Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Gatomon's Baby ❯ A Song of Eternal Love ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

LP: I'm baaack!!! ^_^ after being busy with a few parties like my birthday, my sister's birthday, Christmas, New Year Eve and V-Day and also after a huge writers block and had been busy working on my website, I'm finally here with the chapter 5 of this fic ^_^

Patamon:*snuggled with Gatomon* about time, it's been a more than two months since you wrote the chapter 4

LP: ¬¬ thanks for the friendly support my dear bacon

Gatomon: hey! He's not bacon, he's just my little bundle of love ^_~


LP: ooook *chuckles* I see that you're feeling better than in the last chapter Patamon

Patamon: yup, Gatomon helped me so much ^_^

LP: I see, congrats you two, oh well let's start with the fic but before start with the fic here is a commemorative picture that my dear friend Hika Yagami (read her fics here in ff.net she is a very good writer too ^_^) drew and that pictures this fic perfectly, just click in the link below to see it:

http://usuarios.lycos.es/takaripatagato/PataGatonewbaby.j pg

Gatomon & Patamon:*watching the picture* aww that's very cute ^_^

LP: Glad you liked it guys now also this chapter has a very special surprise that I hope all of you like ^_^

Patamon & Gatomon: Thanks for the picture Hika and just as a reminder LP don't owns Digimon or any of us this is only for fan purposes

LP: yeah and also thanks everyone for the reviews, now let's go with the fic.

Gatomon's Baby

Chapter 5: A Song of Eternal Love

Two months had passed since the digidestined helped to set the nursery for Gatomon and Patamon's baby, so now Gatomon has three months of pregnancy so her belly is now bigger. Today the girls of the team and their digimon except Hawkmon are in Mimi's house throwing a Digi-Baby Shower with sleepover for Gatomon while the guys stayed in Tai's house enjoying of their own party but obviously very different to the party of the girls.

"Okay girls how about if we play a game of truth or dare?" asked Mimi as she clasped her hands and smiled as the other girls smiled as well. "Okay let's play it" Kari said with the other girls and digimon agreeing to then all of them sit down making a circle, Kari* gently seated Gatomon on a pillow, however she was really surprised of how Gatomon's belly grew that much in three months. "Man I wonder if you're having more than one baby Gatomon?" Kari wondered as the cat digimon blushed a bit.

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter me and Patamon gonna love them the same" Gatomon said with a cute smile on her face and with the girls smiling as well. "You and Patamon gonna have a very cute and beautiful family Gatomon" Sora said with the girls agreeing with her. "Well let's start with the game" Mimi said as she looked at her friends to see which one of them pick to start, she then smiled as she stopped her gaze on Yolei.

"Yolei truth or dare?" Mimi asked.

"I choose true" Yolei said as Mimi smiled

"Okay, then tell us what is the best gift Ken got for you?" Mimi asked as Yolei blushed. "Well it was this necklace" Yolei said as she showed a beautiful gold necklace with a gold locket in the shape of heart which she opened to reveal two pictures one of her in one side and one of Ken in the other side as the other girls smiled. "Awww it's so beautiful" Kari said with Sora, Mimi and the digimon agreeing with her. "Yeah, he is so sweet" Yolei said with a smile as she looked at Kari and smiled.

"Kari truth or dare?" Yolei asked.

"Dare" Kari said as Yolei grinned

"Okay Kari, your dare is die your hair in pink color" Yolei said as Kari freaked while the other girls and digimon laughed their heads off. "Yolei I gonna kill you for that" Kari said as she got up. "Hey Kari let me help you with your dare after all I already had died my hair before" Mimi said as she leaded Kari to the bathroom to help her to die her hair. "TK and Tai gonna freak when they saw Kari with her hair in pink color" Gatomon said with a giggle as the other girls laughed. "Well since Kari is busy with her dare I gonna take her place for now" Sora said as she looked at the other girls to see who she can choose. She then smiled as she looked at Gatomon.

"Gatomon truth or dare?" Sora asked to the cat digimon who smiled.

"Since I'm on a delicate condition I choose truth" Gatomon said with a smile

"Okay, tell us how much means Patamon for you" Sora said as Gatomon blushed a bit. "Well is hard to explain with words but……. Mind if I explain it with a song?" Gatomon asked as Sora, Yolei and the digimon smiled. "We don't mind that, go ahead Gatomon" Sora said as Gatomon smiled while Biyomon handed her a mic while she prepared the song since she knew very well which song Gatomon wanted to sing.

