn't like it.
“Hey, veemon, buddy, wake up.” He shook Veemon lightly. When that didn't work, he bopped him on the head. “WAKE UP!” Veemon shot awake.
“Davis, what's wrong? Are we under attack? What happened, where are we?” He looked around, tensed.
“No idea buddy. Let's go look around.” However, before they could really go anywhere, there was a scream, followed shortly be a series of irregular explosions that kept going. “That sounded like Yolei! Let's go Veemon!” The two charged towards the source of the explosions.
It did not take them long to arrive. They found Hawkmon and Yolei, as well as an unfamiliar human and digimon fighting off a horde of dark shadowing creatures. Actually, Hawkmon was down for the count, it was just the one digimon fighting. “Veemon, get in there! Digivolve!”
“Veemon, Digivolve to… Veemon. What? Why can't I Digivolve?”
Having just punched out one of the shadow things, the other kid shouted, “Use an Egg!”
“Oh right! Veemon, GO!”
“Veemon, Armor Digivolve to… Flamedramon!” Flamedramon immediately rocketed into the fight with a “Fight Rocket!” bowling over two shadows in the process.
“Help me and Blazermon open a path! We need to go that way!” the kid pointed off in a direction that to Davis seemed random, but he didn't waste time arguing.
“Veemon, you heard him! I'll help Yolei; get us a path out of here!” He charged over to Yolei to help her to her feet. She was staring numbly at an unconscious Hawkmon. She was bent over his body, and she wasn't moving. Davis reached her and grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. “Yolei! Come on! We gotta move!”
Yolei blinked, confused for a second, until Davis shook her again. “Snap out of it! We've gotta get out of here. Hold onto Hawkmon and follow me!”
“Davis? What's going on, Hawkmon… Hawkmon!” she cried, looking down at the body clutch in her arms.
“He'll be fine if we get out of here! Follow me!” He pulled her to her feet and started running, holding onto her arm. It took her a moment, but, clutching Hawkmon tightly to her chest, she was soon running behind him.
Flamedramon, meanwhile, was blasting away at the shadow creatures alongside the unknown digimon. The other kid, teenager really, was kicking and punching and generally being very effective… for a human. He was just ahead of them, his red hair standing out in the dark mist, green eyes flashing. Soon, the 3 of them were no longer surrounded.
“Alright, quick, over here,” he said as he motioned them towards him. He was standing next to a large tree. As soon as they reached them, he continued. “On 3, I need Flamedramon to give his biggest attack to the pack of Dark Servants. Blazermon will do the same. Ready?”
“Sure, but?”
“1, 2, 3!” Flamedramon and Blazermon both attacked at full power, and a huge explosion of flames appeared. The guy grabbed Yolei and Davis and dived into the tree. Amazingly, instead of smashing his head on it as Davis expected, he passed through it into a hollow chamber. Veemon and Blazermon followed moments after.
Everyone took a moment to catch their breath. Then Davis asked the pertinent question of the hour. “Who are you?”
Of course, Hawkmon chose that moment to wake up, neatly circumventing the need for an answer. “Oh, oh my. Where am I? What's happened? I had the most terrible dream.”
“Hawkmon!” Yolei hugged Hawkmon tightly and blinked back tears while smiling. “I was so worried!”
Hawkmon felt she was hugging him too tightly, as it took him several moments to convey that he could not breathe. She released him quickly, saying, “Sorry, sorry. I was just so worried, and I felt this… creeping despair. I don't know where it came from. I thought you'd never wake up again.”
“That is the effect the Dark Area has on humans. Digimon are affected much the same. It enhances negative emotions: despair, hatred, anger, apathy. Each leads to destruction here. It is not a kind place you have been brought to, and I apologize for the necessity.” The teenager said to the both of them, as he sat with his back to the wall of the hollow tree.”
“Necessity? Why are we here? Did you bring us here? And again, who are you?” Davis asked, turning to look at him. Veemon stepped up next to him, and echoed his questions.
“My name is Zhang Leo. I am deeply sorry that you had to be summoned, and that Hawkmon was hurt, but the worlds are in danger, and we are in need of your help.” He bowed, forehead to the ground. He looked up again, and continued. “This is the Dark Area. The digital world's version of hell, or perhaps the afterlife. Digimon that die and are not reborn come here, if they go anywhere. Digimon that are purely evil come here when they are defeated. It is a dark place, and dangerous. Almost everything will try to kill you. Half the food is inedible or poisonous, and hardly any of it tastes good. Most of what tastes good is poisoned. The good news is that the water is almost always clean, if you boil it.”
