Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon: One Bite at a Time ❯ Makeup ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Makeup
Season: Adventure 02
Character(s): Miyako, Hawkmon (Mimi)
Rating: G
Words: 291

Miyako was busy. It was delicate operation, requiring a safe hand and careful examination. No default would be allowed. It had to be absolutely perfect for her love. Even though she was not as used to this as she wished she'd be, she was still confident in her success. That is, until the door opened violently, allowing in a small (or large, depending on your definition) white and brown bird. The newcomer whirled around and slammed the door shut behind himself.

Miyako goggled at Hawkmon. The digimon noticed her presence and goggled back.

"What is..." they both begun before raising their hands to their temples and rubbing in circle and in unison.

"You first," Miyako said.

"Did you get hurt or something? That would not be good for your date," Hawkmon said.

Miyako blinked and turned back toward her mirror. Then she yelled in frustration. She had a large crimson smear across her cheek from the surprise jump Hawkmon had caused.

"Oh... Is it that bad? I can get you the first-aid kit if you want..."

Miyako sighed loudly.

"Oh! It's just makeup," she grumbled as she tried to wipe it off with a towelette.

"You mean, like that thing your little brother puts on that makes him look like Ronald MacDonald?"

Miyako was frozen for a second by the sheer bizarreness of the comparison, then she chuckled.

"No, not that kind of makeup. It's real women's makeup," she emphasized.

Hawkmon cocked his head slightly.

"And what is it for?"

"It's to make ourselves more beautiful. Mimi says makeup is a woman's best weapon, right after her eyes," Miyako commented.

"Doesn't look very dangerous to me," Hawkmon said.

A flying bottle of nail polish smacked him in the forehead. The bird staggered.

"Okay, I take that back."