"Pata and I adopted this song as our song, and it also explains how deep is our love" Gatomon said as Biyomon pressed the play button as a soft music started to play just as Kari and Mimi emerged from the bathroom but they just leaned against the wall to not interrupt, but little did they know that in the Kamiya house the boys asked Patamon about his love for Gatomon and ironically he had the same idea of Gatomon. "this song is my and Gatomon's song we adopted it as our song since it explains how deep is our love" the orange winged digimon said as he grabbed a mic and pressed the play button on the karaoke system as a soft music started to play as he started to sing:

Patamon: Moon so bright, night so fine,

Keep your heart here with mine

Life's a dream we are dreaming

In Mimi's house Gatomon could feel that Patamon was singing their song and she smiled as she started to sing as well

Gatomon: Race the moon, catch the wind,

Ride the night to the end,

Seize the day, stand up for the light

The girls and the boys were surprised at that song, true, they knew that Gatomon and Patamon loved each other so much but they never imagined that their love could be so deep and strong, but they got more surprised when they heard both digimon singing even tough they were in different places.

Patamon and Gatomon: I want to spend my lifetime loving you

If that is all in life I ever do

As they sing their minds traveled trough the time as they remembered how all started after the first digidestined returned to the real world after Apocalymon's defeat and how they comforted each other since they missed their partners so much; suddenly Gatomon went silent as Patamon's voice started to sing the next part

Patamon: Heroes rise, heroes fall,

Rise again, win it all

Gatomon then remembered how they turned to be inseparable and how they always worked together to take down the wild digimon who dared to attack them, she then sang the next part of the song.

Gatomon: In your heart, can't you feel the glory?

Through our joy, through our pain

Then Patamon joined her in the rest of the song as they sang together with all their heart and soul.

Patamon and Gatomon: We can move worlds again

Take my hand, dance the dance with me

I want to spend my lifetime loving you

If that is all in life I ever do

I will want nothing else to see me through

If I can spend my lifetime loving you

They stopped to sing as a instrumental break could be heard and needless to say that all the team was totally caught by the deep words of that song as they realized that the two digimon shared a deep bond that was more than their similar evolutions into angels or the link of their crests, and they realized that Gatomon's pregnancy was more than something unexpected, it was fate……. And they were sure that both digimon realized that too; then Gatomon and Patamon sang the last part of the song.

Gatomon and Patamon: Though we know we will never come again

Where there is love, life begins

Over and over again

Save the night, save the day,

Save the love, come what may,

Love is worth everything we pay

I want to spend my lifetime loving you

If that is all in life I ever do

I want to spend my lifetime loving you

If that is all in life I ever do

I will want nothing else to see me through

If I can spend my lifetime loving you

After both digimon ended their song they looked up only to see that their audience were in a total awe, the girls had tears in their eyes, while in the Kamiya house the boys were silent not knowing what to say, TK, Ken and Cody had one to another tear rolling down his cheeks and suddenly both groups gave them a huge applause as they cheered at the digimon who blushed and smiled.

"That was beautiful!" Sora said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Yeah very romantic and deep" Yolei said with a smile. "I don't know you girls but I could swear that I heard Patamon singing with Gatomon in some parts of the song" Kari said as the other girls nodded in agreement with her. "Yeah I heard it too" said Mimi as Gatomon was smiling.

"He indeed sang with me girls, it seems that the guys asked him about our relation and he had the same idea as me, is like a link we have and that let us know what the other is feeling" Gatomon said as the girls smiled. "Awww how cute and romantic!" Biyomon said with Palmon agreeing with her. The girls suddenly remembered Kari's dare and when they saw Kari with her hair died in a bright pink color they fell over laughing so hard that their sides hurt.

"That color looks great in you Kari!!" Yolei said while rolled on the floor laughing, Kari was about to whack her with a pillow but instead she fell over laughing as well. After play truth or dare for a bit more, the girls decided to stop the game to then pass to give Gatomon some presents which consisted in things for her baby which came in pink and also in blue color since they didn't knew yet if Gatomon's baby is girl or boy; Then they ate some snacks while they talked about Gatomon's baby and how they were excited about the new arrival.

Meanwhile in the Kamiya house the guys after congratulate Patamon for the song decided to have some fun, Tai, Matt, TK, Davis and Ken were playing Super Smash Brothers in Tai's N64, Izzy as always was typing in his laptop while Joe was reading a medicine book and Cody was playing Super Mario Advance on his GBA, their digimon however were on the balcony taking some fresh air and talking.

"That song was really great Patamon" Hawkmon said as the little orange digimon blushed. "Glad you liked it guys, and like I said before that song fits perfect for what me and Gatomon feel for each other" Patamon said as his friends smiled. "I never knew that you and Gatomon could have a deep bond like that Patamon" said Veemon very surprised while Patamon just smiled.