Yolei blinked. “I think that was too much at once. But… why are we here again?”
Leo slapped his forehead and laughed heartily. It seemed to lift the mood. It was, however, Blazermon who answered. “You are here to save the Digital world and the Real world, all of them. There are many. They are connected by various fragments of the Dark Area. Once, this place was broken, and barriers existed to keep it that way. Now, the barriers are gone and the Dark Area wishes to be whole once more. It is drawing its pieces together, and those pieces are dragging the various digital worlds after them. The pieces might fit together, but the digital worlds will not fit together. And so they will collide, and break, and crumble. This in turn will cause great destruction in the real world. It is probable the real and digital worlds will survive. They will not do so intact, and much life will be lost. At which point Barbamon, Lucemon, and the other Great Demon Lords will unleash all their power and all their forces upon the worlds, until they rule them all.”
Davis and Yolei looked at Blazermon, and for the first time, realized he looked like Flamedramon, save that where Flamedramon was blue, Blazermon was black, and Blazermon had more blade spikes covering him. However, as they tried to process this on top of all else they had been told, their eyes began to spin. It took them some time to snap out of it, but they did. Leo waited patiently for them to finish attempting to process what they had been told.
“So,” Yolei started after a moment. “Is it just us?”
“No.” Leo stated. “Something went wrong with the summoning process. You all came out at different locations and none of you were together. I found you, Yolei, immediately. You found me, Davis, when Hawkmon was attacked and she screamed.” He looked at each of them as he spoke to them. “I do not know where the others are, but my allies will find them. Of that, I am sure. We move at dawn. I suggest you get some sleep, and please don't go outside. We won't be found in here if we don't give ourselves away, so we're safe for now.”
After further, discussions between the two of them, ranging from “Are you sure we can trust this guy?” to “What the hell is going on here,” all the way to “Do we have a choice,” “That's why we can't just take his word,” and on to “Where are the others, are they all right?” In the end, they settled down and fell asleep.
Leo woke them up next morning. “Rise and Shine you two, it's time to get moving. Dark Servants don't like the sun, so we'll be moderately safer now than at night.”
Davis looked around as they exited the hiding place. “How do you know it's morning, I can't tell the difference.”
“When you've been here for a couple of years, you'll start to recognize the signs. Come on, we've got some distance to travel.” He led them through mist filled shadowy woods, past rocks, over streams, and on and on. Now and again, they would stop and hide in the shadows. Blazermon was nowhere to be seen most of the time. Yolei realized his fiery presence would give them away, and he must be travelling differently somehow. When Davis inevitably raised the question, she explained before Leo could, and told him to stay quiet.
After what seemed like hours Leo stopped at a pair of trees that stood like sentries. “We have arrived. Through here please.” Instead of going to the pair of trees, he stepped to their left and held out his wrist. The watch upon it glowed, and Davis realized it was a digivice, not a watch. Though it probably also told the time.
Leo stepped through a doorway and waved at someone. Davis blinked. It was Mummymon. And Kari was there.
“Veemon, it's Mummymon! Quick!”
However, before Davis could do more than reach for his Digivice, Leo was holding his arm. “He's not an enemy. Not anymore.”
“Yoohoo, Human boy! It's been a long time, hasn't it? Did you miss me?” He cackled happily.
“What's going on here?” Yolei asked. “Last time we saw him, he was an enemy! Why are you saying he's not?”
“Because I want out of here, and I want to be a free digimon when I do it. I won't get that without helping you lot. Besides, you always win!”
“Well, you can't argue with that!” said Davis, laughing, as he walked into the clearing. The sun was shining here, when it was not elsewhere. “Glad we don't have to fight you.” The sudden change in attitude did not go unnoticed by those assembled.
Leo addressed Mummymon, asking about the others. As Davis walked closer he saw that Cody was also there, apparently sleeping in the sun.
“So Blackagumon hasn't come back yet?” Leo asked.
“Nope. Seems to be taking his time,” replied Mummymon.
Leo frowned. “Will you 4 be alright here?” he asked, turning to the assembled Digi-destined. “I need to retrieve the last 2 of you … and Vajramom. We're stretched too thin damnit,” he muttered. Then he turned to the 4 assmelbed. “Stay here, please. And be warned, the Dark Area will affect you the same as the control spires once did. And the threats here are generally far more dangerous than what you have previously faced. Stay here. You cannot be found in this clearing, save by those who already know where it is.”
