Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon: One Bite at a Time ❯ Fluff ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Fluff
Season: Adventure 02
Character(s): V-mon
Pairing: V-mon/someone
Rating: G
Words: 126

Had she really called him that? V-mon had to backtrack and play the last line of the conversation over in his mind. Oh my... She had. She really had

It felt very weird to the little dragon. It was certainly not a term he was used to hear used to describe him. Much less one he would have used himself. He favoured such words as "bold", "hardy" or "rock-solid". Yet, it sounded like he could actually get used to someone calling him that. He repeated the line for himself just to check.

"See you later, fluff-tuft."

Even if that someone was Piyomon.