"We become inseparable after Apocalymon's defeat, we comforted each other when we felt sad because we missed TK and Kari, and we protected each others from any danger that menaced our lives……. All those moments together made us realize that we can't live without the other and was then when we realized that we loved each other and that we wanted to be together forever" the orange winged digimon said as his friends were listening intently and smiled.

"You two really deserve each others Patamon" Agumon said with a smile with the other digimon agreeing while Patamon smiled. "Thanks guys, that means a lot to me" Patamon said to then he and the other digimon return inside of the apartment to have some fun with their human partners.

The next day the boys met with the girls on Mimi's house to take breakfast together as they blinked when they saw Kari with her hair in pink color.

"Kari!?!? What the heck you did to your hair??" asked a much freaked Tai while TK just stared at her not having words to say while the other guys were trying hard to hold their laugh while Kari glared at them. "Laugh and I will make all of you unable to have kids!" Kari said freezing the guys in fear.

"Okay, okay, we gonna be quiet" Davis said sweating while the digimon laughed slightly. "I guess that Yolei or Mimi have something to do in Kari's new look right?" Patamon asked Gatomon who giggled and nodded. "Yeah we were playing truth or dare and Kari picked dare and Yolei dared her to die her hair in pink color" the feline digimon said trying to not laugh hard.

"Easy Kari, I'm sure that by the next week the color is gonna wore off" TK said as he put his arm around Kari's shoulders to comfort her as he smiled at him. "Yeah I guess you're right TK" the chosen of light said as she leaned her head on his shoulder. "By the way girls, last night Patamon got us very surprised when he sang a song that reflected his love for Gatomon" Tai said as the girls blinked. "Gatomon sang too and we could swear that we hear Patamon singing along with her" Sora said as the boys looked at her. "Well to tell the truth we could swear that we heard Gatomon singing along with Patamon" Matt said while Patamon and Gatomon just smiled as they were sharing their food.

"Like I told the girls yesterday me and Patamon have a deep link that let us know what the other is feeling, and that worked to feel the other singing our song" Gatomon said as she wrapped her long tail around Patamon's waist as he smiled and laid one of his wings over Gatomon's shoulders as their friends smiled. "Well that explains much guys" Izzy said as he returned to type on his laptop.

"Yeah and no wonder why they now gonna be parents, it was fate since their baby is the result of their deep love for each other" Yolei said with the others agreeing with her. "Yeah and in short we gonna see a small digimon crawling around" Kari said while the others smiled to then continue talking and enjoying their breakfast and remembering old times of their battles in the digiworld that helped them to mature and be more united as friends but more than that they now are united like if they were brothers and sisters……. United as a family or I should say like a second family.

LP: Well that was the chapter 5 I hope you liked it, of course I don't own the song Patamon and Gatomon sang which is called "I Want to spend my lifetime loving you" performed by Marc Anthony and Tina Arena. I also know that maybe is a bit ooc have Gatomon and Patamon singing but I couldn't resist adding the song since I felt that it fit perfectly to what they feel for each other ^_^

Patamon:*snuggling Gatomon as he smiled* awww it was a really beautiful song ^_^

Gatomon:*purring* yeah it was a purrrfect song ^_^

LP:*smiles* glad you liked it guys, and the next chapter is gonna be good since Gatomon's gonna give birth in that chapter ^_^

TK: ooooo I can't wait to see that chapter

Kari: Yeah at last we gonna see how's gonna be their baby

Patamon & Gatomon: yeah *smiles*

LP: Yeah but that don't gonna be the last chapter of this fic I'm still planning add another one or two more chapters but I gonna leave that as a surprise ^_^

TK: *smiles* that gonna be good then

Kari: Yeah

LP: yep, anyhow thanks everyone for all your reviews and also thanks to who added me to your author alert and to your favorite authors lists I feel really honored and that also encourage me to improve more in my futures fics, thank you very much and I hope you leave more reviews to see what you think about this chapter so if you can click the little button below to leave a review. ^_^

TK, Kari, Patamon & Gatomon: Yeah and see ya in the next chapter ^_^

LP: oh! Also and before leave to think in the next chapter of this fic I want invite all of you to visit my shrine to Takari and PataGato, which I called "Takari and PataGato Corner" and that you can visit at:


There you can find fanfics, fanarts, and more about Takari and PataGato, my site also has a forum to talk not only about Takari and PataGato but also to talk about Digimon in general, and it also has a RPG area for all those who like to rp; and it also has a flash games area where you can take a break and play funny games which are in different genres like sports, action and adventure and even classic games like Pacman or Donkey Kong for all those who want to revive the nostalgic years of the Atari and the first Nintendo console NES. ^_^

LP: Now and after had put the always annoying advertisement (at least is not a pop-up ^_^) I leave to plan the next chapter. See ya in the next chapter and don't forget leave reviews my friends ^_^ *gets up and leaves the room*