Leo left them in the clearing with Mummymon, who was seated against a tree. He was already snoring. Kari, Davis, and Yolei sat in a semi-circle, watching Mummymon. Kari explained how Mummymon found the two of them yesterday.
“All I knew was that this was just like that horrible Dark Ocean. The same strange creatures came as before, when T.K. found me there. I don't think I told you this story.” She began then by slowly, haltingly at first, then stronger, that strange and evil day. Cody woke up halfway through, and Yolei promised to fill him in. Finally, they returned to recounting what happened when they arrived.
“I found Cody under attack. Gatomon couldn't Digivolve, so I used an Egg. Nefertimon and Digmon couldn't hold them back. That's when Mummymon appeared. We gave him a chance. I guess we're still giving him one.” All three turned and looked at Mummymon.
Without opening his eyes, he said, “I can hear you, you know. I won't say I'm sorry for what happened last time, but now that I've seen this place, I know… I want no part of it. I've lost my Arukenimon, I've lost my creator, and I've lost everything. You are my chance to get it all back. I'm taking that chance.” Suddenly, he opened his eyes and smiled broadly. “Besides, I'm part of the prophecy. You're stuck with me.”
“Prophecy?” echoed the other three.
“Yes indeed. And that's all you get for now. The plan is to give you all the full rundown together. I don't like explaining things a bunch of times.”
Yolei piped up. “Yeah, but, won't it be Leo explaining things?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, I suppose so. Well, I may be on your side, but you all still annoy me, so I'm not saying.” Mummymon grew quiet again. It seemed he still felt lingering antagonism towards the Digi-destined. At least, if he really was on their side then it was just lingering antagonism.
Things were quiet, as the 4 digi-destined and their partners spent the day looking around the clearing and waiting. Suddenly, their D3s started to beep. There were 3 digivices heading their way.
Soon, they came into view beyond the clearing. Leo opened the doorway and led them all through. They were dirty, but apparently unharmed. Yolei tackled Ken as soon as he was inside. T.K. hugged Kari tightly. As soon as the reunion was over, they turned to see Leo standing halfway across the clearing, with 5 Digimon at his back. In addition to Mummymon and Blazermon, there was a BlackAgumon. There was also bull based centaur Digimon with a pair of huge swords strapped to his side.
“So, what's this all about?” T.K started, the other Digidestined at his back.
“My Name is Zhang Leo. I am one of the original 6 digidestined. My partner is Blazermon.” Blazermon bowed to the assembled. “I believe you all know this one,” and here he pointed to Mummymon. “This is Blackagumon. This is Vajramon. I will let them tell their own stories.”
Mummymon began, saying much the same as he had said to Kari, Yolei, Davis, and Cody. He was interrupted near the end by Vajramon. “Really though, The reason he didn't join one of the Demon Lords is that He was too weak for their consideration. He'd been defeated too many times by you humans and your digital pets.”
Mummymon opened his mouth to speak, but the Blackagumon beat him to it. “Perhaps… but you lost… to humans too… didn't you? They killed you… but he always escaped them.” His voice had a strange echo to it, and came haltingly, but was still comprehendible. Vajramon snorted. “I… am the Agumon… you met so… long ago… Kari. I… am also… Blackwargreymon… part of him… I was incomplete… damage… I absorbed his data… to retain my sense of … self.”
“What? But how is that possible?” questioned Yolei incredulously. Kari looked at Blackagumon deeply, trying to decide if he was speaking the truth. Somehow, seeing this seemed to hurt her inside.
Leo briefly interrupted. “Digimon who die without the capacity to be reborn as eggs are sent here. Sometimes data fragments of dead or damaged digimon end up here. It happens, perhaps too often. Whenever it does, if they are not supposed to be here, they will be reformatted into Dark Servants. Sometimes however, bits of data will instead congeal together to form essentially complete digimon. This new digimon gains attributes and memories of their components… but it's a hodgepodge.”
Blackagumon continued. “That's why… I speak like… this. I remember… that night. I remember… the rampage… the Destiny Stones… many battles… my emptiness… now I don't feel… so empty.” He blinked when Kari started hugging him. “Oh Agumon, it is you, it is! After parrotmon attacked, we thought we'd never see you again. I'm sorry I forgot you.” Blackagumon looked uncertain and caught off guard.
