Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon: One Bite at a Time ❯ Words ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Characters and series (C) not me.

Title: Words
Season: Adventure 02
Character(s): Koushirou, Hikari, Daisuke
Rating: G
Pairing: Kousuke (Koushirou/Daisuke)
Words: 111

"Outing," Koushirou announced.

"Movies," Hikari proposed.

"Mangas," was Daisuke's counter.

"Hentai," Koushirou put forth.

"Parent," Hikari offered.

"Problems," Daisuke smirked.

"Parenthetical," Koushirou completed.

Hikari and Daisuke goggled at the 13-letters word for a score of 113. The assistance clapped their hands.

"Aaaaawwww..." the younger teen moaned. "You're no fun Koushirou!"

"That's true," Hikari added. "Even even by combining our scores we can barely be a challenge. I don,t know why you keep challenging us."

Koushirou leaned across the coffee table toward the girl as a disgruntled Daisuke stalked out of the room.

"Between you and I?" he whispered. "Because it's just way too cute when he does that 'beaten puppy' face of his."