“Humph.” Vajramon took his turn with gruffness, turning away from the scene of Kari and Blackagumon. “I am a Deva, and servant of the Sovereign. I do not come from the digital world you know. I was defeated by human children, and a sly fox. I am joined your cause because I believe these Demons are the enemies of my Sovereign. I cannot allow them to succeed.” He then walked off and sat against the edge of the clearing, by the barrier that kept back the darkness and mist.
“ That's… nice. Well that covers who you are, I guess,” said Ken. “So why are we here? Why did you bring us back to this evil place?” Echoes of agreement with the question went round the assembled.
Davis and Yolei just waiting, realizing they'd been told far more than the others. “The barriers that have long kept separate the Digital worlds are breaking down. First the Dark Area fragments will try to reconstruct themselves, and afterwards the digital worlds will begin to collide. If the digital worlds collide, then so will the various “Real Worlds” attached to them.” Leo waited for the inevitable shout of disbelief.
T.K. delivered it. “But how is that possible?”
“Because once upon a time… there was only 1 digital plane. I'm not certain which 1 is the original. It's possible they all contributed to the creation of the original. The real worlds, I mean. Regardless, in the beginning there was just the 1. It was possessed of a gateway of sorts. The Wall of Fire. On the other side of that wall, that supposedly impassable wall… was the digital equivalent of hell, crossed with the afterlife. Any evil digimon that was destroyed would wind up there. Any digimon whose data was damaged such that they couldn't be reborn? They also went there. Bits of data lost during digivolution went there. And sometimes powerful Digimon could drag down otherwise peaceful digimon as well. Or just corrupt them.” Leo paused to let that soak in, and took a drink of water from a stream at his feet.
“Of course, eventually something did come through. Something always does. That's when we were called in. There were 5 of us to start with. We fought like crazy, and eventually, we won. Or we thought we did. Turned out to be a ploy. The creature split into 7 Digimon. These were the 7 Demon Lords.”
“Their leader was Lucemon, who's greatest sin was Pride. Following him was Leviamon the demon of Envy. Daemon is the Demon of Wrath and one of their more powerful members. Belphemon the slothful is only truly dangerous when motivated. Barbamon is the demon of Greed and their strategist. He's also the one putting this whole Apocalypse together, with Leviamon as his rod. His carrot is Lilithmon, the demon of Lust. Those are the three trapped in the Dark Area. Last of all is Beelzemon, the demon of Gluttony. He looks like a bad biker, and acts like one too. He tends to be the first into a fight.” Leo paused and took another drink.
“We and every ally we could find fought them. The war tore the whole digital world apart. Eventually, after nearly losing, we finally found a partial fix. We split the digital world into many pieces, and that split the Dark Area. Then we sealed the Demon Lords into one large segment… but we only trapped 3 of them. And we were stuck here. About 2 years ago, there was a network wide anomaly that cracked the barriers we erected to keep everything sealed. About 3 weeks ago our time, which is about 6 for you, Barbamon broke the first of the barriers. We've been searching for a solution, anything… but it's impossible to recreate the event that broke the digital world… and Barbamon knows how to overcome our seals now, so we can't use that method again… not without a lot more power. What we found was a prophecy.”
He paused. “Everybody got that so far? I'll field questions soon, I promise. And I'm sorry that the prophecy doesn't rhyme.”
“First were the 6, thought 5, who prolonged life but did not halt the end. They shall call to others. The 8 from the first world, and the 4 that came after, will bear the first blow. The young 6 must come down to the darkness, to bring out the light. They bear the first key.
The 3 and the rogue are needed as well. They link the traitor, the cause, and the system. The Juggernaut is a key. Forget not the home front, lest old enemies flourish. Friends new and old must grow strong.
The 6 out of ten will come forward, but ware the trickster and the knights and the web. When ten are together, victory will be in sight. Unity is a key.
Last are the 4, who have fought and defended and won. They know the last key, and have faced the threat before. Find them before all is lost.
The keys must be brought along perilous paths to the destination, and so to victory. Find the grieving mummy, for he has seen the first path.
The empty warrior who has been filled, oldest digital friend, shall bear the lantern to the second pathway.
Devas three, trapped in this cold world, shall bring the treasure to pay the way to the next path. The sword, the arrow, and the ball. One is trustworthy, one will betray us, and the last was always our foe.
The Puppet sits upon the path to the gate, but does not know where he is.
The saber guards the final gate, the path. Beyond him is a friend long lost.
Stop the joining, save the worlds, beware the beast that lurks beneath hell.”
“And that,” Leo said, “is the prophecy. I think it might have been written by multiple authors…”